Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 383: The lethal destructive power of nuclear missile fists

The Shrek team not far away also slowly walked to Uran's side, and the leader Tang San bowed slightly to Uran.

Just when the others of the Shrek Seven Devils were puzzled, Tang San spoke.

"Uran, thank you. If I remember correctly, you saved me. The teacher told me just now that my previous move of the Xeon Clear Sky Hammer was extremely powerful and had a very serious backlash against myself, but It now appears that I can fully recover as long as I rest for a few days. I think if it were not for you to shoot in advance, I might have died in that explosion."

Tang San's tone was very sincere. Although he was in a very bad state, he still insisted on expressing his gratitude to Uranium.

"As a result, I also owe you my life."

Tang San sighed, for no reason, he was afraid of his previous impulsive behavior.

He was really only a minute away from death at that time.

This is unimaginable for ordinary people, even if his mind is as tough as Tang San, he can't help but feel a little regretful. If he repeats it again, perhaps, he will not be able to do such a desperate behavior.

"If I'm alone, maybe I will do my best to fight Uranium. What's wrong with dying in it? In such a powerful confrontation, I will fall down beautifully, and I will die willingly, but I can't die now. If I die, who will support my father? What should Xiao Wu do? Who can teach him the mantle of the teacher? Who should spread the glory of Tang Sect?" Tang San thought to himself.

He bears the expectations and responsibilities of many people, and he can't let himself be so willful.

"Haha, nothing. In your hammer, I can understand the belief in your heart. All your strength and thoughts were shown to me in that confrontation." Uran smiled slightly, his eyes slightly The light flowed, recalling what happened just a few minutes ago.

At that time, after using their biggest soul abilities: the Xeon Clear Sky Hammer and the nuclear missile fist, two shocking soul abilities were flying towards each other.

At this time, Uranium had already realized what was wrong.

That's right, this was the first time he used this spirit ability. Originally in Uranium's guess, this should be a large-scale explosive spirit ability, which was as powerful as a nuclear explosion kick, but it was not quite right afterwards. There is not much difference between the spirit power consumption of this spirit ability and nuclear explosive kick, which is between 30% and 50% of the body, but the nuclear missile fist is a long-range spirit ability, and most of the spirit power consumption should be Acts in the flight guidance process, so it may not be satisfactory in terms of power.

But in this first practice, Uranium has seen its terrible place.

The faint blue, crystal-clear and transparent soul power "missile", let's call it a missile, because it is actually a sharp spike, with a pointed top and a straight center and bottom, like a pencil, with extreme strength inside. The spirit power particles of, will produce quite terrifying explosions, and can also be used for long-range strikes with light spot markings, and such things as missiles are withdrawn.

And the destructive power of this soul force missile, after it collided with the Xeon Clear Sky Hammer, suddenly a deadly traction force occurred!

The pulling force came very suddenly and unexpectedly. When Uranium realized that something big was about to happen, it was too late. Almost in an instant, the initial explosion ripples swept out and dissipated to the surroundings. Then, Uranium was seen through the pupil of the element, and the energy was quickly annihilated toward the center!

At this moment, the power of the Clear Sky Hammer had been completely absorbed by this central annihilation. It appeared to be the confrontation between the two soul abilities, which caused a violent explosion. In fact, it was the fifth soul. Unique show of skills.

If he doesn't make any response, not only will Tang San die, even he will not escape!

Fortunately, Uranium reacts very fast. Since you don’t have enough time, let time stop!

pause! time out!

As the gears of time stopped rotating, Uran's figure began to move quickly.

In the cracks of time, Uranium can feel that he is almost omnipotent.

The dust is frozen, and the spirit power energy is present as vortex lines visible to the naked eye.

The chaotic roaring energy surging sound disappeared without a trace, not only Tang San, but even the Pope Bibi Dong became a puppet-like existence.

This is Uranium's biggest hole card, which can be used twice a day, and each time the hole card can be suspended for five seconds, and time stops.

At this moment, he did not keep it. If this annihilation is allowed to continue, then Tang San and him, as well as the Seven Shrek monsters in the square, will undoubtedly die, because the energy absorption halo is not enough to deal with this spirit ability. This is not an explosion, but an absorption!

Absorption versus absorption, judging by the energy levels of both parties, I am afraid that there is a greater probability that there are no atoms left.

Soon, Uran rushed to the side of Tang San who was on the opposite side. As soon as he slipped his hand, he clamped Tang San to his waist, and then quickly sprinted to the direction of the Shrek Seven Devils. With regard to his body, because he deliberately reduced his strength, and then used Qiao Jin, only a muffled sound was heard. Dai Mubai and the few people behind him who maintained the seven-man fusion technique were kicked directly like a bowling ball. The edge.

Although Uranium has somewhat restrained, with such a large impact, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no mistakes, but when the crisis is at the head, he can't take care of so much. The time is only five seconds. Moved the other six people to a distance, and simply solved it with one foot.

In the end, Uran retreated to the corner with Tang San, and picked up a huge boulder in front of him.

And the next moment, five seconds after time stops has already arrived.

Accompanied by the horrible energy fluctuations swept out, soon, the Pope’s Square, which was more than ten football fields the size, suddenly burst open, and the gravel and powder were all annihilated!

But it came quickly, and it went quickly. Within ten breaths, this huge power disappeared without a trace, leaving only a messy square. The original stone pillars towered and the unusually spacious Papal Palace square. Only a super huge circular pit is left, and the more you get to the center, the lower the terrain.

It is hard to imagine that although the fifth spirit ability this time is not as scary as a nuclear explosion kicked in, its power is not weak at all.

After realizing that the external influence had gradually subsided, Uranium also breathed a sigh of relief.

At least, in his perception, the auras of the other Shrek Seven Devils are still there. Although they were affected by the aftermath, they were also forcibly interrupted by Uranium's fusion of the seven. There was no fight, and there was only the tragedy of Tang San as the only one of the Shrek Seven Devils.

However, Uranium did not expect that he had already attracted the attention of an existence.

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