Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 293: Anxious

At this moment, Huo Meng watched Zhu Zhuqing on the other side and began to assume an offensive posture.

On the other side, Zhu Zhuqing was panting slightly, dripping hot sweat from his forehead, falling to the ground, making a noise.

She is under great pressure.

The fourth soul skill was useless, and Zhu Zhuqing didn't even know if the bold idea that he had just thought of was feasible. If he made a mistake, then this game would definitely be lost.

The Huo Meng in front of her was a strong attack type spirit master, and there was a fiery storm to help, but she was a sensitive attack type spirit master, and she suffered too much in frontal combat.

"There is no way, I have to try it, otherwise, if I continue to drag on, my winning rate will be even lower, and I will fight!" Zhu Zhuqing gritted his teeth, turned his head and rushed towards the center of the hot storm!


First, a strong scorching aura hit his face, Zhu Zhuqing only felt a numb scalp, as if his whole body was swallowed by the surging heat.

However, with the protection of soul power, this feeling that the body is about to burn out is just an illusion.

In the next moment, Zhu Zhuqing successfully broke into the center of this blazing storm. The surroundings were very calm. Although it was still hot, even hotter than the outside world, it was not completely enveloped by flames.

The temperature inside is higher.

"It's very hot here and I need my soul to support it, otherwise there is a danger of burns, the ground is also very hot, and the surrounding air is distorted by the high temperature, but fortunately, the tornado is hollow, and the sun above it is perfectly fine. Direct shot in." Zhu Zhuqing looked at the surrounding environment, while wiping the sweat, thinking in his heart.

As she thought about it, she unbuttoned her coat, took it off, revealing the inner liner uniform, tied a knot at the waist with the arm of the coat, as if she was preparing for the last fight.

She has to take a gamble. Sooner or later, the hot storm outside will submerge the entire competition platform. Although it is more uncomfortable than the outside world, and the consumption of soul power is faster, it is also the best place for fire spirit masters to fight. local.

Therefore, there is a certain probability that the Huo Meng Power Attack System Soul Sect will come directly in.

But it is more likely that the fierce and steady, exhausted outside, waiting for her soul power to run out, and then she can only surrender.

"I didn't expect that my first battle was so tricky. It seems like Uranium said that the qualifiers lasted for a whole month. If I can't think of the tactics against me, then these academies are all pigs. "Zhu Zhuqing laughed bitterly, sweat dripping continuously, sour sweat moistened the corners of his eyes.

"If the light is not distorted, and then the flames on his body destroy the necessary conditions for the shadow to exist, it will be easy for me to win the victory. Alas, I am still thinking about this. If, if, I want to cheer up. , I'm not so weak." Zhu Zhuqing settled down, focusing on the fierce body outside the fiery storm.

"It seems that Zhu Zhuqing really has no choice but to seek his own way of death and rushed into the most favorable environment for our Blazing Academy."

Outside, Huo Wu looked at Zhu Zhuqing's increasingly pale face and couldn't help but raise a smile.

"Don't be careless, after her spirit power dissipates, we will win the victory steadily, and hope Huo Meng will not do anything stupid." Huo Wushuang's frowning brows gradually eased, and followed with a smile. Said his sister.

"However, with Huomeng's temperament, I am afraid I will not tolerate her own battle to win by trickery." Huo Wu frowned, and suddenly thought of Huomeng, which is usually not visible, only in battle will he get excited. His character, a bit worried.

"By the way, brother, where did you find this teammate? It feels very powerful. At the 41st level, you can fight close to the forty-fifth level Zhu Zhuqing, even without using the third. , The fourth spirit ability."

"Oh, he, he joined himself. He suddenly joined the class at Blazing Academy just to participate in the Soul Master Competition. Although the soul power level is not as high as ours, he is a rare fighting genius. The one-horned fiery dragon martial soul can't even suppress his strange flaming chicken martial soul in the quality of the martial arts, which is very interesting."

Huo Wushuang nodded and explained the origin of Huo Meng.

It turned out that Huo Meng came from a Wuhun village where all the villagers were chickens. Later, he had a Wuhun mutation, with an eighth level of innate soul power and a flame chicken Wuhun. It happened that when the Wuhun Temple was planning to pull people The city lord happened to meet him, so he joined the line of the city lord, studied for several years and sent to Blazing Academy.

On the stage, Huo Meng watched Zhu Zhuqing rush in, and without hesitation, he also rushed inside.

The fierce life creed is: take all battles seriously, whether you win or lose.

And seeing Zhu Zhuqing being consumed by the blazing storm until he surrendered, this was a very humiliating battle for him, and it was not in line with his'martial arts'.

Fight, then win.

very simple.

The speed of Huo Meng through the outer layer of the storm is faster than Zhu Zhuqing, all of which stems from the affinity of flame attributes.

These flames not only did not hurt Huo Meng, but even provided him with a little increase in spirit power.

At this moment, he was standing opposite Zhu Zhuqing.

"The battle has not yet been determined." Huo Meng's low voice echoed in the center of the storm, but it was completely annihilated in the continuously rotating burning" Zhu Zhuqing He exhaled, her eyes full of fierceness, and she rushed directly towards the fire, but instead of rushing straight, she tapped her toes lightly, in a zigzag shape, her speed was very fast, and she kept flashing past afterimages.

It's just that this time the fierce fire, no longer relying on the increase in the first and second spirit abilities to defend, but placed a fist frame with the center of gravity behind, and a touch of fire suddenly ignited on the two claws. Fiery red light.

The light is not big, but it has a shocking power.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing also observed that the fiery third spirit ability began to light up.

After a second, Zhu Zhuqing approached Huomeng brazenly, and the second spirit ability directly used, the Netherworld Hundred Claws swept out with a stern wind, and grabbed the fierce chest. If you grasp it, you will drop it if you don’t say it. A layer of skin.

But at this moment, a lustre suddenly lit up in Huo Meng's eyes!

"The third spirit ability, flame kick!" It was not the flame-burning claws that moved first, but the fierce legs that Zhu Zhuqing hadn't noticed at all!

"He tricked me into putting my attention on his hands!" This was Zhu Zhuqing's first reaction!


Huo Meng suddenly raised his right leg, as if through countless accelerations!

Even this blazing storm was visible to the naked eye several times smaller, as if the spirit power and flames contained in it were absorbed by the fierce fire!

The astonishing sweep and kick swept across Zhu Zhuqing's shoulder!


The collision between flame and flame suddenly exploded.

The fierce flame kick crossed an astonishing line of fire in the blazing storm, which was as gorgeous as fireworks and would not disperse for a long time.

And Zhu Zhuqing, at the most critical moment, activated the third spirit ability to Destroy the Spirit Body, forcibly evading the spirit ability that was carrying the field boost just now.

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