Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 3 Chapter 37: :why are you crying?

"Ah, no, I'll just take a taxi and go home by myself..." Qin Zijin's first reaction was to smile and wave his hand to refuse.

Tang Shaowei looked at her, thinking that it was so late, and he was really a little worried about letting her go back alone, and insisted: "No, it's too late now. Let you go back alone. I will feel sorry for it. My car is right there. Stop by the road ahead, let's go!"

Looking at his nervous expression, Qin Zijin hesitated a little bit, nodded in agreement, and walked to the front parking position with him.

After getting in the car, Tang Shaowei asked while wearing a seat belt: "The address where you live now..."

"Oh! Green Last Villa Community."

"it is good."

Green Last Villa is one of the three valuable villa communities in the city. The people living in it are either rich or expensive. Let alone the whole set of villas, a single garage alone can exceed seven figures, and the geographical environment here It’s particularly good. It’s not as noisy as the city center. The air is very fresh. Although the area is relatively sparsely populated, except for the residents living in this villa, there are basically no ordinary people in the surrounding area, but the security is very good. After all, this provokes anyone in the real estate company. The owner of this real estate company is basically finished. What's more, Su Monan, the prince of the Su Group, still lives here.

It was also the first time for Tang Shaowei to come to this place. His family couldn't be said to be rich, but it was not bad, but houses like QingLuan Villa District were beyond reach.

Driving through that steep slope, Tang Shaowei was a little surprised to see the various houses around him. This was indeed the place where the rich lived. Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked at Qin Zijin who was sitting in the passenger cabin. .

She lives in such a house, how can he afford it?

"Just stop at the door of the three-dimensional white glass villa in front of you." Looking at the villa in front, Qin Zijin smiled and raised his finger, and said softly.

"Yeah." Tang Shaowei gathered his mind, glanced in the direction she was pointing, and nodded in response.

Parked the car outside the big white iron gate, Tang Shaowei turned his head to look over, and smiled softly at her: "Here."

Qin Zijin unfastened the seat belt, pushed the car door, and walked from the front of the car to the front of the cab window. He smiled and waved to him: "Today there is Teacher Lao Tang, and he asked me to eat supper and sent me home again. Trouble is you."

"There is no trouble, I have troubled you for so long, this is a small matter, nothing." Tang Shao first lowered the window of the car, then glanced at the villa: "Then since you are here, I will Let’s go, you rest early, and see you at school."

"Okay, you drive carefully." Qin Zijin nodded with a smile, took two steps back, waved his hand goodbye again.

After seeing Tang Shaowei’s car disappearing around the corner, Qin Zijin slowly retracted his sight, entered the code on the electronic code lock on the wall, and waited for the iron door to slowly open and walk in. Looking at the bright lights in the villa, she knew that Su Mo Nan is at home.

But think about it, she has been home almost after nine o'clock during this period, and it is not surprising that she can see Su Manan at home every time. She walked to the compound door, entered a different code from the iron door, and opened The door walked in, changed shoes at the hallway as usual, and just walked out of the hallway floor, a cold and arrogant figure stood not far away, deeply reflected in her eyes.

Qin Zijin also bluffed. After calming down, he smiled and said hello as usual: "You haven't slept at this late?"

Her tone was very soft, and the smile on her face was especially bright, and there was nothing unusual about her behavior.

"Do you know it's late now?"

It was just not long after her words fell into the voice that a very cold sentence with a bit of yin and yang in her cochlea suddenly floated into her cochlea, making the smile on her face slightly stiff, and the bottom of her eyes also floating up, and it contained superficial things. Smile: "Did I quarrel you? Sorry, there are so many things in school during this time..."

"Is it because of school affairs or your personal affairs?"

The voice is still as pale as cold water, but Qin Zijin's ears are so harsh: "What do you mean by this?"

"Qin Zijin, don't forget, you are now a married woman."

Hearing his words, Qin Zijin's face instantly turned pale, and he opened his eyes wide and stared at him: "Su Monan, what do you mean?"

"Can't you hear me? I'm reminding you that since you are married, you'd better keep yourself safe, don't embarrass us Su family, let alone lose your Jiangnan Qin family's face."

Although Qin Zijin didn't know what he was talking about, she understood what he meant. She suppressed the smile on her face and asked back: "What happened to me? Why did I embarrass you Su family? Su? Monan, please be clear, don't make me so wicked, what did I do?"

"Do you know what time it is? It's eleven o'clock, so late, and a man sent you back. How do you want me to speak clearly?" Su Monan coldly condensed her , The tone was calm, without any ups and downs, but like a chilly cone of ice pierced into her heart fiercely, causing her blood to flow unstoppable and painful.

"You mean...I cheated? Did you do anything to be sorry for you?" As soon as he said this, Qin Zijin completely understood what he meant. He looked at him incredibly, and his voice was too soft. Lighter again.

Su Monan listened to the words and glanced indifferently, but did not answer any more.

Qin Zijin’s nose was inexplicably sour when he watched him silently, just staring at him with those cold eyes without any warmth. She, who had never cried since childhood, suddenly became moist in her eyes. A crystal the size of a bean grain fell from his eye socket.

She is the only child in the family, and her parents love her very much. She has never been wronged at all when she grows up, and she has never been wronged. But now that she tasted this for the first time, she couldn't help crying.

When the tears fell from her white and delicate cheeks, Su Monan's pupils shrank slightly, and the whole person was shocked. The indifference on her face also stagnated, and an inexplicable irritability suddenly rose in her heart. Feeling, seeing her tears falling more and more fierce, Su Monan's always calm heart suddenly felt a little flustered.

Frown tightly, lips moved and moved, and he unnaturally said, "You...what are you crying for?"

Qin Zijin didn't open his face, turned sideways, raised his hand to wipe the tears from his face, and ignored him.

Upon seeing this, Su Monan took two steps closer, took out the cyan checkered veil from his pocket and handed it to her, looking away, holding his head up, and muttering in dissatisfaction: "I haven't said anything yet, why are you crying."

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