Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 2 Chapter 35: 【035】I love you

The two came to the restaurant they had visited several times before. Yi Yao skillfully ordered the meal, and then found that Xiao Yulin, who was sitting opposite, had been staring at him, subconsciously looked down at his clothes and wiped his face: "What are you doing looking at me like this?"

"Nothing...biqugev" Xiao Yulin smiled and retracted his gaze, but his eyes seemed meaningful.

Looking at him, Yi Yao always felt something was wrong, but didn't continue to question. Suddenly he remembered what he had just said on the phone and thought, "By the way, didn't you say there is something to discuss with me? What is it? "

"Well, there is one thing, and it's still a big one." Xiao Yulin smiled and nodded, raising his eyebrows.

"what's up?"

Xiao Yulin thought about it for a while, and then deliberately sold Guan Zi and said, "Let's talk about it after eating! Don't worry."

Regarding his selling point, Yi Yao pouted her lips unhappily, which was too appetizing, but her character was not the kind of person who likes to break the casserole and ask the question to the end, anyway, he would say it sooner or later, and he was not in a hurry at this time.

After the waiter prepared the dishes, Yi Yao suddenly felt that his appetite was better. After eating two bowls of rice in a row, Xiao Yulin looked at her eating so deliciously, with a smile on his eyebrows, and remembered what Li Luo said to himself last night. Circumstances, he asked: "Did the trial of the public prosecution case go badly yesterday? Luoluo told me that when you came back yesterday, you were not in good spirits. The reason for not eating for two days was because of this!"

The smile on Yi Yao's face disappeared instantly as soon as he talked about this, and his small face immediately drooped, and he didn't want to eat anymore, put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, and sighed: "Don't mention it, this case is now It’s driving me crazy."

"What's the matter?" Seeing her downcast look, Xiao Yulin's brows also tightened, and he asked softly.

"You don't know. The prosecutor of our public prosecution case is called Jiao Junjie. After the trial ended yesterday, he especially triumphantly invited me to dinner together. I am angry now that I think about it. There is also the case... "Yi Yao sighed heavily. She was really frustrated because the trial result of this case did not achieve her expected results. The second one was that Jiao Junjie was angry.

Speaking of Jiao Junjie, the two of them still had a relationship before. They knew each other when they were in school. Although they didn’t get to the point where they often contacted each other, they sometimes quarreled when they talked. Now they meet in court, what? Of course the new hatred and the old hatred are in it, but she might be sarcastic!

But when Xiao Yulin saw her talking about this person with a rich expression, he suddenly felt a little sour in his heart, and interrupted her: "Are you very familiar with that Jiao Junjie?"

"I don’t know you are very familiar! I knew each other when I was studying, but there is no close contact, but he is a bit unforgiving. Every time he and I talk, we can quarrel within less than two sentences. ,and……."

"He likes you?"

"No..." Yi Yao answered the question naturally, suddenly feeling that something was wrong with this topic, looking at him directly, feeling that his eyes had changed: "I...no other meaning, just.... "


"You deliberately confuse me."

"Have it?"

"Not yet."

Xiao Yulin smiled, and put down the chopsticks in his hand: "Then I'm almost eating, let's say I want to discuss with you!"

"Huh?" Yi Yao asked curiously when he heard it: "Let's talk about it!"

"My mother called at noon today. It should have been from Luo Luo who heard the current state of the two of us, so..."

"So your mother wants you to separate from me?" Yi Yao's nerves tightened when she heard about Xiao's mother, and what Xiao's mother had said to herself when in Los Angeles also appeared in her mind, her face Become silly, and seem to have guessed the result later.

Also, during this time, she seemed to be a little bit overwhelmed, thinking that she and Xiao Yulin would have no worries after being together, but his family couldn’t get through at all, and she didn’t want her marriage or relationship to be unaffected by both family members. Blessed.

Seeing Yi Yao's nervous look, Xiao Yulin couldn't help laughing, got up and walked to her to sit down, and gently shook her hand: "Fool, what are you thinking about? You can't let me talk. Finished?"

"what do you mean?"

"My mom agreed."

"What?" When Yi Yao heard this, his head buzzed, his eyes widened in surprise, stood up and looked at him in disbelief, but immediately realized his gaffe, and quickly nodded and apologized to the customer next to him: "Uh... I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Then he sat down with his face covered in expression.

Seeing her chain reaction, Xiao Yulin was pleased and leaned close to her: "In view of the Jiao Junjie thing you just said, I think the wedding of the two of us should hurry up, and it can't be delayed. I originally planned to celebrate this year's Qixi Festival. , Or just set it at 520!"

"Ah? So fast?" Yi Yao listened to the whole person in a daze, unable to react at all, looking at him blankly.

Xiao Yulin smiled and nodded: "I've counted the time. There are still almost two months left. Isn't the preparation still too late and the wedding dress has not been finalized? You just have to rest assured and wait to be my bride Just leave it to me, including your parents. I will personally talk about it. Don't put any pressure on it. I have been thinking about marrying you home for a long time."

After listening to his words, Yi Yao only felt that his nose was a little sore, and he was very moved, and nodded heavily: "Xiao Yulin, thank you..."

"Fool, why don't you say thank you." Xiao Yulin took her into his arms and hugged her tightly.

Yi Yao also hugged him back hard. She was really grateful to him for being such a warm person in her life and still loving herself so persistently. If it weren't for his persistence and stubbornness, then both of them Individuals can never get there now, because at that time her inferiority and avoidance were enough to break all the bonds between them.

Xiao Yulin, who was holding her, was very satisfied. Now that she is holding her like this, there is a real feeling that she will no longer worry that she will avoid herself again, will leave herself, and finally feel that she truly belongs to her.

"Yi Yao."

"Huh?" Yi Yao listened to his soft murmur and responded dullly while being held by him.

"I love you."


Yi Yao’s heart seemed to have been blown open, and his head became blank. He used to listen to his love words, but it was the first time I heard such plain words, Yi Yao subconsciously swallowed it. Swallowing, trying very hard to respond to his expression, but couldn't say anything.

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