Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 3 Chapter 24: : Sing and Harmony

Su Monan on the other end of the phone was silent for four or five seconds, and then hung up. .biquge

Qin Zijin froze for a moment, slowly put down the phone, looked at the screen of the phone, the smile on his face converged a little bit, how capricious is this guy, just hang up without answering her questions?

Sitting across from her, Shen Zixin saw her startled, and smiled and asked, "Ms. Qin, what's the matter?"

"No..." Qin Zijin returned to his senses, smiled faintly at her, and put away the phone.

"Is your husband calling?" Shen Zixin looked at her with a gossip, and smiled violently.

Qin Zijin couldn't bear her gaze a little, smiled and nodded, holding his apricot eyes halfway: "Yes! That... I'm sorry, maybe I can't eat together at night."

"Does Young Master Su want to pick you up?"


"What's so embarrassing about that, can I still occupy you? Then Master Su can't take me alive! In that case, I will go back to the dormitory first, and I will be able to catch up with the dinner in the teaching cafeteria when I go back." Shen Zixin He said with a smile, he sorted the bags placed on the ground, then got up and waved goodbye to her and left.

After Qin Zijin watched Shen Zixin leave, Qin Zijin retracted his gaze, propped his chin with one hand, and looked through the phone with his mobile phone.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Su Monan arrived at the milk tea shop Qin Zijin said. When he was about to go in, he saw Qin Zijin sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and playing with his mobile phone while holding his chin. The afterglow of the setting sun. It happened to be scattered on her body through the floor-to-ceiling window, stretching her figure, the beautiful face with a slightly shallow smile, like a person walking out of a cartoon.

I don't know how long I watched at the door. The staff of the milk tea shop stepped forward and said "Welcome", and Su Manan came back to his senses, and Qin Zijin, who was sitting there, immediately looked over after hearing the words.

Su Manan immediately put away the strange change of expression on his face, coldly, and walked into the store calmly.

Seeing this, Qin Zijin immediately stood up and walked over, smiling and saying, "You are here."

"Are you alone?" Su Monan glanced at where she had just sat, Yu Guang looked around again, and asked in a cold voice, looking at her eyebrows.

"Oh, she knew that you came to pick me up, so she left first." Qin Zijin looked at his gaze around from left to right, knowing what he was referring to, and explained it with a smile.

Hearing, the dense sword eyebrows tightened, and he took a deep look at Qin Zijin with a warm smile on his face. His cold lips were pursed and pressed, but there was no sound. After more than ten seconds, nothing else. Said he turned and walked towards the door.

Qin Zijin was dumb, so he turned around and picked up the bag and chased him out, thinking to himself, when can this man's problem that he likes to leave his face be corrected?

When Qin Zijin chased out, Su Monan was already in the car, looking at the familiar black Hummer, walked over and opened the door of the passenger compartment to sit on it, consciously fastened his seat belt, and waited for him to start the engine and get ready When entering the driveway, Qin Zijin thought for a while and asked, "You are so anxious to pick me up? Is there anything wrong?"

"Urgent?" Su Monan squinted the ink pupil, raising his voice.

"Not in a hurry." Qin Zijin looked at his unpredictable side face dumbly, really didn't want to care about him in such an unimportant place, answered the conversation decisively, and then asked: "I just want to know... ...."

"Yanxi wants to see you." Su Monan interrupted her impatiently.

Qin Ziying looked at him blankly, a little surprised, but also a little curious. If Su Yanxi wanted to see her, he could call her directly or send a WeChat message, without telling him at all.

And... this man is really too arrogant. Why should he think that he wants to see whom he wants to see, and he doesn't say hello to her in advance, just in case she has class at night and is not free? !

Although there was doubt in her heart, Qin Zijin did not ask, because she knew that even if she asked, she might not get the answer.

After driving for almost ten minutes, Su Monan stopped at the door of a restaurant with a very antique look. Su Monan unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car. He raised his leg and walked into the restaurant without waiting for Qin Zijin. meaning.

Qin Zijin got out of the car, closed the door, and followed silently. The layout of the restaurant has an ancient charm, and the decoration style is also very elegant. With the music composed by the guqin, it sounds very comfortable and peaceful.

Follow Su Monan to the Fengzhulin private room on the second floor of the restaurant. As soon as he opened the door, Qin Zijin saw Su Yanxi wearing a black professional suit and a handsome handsome shadow sitting in it.

"Sister-in-law." Su Yanxi saw him, with a faint smile on his face and a melodious voice.

Qin Zijin walked in and nodded with a smile. His eyes fell on Junying who was on the side. Gu Zhucheng received her gaze and raised his hand to say hello: "Hi."

Qin Zijin smiled. Seeing Su Monan sitting down, he opened the chair beside him and sat down. He only felt that this man was a bit familiar, as if he had seen him on the day of his wedding, but there were so many people he had seen that day. , I can't remember who he is.

"Yanxi, isn't your lawyer busy anymore?" Qin Zijin turned his head to look at Su Yanxi who was beside him and asked.

"Busy." Su Yanxi said, faintly glanced at Gu Zhucheng next to him: "Someone said softly and hardly that he wants to eat with me. There is no choice but to agree, sister-in-law, how about you? Say you have returned to school to take up a post."

"Yeah." Qin Zijin nodded and looked at Gu Zhucheng again following Su Yanxi's gaze.

After listening to Su Yanxi’s words, Gu Zhucheng was unhappy: "Hey! You little conscience, I have finally come to T City, I want to treat you to a meal, you still dislike it and don’t appreciate it, and you’re not happy. ."

"Okay, to show my sincerity, cousin, this meal...my brother has invited it." Su Yanxi looked at Gu Zhucheng's deliberately elongated face, and smiled helplessly, and paused afterwards. Next, silently refracted his gaze to Sumonan.

Sumonan, who is lying with the gun inexplicably:...

From their conversation, Qin Zijin also remembered that on the day of the wedding, the man in front of him had been with the best man group for a long time. He also remembered that Su Mu pulled her to introduce her to her. This is Su Monan’s watch. Brother, it seems that they are all about the same age, called Gu Zhucheng.

"Then the relationship is good! It's better than my cousin, it will help me save money." Gu Zhucheng heard it, smiled happily, raised his eyebrows, and picked up the menu next to it: "Then I'm not welcome tonight, this will make you It’s not easy for me to have a meal. I have to take advantage of this time to have a good meal."

"The lobsters in this restaurant are pretty good." Su Yanxi followed indifferently.

When the two cousins ​​sang together, it was obvious that they wanted to pit Su Manan. Su Manan calmly said nothing, and let them toss. Qin Zijin was originally quiet, and he was not very familiar with Gu Zhucheng. It was natural. He also sat there silently, with a smile on his face.

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