Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 59: : The fickle woman is terrible

Lu Yiyang squinted and sat on the edge of the bed without saying a word, but his eyes were locked on her beautiful baby face. .biquge

Seeing that he was silent again, Qiao Yu waved his hand slightly: "It's up to you, it's up to you, I want to sleep, you can tie my hair with a hair rope! I want to go to wash and sleep again."


"It's in the bag that Uncle Chen brought over."

Hearing, Lu Yiyang got up and walked to the cabinet, opened the cabinet door, took out a pink canvas bag from the inside, and rummaged through it. When he saw the folded underwear inside, he couldn't help but froze and held his hand. Subconsciously paused, a few unnatural touches surfaced on the handsome silhouette, silently averted his eyes, and pressed the underwear into the bag with great strength, pretending that he hadn't seen anything.

"What are you doing?" As he turned his back to Qiao Yuwei, Qiao Yuwei sitting on the bed only saw what he was pressing against the bag and couldn't see his specific movements. He asked curiously, and raised his finger: "Those things should be in the little bag outside."

Lu Yiyang glanced at her from the corner of the light, and did not turn his head to look over. The blush on both sides of the outline became more and more obvious. He retracted his hand from the inside, quickly pulled the zipper, and rummaged in the outer pocket. Touched a black hair circle, confirmed it, stretched out his hand and asked, "This?"

"Well, yes, this is it. Take it." Qiao Yu nodded slightly. After speaking, he found that Lu Yiyang hadn't turned his head, and his figure was a little stiff. He narrowed his eyes and suddenly thought of something, and shouted: "Lu Yiyang, what ulterior things did you do with me behind your back? You still dare not look at me directly."

Lu Yiyang was stunned, and immediately restrained the unnaturalness on his face, restored a serious indifference, turned his head to look at her, instantly his face was not red and his heart was not beating, and he seemed quite righteous.

"Come here." Qiao Yu squinted at him, looked at him twice with sly eyes, but didn't see anything. In the end, he just hooked him and gave up teasing him.

Lu Yiyang walked over and handed the hair rope to her, but Qiao Yuwei didn't mean to pick it up, so he raised his eyes and smiled at him: "My head is still wrapped in gauze, and my forehead hurts. You can help me get it. Right! I'm afraid I will get a wound later, and I don't have a mirror."

Lu Yiyang hung his hands in the air, thinking that he had misheard: "Should I help you tie your hair?"

"Well, can't it?" Qiao Yu nodded with a pair of big eyes and tilted his head, feeling innocent.

Lu Yiyang pursed his lips, slowly withdrew his hand, walked around behind her, looked at her hair that rested quietly on her back, and gently moved her hair to the back. His movements seemed very clumsy and a little cautious. On his cold face, he also looked extremely serious and careful.

Because the two strands of hair in front of Qiao Yuwei were relatively short, Lu Yiyang didn’t get it right after doing it twice. Qiao Yuwei felt his clumsiness and the appearance of the two strands of hair on the bar, and tried to squeeze a smile, trying to get himself Don't laugh out loud.

You can't laugh at this time, unless you can't help it.

In the end, Qiao Yuwei really couldn't stand it anymore, so he smiled and told him: "Are you stupid? Tie up the back hair a bit, isn't the front hair just right to be tied?"

After receiving Qiao Yuwei’s guidance, Lu Yiyang finally defeated the two strands of hair and successfully held them in his hands, but he has never tied a girl’s hair, so he has to tie the hair rope and the hair must not be loose. , It is also quite difficult for him.

It even made him feel that he was not as sad as tying his hair now with a big deal of tens of millions.

Qiao Yuweisheng sat there impeccably, always feeling that his hair would allow him to play the kind without stopping all night.

After finally waiting for Lu Yiyang to tie his hair, Qiao Yuwei raised his hand and touched it. When he touched the loose hair, Qiao Yuwei's brows were fiercely raised, and he raised his head to look at him, and said from the bottom of his heart: " Your hair-twisting technique is really... hard to describe in a word!"

"The first time." Lu Yiyang calmly explained.

Qiao Yu nodded slightly: "That's right, who made you less than female before! Forget it, forget it, it's not bad if you can tie it, help me take out the towel and change of clothes! I'll go and wash it. bath."


"Yeah." Hearing the doubts in his words, Qiao Yuwei explained with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't let the wound touch water. If you really don't worry, I don't mind if you help me. Wash or... watch me wash."


In a good conversation, he was slapped by her again.

Lu Yiyang turned around to help her find clothes, and just crouched down, there was a ridicule with a rich smile behind him: "Yes, I also need underwear. I don't want to wear a hospital gown. Give me a set of pajamas. That's it."

Lu Yiyang stunned, tilted his head and glanced at the beautiful shadow with a sly smile like a fox, and the light under his eyes instantly darkened.

"What are you looking at me? Hurry up!"

Listening to her leaping up, Lu Yiyang concluded that this woman was deliberate. Although she hadn't seen it just now, she must have guessed it, so now she is deliberately punishing him.

This woman is really restless, not honest even if she is injured.

Although thinking this in my heart, his body was very honest and found out the underwear bag that he had forcibly pressed down from it, took a set of pink silk pajamas, and walked in front of her with a stern face and held his hand. When something was placed in front of her, the cold scale slowly spit out from the cold lips: "Don't touch the wound. If there is anything calling me, don't try to be aggressive."

"I know, I know." Qiao Yu smiled sweetly, picked up the clothes he had found and got out of bed directly, moving slowly towards the bathroom.

Lu Yiyang sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, quietly waiting for Qiao Yuwei to come out of it.

About fifteen minutes later, Lu Yiyang took the phone to check the time, glanced lightly, put his fingers on his legs and tapped them lightly, appearing a little anxious. After a while, he stood up and walked to the bathroom door. He shouted: "Qiao Yuwei, you haven't washed it yet?"

"Alright." As soon as his words fell, Qiao Yuwei suddenly opened the door and walked out of it, with a sweet and brilliant smile blooming in front of his eyes.

Seeing her coming out intact, Lu Yiyang's nervous heart relaxed, and he looked at her forehead specially, and saw that there was nothing wrong with the wound, so he stretched out his hand to hold her hand and dragged her to it. Bedside: "It's late, go to bed."

"Okay, hehe, what about you? Sleeping on the sofa?" Qiao Yuwei sat on the bed and looked up at him: "Actually, this bed can still sleep two people. I don't mind. I think you shouldn't either. Would you mind it?"

"You have an injury on your head, and you sleep..."

"Huh?" When he heard that he was going to refuse, Qiao Yuwei's smile on his face was instantly restrained, frowning angrily, and staring at him with a heavy ending: "I said you don't mind if you don't mind, you are sleeping Still not sleeping?"


Finally, under her threat, Lu Yiyang chose to compromise and sleep with her in the same bed.


During the two days when Qiao Yuwei was hospitalized, Lu Yiyang basically never left. Only when Qiao Yuwei sometimes said he wanted to eat something, he would go out and buy her. The rest of the time was to stay with her in the ward and work in the company. They were all resolved in the ward, and Zhai Jiaye was always on standby at all times when the hospital company ran both sides.

On the third day of hospitalization, Qiao Yuwei went through an examination. The doctor said that he was recovering well and could be discharged the day after tomorrow. Qiao Yuwei was very excited when she heard it, but due to Lu Yiyang's face, she still resisted not showing it.

Qiao Yu leaned back on the bed with his hands propped on his chin and looked at Lu Yiyang, who was sitting on the sofa doing business. The glass coffee table was full of documents, and there was a tablet and laptop next to him, and Zhai Jiaye was also alone. On the sofa, the two people probed into discussing work matters, and they said nothing that Qiao Yuwei could not understand.

Qiao Yuwei yawned and looked at them as if he were listening to the heavenly scriptures. It was too embarrassing for him. It would be better to just fall asleep.

Near noon, Qiao Yuwei woke up hungry. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Lu Yiyang sitting on the edge of the bed, subconsciously raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, looked around and did not see Zhai Jiaye's figure, and asked: "Are you finished?"

"Yeah." Lu Yiyang responded faintly, peering at her sleepy face, and pursing his lips: "Uncle Chen was here just now."

As soon as he heard Uncle Chen coming, Qiao Yu opened his eyes abruptly, and his whole body instantly became sober: "What did Uncle Chen do today? Bring it to me, I'm hungry."

During her stay in the hospital for a few days, Uncle Chen came once a day, morning, afternoon and evening, in order to deliver meals to the two of them, and the craftsmanship of Uncle Chen and Sister Zhang was indeed very good, and Qiao Yuwei also loved the meals they cooked .

"Go wash your face."

"Okay." Qiao Yu responded with a slightly beautiful response, and quickly lifted the quilt and got off the bed.

"Shoes." Noting that she was about to go barefoot, Lu Yiyang's expression immediately turned gloomy, and before she took a step, he issued a cold warning tone.

"Oh, hehe, I almost forgot." Qiao Yu looked down at his feet slightly, raised his head and rubbed his nose with a smile, put on the slippers, and trot to the bathroom.

Lu Yiyang took his gaze back from her, put all the papers on the coffee table away, and put the three thermos barrels brought by Uncle Chen on the table and opened them all. He put a bowl of cold soup for her in a small bowl and sat next to him. Waiting for her to come out quietly on the sofa.

After Qiao Yu slightly washed his face and came out, he couldn't wait to sit on the sofa, picked up the bowl of soup that Lu Yiyang had given him, and drank it happily.

"Tastes great."

Seeing her eating with gusto, Lu Yiyang picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started eating.

When the two of them had eaten halfway, there was a knock on the door, and a soft, familiar voice came from outside: "Miss Qiao, are you there? Can I come in?"

Hearing this sound, Qiao Yu was stunned for a moment. He was stunned when he was eating. He raised his eyes to look at Lu Yiyang, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and the brows were also lightly raised. She knew who it was without having to listen to her. There was no appetite to eat in an instant.

"What is she here for? You told her my ward number, right?" Qiao Yu slightly drooped his face, put down the dishes and chopsticks unhappily, no longer the interest of having just eaten, and stared at him and questioned. .

Lu Yiyang looked at her eyebrows displeasedly, naturally he heard who the voice was outside, but when confronted with Qiao Yuwei's questioning, he said he was very daunting and innocent: "No, I told her what to do with this? "

"Then why is she here? I think she is a weasel giving New Year's greetings to the chicken, uneasy and kind." Qiao Yuwei folded his hands on his chest and said angrily.

"Are you a chicken?"

"Bah, do I understand this metaphor?" Qiao Yu gave him a slightly angry look, and raised his head angrily: "I don't want to see her. I have a headache when I see her so beautiful. You give her I drive away and affect my appetite for eating."

Hearing, Lu Yiyang also put down the dishes, stood up, walked to the door, and pulled the door open, his cold eyes fixed on the delicate figure outside the door: "What are you here for?"

Wen Shurou outside the door was also stunned when she saw Lu Yiyang. She never expected that Lu Yiyang would be here with Qiao Yuwei at this time. She thought that at this time he should be at the company or outside socializing, after all, like him. The identity and busy person will never guard Qiao Yuwei every day.

But now when I saw Lu Yiyang, Wen Shurou realized that she was wrong. It took a long time to react and smiled softly at Lu Yiyang: "Brother Yiyang, you are here too! I read the report that Miss Qiao was injured, so I wanted to watch it. Look at her, how is Miss Qiao now?"

"She's fine." Lu Yiyang answered her indifferently without explaining too much.

His concise and clear three words blocked all the words that Wen Shurou wanted to say, and instantly he didn't know how to answer the conversation, and she could hear and see from Lu Yiyang's tone and attitude that he didn't want her See Qiao Yuwei.

"Then...Can I go in and see her? Saying that Miss Qiao and I haven't seen you for a while, I..." Wen Shurou was also determined to see Qiao Yuwei today, just thinking that she had been glamorous for so long. I must see when she was in decline, so I just pretended not to understand the meaning of Lu Yiyang's words, bit the scalp and continued to ask.

"When did you leave the hospital?" Lu Yiyang frowned, his displeasure on his face was very obvious, and he ignored her question and asked back.

"I was discharged from the hospital yesterday." Listening to his sharp tone, Wen Shurou shrank her neck subconsciously, and replied softly with another pitiful look.

"Go back." After listening, Lu Yiyang frowned and ordered.

"Brother Yi Yang..."

"go back."

"I just want to see Miss Qiao..."

"I don't like to repeat my words a third time."

Qiao Yu, who was listening to the conversation between the two of them, raised his hand and took out his ears. He looked at his brows displeasedly, got up and walked to the door, pushed Lu Yiyang aside, tilted his head and stared at the pitiful tenderness outside the door. , Chuckled and asked: "Oh! Isn't this Miss Wen? Is there anything wrong with coming here?"

"Miss Qiao." As soon as Wen Shurou saw her, her face was filled with a smile: "It would be great to see that you are fine, I... just want to come and see you, but Brother Yiyang won't let me in, maybe it's me. The reason why I was discharged from the hospital yesterday..."

Qiao Yuwei listened and raised her brows. She always felt that there was another meaning in her words. On the face of it, she was talking about Lu Yiyang, but in fact she was thinking about what she was showing off. She was discharged from the hospital yesterday. , Lu Yiyang cared about her, not letting her go out and running around, let her stay at home.

Her words also successfully ignited Qiao Yuwei's fighting spirit. Since she wants to fight, there is no reason for her to shrink!

Don’t you like to show off?

How could she lose, right? I don’t feed you dog food today, and she writes Qiao Yuwei’s name backwards.

"That's true of you, Miss Wen is weak and weak. It was a good intention to come to see me. How can you rush people like this? Don't let Miss Wen get a heart attack again." Qiao Yu gave Lu Yiyang a little annoyed. Nudged his arm, his tone was a bit of reproach, and he said softly to Wen Shu: "I'm sorry! Miss Wen, don't mind, he is this temperament. We were actually eating just now. I never like to be disturbed when I eat."

"Um... I was rash." Wen Shurou thought she was in control, but she didn't want to be said by her. The initiative returned to Qiao Yuwei's hands. She also became a good person by the way and helped her persuade Lu Yiyang to let her. stay.

Lu Yiyang, who was inexplicably accused, looked at her next door with a dazed expression. She didn't say that when she was eating just now, but now he is accusing him instead.

This fickle woman is really terrifying.

Qiao Yuwei held his arms in both hands, smiled contemptuously, and turned his body sideways to let Wen Shurou walk in: "Come in! Miss Wen, you are welcome."

Wen Shurou looked at the smile at the corner of her mouth, her hand holding the bag rope tightened, but the smile on her face remained the same. As Qiao Yuwei walked in, she deliberately looked at the layout of the entire ward when she entered.

She used to be hospitalized in Xinghai Hospital, which is considered to be the top five hospital in t city, but for this affiliated hospital, it is still a bit worse. After all, this hospital is the largest hospital in t city. It has also gathered a lot of medical talents, including top-notch medical equipment.

When he walked to the back room, Wen Shurou also noticed the half-eaten food on the coffee table, and guessed that what Qiao Yuwei said just now was not a lie.

"Miss Wen, please sit down! This is the hospital, which is no better than the home. Please forgive me." Qiao Yu smiled and sat in the original position, declaring his sovereignty.

There are only three sofas on the sofa, one long sofa, one single sofa, and the other is a round sofa stool. Once she sits on the long sofa, she can only sit on the round stool or the single sofa. , And Lu Yiyang, who walked behind closed the door, naturally sat beside Qiao Yuwei.

Wen Shurou glanced at the food on the table and showed a hint of apology: "I'm really sorry, Miss Qiao, I came too late. You and Brother Yiyang were having dinner and I was interrupted. I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, it's okay, don't worry about this kind of little thing, we're almost eating it." The smile in Qiao Yuwei's eyes was undiminished, and the twinkling eyes of the bright starry river and the tender and pitiful water eyes were facing each other. Watching.

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