Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 49: :package

Listening to his merciless spit, Qiao Yu raised his eyelids slightly and took a look at him fiercely. Sure enough, this was the real Lu Yiyang she knew. .biquge

Because he was suffocating with Lu Yiyang, Qiao Yuwei almost completely forgot about the ghost doll before. He was stubbornly picking up food, and the beautiful baby face was still drooping, looking very upset.

Lu Yiyang, who was sitting opposite, raised his eyes and glanced at her for several times. Seeing her angrily, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but a faint arc floated, and when she looked over, she immediately converged, pretending to be serious and indifferent. Look like.

After eating, Qiao Yuwei put down the bowls and chopsticks and looked at him with his cheeks: "Are you going to the company this afternoon?"

Hearing this, Lu Yiyang raised his eyes again and stared at her. After a short silence, he said, "Go."



"It's okay."


"I want you to accompany me at home, but if you are busy, forget it." Qiao Yu curled his lips slightly and muttered softly.

Seeing her aggrieved little eyes, Lu Yiyang's brows twitched slightly. In fact, when he came back at noon, he told Zhai Jiaye to cancel all the itinerary today, but he was not the kind of person who would take the initiative to say such things. So of course he has to wait for Qiao Yuwei to ask him to stay before he can let go!

Seeing that he was not speaking, Qiao Yu asked unwillingly again: "Can't you really stay with me at home?"

He seemed to have figured out her temperament, knowing that she would continue to ask, and finally hearing her words of retention, Lu Yiyang's eyes narrowed slightly, pretending to be serious, raised his wrist and looked at the time, before thinking seriously. Indifferently said: "Not going anymore."

"Really?" Qiao Yu heard it slightly, his eyes lit up, and asked again with a smile.

"Yeah." Lu Yiyang withdrew his gaze indifferently, with an arrogant expression on his face.

After the confirmation, the smile on Qiao Yuwei's face became more open, and got up from the chair: "Then I want to go upstairs for a nap, you want to baa with me?"

Lu Yiyang was silent for a while, as if thinking about something. After a long while, he looked up at her: "You go first, I have something to deal with later."

"Then you come to me after you are busy." Qiao Yuwei is not the kind of unreasonable person. It is good to know that he is willing to stay at home to accompany him. , They are all set before, now they are pushed down, some things must be dealt with by themselves, and they nodded very understandingly.


After Lu Yiyang responded calmly, after watching her walk upstairs, he also put down his chopsticks, took a sip from the cup that Qiao Yuwei had just drunk, and when he swallowed it, he was taken aback and looked down. With the water glass in his eye, he suddenly discovered that he seemed less and less concerned about things like this kind of detail.

After waiting for more than two minutes, Lu Yiyang gathered his thoughts, glanced at the direction of the living room, put down the cup in his hand, looked at Uncle Chen walking from the living room, and asked calmly, "What about the express package?"

"In the storage room, I was afraid that Madam would be afraid to see it, so I put it away and I will go get it now."

Uncle Chen took the ghost doll and the pink gift box and handed it to Lu Yiyang. Lu Yiyang stretched out his hand and opened it, looking at the ghost doll lying in the box, his pupils shrunk slightly, his eyebrows tightened, and he threw the lid of the box on top. He looked up and asked: "Have you checked it? Who sent it?"

"I went to the property in the morning to check the surveillance, and I called the courier company. There was no suspicious person, and I couldn’t find out who sent it. The people at the courier company said that when they took over the box, The packaged package still had a hundred dollars on it. They didn’t know what was inside, so they sent it out. I also asked them to check the surveillance, but I didn’t photograph the person who delivered the courier. "

After listening, Lu Yiyang's cold lips pressed tightly, and his eyes on the pink box became deeper and deeper, and the scales from the cold lips became colder and colder, and even a little bit colder: "No express delivery at home will be allowed in the future. She comes to tear it down, even if it’s her own, you must look at it yourself."

"Yes, I see." Uncle Chen nodded, his face a little serious.

When he got up, Lu Yiyang glanced at the box again: "Throw this thing away. Don't show up at home."


When Lu Yiyang went upstairs and returned to the bedroom, Qiao Yuwei was already asleep. Looking at her sleeping face, the coldness in Lu Yiyang's eyes gradually eased. When he sat down on the edge of the bed, he suddenly noticed that there was a slight trace on her forehead. Her bead of sweat and her delicate brows are also tightly furrowed together, looking very nervous.

Lu Yiyang slowly raised his hand to caress her forehead, the movement was neither light nor heavy, wiped off the sweat from her forehead, lifted the quilt, and lay beside her, just watching her peacefully with the years. .

He has lived for thirty-one years. He has never imagined which woman he will be attracted to, nor has he ever thought of giving up all his work to accompany a woman, quietly waiting for her sleeping face.

Thinking back to the moments when she first met her and got married, she was always carefree, constantly stimulating him, and constantly approaching him actively, no matter how indifferent he was, she would always greet him with a smile.

I don't know how long he watched, Lu Yiyang also gradually became drowsy.

When he woke up again, it was around 3:30 in the afternoon. As soon as Qiao Yuwei opened his eyes, he saw the familiar handsome face in his eyes. He moved slightly in his heart, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, hugging his waist to him. Her arms shrank.

When she moved like this, Lu Yiyang also woke up and slowly opened his eyes. What was reflected in the black pupils was a baby face with an innocent smile, followed by a sweet and pleasant voice: "Hey, Good afternoon, did you sleep well?"

Lu Yiyang put his arms around her slender waist and replied hoarsely: "Yeah."

After the two of them went downstairs, Uncle Chen prepared afternoon snacks, coffee, and fruit, but as soon as Lu Yiyang sat on the sofa in the living room, his mobile phone rang. Qiao Yu subconsciously glanced at his mobile phone screen and found that it was a I didn't pay much attention to the caller number without remarks. It was just that when I retracted my gaze, I suddenly noticed that the expression on Lu Yiyang's face was a bit gloomy, and the light under his eyes was a bit unpredictable.

She has always known that Lu Yiyang’s iq is very high, and his memory is particularly good. He can usually remember a string of numbers only once, so he rarely saves numbers in his address book, except for those necessary, even He has not memorized Lu Jingyan's phone number.

And he only saved her number later. At first, it was a string of bare numbers, even he hadn't remembered it.

Qiao Yu silently retracted his gaze without making a sound. He continued to eat the fruit on the plate and watched the TV while holding the pillow, without paying attention to the call.

Lu Yiyang glanced at her, her lips tightened and her full fingertips wanted to press the red button that hangs up, but in the end he hesitated. He slid off the green answer button, placed it in his ear, and said calmly: "Say."

"Brother Yi Yang..." Wen Shurou on the other end of the phone heard his familiar Shen Yin and exclaimed happily: "Where are you now? Are you in the company?"

"Something to say."

He spoke in a concise and indifferent tone. Wen Shu was stunned for a moment. The smile on his face reduced a little, dyed a touch of tenderness, and his tone became softer: "I didn't know if he had anything about the thing I said to Secretary Zhai the day before yesterday. Tell you, I'm downstairs in your company now, but the security wouldn't let me in, so I had to call you."

"I don't agree." As soon as Wen Shurou's voice fell, Lu Yiyang answered in a cold voice, without hesitation in the words, very decisively and decisively.


"No but."

"Brother Yi Yang..." Wen Shurou said with a sobbing nasal, seemingly trying to endure something like: "The sun is a bit big today, can I go in and talk to you?"

"go back."


"I don't like to repeat what I said a second time. The company is not a place you can go to. As for going to work, if there is nothing to say, go back immediately." Lu Yiyang interrupted her again and ordered in a cold tone.

Wen Shurou's body trembled slightly, Yu Guang glanced at the security guard at the door, deliberately raised his hand to caress the tears from the corner of his eyes, and blew his nose: "I see, Brother Yiyang, don't be angry, I'm obedient, I'll go back now. I won’t come to the company to look for you in the future."

After speaking, Lu Yiyang didn't reply, so he hung up the phone.

Listening to the sound of'beep beep' from the other end of the phone, Wen Shu gently put down the phone, glanced at the security guard at the door with misty eyes, turned around again and walked lightly. Under the sun, the strength of holding a mobile phone is getting heavier.

She can't get it, and Qiao Yuwei can't even think about it.


After the third day of the ghost doll incident, Qiao Yuwei’s state has completely returned to normal, but the variety show "This is the Goddess" still failed to be filmed normally because of Qu Ruoxi’s spoiler, and the program team is also trying its best to adjust and adjust. Contact new artists, including communication with sponsors.

But because of Yin Shi's resignation, many sponsors wanted to divest, especially Ying Xiaoyang of the Ying Group, who named Yin Shi as a producer.

The TV station also blocked Qu Ruoxi because of this incident. If it weren't for her self-righteous involvement, the matter would not have developed today, and the shooting would proceed as planned, and there would not be so many things in the future.

Qu Ruoxi’s fans blamed all things on Qiao Yuwei because she was banned. He was always there at Hei Qiao Yuwei. Some people even reported that Qiao Yuwei and Lu Yiyang’s marriage was in jeopardy. Someone saw Lu Yiyang and Farewell. The woman who went with her, bought a house for that woman, and there were photos of the two walking together.

Such kind of report is naturally happy to look at it tenderly, because the person in the photo is herself, and these so-called reports are quietly given by her to those who want to be indifferent.

She also felt that she didn't care if she was scolded at Xiaosan, as long as it made Qiao Yuwei uncomfortable, it was enough.

She also revealed her identity to other people with a sense of mystery, reminding some people in the know of the fallout between Lu Yiyang and Old Man Lu nine years ago, which made this melon more and more serious, and she also made a few small pieces. No. Compiles Qiao Yuwei's words and deeds on black topics such as his own.

Lu Yiyang is a thing that never pays attention to these lace news, unless Zhai Jiaye told him, so he has no knowledge of these messy scandals, and Qiao Yuwei has always been the kind of body that is not afraid of shadows, and he is used to being open and honest, and There have never been such reports of disagreements between their husbands and wives before. As for the photos of those entering and exiting with other women and the house, she knew that they were gentle.

I also knew in my heart that Wen Shurou’s father had a life-saving grace for Lu Yiyang, and taking care of her was also a responsibility. After all, as the saying goes, the grace of dripping water will be rewarded by a spring, let alone a life!

She still understands these principles, and she also believes that Lu Yiyang's boring temperament, he can sit back and relax with a beauty like her, not to mention gentleness.

Anyway, she is very confident that she is better-looking than Wen Shurou, and Wen Shurou has no other advantages besides pretending to think.

And when it comes to pretending, who can't!

Really, can she be good too?

Think weak and weak, think just as strong, switch freely.

"This scandal is all over the sky, are you still in the mood to eat sunflower seeds? Are you really not in a hurry?" Yin Shi took a sip of coffee, looked at Qiao Yuwei with a leisurely look, and glanced at the tablet on the table. Asked the news report in the book inconceivably.

Qiao Yu raised his eyes slightly, smiled and shrugged: "It is out of nothing, what should I worry about."

"Who is that woman? Lu Yiyang bought her a house, is it really nine years ago...is it true or not?" Fang Xin also came over and asked with a gossip on her face.

Qiao Yuwei looked at the gossip of the two of them, curled his lips, and threw the melon seeds in his hands on the table: "Two eldest sisters, can you two be professional? Anyway, you are also professionals in the industry. Don't mess with it. Eat melons like a crowd, okay?"

"Shall we just eat melons now?"

"Yes, just say it."

"It's such a thing, it's a person, it's also such a person, but... the point is here." Seeing that they both listened very vigorously and seriously, Qiao Yuwei laughed and raised his eyebrows playfully. : "Hey... I won't talk about it."

"Hey, Qiao Yuwei, are you afraid that you will be beaten?"

"Close the door, let the dog go, and kill her."

"Stop, stop, civilized society, just thinking about hands-on, vulgar and superficial." Seeing that the two of them were about to pounce on, Qiao Yuwei hurriedly stopped, sighed, and briefly explained the matter to them, and then Tan Shou said, "Do you understand if I say this? And... Lu Yiyang is just that temperament, even if you put two women with full fruits in front of him, he will not be red and heartbeat, and he will not have nosebleeds. of."

She used this method to seduce him more than once. Every time she succeeded, she had studied why he had been eating meat during this period. After all, she researched it. After all, she was so charming that he could not resist the temptation, and Wen Shurou told her. It's not on the same level at all, it's incomparable.

And it can be seen from Lu Yiyang's gentle attitude towards Wenshu that he has no love for her, only feelings of responsibility and guilt.

However, these two emotions are also very troublesome, especially for the white lotus character of Wen Shugen, which is very painful.

"Then your husband... is really a talent." Fang Xin blinked and gave her a thumbs up silently.

Yin Shi also nodded in agreement while sipping his coffee.

Qiao Yuwei shrugged: “So, this kind of news doesn’t matter, it’s harmless, it won’t affect us anyway, but... I’ve been chased by Qu Ruoxi’s fans for a week, and I want to scold my mother. Who am I provoking? All kinds of black me."

She was angry when she said this. During this period of time, she was really scolded to doubt life, all kinds of scolding, all kinds of rumors, anyway, all kinds of misery.

"Qu Ruoxi is now banned, and we can only accept this. We can't say anything. If you say anything at this time, others will even say that you are cheap and behave, and it will be darker and more aggressive.


Qiao Yuwei sighed helplessly: "I'm thinking, should I take this opportunity to quit the entertainment industry?"

"You have to be cautious about this. Think about it yourself." Yin Shi put down the coffee cup and seriously proposed.

"What about you? If you really quit your job, won't you go back?"

"Don't you let me **** with you too early? Wouldn't it be nice for me to resign now?"

Qiao Yu was slightly dumb, and blinked his eyes: "That... can I ask a question presumptuously?"


"What's the relationship between you and Ying Xiaoyang? He still sent me a message two days ago to tell you to tell you to go back to the station."

Yin Shi raised his eyes: "It has nothing to do with him. I don't like to talk to him."

"That's good. Although Ying Xiaoyang's relationship with me is pretty decent now, he is still relatively in that respect...cough cough, do you understand what I'm talking about?"

Fang Xin laughed when he heard this, "Don't worry about it, you forgot, Yin Shi is an unmarried and unloved clan, Ying Xiaoyang can't get her eyes, her eyes are long in the sky, what a man! Yeah, she can’t even look down on it, yeah... Yin Shi, I said you don’t have a problem with your sexual orientation! Tsk, I’m straight.” He said, leaning back, holding his arms around his chest, a pair of panic Look like.

The corners of Yin Shi's mouth twitched a few times: "Go away."

After Qiao Yu listened slightly, he burst into laughter.

When the three of them were chatting vigorously, the office door was knocked suddenly, Fang Xin said'enter', the door was pushed open, An Qi walked in: "Sister Xin, Wei Wei, someone just delivered a package. , Said it was for Weiwei."

Mentioning the word'wrap', the smile on Qiao Yuwei's face froze, and the **** ghost doll that jumped out of the box three days ago suddenly appeared in his mind. His heart trembled inexplicably, and his whole body got goose bumps. , Looking back mechanically at the lake-blue box in An Qi's hand, pursing her pink lips, when Fang Xin was about to take it, she hurriedly said, "Wait a minute."

"What are you doing? Frightened me to death?" Fang Xin was startled by her yelling, An Qi was also startled, and the box that was originally going to be delivered to Fang Xin fell to the ground.

"Is the sender's phone number and name and contact information written on it?" Qiao Yu asked softly with his lips trembling slightly.

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