Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 2 Chapter 30: 【030】Wonderful

"Why?" After hearing this, Yi Yao looked at her inexplicably, thinking in her heart, there is nothing wrong with what she just said! Why do you feel sorry for him?

"It's just that he has been in love with a girl for so many years, and then the girl didn't like him, and even if the girl didn't like him, she actually returned to China to hide from him. I just felt pitiful when I heard it, and I almost didn't cry...biqugev "Li Luo sat up from the bed, gently pressed the mask on his face with his fingers, and said with a serious look at Yi Yao.

Yi Yao: "..."

"But fortunately, the ending is perfect now. You and Brother Yulin are together." Thinking about the result now, Li Luo still feels pretty good. He also found out that when he came into contact with Yi Yao, it was not as good as Xiao Mu said. It's so bad, maybe she said those things completely because she had a prejudice against Yi Yao!

"Actually, I'm telling you the truth, I also like Brother Yulin very much." Li Luo curled his lips and tilted his head: "However, I think my likes are different from yours. My likes are for Brother's dependence and love. When I first heard your name, I actually hated you. I felt that my brother Yulin was taken away. I felt that brother Yulin was no longer my brother Yulin, and neither did he Will spoil me and love me like before, but I think again, Brother Yulin can't marry a wife forever! But I also think that his future wife must pass my level. See you today I am still very satisfied after you. I think your personality is also very good. Anyway, I like it very much."

Yi Yao pursed her lips and smiled at her knowingly: "Then I will first thank you for your liking."

"Hey, you're welcome." Li Luo smiled and lay back on the bed, sighed, and confessed: "I'm telling you the truth! I don't think I have a real friend in Switzerland. They are all seemingly friends, do you know what I mean?"

Yi Yao nodded. She had experienced it before, so she understood naturally.

"Do you really understand? It's the kind of bright friend. There are many other things in this relationship, such as profit or use, selfishness, etc. Anyway, it's not pure. I always like to have a pure friendship. "Li Luo tried to express his psychological thoughts, and then looked at her with sincere eyes: "Although you are several years older than me, I think we two are very close together. Would you like to be friends with me? Inside? Excluding other impurities, we are simply friends. Even without Brother Yulin, we are friends, can we?"




"That's great, I don't have a sister or sister in my family, you are my first sister!"

After the two of them took off the mask, they talked in bed for a while and went to sleep.

Li Luo slept very steadily. He could still hold Yi Yao’s arm vigorously during his sleep. In the middle of the night, Yi Yao remembered to drink water, but because she was dragged by her and couldn’t walk away, he didn’t drink it. Endure till morning.

After Yi Yao washed and changed clothes and went back to the room to take the bag, he saw Li Luo lying on the bed with a pillow in his hand, and asked in a daze, "Sister Yaoyao, what time is it?"

"seven thirty."

"Huh? So early."

"Well, I'm going to the lawyer's office. There is food in the refrigerator. Just use the microwave and toaster to heat it up when you get up. There are also new ones in the cabinet under the bathroom. It's still early. You will sleep again."

"Okay, Sister Yaoyao, you have a good journey."


For three consecutive days, Li Luo stayed at Yiyao’s house. In the morning, I relied on Yiyao to cook it for her. Then, when it was cold, I got up and warmed up and could eat it. I relied on takeout for lunch and Yiyao’s for dinner. Xiao Yulin waited for the two of them to eat. She thought that the light bulb was very energetic. She didn't think that the brightness of her light would hinder Xiao Yulin and Yi Yao. Anyway, she should eat, drink, sleep, etc. Without delay.

On Saturday, Yi Yao took the public prosecution case in his hand and started the trial. At the beginning, the progress was quite good. When the prosecutor brought a vital witness to the back, the wind in the court suddenly Turning to the other side, their aura suddenly dropped.

By the time of the intermission, Yi Yao's complexion was a bit ugly, and the usual gentle and peaceful appearance was gone. The assistant Huihui on the side looked very infiltrating. It was the first time I saw such a lawyer. She didn't dare to say anything, she didn't say anything, so she sat quietly beside her and sorted out some notes that she had just made in the court.

"Lawyer Yi, would you like to drink some warm water..." Maybe the atmosphere was too dignified, and Huihui couldn't hold it anymore. He looked around in the lounge and finally landed on the drinking fountain and asked tentatively.

Hearing, Yi Yao raised his head, gently rubbed his temples, closed the folder and computer in front of him, and sighed silently: "Okay, pour me a cup! Thank you."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Huihui hurriedly got up and poured her a glass of water. After watching her drank it, she soothed and said: "Lawyer Yi, don't be so stressed, haven't you talked about it? No matter what We will do our best without any pressure."

Yi Yao pursed her lips: "How long will it take to leave the court?"

"More than three minutes."

"Get ready! Ready to go to court."

"it is good."

After taking a rest here, Yi Yao felt that he was relaxed a lot. After going to court, he met the prosecutor Jiao Junjie’s eyes with a deep smile, and Yi Yao also returned a slight smile. He then reorganized his mind and waited for the judge to arrive.

The result of the first trial was not very optimistic, but it was not bad, but it was difficult for the family members to accept this. They said on the spot that they would file a second lawsuit. Yi Yao comforted them apologetically and sat with the family members. After a while, Yi Yao and Hui Hui returned to the law firm.

Without even eating lunch, Yi Yao locked himself in the office directly, studying the prosecution case by himself.

Until the afternoon, Yi Yao didn't feel hungry. When it was almost time to get off work, Huihui poked her head in and asked: "Lawyer Yi, when are you off work?"

"You go down first!"

"But you didn't eat at noon! You must have something to eat at night!"

Listening to Huihui’s concern, Yi Yao felt very familiar, and suddenly remembered that when he was still an assistant, he often persuaded Su Yanxi to eat. Now that he is a lawyer, his assistant also persuaded himself to eat. Suddenly, he felt that this was a bit strange. I couldn't help laughing, and nodded: "Okay, I will definitely eat it tonight, you should get off work soon! I have worked hard for you today."

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