Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 2 Chapter 32: 【032】Injury

After Xiao's mother heard what Xiao Yulin said, she only felt that her whole person's blood pressure was high. In fact, she was the least willing to talk about Xiao Yulin's elder brother. This was also the source of the breakdown of the relationship between her mother and Xiao Yulin fifteen years ago. .biqugev

Xiao Yulin’s elder brother, Xiao Yuyan, is six years older than him. When Xiao Yuyan took over the Xiao Group 15 years ago, he also met a girl who was studying in the United States. Her family was not very good, and her mother was a junior, and she was even more private. She was able to study in the United States as an exchange student because she was recommended by the school because of her excellent grades. Later, she met Xiao Yuyan, and the two fell in love, but she was opposed by Xiao's mother, and Xiao's mother came here. The school where the girl is studying, told the principal of the school that she didn’t learn how to seduce her son.

At that time, the girl was facing the risk of dropping out. All the students talked about her, and they knew her life experience, saying what kind of mother brought out what kind of daughter.

At that time, for a girl who was only 21 years old, this was undoubtedly the greatest despair. In the end, she couldn't stand the pressure from the outside world and chose to commit suicide by jumping off the building.

Before jumping off the building, she called Xiao Yuyan specially, said a long sentence, and said that she did not want to drag him down. Xiao Yuyan felt that something was wrong when she heard her crying and saying these things. At that time, he rushed over frantically, but it was still too late. When it came time, he only saw the girl lying in a pool of blood that fell unrecognizable, and he cried for a long time while holding her body.

After the girl was cremated, when Xiao Yuyan went to her school to help her tidy up her belongings, she found two suicide notes written by her, one for him and the other for the girl’s mother. They also learned from the girls in her dormitory. My mother came to the school to talk to the principal about her, and she knew how malicious the school was against her.

His first reaction was to go back and question Mother Xiao. When she heard about this, Mother Xiao was also taken aback, and subconsciously said something. Fortunately, she did not marry their Xiao family. Xiao Yuyan sneered after hearing this: "Yeah! As the eldest son of the Xiao family, I am really sad. I can't even guard the one I love most. Mom, I won't forgive you in this life." After speaking, he slammed the door and left.

The next day, he formally announced in the company that he had severed all ties with the Xiao family. He also offered to quit his job as president. He flew to the girl’s city by plane in the afternoon and handed over the ashes, suicide note, and relics to the girl’s mother. Kneeling in her hands, begging her mother's forgiveness.

But the girl's mother fainted on the spot when she heard it. She couldn't accept the fact that her daughter, who had worked so hard to raise her, had been dependent on her since she was a child. Why was it being practiced like this.

It is the most painful for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person. Naturally, she will not forgive Xiao Yuyan, but will hate the entire Xiao family.

When Xiao Yuyan said to make up for her, the girl's mother resolutely shut him out of the door and told him to roll away, saying that she didn't want to see him again.

That night, Xiao Yuyan, who had never been alcoholic and was allergic to alcohol, was watching pictures of him and the girl. He encountered alcohol for the first time in his life. Because of this, he was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Ineffective and died.

The fall of that year, whether in the United States or in the girl's hometown, looked extremely bleak.

She swayed her last tears and love on the blooming Los Angeles where he had lived for more than 20 years, and he also returned his guilt and love, including all the promises he made to her, to her native city. In, they seem to be separated from each other, but they have returned to the starting point and achieved a bleak love.

At that time, Xiao's mother was really dumbfounded. She didn't expect that her son would be killed because of a girl, and he would also die in the girl's hometown. Because of this incident, Xiao Yulin and Xiao's mother were only sixteen. After the estrangement, she felt that she indirectly killed his brother.

He didn't get close to her anymore, and often avoided her.

Later, no one in the entire Xiao family would mention this matter again, but Xiao Yuyan’s room is still very well preserved. Although many things are aging, Xiao’s mother is reluctant to change it, for fear of changing it. My eldest son really can't come back.

She felt guilty about Xiao Yuyan's incident, so after learning about his death, she personally returned to China to ask for the girl's mother's consent and let the two of them be buried together.

Today, Xiao Yulin’s current situation is similar to that of Xiao Yuyan at the beginning. When it comes to the pain point of Xiao’s mother after so many years, Xiao Yulin will naturally not choose to give in, nor will he follow his brother’s back path, let alone. He will repeat the same mistakes. From the moment his brother passed away, he swears to himself that he will protect the person he loves in the future, and will not let her suffer any grievances and injuries, including injuries from his family.

Xiao's mother was a little speechless while clutching her chest, and finally her heart froze: "Whoever you want to marry, marry whoever! I don't care about you, but your grandfather started from nothing, Xiao's group must not be left to outsiders. Your dad has also been a little weak over the past few years. Didn’t Ruilin hand it over to Xie Yang and Yao Bin? The Xiao Group must be managed by you."

In order not to let herself lose another son, Xiao's mother finally chose to compromise with this matter. This is also the most helpless way. She admitted that the excessive tension and excessive intervention in Xiao Yuyan's incident led to the innocent death of her son and a young girl. In the past fifteen years, she no longer feels guilty all the time. As long as she thinks of her eldest son or sees his photos, she can't help but feel heartache.

Such a good sunshine boy, who was only 22 years old when he left, had just graduated from school and took over the Xiao Group. He just disappeared, and left with a deep hatred for her mother.

This is a wound that she can never remember in her heart. It is also the estrangement between her and this family. The youngest son has alienated her. Therefore, her husband often sighed at her, and even went to Italy to live apart. In fact, she has not been at all in the past 15 years. It's better.

"Well, wait until I finish dealing with the matters here." After hearing Xiao Mu's sigh of relief, Xiao Yulin was relieved and thought for a while and said: "I plan to have a wedding here, when you and Dad Come back! Meet her parents first, and I will take care of other things."

Although Xiao's mother felt a little unhappy, she still replied: "Okay, I will discuss with your dad when he comes out of the study. Have you decided on a good day?"

"Not sure yet."

"Okay, let's do this for the first time! You can do the rest yourself! I don't want to worry about it.

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