Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 384: Take down Tang 3 and Uranium!

The elder hall.

This is the largest building in the Papal Hall, and it also represents the most powerful force of the entire Wuhun Hall. Inside the tall domed building, the wide hall is at the door, and the empty dome is nearly 30 meters high. It is divided into three floors, and each floor has ten rooms.

This is an extremely luxurious building. The space inside is huge, with a golden roof and a magnificent vibe. The hall is filled with sacred atmosphere and awe-inspiring.

On the innermost side of this hall, the red carpet extends, and at the end, stands a huge statue.

This is a huge sculpture of a seraph angel with a height of ten meters, which is made of pure gold. This statue wields a long sword in his hand, wears a golden armor, and has long hair scattered behind his back and six wings spread out on the back.

The sacred aura diffuses from the statue, holy, noble, and with an extremely powerful aura and a sense of oppression. Even the titled Douluo powerhouse, in front of this statue, cannot help but feel awe, and in front of this statue , A person stood quietly, his back facing the door, and he looked up at the pure gold statue.

From the back, it was a man with a tall stature, but not sturdy. He was dressed in a plain gray robe, with long black hair scattered behind his head, neatly combed.

He gave people a very strange feeling. It seemed that the person was the seraph statue, and there was no difference between the person and the statue. It seemed that the sunlight that entered the hall from the huge windows around was focused on him alone. Although his clothes are so plain, but he just stood there and gave people a feeling of worship.

Just a figure from the back, it seems extremely high, majestic, and vaguely, people can't help but rise in awe, an area that can't be reached at that time.

It seems to exist, and it does not seem to exist, as if it has been integrated into the space and integrated with this hall.

In this space, he is the center, he is the rule, and he is everything.

At this moment, this has been quite silent existence, opened his eyes.

His eyes flickered like stars. When he reached his realm, there were only a handful of interesting things or existences that could bring him to him. However, he suddenly felt a person from the outside world. In seconds, there was a completely different change.

He slowly turned around, the previous special breath suddenly disappeared. It looked like he was only in his thirties or forties, and his appearance was very handsome. The calm and calm breath made people feel very comfortable. The strangest thing was that even if there was a titled Douluo here, he definitely couldn't feel a trace of spirit power fluctuations from him.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the Papal Square, thoughtfully.


And at this moment, outside the Papal Palace Square.

Uran retracted his arm and looked back at the companions beside him.

At this time, the partners of the Second Team Emperor also calmed down the excitement in their hearts a little, and looked at the captain, Uranium, with scorching eyes.

"Haha, if you have soul bones, just stay with me first, wait until you turn around, and then do the distribution after returning to the academy. There are many people here." Uran glanced around his eyes and laughed softly.

"Yeah." Zhu Zhuqing nodded lightly, and she also felt her hungry eyes like a wolf and a tiger.

This is not about being greedy, but...contains biting killing intent!

"Have you already allocated it?" The Pope didn't leave because the simple award ceremony ended, and several Title Douluo also stood there.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the pope unconsciously, and the master frowned slightly, looking at Bibi Dong with some unknown reason.

Just as Uran was about to turn around and leave with the second team of Emperor Dou.

At this time, just listen to Bibi Dong speak again:

"The game is over, then, the two elders, take Tang San and You first!"

In an instant!

The audience suddenly became quiet.

Everyone was shocked, Xiao Wu almost subconsciously stood in front of Tang San, and other people from the Shrek Seven Monsters also stepped forward. The master said with a surprised look on his face and said angrily: "The Pope Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

Countless Knights Templar suddenly blocked the water surrounding the square!

Ning Fengzhi and Jian Douluo looked at each other.

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo won't stop acting because of the words of the master. Just as they were about to start their hands, Ning Fengzhi quickly turned and stood in front of them, "Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

A cold sweat broke out in Uran's heart. What is Bibi Dong thinking about?

Xiao Wu didn't reveal her identity. Why would she dare to issue such a password?

"His Majesty the Pope? Should you explain why?"

Ning Fengzhi said in a deep voice.

Uranium doesn't matter, he doesn't know it, but Tang San can't really let the Pope take it.

The little girl was almost tied to Shrek Academy, and Tang San was the soul in it, so he had to ask questions first before speaking.

Bibi Dong looked at Ning Fengzhi coldly. Although the one standing in front of her was one of the upper three sect masters, the pope at this time did not mean to give in, "Sect master Ning, please respect yourself. If you stop it again If so, then the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is the enemy of Wuhun Palace."

Ning Fengzhi’s expression changed. The Pope’s words were undoubtedly heavy. Although the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect had deep roots and was the richest sect, he would never accept it as an enemy to the Spirit Hall. He stopped Sword Douluo Chenxin who wanted to block him, sighed and moved away.

"Wait a minute." The master screamed, strode forward, and came to the forefront of the Seven Shrek Monsters. With his wrist turned, the elder token had appeared in his palm.

After showing the token, the master shouted coldly: "I am also one of the elders of the Spirit Hall, and I have the right to know the truth of the matter. Your Majesty the Pope, you can arrest people, but you must make it clear first. Why are you arresting me from Shrek Academy? disciple?"

As if remembering Bibi Dong’s cruel smile when he looked at Tang San fighting Uranium before, the master immediately added, "Your Majesty, if there is no reason, he will arrest people with his power. I believe the soul master world will not There is another soul master who is convinced of the Spirit Hall!"

This is a very heavy statement, and it is also a reminder.

There is no reason or excuse It is impossible to dare to do anything indiscriminately.

Doing so will cause the Spirit Hall to lose that faith and respect in the hearts of soul masters across the continent!


Bibi Dong said indifferently, "The reason is very simple, look at it, under the Pope Palace square in front of you, what is buried in it, I think you should know!

As he said, Bibi Dong pointed to the huge pit that was more than ten meters deep. In the side wall of the huge pit, there seemed to be a slight silver-gray metal gleam. The master took a closer look, and it turned out to be similar. From the fault of the metal plate.

Similarly, many metal plate cracks covered by dust were exposed with the sudden breeze. The spirit abilities performed by Tang San and Uran were too powerful for the waves, so that the ground seemed to be Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of tons of soil were hollowed out, and everything was exposed.

Watching this scene, the master's face suddenly changed.

"Mountain Protection Soul Guiding Array?"

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