Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 3 Chapter 36: :Are you happy?

In late June, Qin Zijin was very busy with the graduation ceremony activities of the school during this period. Because she was also the instructor of Tang Shaowei's class drama lines, she was too busy. Basically, she was out early and late every day. Return. .biquge

The time to get along with Su Monan was at that time in the morning. It was the same as before. Su Monan was few words and cherished words like gold. She smiled like a flower and treated her gently as usual.

This kind of getting along has become the pattern of two people living together.

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

After the rehearsal of the last stage of the play, all the students and teachers on the stage breathed a sigh of relief, said each other, and began to pack up their props.

Qin Zijin also took a deep breath, and when he packed up the script and was about to go outside the venue, Tang Shaowei suddenly chased up and said with a smile: "Teacher Qin, this is a really hard time for you. Let you rehearse with us until that day. I'm sorry to be late."

"It’s okay. Now that the rehearsal is finally over, and the day after tomorrow, my task is finally over. Looking at the drama they rehearsed, as long as I think about it, I also have my part. I think I am very proud and a sense of accomplishment, so Teacher Tang, don't be so polite." Qin Zijin picked up his bag and waved to him with a smile.

Tang Shaowei looked at the smile on her face, raised his wrist and looked at the time, and whispered softly: "It's almost ten o'clock..." After thinking about it, he raised his head and said, "Ms. Qin, if you don't mind, I will ask You can eat supper! It can be regarded as an expression of my gratitude to you. I may be busier in the next few days, and I can’t spare any time to invite you. If it’s too late, I don’t feel any sincerity. ,look……."

Qin Zijin opened his lips and wanted to refuse, but Tang Shaowei always felt sorry for himself because of this trivial matter in the future. That was not good. I also looked at the time, hesitated, thinking about myself tomorrow. If you have no class, you can rest at home, and then nodded and agreed: "Okay! Since Teacher Tang is so polite, then I'm better off being respectful."

"Well, wait for me, I'll give them this thing." Seeing Qin Zijin's promise, Tang Shaowei was a little surprised and excited, shaking the script in his hand, and then walked away.

Qin Zijin waited outside the venue for about four or five minutes before Tang Shao came out from the inside: "Sorry, I made you wait for a long time."

"It's okay."

The two were separated by half a person, and they walked out of the campus with a smile and talked side by side, because there are two schools here, both universities, two streets are a commercial street, and many large and small companies are on that street. Naturally It also includes the Su Group, where the flow of people is very large, and there is a food street nearby. Every day it gets dark, there are a lot of people.

Qin Zijin and Tang Shaowei came to the food court and looked at the endless stream of people. Tang Shaowei apologized: "Or, let's change a place? There are a lot of people here. Let's go to the West Street side! Go drive..."

"No, no, just stay here! I've been in t city for so long, and I haven't eaten here yet!" Qin Zijin interrupted him with a smile. She didn't dislike this kind of food stalls and small shops. On the facade, there is still some yearning.

"Then... next time, next time I will ask you to eat something else." When Qin Zijin was asked to follow him to this kind of food stall, Tang Shaowei always felt a little wronged, scratched his head embarrassedly, and looked at it embarrassingly. She said.

Qin Zijin raised his eyebrows and nodded with a smile, and walked into the snack street with him. The two of them stopped and ate all the way, talking and laughing.

Looking at Qin Zijin's real smile, Tang Shao raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and withdrew his gaze, his eyes were stained with loneliness, holding the barbecue in his hand, he was in no mood to eat it.

If I didn't go to teach in Ukraine, would the ending be different?

Originally, he was thinking about showing his heart to her after returning from Ukraine, but he never thought that once he returned to China, he would indeed welcome the news that Qin Zijin and Su Manan, the eldest master of the Su group, were married.

"Ms. Qin?" Suddenly, Tang Shaowei secretly made up his mind and stopped and called her.

"Huh?" Qin Zijin looked back subconsciously and looked back at him with a smile.

At that moment, all the pedestrians passing by beside him seemed to have disappeared. Tang Shao's black eyes under his glasses only reflected Qin Zijin's lake surface as if reflected by a silver moon. It was calm and beautiful, and those pairs were smiling brightly. Yi's bright eyes blinked slightly, as if they could outline a beautiful picture.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Tang Shaowei hadn't spoken for a long time, Qin Zijin had to take two steps back and asked with a smile.

"No..." Tang Shao came back to his senses abruptly, and after thinking about it, he still asked: "I haven't asked you, are you married to Su Shao... are you happy?"

Qin Zijin was stunned. He didn't expect that he would suddenly ask like this, and looked at him puzzledly: "Why... suddenly asking like this."

"Uh... it's nothing, just asking." Tang Shaowei looked at her puzzled look and explained with an awkward smile: "I just think you and Su Shao got married suddenly, as a colleague... just ask casually. It’s okay if it’s not convenient for you to answer."

"It's not a secret." Qin Zijin smiled and turned around: "Very good, thank you for your concern, Teacher Tang."

"That's good." When Tang Shao heard her saying'very good', Tang Shao only felt that the tight nerves all over his body were suddenly bounced away, but his face was a little sad, looking at her back, showing a desolate look. laugh.

"Yeah." Qin Zijin responded softly, but thoughtfully.

Is her marriage happy with Sumonan? She didn't know, but they were in such a state of respect as ‘ice’ that they looked a bit like her parents’ respect and respect, she thought, this should be considered happy!

After eating, the two walked out of the food court together. When they reached the side of the road, Qin Zijin smiled and said, "Thank you very much today, Teacher Tang, you are spending money."

"What did Teacher Qin say? This drama has troubled you for so long. It is okay to have you a meal, and I am really embarrassed to make you eat so shabby."

"It's nothing shabby, but thank you for allowing me to finally taste the food on this street."

"Where, if you like to eat in the future, I will give it to you." Tang Shao scratched his head embarrassedly, and felt that what he said was a little bit wrong, for fear that she would misunderstand: "I didn't mean that..."

"Huh? What do you mean?" But Qin Zijin obviously didn't understand what he meant.

"Um...it's okay, this blink of an eye is more than ten to forty, you are going back alone so late..., let's go! I'll drive you back!"

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