Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 3 Chapter 23: : The door is there, roll yourself

After Lu Jie sent the coffee into the office, Gu Zhucheng tasted it carefully, and his assistant in the middle called him, and he sent him a few words or two, as if he was on vacation in T City. .

After Su Manan reviewed the last document in front of him, he inadvertently raised his eyes and saw Gu Zhucheng's leisurely and contented look. He squinted slightly, threw the pen aside, slowly got up and walked over, and glanced at him on the table. Served the cup of coffee that was about to bottom out, and asked quietly: "How long do you plan to stay in t city?"

"Look at the list of Jinhe Group again, and I'll talk about the specifics when the time comes." Gu Zhucheng replied casually, and paused after speaking. He deliberately raised his head to look at Su Monan and noticed that there was a gap between his eyebrows. With an aura of routine, he narrowed his eyes and asked, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"It's nothing." Su Monan coldly retracted his gaze and sat on the single sofa aside, with his legs folded, his slender fingers tapping his legs lightly, as if intentionally or unconsciously said: "I listened to me a few days ago. Mom is talking about you."

"Huh? What did my aunt say to me?"

"It is said that the second lady of the Zhong family is about the same age as you, and you are single..." He said silently, but didn't say anything very clearly, just mentioned a sentence or two, and he saw Gu Zhucheng's expressions. changed.

Gu Zhucheng is not afraid of anything, he is afraid that his family will push for marriage, especially his mother. He always compares him with Su Monan, saying that Monan is already married now, and asks him when he will bring a girlfriend back!

After talking like this for a long time, even his aunt Su’s mother would not let him go, and occasionally send a WeChat or make a phone call to say that he is looking for someone, including his always very dignified grandfather, who will urge him to get married from time to time. .

Su Monan's marriage was arranged by his grandfather alone, and he was really afraid that his marriage would be missed by the old man.

"Menan, do you see who the two of us and whom? You have just got married, so let your aunt care about when you give her a grandson. I won’t be in a hurry. How can I be younger than you? Haven't it been for several days?" Gu Zhucheng suddenly laughed after hearing what he said, and walked to him and patted him on the shoulder.

"The door is there, roll by yourself." Su Monan gave him a cold look, and Yu Guang glanced at the office door and issued an order to dismiss the guest.

Gu Zhucheng shrugged and disagreed with what he said: "By the way, you haven't said, do you want to go to dinner with us at night? Yanxi has been working on her lawyer's office all this time? I am also today. Anyway, she was willing to take time out to eat a meal with me."

"What time?"

"At half past six, I haven't booked the restaurant yet." Gu Zhucheng raised his wrist to check the time and raised his eyebrows: "It's still early, right, where is your wife? Would you like to call her? To be honest, I haven't seen what your wife looks like on the day of the wedding."

Hearing this, Su Monan raised his head and glanced sideways at him, then took it back without saying anything.

It’s not surprising that he likes to be silent. Gu Zhucheng knows that his silence is a consideration of things. If he disagrees, he will immediately refuse, so he sat back silently on the sofa without urging. I began to wonder what excuses I should use to refuse to see my aunt urging her marriage tomorrow.

If he says he already has a girlfriend, then it certainly won't work. His aunt will definitely call his mother to verify, and then the two of them will get together and say if they want to see a girl, then where can he find a girlfriend for them.

After thinking of several ways, Gu Zhucheng felt that it didn't work, and finally gave up altogether.

Resignation, let's talk about it when Su Mu asks about it tomorrow!

On the other hand, Qin Zijin left work early because there was no class in the afternoon, but originally wanted to go back directly, and didn't want to be held by Shen Zixin. He said that he would be idle anyway and go shopping together.

Qin Zijin refused at first. In fact, she is not very keen on shopping, and she doesn’t really like shopping. She doesn’t know what to buy when she comes out. She doesn’t lack anything. If she just goes shopping and feels a waste of time, Why not read two more books at home!

"Ms. Qin, don't you have anything you want to buy?" Shen Zixin was shopping eagerly, carrying a big bag of things, looking at Qin Zijin, who was smiling gently but didn't have any intention to buy things, and asked curiously.

Qin Zijin smiled and shook his head: "No, you just buy it."

Shen Zixin pointed to a milk tea shop in front of her mouth: "Then let's go sit for a meeting! I'm tired after walking for so long."

"Okay." Qin Zijin nodded, she came in and followed her out, completely for her reference.

The two went to the milk tea shop and ordered a cup of milk tea, and then sat down. Shen Zixin looked at Qin Zijin with envy and said, "Ms. Qin, I am quite envious of you."

"Huh? Envy me?" Qin Zijin looked at her in surprise, a little puzzled.

"Yeah! You see that you are so beautiful and your family background is so good. The key is that you have such a high degree of education and married a good husband. You are a winner in life! I think no matter which woman you are, you will be envious. "Shen Zixin smiled sweetly at her, eyes full of envy.

Qin Zijin pursed his lips, but he didn't specifically deny or admit it. He just smiled and didn't answer the conversation.

After drinking a cup of milk tea, Shen Zixin was discussing with her where to go shopping next, and where to eat in the evening. Qin Zijin didn't say anything and let her choose.

Only after Shen Zixin asked her a few questions about where she would like to eat, the cell phone in Qin Zijin's bag suddenly rang a familiar ringtone. After taking it out, Qin Zijin was still a little stunned when she saw the caller ID. Immediately after saying "I'm sorry" to Shen Zixin, he answered the phone: "Hey..."


The familiar indifferent tone and tone, and a bit of tough questioning in his words.

"Outside." Qin Zijin narrowed his gaze and replied softly with a soft smile.

"Outside?" Su Manan's classical Chinese on the other end of the phone raised his brows: "Not at school?"

"Well, there was no class this afternoon, so I went shopping with my colleagues, what's the matter? Is something wrong?" Qin Zijin responded slowly, explained briefly, and asked again.

"Colleague? Which colleague?" Su Monan ignored her question as always and asked in a cold voice.

Qin Zijin was dumb, looked up at Shen Zixin, who was thinking about where to go for dinner, and smiled and said, "A colleague you don't know, what's the matter?"

"Address, I'll pick you up."

"Huh?" Qin Zijin was a little surprised by what he said in an impatient tone. He was taken aback and told him his current address. Recalling the question he just asked, he asked tentatively: "You Are you outside the school now?"

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