Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 294: Difficult victory

At the next moment, Zhu Zhuqing recovered. The third spirit ability consumes a lot of soul power. The longer time it consumes more soul power, she deceives her body again, turning her body into a black shadow, and the first soul ability is activated directly. Came behind the fire.

Immediately afterwards, she raised the cat's claws high and pierced it with a harsh chill!

However, her other hand quietly touched the coat wrapped around her waist and loosened the knot of the dress.

Huo Meng could feel Zhu Zhuqing behind him!

He could even feel the sharpness brought by that first spirit ability!

However, the fourth spirit ability on Huo Meng's body had already reached its maximum brightness in an instant!

"It's over! The fourth spirit ability, hot! God finger!"

The red light on the fierce claws is like hot lava, exuding a fiery scorching sensation!

Without mercy, Huo Meng turned around!

The three claws on the right paw were stretched straight, carrying horrible spirit power fluctuations, and bombarded the direction Zhu Zhuqing sensed behind him!

This trick instantly made everyone watching the game scalp!

But at this critical moment, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly threw the jacket around his waist into the air!

Everyone present didn't understand why Zhu Zhuqing did this, but only uranium, quietly relieved.

The center of the fiery storm was not swallowed by flames, that is to say, this area can be artificially created as a shadow area!

The coat rose slowly, and the unfolded clothes flew to a high place, but under the spirit power of the flame, they began to scorch slowly.

"However, for me, it's enough!" Zhu Zhuqing flashed an unnoticeable gray light in his eyes, the soul bone skill, the shadow flexion was activated!

boom! ! !

The hot god's finger directly penetrated the outer layer of the fiery storm!

The air wave rolled away, almost shattering the entire fire storm.

But this trick that condensed all the soul power still failed!

"Impossible, your third spirit ability can't be used continuously without stopping!" Huo Meng's expression instantly changed when he saw that there was no one in front of him.

However, his voice still spread out and echoed on the stage.

The next moment, Huo violently raised his head and looked up at the sky. Why suddenly, it was a little darker here?

However, he only saw the jackets of Huangdou Second Team members burning in the air.

The coat is not big, and the shadow area that can be formed is not too big after flying into the sky, but Huo Meng understood a little bit. He lowered his head and looked at his feet. Although the burning flame distorted his shadow, the coat It also obscured his position in the sun.

There are shadows all around him!

"I can't move...Although my shadow is distorted, the surrounding shadows have restrained me!" This sentence flashed across Huo Meng's heart.

He couldn't turn his head back, but he could feel that Zhu Zhuqing had appeared behind him for some time!

And behind Huo Meng, Zhu Zhuqing's fourth spirit ring was gradually shining with a regular purple light.

Immediately afterwards, Huo Meng knelt down immediately, his face was ugly, and he collapsed to the ground.

"He lost." Zhu Zhuqing declared his victory loudly.

The referee also indicated the end of the fourth game.

In the end, Huo lost fiercely in Zhu Zhuqing's last soul abilities and shadow control.

In the midair, Zhu Zhuqing's coat was completely burnt, leaving no trace.

Naturally, at the center of the hot storm, there is no shadow area anymore.

After the battle, Huo fiercely struggled to step off the stage, and Zhu Zhuqing also said that his soul power had been exhausted.

Uranium stood up on the stand, greeted Zhu Zhuqing back, seeing her ashamed, and immediately smiled: "Well, you are at a loss? Although you are very strong in the qualifiers, you are not without weakness after all. Almighty."

And Zhu Zhuqing only nodded lightly, his face was pale, with a look of uncertainty.

The fierce and hot fingers of God just now really made her feel death, a terrifying power, if she was shot at that time, she would be seriously injured even if she was not dead.

"Don't worry, you will be fine if I am here." Uran felt what Zhu Zhuqing was thinking in her heart, gently wrapped her shoulders, and whispered.

Indeed, at that moment, even the referee at the Soul King level had no time to stop it, and it showed great power.

Uranium was more concerned about Zhu Zhuqing than others, and he had opened his radiation eyes to observe the details of the battle. If Zhu Zhuqing hadn't thrown off his coat at that time, it would directly form a short artificial shadow area and achieved a strong counter-kill.

Otherwise, he would use his soul bone to stop the time and end the game.

Although there is no morality in the spirit master game, it will interfere with the game privately, and it may even be suspended. But what can be more important than Zhu Zhuqing's safety?

"I know you are there, so I dared to fight it." Zhu Zhuqing smiled and made it clear that he entrusted his trust to Uranium without reservation.

"Okay, okay, I should play, this time you were targeted very badly, so I don't care if you only defeated one opponent." Uran looked at Blazing Academy and there was already a soul master on the field, and immediately shot Pat Zhu Zhuqing on the shoulder, and then walked towards the competition stage.

"Hey, the captain of the Emperor Dou Second Team, I am looking forward to the duel with you." As soon as he took the stage, Uranus heard the greeting from the Blazing Academy.

Uran turned his head and looked at him. He was a spirit master with a medium build and a very ordinary appearance. His eyes were shining with fiery brilliance, his shoulders were wide, and his gold-red team uniform was set against his not handsome face, but it was imposing. This person is Huo Wushuang, the captain of the Blazing Academy.

A forty-two level assault type war spirit master. Wuhun is a fire dragon. His fire dragon is a unihorn fire tyrannosaurus. He is completely following the burst route. Among the known spirit masters in this qualifier, he He is recognized as one of the strongest positive players and the main attacker of Blazing Academy.

The reason why he is not the strongest positive is because until now, the captain of the Huangdou Second Team has never taken a shot, so he has reserved a position for him.

"Really? But I'm not looking forward to it." Uran shook his head and said flatly.

"Damn, you dare to underestimate us, this is a price!" Huo Wu stepped in, frowning, waving a pink fist, and said to Uranium.

Beside Huo Wushuang, she is the only girl among the participating members of the Blazing Academy. She is a beautiful girl. She wears a golden and red team uniform to complement each other. With dark red hair, she is like A flame that can melt any man is generally eye-catching.

Although she is the only girl in Blazing Academy, her height is the tallest among the seven, and her body is extremely well-proportioned. Standing in front of Uranium, she has a confident look on her face, and a layer of vagueness is revealed around her body. A faint red light.

"'s interesting." Uran smiled, turned to look at his opponent, and ignored them.

"Ahhhhh! He is so arrogant, I am so mad." Huo Wu felt that she was ignored, her hair was going to stand up, and she gritted her teeth and looked at Uran's figure.

"We will be here soon, don't worry." Huo Wushuang comforted Huo Wu, and began to close his eyes to rest up.

"Fifth game, start!" The referee saw that both sides were already there, and immediately blew the whistle and exited the stage.

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