Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 2 Chapter 31: 【031】Give up

When approaching eight o’clock, Yi Yao packed up his things and left the law firm, but he didn’t feel hungry at all. When he was about to stop a car on the side of the road and go back, the phone in his bag suddenly rang and the caller ID said It's Li Luo. .

As soon as I picked it up, I heard Li Luo's complaining voice coming from the other end of the phone: "Sister Yaoyao, why haven't you come back? I'm almost starving to death."

"Didn't I tell you this morning? I might be back late today. Go eat or order takeaway." Yi Yao sighed helplessly and chuckled.

"But I don't want to eat it alone. Brother Yulin is on a business trip again. When are you coming back! I want to eat with you." Li Luo asked with his mouth suffocated, playing with his new nail art today.

"I just left the lawyer's office and I am going to go back. Do you want me to pack it back or come out to eat with me?"

"Well, don't go out, it's a bit cold today, hey, sister Yaoyao, you pack it back! Let's eat together."

"Then what do you want to eat?"

"Um..., I will eat whatever you buy."

"Really?" Yi Yao squinted her eyes and asked in a puzzled way.

Hearing that, Li Luo smiled awkwardly: "Hey, as long as it's not radish, shiitake mushrooms, and duck meat, everything else is fine. I'm not picky eaters."

Yi Yao silently held her forehead. She was also called not picky eaters. The night before she asked her what she wanted to eat, and she also said that it was okay, but she bought it back. This girl didn’t eat this, nor did she eat it, so picky. Great, afterwards, Yi Yao ordered another bowl of noodles for her to eat.

"Okay, I know."

"Sister Yaoyao, hurry up a little bit! I'm really hungry."

"Well, we will arrive in half an hour."

"Good! Then I'll wait for you!"

Half an hour later, Yi Yao returned to the apartment with dinner. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Li Luo sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, holding a bag of potato chips in his hand, watching TV and watching TV, and saw her come back. Hurriedly threw the potato chips on the table and got up and said, "Sister Yaoyao, you are finally back, what good food did you buy? Show me quickly." As he said, he hurriedly walked over and took her from her hand. The bags came to the table and opened them one by one.

"Wow! It smells so good! I started it first!"

"Well, you eat first! I'll take a bath first."

"Hey...it'll be cold in a while, Sister Yaoyao, why don't you eat first and then wash it! Don't care if you delay this time!"

"It's okay, you can eat first! I don't have any appetite, so I just fell asleep after taking a shower. Don't forget to clean up the garbage after eating."

"Um... well, but do you really not eat it? It looks delicious!"

"You, don't eat anymore." Yi Yao smiled faintly, his whole body looked lacklustre, and after dropping these words, he dragged his tired body back to the bedroom.

Looking at Yi Yao’s back, Li Luo also noticed something was wrong, his head tilted slightly, and then he touched his chin. After thinking for a while, he decisively went to the living room sofa and picked up his mobile phone to send a WeChat message to Xiao Yulin and report. Yi Yao's state at this time.

But Xiao Yulin, who was on a business trip in city b, was socializing at this time and did not have time to read WeChat. After ten o'clock, after the socializing ended, he noticed the WeChat message Li Luo had sent her. He raised his brows subconsciously and dialed Yi directly. Yao called, but Yi Yao hesitated that today's trial was not optimistic. He was very exhausted physically and mentally. After taking a bath, she fell asleep directly. The ringing of the phone did not wake her up, but Li Luo picked up the call.

Xiao Yulin asked her what happened to Yi Yao. Li Luo asked three questions. She herself was in a daze. She only felt that Yi Yao's mental state was not very good today.

Xiao Yulin was silent for a while, and suddenly thought that today is the day of the first trial of her public prosecution case, it should be related to this matter, and it will affect her mood!

On Sunday, the lawyer’s office is on vacation. It is rare for Yi Yao to sleep until ten o’clock in the morning. After washing, he simply drank a bottle of milk and stayed in the room with the computer in his arms. Li Luo told her that she was asleep last night. After Xiao Yulin called, she only answered faintly, without any special emotional changes.

Li Luo also knew that she might not be in a good mood, and he didn't dare to be too noisy, so he went out and wandered around on his own after saying hello to her.

As soon as she walked out of the apartment, Xiao's mother called. When Li Luo saw the number, he hesitated a little, but still answered it.


At noon, after Xiao Yulin and her partner had dinner, they ordered her secretary to change the air ticket back to city t to this afternoon. He seemed a little absent-minded this morning, and he was really worried about Yi Yao because of him. Knowing her too much, she won't be the kind of person who will complain when encountering a problem, but will definitely hold it in her heart, and then pretend to be happy, smiling and saying that she is okay.

As soon as the contract was signed, Xiao Yulin handed over the follow-up matters to Xie Yang and the secretary, and went back to the hotel alone to pack his things.

But as soon as he returned to the hotel, Xiao Yulin received a call from Xiao’s mother. As soon as she answered the call, Xiao’s mother asked him if he was with Yi Yao. Xiao Yulin never thought of avoiding this question. Naturally admitted.

Mother Xiao naturally came up after hearing the anger: "I said, that Yi Yao has no qualifications to enter our Xiao family's door. I don't agree with this matter. If you play around, I can barely accept it, but you have to Marry her without thinking about it."

"I also said that she will not marry in this life. Mom, I don’t want the relationship between mother and child to go back to ten years ago. My own marriage is my own decision. After she marries me, she wants to live with me. Yes, instead of you, you can’t deny everything she has just based on her family background.” Xiao Yulin sighed silently and sat on the edge of the bed with a sullen face: “I’m preparing to get married this time, wait. I will call you again when the preparations are made. In addition, I have taken care of the Xiao Group. I will only focus all my energy on Ruilin at the moment."

When Xiao's mother heard this sensitive word ten years ago, she was still a little guilty, but after hearing what he said later, she became even more surprised and quickly said, "Yu Lin, are you crazy? The Xiao Group is our family. Enterprise, did you even give up on the Xiao Group for that Yi Yao?"

"This is my determination to her. You think she can't be the wife of the president of the Xiao Group, so she can only be the wife of the president of Ruilin." He had been arranging this matter before returning to China, just because of the selection of candidates. The problem had to be very deliberate and dragged on for three or four months.

"Yu Lin, you are now the only child of my family. If you don't want the Xiao Group, what do you ask me and your dad to do? Your brother also..."

"Since you still remember my brother, don't interfere with my marriage."

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