Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 48: : Not long memory

Qiao Yu held his arm slightly, followed him downstairs with a happy step, and went to the restaurant for breakfast. Qiao Yu smiled and asked with a narrow smile: "Hey! I have a question for you!"

"Ask...biqugev" Lu Yiyang continued the movements in his hands, responding to her faintly.

"If I don't have a job in the future, will you support me?" Qiao Yuwei held his face in one hand and looked at him with a look of expectation.

"Are you short of money?" Lu Yiyang asked coldly, raising his eyelids.

"Isn't it a metaphor for me to ask? Besides, I think it's good to stay at home now, so I don't plan to go to work anymore."

"Sit down and wait to die."


Qiao Yuwei rolled his eyes dumbly, and put the hand holding his chin back: "Who do I say is your Chinese teacher? Is there such a harm? Just shut up if you can't speak."

Hearing this, Lu Yiyang pursed his lips, silently retracted his gaze, and said nothing more.

After eating breakfast, Qiao Yuwei got up with him and walked to the hallway. When he watched him change his shoes and prepared to go out, he deliberately asked again: "Don't forget what I just said! Come back early in the evening. Drink less, better not to drink. If you drink, Zhai Jiaye will send you back."

Lu Yiyang paused at the door, deliberately waiting for her to finish speaking before closing the door and going to the garage to drive away from the villa.

After watching Lu Yiyang leave, Qiao Yuwei went to the living room to turn on the TV and watched the TV. When it was about 10:30, the landline in the villa suddenly rang. Uncle Chen picked it up. It was a call from the security guard at the entrance of the villa community. , Said it was a package from Qiao Yuwei.

After listening to Uncle Chen’s retelling, Qiao Yuwei was a little surprised, except for a few close people of hers who knew this address, the other was from Lu Qiao’s family. Someone wanted to send her something, but there was no need to send it by courier!

"Then trouble Uncle Chen, help me get it!" Qiao Yu thought for a while, raised his eyes and smiled.

"Okay." Uncle Chen smiled and nodded, took off his apron, and walked out of the villa.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Uncle Chen walked in with a small rectangular package. Qiao Yuwei heard the door opening, turned his head and looked over, noticed the box in his hand, and asked curiously. : "What is it?"

"There is no indication on it, not even the name of the shipping address." Uncle Chen walked to Qiao Yuwei and handed the package in front of her.

Qiao Yu looked at the information on the courier slip and found that there was only one consignee's name and address on it, without any phone number. She couldn't help but raised her brows, took the package slowly, and thought about it. , Muttered to himself: "Who will send me something?"

Uncle Chen was watching and didn't interrupt. After a while, he said, "Madam, I'll cut some fruit for you."

"it is good."

After Uncle Chen left, Qiao Yuwei held the package and shook it gently. There was no special movement inside, so he tore open the outer plastic bag with doubts, revealing a delicate pink gift box. Qiao Yu raised her eyebrows slightly. She still liked the color of the gift box.

The color of this gift box completely relieved her of all the doubts in her heart, and she even pulled away the ribbon on the box with a bit of anticipation. When the lid was opened, a skull doll with red and black eyeballs and blood in it suddenly popped up. , Pounced on her face close at hand.


Frightened, Qiao Yuwei threw the box out in an instant, his face was pale, his pupils were dilated, his heartbeat was very fast, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

Uncle Chen, who was making fruits in the kitchen, heard Qiao Yuwei's scream, and quickly put down the knife in his hand, ran out of it, and yelled anxiously: "Madam, what's the matter? What's the matter?"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Qiao Yu and Wei Qiao Yu sitting on the sofa in a daze. His body was still trembling slightly. After a glimpse, he inadvertently saw the box thrown on the ground and a **** skull doll. Taking a breath, he hurriedly walked to Qiao Yuwei and said softly, "Madam, are you okay?"

Qiao Yu trembled slightly and raised his hand, pointed at the skull doll on the ground, swallowed heavily: "Why... why is it this?"

Seeing the obvious fear in Qiao Yuwei's eyes, Uncle Chen quickly turned around and kicked the doll farther, even with the box: "It's okay, it's okay, it must be somebody's prank."

Qiao Yu slowly retracted his hands, holding both hands on his chest, but the fear in his heart still did not ease.

"Madam, please go upstairs and have a rest! I will bring you the cut fruit later, and I will take care of this dirty thing." Knowing that Qiao Yuwei was so scared by the thing, Uncle Chen and her Try to speak softly.

Qiao Yu nodded slightly in a daze. She couldn't say anything in her trembling pink lips. When she got up from the sofa, her feet were soft. If she hadn't been helped by Uncle Chen in time, she would have fallen. Sat on the ground.

"Be careful, madam." Uncle Chen helped her upstairs, watching her sitting on the bed, curling herself up together, feeling a little distressed in his heart, but he was a little bit suspicious of the package in his heart.

When Uncle Chen brought the fruit up, Qiao Yuwei remained curled up, and Uncle Chen said softly: "Madam, the fruits are all cut, you can eat some!"

Qiao Yu was startled slightly, raised his eyes in a daze to look at Uncle Chen, nodded, and said faintly: "Yeah."

Uncle Chen was a little worried, but he didn't know what to say. Seeing that she didn't mean to move at all, he finally went downstairs.

Qiao Yuwei's temperament can be regarded as the kind who is not afraid of the sky, but besides being afraid of the dark, he is afraid of this kind of ghost doll. Especially under this kind of defenselessness, the ghost doll suddenly rushed to his face. This almost made Qiao Yuwei lose half of his soul in.

After Uncle Chen came downstairs, the first thing was to collect the box that was dropped by Qiao Yuwei on the ground and the ghost doll. After taking a closer look, Uncle Chen decided to call Lu Yiyang and explain. In the situation just now, but no one answered the call.

Looking at the box and the ghost doll in his hand, Uncle Chen thought for a while, but didn't continue to fight because he understood Lu Yiyang's temperament. If he didn't pick it up for the first time, it means he was busy, so he just took the box and the ghost. Wawa went out and came to the security room to ask the person who delivered the courier. She also specifically called for the monitoring of the road section.

But in the end it was found that it was just an ordinary courier. Uncle Chen also called the courier company and asked the sender about the news, but the other party said he didn't know.

Towards noon, Lu Yiyang finished talking from the outside and returned to the company. He took out his mobile phone while sitting in the car and took a look. When he noticed that there was a missed call from Uncle Chen, he looked at him subconsciously. Normally, Uncle Chen rarely calls him. , Except for some things in the villa that require him to make a decision personally before calling him.

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Yiyang called back directly. As soon as he connected, Lu Yiyang listened to Uncle Chen briefly explain what happened in the morning, making him more and more handsome, and his eyes darker and darker: "Joe What about Yuweiren?"

"After unpacking the package, Madam stayed in the room and didn't come out. She didn't move the fruit I brought in. I just went up and asked her what she wanted to eat at noon, but she didn't answer. She didn't have any energy. I was so frightened by that, and my face was not so good."

As soon as Uncle Chen's voice fell, Lu Yiyang directly hung up the phone, raised his eyes to look at Zhai Jiaye who was driving ahead, and said coldly: "Go back to the villa."

Zhai Jiaye could also see from the rearview mirror that Lu Yiyang's face was not very good, but he dared not ask what was wrong, so he had to do the same, turning at the intersection in front and driving directly in the direction of the villa.

After arriving at the villa, before Zhai Jiaye's car was turned off, Lu Yiyang had already pushed the car door, and his ears heard his cold voice: "All the itinerary has been pushed in the afternoon."

"Uh...Yes." Zhai Jiaye didn't recover for a while. He didn't react until Lu Yiyang had entered the villa and disappeared completely. He took a few moments to respond.

"Sir, are you back?" As soon as Lu Yiyang entered the door, Uncle Chen greeted him and nodded.

"She's still in the room?"

"Yes, I haven't been out before, you go up and see your wife first!" Uncle Chen nodded, a little worried on Cihe's face.

After hearing this, Lu Yiyang walked straight upstairs with a cold face. When he reached the door of the bedroom, he deliberately eased his steps, holding the doorknob and gently pushing the door open.

Although it was daytime, the room was very dim. The curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows were closed and the lights were not turned on. Only a beam of light reflected from the slits of the curtains hit the white carpet and sofa quietly, while Qiao Yuwei on the bed He hugged his knees and buried his head in his arms, looking lonely and helpless.

Lu Yiyang turned on the floor lamp in the room, pursing his cold lips, and slowly walked over to sit on the edge of the bed, his voice low: "I heard Uncle Chen said."

Hearing the familiar voice, Qiao Yu's body stiffened slightly, and slowly raised his head, a pair of godless bright eyes looked at Lu Yiyang's cold and horrible handsome face. In an instant, his nose was inexplicably sour, and his pink mouth was suffocated. Opened his arms and threw directly into his arms, crying grievously: "That thing suddenly popped out of the box, it scared me to death, oh..."

Lu Yiyang's sudden eruption made Lu Yiyang stunned. Both hands were hung in the air at a loss. When he felt that the person in his arms was shaking, he put his hands down and put them around her waist, with his cold lips pressed tightly. , But couldn't say any comforting words, so she could only sit there quietly, let her tears and nose wipe her body, and still didn't mean to let her go.

Familiar male hormones gradually relieved the fear and anxiety in Qiao Yuwei's heart during this outbreak and crying. After a long time, Qiao Yuwei stopped crying and wiped his tears onto his expensive gray shirt. , Slowly raised his sparkling eyes to look at him, and blew his nose vigorously: "Uncle Chen called you, so are you back?"

Hearing this, Lu Yiyang lowered his eyes and stared at her tearful little face, his cold lips tightened, and the dullness under his eyes gradually disappeared, and his cold face remained unchanged, but he still didn't make a sound.

Qiao Yuwei knows that his temperament is the kind of face-saving and boring, like this kind of initiative to admit that he cares about her, he usually does not speak, but she also understands, sometimes his silence is the best answer to her .

Qiao Yu grinned reluctantly and threw himself into his arms again.

Seeing that her beautiful baby's face was somewhat reluctant, Lu Yiyang's arm around her waist was also a little tight. After a while, the deep voice suddenly remembered in the quiet bedroom: "Hungry?"

"Well, I'm hungry." Qiao Yu nodded slightly.

"Go down to eat."

"Okay." Qiao Yuwei withdrew from his arms, but when he got out of bed, he held her little hand tightly, looking at the big palm that wrapped her little hand, the warmth flowed into her heart a little bit. , So that the smile at the corner of her mouth is no longer reluctant.

Feelings and warmth are sometimes mutual. For example, she can melt his coldness, but he can hold herself tightly when she is scared, so that she no longer fears.

Their feelings do not have a mountain alliance and each other, and there is no enduring to death. Only this ordinary warmth and friendship is enough.

When Uncle Chen saw the two of them coming down together, he greeted him and noticed that Qiao Yuwei's face was much better than before. It seemed that it would be better for the husband to come back to comfort him.

"Madam, didn't you say that you wanted to eat yam chicken soup? I made it for you today."

"Okay, thank you, you have worked hard, Uncle Chen." Qiao Yu smiled, and after speaking, Yu Guang subconsciously glanced at the place where she had unpacked the box in the living room, suddenly remembered the scene in his mind, and his body suddenly trembled. He quickly retracted his sight.

Lu Yiyang noticed her gaze, his eyes darkened, he pulled her directly into the restaurant, pushed her on a chair, and sat opposite her, interrupting her thinking in a deep voice: "Sheng Tang."

Qiao Yu was taken aback for a moment, looked up at him in a daze, and pointed to himself incredulously: "I... Sheng?"

"Sheng." Lu Yiyang stared at her indifferently, repeating what he said just now.

After listening, Qiao Yuwei's face drooped in an instant, and the so-called warmth just became elusive, so he could really say it!

Her young and fragile heart had not been completely relieved, so he directly asked her to serve him.

What about conscience?

No, he is indifferent and ruthless, so he has no heart!

Qiao Yu curled his lips in dissatisfaction. Angrily, he picked up his bowl and filled him with a bowl of soup, then put it in front of him heavily, gave himself another bowl, and drank angrily, but because the soup was a bit hot , Entered in one mouthful, so hot that Qiao Yu grinned slightly, quickly put down the bowl, and slapped his mouth with both hands.

Lu Yiyang looked at his brows, picked up the glass jug next to her, poured a glass of water for her, and silently pushed it in front of her.

Qiao Yu took a sip, but his mouth was still numb, and he exhaled, "I'm burning to death."

"Not a long memory." Lu Yiyang retracted his gaze, took a sip of the bowl of soup she had served him, and vomited calmly.

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