Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 2 Chapter 33: 【033】When she didn’t say

Xiao's mother hung up the phone directly after putting down these words and beckoned to the female nanny next to her with her chest. The female nanny hurriedly went upstairs to the bedroom to get medicine for high blood pressure and brought a glass of warm water to her. She took it. .biquge

After taking the pills, Xiao’s mother’s excitement slowly stabilized, and then she got a headache: "I gave birth to two sons, none of them are obedient, so I like the kind of no-bearing family only. A little pretty girl! In terms of beauty, how can they compare to the celebrity daughters of our upper-class people? What's more beautiful than their temperament is that my two silly sons are handsome but gentle and elegant. They are all dedicated species, I really don't know who they are like."

"Madam, you can also calm down, whether it is the eldest young master or the second young master, it must be like a husband. Isn't the husband very dedicated to his wife? Besides! Now the second young master is in his 30s, it is time to start a family. Yes, you! Just relax your heart and enjoy the blessings. Don’t worry about the Second Young Master. The Second Young Master is a wise man. He knows what kind of person he chooses, and the Second Young Master has been in charge of the group for so many years, the group is not. Is it prospering? I believe that the second young master will not be bad at picking people." The female nanny named Lisa is an American. She has been in Xiao's family for more than 30 years. It can be said that Xiao Yuyan and Xiao Yulin were born and raised. Among the servants of Xiao’s family, Xiao’s mother trusted her the most, and she would tell her basically what she said in her heart. In the past thirty years, Lisa’s Chinese has become more and more fluent. I also communicate with them in Chinese.

Mother Xiao sighed heavily: "It's really old. The child has bigger wings and hardened wings. I can't control it. Hey! Forget it, forget it, let him go! Help me upstairs!"

"Okay, ma'am, slow down."

After Lisa sent Xiao's mother upstairs, she withdrew. After doing simple skin care, Xiao's mother opened the quilt and lay in. The bedroom door was pushed open, Xiao's father took off her glasses and walked in: "And Yulin talked on the phone?"

"What do you mean!" Xiao mother asked back, pulling her face.

Seeing her like this, Xiao's father had already guessed it. He walked to the edge of the bed, opened the quilt and lay in, rubbing the bridge of his nose: "Since Yulin made the decision by himself, we should trust him as parents. For example, it was the same when he first took over the Xiao Group. The company's situation was so bad at that time. It was not saved by him. We are all old now. Let them handle the feelings of their young people by themselves! So many years. Yuyan used to be the one who loved Yulin the most, and he also hoped that Yulin could protect the things and people he wanted to protect."

Speaking of Xiao Yuyan, the angry expression on Xiao’s mother’s face gradually disappeared. She still couldn’t let go of her eldest son. She really hoped that time could go back in time. She would rather accept that girl than bear the pain of bereavement. Nor will the girl's mother suffer the pain of sending a white-haired person to a black-haired person.

Even if their family gave the girl's mother a lot of money, they still can't make up for the pain left in the girl's mother's heart. That is the daughter she has raised for more than 20 years!

As a mother, she understood the piercing pain too much.

Now it's her second son's turn, what can she do? Is it still going to kill Yi Yao as before? Then let his son hate himself for a lifetime, and then leave himself?

Then she really would rather choose to let go than lose another son.


After more than two hours of air travel, Xiao Yulin arrived in t city very late in the evening, went home, put down his luggage, changed his clothes, drove directly to the downstairs of Yi Yao's apartment, and dialed Yi Yao's phone.

Yi Yao stayed at home for a whole day, and when she was hungry at noon, she used milk and biscuits to fill her hunger. It counted almost two days without eating. She was a little surprised when she received a call from Xiao Yulin. She learned that he has come back. When I was in, I was even more surprised: "Didn't you say you won't be back until next Tuesday?"

"I miss you, I want to see you." Hearing her voice, Xiao Yulin's heart suddenly calmed down, and asked with a gentle smile: "Are you at home? Or outside?"

"Well, at home."

"Where is Luo Luo?"

"She went out early in the morning, and she was still sending me the selfies she took just now!"

"Have you had dinner?"

"Not yet, how about you? When did you come back?"

"Not long after getting off the plane, I was downstairs at your house, and I went down to eat together, and there is something I want to discuss with you by the way."

"Okay, wait for me, I'll change my clothes and come down."

"Well, don't worry, take your time, I'll wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Yi Yao quickly got up from the bed and started to change clothes. Then, with a simple light makeup, he went straight out and walked out the door of the apartment. Yi Yao saw Xiao Yulin waiting outside, his mouth raised slightly, and he trot. I walked over and patted his shoulder: "I'm sorry, I kept you waiting."

Xiao Yulin turned around, looked at the pure face reflected in the black eyes, smiled and stretched out his arms to embrace her in his arms, and pecked her lips a few times: "It was to see me that I dressed up so beautifully. ?"

"Where is it? Don't I usually do this?" Yi Yao slapped him embarrassedly and gave him an angry look.

"Really? That seems to be the beauty in the eyes of the lover. I miss you sick after only two and a half days. You have to consider bringing you by your side next time you are on a business trip, so that you can see it all the time."

"Can you not be sloppy?" Yi Yao smiled and gave him a sideways look: "How come back from a business trip, how can you learn the slick tone?"

"What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Um... it's okay. I haven't eaten for two days, and I almost forget what the food is like, or..." Yiyao deliberately stretched the ending, while talking and thinking, halfway through. I noticed that there was something wrong with the expression on Xiao Yulin's face, subconsciously silenced, and asked inexplicably, "Why...what's wrong?"

"What's the situation if I haven't eaten for two days?" Xiao Yulin narrowed his eyes and asked in a weird tone.

Yi Yao was dumb, just carelessly, she accidentally told the truth, she hadn't really planned to tell him the situation in the past two days.

"Um, it may be a climate problem. The appetite for these two days is not very good, but it's okay! I am not..."

"Let's go! Go to the restaurant you liked last time." Xiao Yulin listened to the excuse she worked hard to find out, but didn't bother to listen at all behind him, and got into the car directly with his arms around her.

Yi Yao cautiously followed the expression on his face and asked cautiously: "Xiao Yulin, are you angry?"

"I don't like you calling my full name."

"Um... What about President Xiao?"

After listening, Xiao Yulin directly turned his head and glanced at her with Yingying's gaze. Yi Yao subconsciously touched his nose and retracted his gaze when she didn't say anything.

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