Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 60: : This is a joke at him

Lu Yiyang sat there with his back straight, leaning on the back of the chair without saying a word, with his legs folded leisurely, without any intention to intervene or intervene, leaving Qiao Yuwei to toss himself. .

As long as it is not excessive.

Moreover, Wen Shurou was indeed a little suspicious at this time, and coupled with her previous deliberate actions, Lu Yiyang naturally suspected that she came here with unpredictable intentions.

"How is the injury on Miss Qiao's forehead? Isn't it serious?" Wen Shurou met her gaze, smiled lightly, looked at the wound on her forehead, and asked in a low voice with faint worry.

"It doesn't matter, the doctor told me today that I can be discharged from the hospital the day after tomorrow!" Qiao Yu smiled and waved his hand, with a playful tone in his tone.

"That's good."

Qiao Yu was slightly aware of her expression and the small movements in her hand, and pretended to be nonchalant, and deliberately asked: "By the way, I just heard my husband ask you when you were discharged from the hospital, did you get sick? When did it happen? What's the matter?"

"My disease is also a chronic disease. Sometimes the unstable breath can also cause the disease. So I basically don’t leave the body with medicine. The last time I got onset was three days ago. Yesterday the hospital said it was OK and I was discharged. That's it." Wen Shu softly constricted his eyes and smiled back. While speaking, he still swept Lu Yiyang aside from time to time.

"That's a coincidence, I was also injured and went to the hospital that day, and I almost went to the Guimen Gate! But luckily, I was dead." Qiao Yuwei smiled harmlessly at her, and looked at her harmlessly.

But Lu Yiyang on the side heard the deep meaning of her words. He raised his brows slightly, and subconsciously looked at the gentle face, the dark light in his eyes condensed little by little, and the beating fingers on his legs also stopped beating.

Wen Shu was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that she would take the initiative to mention the incident, pretending to remember it, and nodded: "It seems to be true. I also heard it in the hospital two days ago. When the nurses talked about this, they also searched the Internet. It seems that there is a date mentioned above. If it wasn't for my illness, I should have come to see you earlier, but fortunately, that hurt you. People have been arrested."

"That's true." Qiao Yu smiled and nodded, then answered the words with deep meaning.

"By the way, husband, did you bring some fruit when Uncle Chen came this morning? We also had a good meal. Miss Wen came to us and we didn't have a delicious treat. We can't miss the fruit. You go help clean it, OK? OK?" Qiao Yuwei withdrew his gaze from her body and stared at Lu Yiyang. His small white hand also touched his arm naturally, and shook it gently, with a sweet and pleasant voice, deliberately acting like a baby Tao.

Lu Yiyang listened to the words, and the gloomy Jun Rong was also stunned immediately, looking at him strangely.

"What's the matter?" Qiao Yu looked at him with those innocent eyes shining slightly, and asked with a smile.

Lu Yiyang pursed his lips without saying a word, and naturally let down the overlapping legs, his thin lips slowly tugged, sliding out the indifferent scale: "What do you want to eat?"

"Hey, of course it's my favorite!" Qiao Yu slightly blinked at him, deliberately selling it off.

After hearing this, Lu Yiyang naturally knew what she was referring to. He silently got up from the sofa, silently walked around the coffee table to the front cabinet, picked up the two bags with fruit on it, and went to the small kitchen in the side room to wash the fruit.

Wen Shurou looked at Lu Yiyang's cold side face without any discomfort or impatience. She actually said that she knew Lu Yiyang not very well, but at least her temper and temperament were clearer.

Lu Yiyang has always been lofty, and his temperament is cold and ruthless. It is estimated that even Lu Zhensong and Fan Jingshu have not let him do things like this that let him wash fruit. Now Qiao Yuwei is a little acting like a baby, he just got up and did it. Now, I asked Qiao Yuwei what he wanted to eat with great concern.

And looking at Lu Yiyang like that, it was obvious that he knew Qiao Yuwei's preferences, which made Wen Shurou's heart become unbalanced again.

Speaking of the long acquaintance, she and Lu Yiyang have known each other for a long time. After all, they have known each other for nine years. However, she and Lu Yiyang did not spend much time together. Qiao Yuwei and Lu Yiyang have only been married for eight months, and they get along better than their nine. She also felt unwilling to be reconciled at this point after many years.

If it wasn't the old man who forcibly sent her abroad and stood beside him, she should be the one who acted like a baby with him at this time.

"By the way, I went to Grandpa Lu a few days ago and heard about some mysterious package from his old man. Grandpa Lu also said that it was Miss Qiao. You said I did it. What is going on?" Wen Shurou monopolized her thoughts, and seeing that Lu Yiyang had also just got up and left, she just turned the topic to the purpose of her coming today.

Qiao Yu heard it slightly, thought for a moment, and then suddenly raised his head: "Oh! This matter! It may be my grandfather's misunderstanding! When I went to my grandfather's house that day, Xinxin happened to call me and mentioned about The scandal between you and your husband, I was afraid that grandpa would misunderstand and worry about those scandals, so I put it in a more tactful way. In the end, grandpa still misunderstood. I have explained to grandpa a few days ago. I apologize here, sorry, Miss Wen."

"It turns out that it was a misunderstanding." Wen Shurou was still a little embarrassed when she heard her words, because Qiao Yu's micro-messages directly determined the reports about her and Lu Yiyang's being together as scandals, and also named the old man's name. Pull the head out to suppress her.

"What the **** is going on with the package? Grandpa Lu didn't say that I really didn't know, nor did I see the report." Wen Shurou tried to calm her mind and continued to create opportunities.

She had to seize this opportunity to ask Qiao Yu a little bit, and then let her embarrass herself in Lu Yiyang's face.

But Qiao Yuwei is not a fool. When she saw Qiao Yuwei’s pitiful eyes, she seemed to have guessed her thoughts. She didn’t think she had watched so many romantic dramas and watched too many such tricks. She doesn't care about it at all, okay?

After all, these methods are still not on the table.

"This matter! Because the impact is not very good, so I did not disclose it, but the police have found out that it was all sent by the man who beat me that day. However, how did that man know my address? The police are still investigating, and there must be results soon." Qiao Yuwei spoke calmly, but deliberately revealed details of the situation, as if he was using words to test the gentleness of the book.

Wen Shurou heard the words'police', and she clicked in her heart, her lips quivered, but the whole looked quite calm, and she smiled with relief: "That's really gratifying, congratulations. People like that are really terrible."

"Yeah!" Qiao Yu nodded with a sweet smile, just in time to see Lu Yiyang walking over with the fruit plate, and hurriedly waved to him: "Is it washed?"

"Yeah." Lu Yiyang placed the fruit plate in the empty space in the middle of the coffee table, and faintly responded, and sat next to Qiao Yuwei.

"Trojan horse." Qiao Yuwei looked at his indifferent handsome face, and couldn't help but put it down, couldn't help but leaned forward and kissed his cheek: "Hey, love you, it's hard work."

Her sudden question made Lu Yiyang stunned, making his handsome face a little unnatural, raising his hand to cover his lips, but the accusation tone contained little pampering and gentleness: "Don't make trouble."

"Hehe, okay!" Knowing that Lu Yiyang has a thin face and is most afraid of doing some intimacy in front of outsiders, Qiao Yuwei stopped teasing him, nodded with a smile, and looked at Wen Shurou: "Uh, sorry, let Wen Miss laughed."

Wen Shurou was still stunned. The Lu Yiyang in her impression was always cold, and the expression on her face had never been too ups and downs, even her tone of voice, and it was the first time she saw Lu Yiyang who was speaking and shy like this.

"No... it doesn't matter." Wen Shu gently waved his hand, lowered his eyes with embarrassment, and whispered back.

She came in originally to watch Qiao Yu smile, but she didn't expect that she would come to eat their dog food in the end.

"Miss Wen, try it! These fruits were bought by Uncle Chen from Xianguo's house. His fruits are fresh and delicious. The most important thing is that they are very safe. They are so expensive." Qiao Yuwei said. Then, he raised his hand and made a small gesture.

But Wen Shurou also heard other meanings from this passage. There is a kind of Qiao Yu that is pitying herself, even insulting herself, thinking that she has no money to buy such expensive fruits to eat?

"Um...Thank you Miss Qiao for your kindness, but...I am in poor health. I can't eat this kind of cool fruit, so I don't seem to have any good food anymore." Wen Shu said softly and smiled. There is no sign of weakness at all.

"That's a pity! It's a pity, but it's still a matter of health!" Qiao Yu glanced at the gentle book softly, smiled, stretched out his hand and used a fork to fork a piece of cantaloupe and fed it to Lu Yiyang's mouth: "My husband, you taste it."

At the moment she stretched out, Lu Yiyang's head moved back subconsciously, looking at the smile in her eyes, and gently pressing her cold lips, he gently bit the cantaloupe.

"Is it delicious? Sweet or not?"

"Yeah." Lu Yiyang looked away, still a little embarrassed in his heart, Yu Guang glanced at Wen Shurou, glanced lightly at his brows, and glanced at the time on his wrist: "The time is almost here, you should take a nap."

Although this was spoken to Qiao Yuwei, there was a clear meaning to Wen Shurou's dismissal.

Wen Shurou is not a fool either, she naturally heard it. After her face turned pale, her hands were also twisted together, and he was hesitating whether to speak, Lu Yiyang's cold voice came from her ears: "Take a taxi and go back by yourself. "

Wen Shurou raised his eyes to meet Lu Yiyang's cold eyes, and reluctantly squeezed out a smile: "Okay." Then he looked at Qiao Yuwei: "Then Miss Qiao, I won't bother you to rest. Let's go."

"Okay, then Miss Wen walks slowly, and you have to take care of your body."

"Yeah, thank you." Wen Shurou stood up, nodded slightly at Qiao Yu, looked at Lu Yiyang more as he turned around, and felt a little sad and wronged in his eyes.

But from the beginning to the end, Lu Yiyang didn't look at her more, and his face was always cold and cold.

As soon as Wen Shurou walked out two steps, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open, and a stern figure in a white coat walked in. When she saw Wen Shurou, the yin bird's sharp eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes passed her and shot directly at the man on the sofa. The couple nodded slightly towards Qiao Yu: "Sister-in-law."

In the past few days in the hospital, Qiao Yuwei can see Lu Jingyan several times every day. It feels like she has been married to Lu Yiyang for so long, and she has not seen him in just a few days in hospital.

When Qiao Yu heard the words, he smiled and raised his hand to say hello, and said in a very informal way: "Hey, you came just right, your brother just cut the fruit, and I can't finish it alone. Come and eat together. !"

Lu Jingyan glanced at the fruits in the fruit bowl, and glanced slightly surprised at Lu Yiyang, who was sitting where he was not surprised. There was obvious exploration and inconceivability in his eyes.

Receiving Lu Jingyan's eyes that looked like a joke, Lu Yiyang's face sank, and his sharp eyes stared at him: "What are you here for?"

"I went home last night. Mom took some small cakes and asked me to bring them to my sister-in-law today. There will be surgery and pre-diagnosis this morning. I don't have time. I just took time out." Lu Jingyan's tone was also very cool. While talking, he passed a pink lunch box in his hand to Qiao Yuwei.

Qiao Yu heard it slightly, and immediately reached out to take it, and said with a smile: "I'm tired of you, and you have worked hard, thank you."

Lu Jingyan's gaze fell on the fruit plate again, his brows inadvertently stirred, and he reached out to pick up the fork on the side and tasted a piece, then turned to Lu Yiyang with a deep gaze: "It tastes pretty good."


Lu Yiyang was dumb, knowing that he was laughing at him.

But he has lived for more than 30 years, has always been rigorous, and has never made any mistakes. Now he can actually make him fall into his own joke, and he is very dissatisfied and unhappy.

Lu Jingyan put it away when he saw it, put down the fork in his hand, and nodded slightly to Qiao Yu: "If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first."

"Don't eat it?"

"No, there is still some time, I will take a nap."

"Well, go!"

When Lu Jingyan passed by Wen Shurou's side, he looked at her more, but walked over with a cold face.

Wen Shurou was stunned by him after a few glances. She had never seen Lu Jingyan before, but she had always known that Lu Yiyang had a younger brother, but she had been neglecting it, and she had not deliberately investigated all the information about Lu Jingyan. Wan Never thought he was a doctor, and he was in this affiliated hospital.

Nine years ago, she knew about the existence of Lu Jingyan, but at that time, Lu Jingyan was also a college student, so she ignored his existence all the time. Now she sees Lu Yiyang who is somewhat similar to Lu Yiyang, as well as that strong and cold. The shocking aura made her feel a little flustered inexplicably.

After Lu Jingyan left, Wen Shurou and Lu Yiyang Qiao Yuwei nodded again, silently turned and left the ward, got out of the hospital and got into a taxi. The first thing they did was to investigate information about Lu Jingyan on their mobile phones.

After reading his profile, Wen Shurou's throat became dry. The director of thoracic surgery, a leader in the medical field, also married Su Yanxi, a well-known lawyer from the Su Group, as his wife.

Wen Shurou felt a little flustered just seeing the three words'Director of Thoracic Surgery'. After thinking for a long time, she exited from the interface and dialed He Yi'an's number. After being connected, she hurriedly took it with him. Crying: "Ji An, where are you? Do you have time? I want to see you."


On the day Qiao Yuwei was discharged from the hospital, Yin Shi, Fang Xin and Qiao Shiwei came to pick her up. After returning to the villa, a few women huddled in the bedroom and whispered, and Lu Yiyang was locked outside.

"Sir." Uncle Chen and Sister Zhang came up with fruits and black tea, and found that Lu Yiyang was standing on the promenade, with unpredictable emotions on his cold face, they walked over and said hello.

Lu Yiyang gathered his thoughts, tilted his head and glanced at Uncle Chen and Sister Zhang, then glanced at what they were holding, his lips pressed tightly, and he withdrew his gaze without saying anything, and walked directly to the study.

"Sir, what's the matter?" Sister Zhang asked suspiciously, looking at the direction Lu Yiyang was leaving.

Uncle Chen smiled and glanced at Sister Zhang: "Send the things in first! Madam and they wait."

"it is good."

It's been half an hour since the lady came back from the hospital. The husband was standing on the corridor as soon as he came back. I was afraid that he was a little sullen in his heart. He felt that the lady had shut him out and wouldn't let him in. He was probably upset.

But speaking of it, his wife has changed a lot during this period. It seems that since the last time the two of them quarreled, the wife has not always adhered to her husband like before, but she still cold his husband from time to time. He had seen it several times, and his husband had a proud face. Although the tone of his speech was still cold as usual, he was more or less flattering.

It seems that in just a few months, his husband has been trained by his wife to be fairly good, and the progress is very large, and the progress is visible to the naked eye.

The Qiao Yuwei inside saw that Uncle Chen and Sister Zhang sent in, so he smiled and said thank you. After watching them leave, he said to them: "Try this black tea. I love this black tea now. ."

"It smells so good!" Fang Xin took a cup and put it on the tip of his nose, nodded in satisfaction, and then sipped his mouth: "This taste is very unique, the fragrance is very strong, and the taste is moderate. Which brand? I'll buy some too. ."

"I have several packages. If you like, you will let Uncle Chen give you one package."

"Bixin, love you."

"By the way, I heard from the heart that you intend to subsidize the primary school in the Lengwanshan District, right? Yin Shi also took a small sip, suddenly remembered and asked.

Qiao Yu nodded slightly: "Don't you say that I almost forgot about this matter, Xinxin, I have something to discuss with you."

"Well, you said."

"I want to take this opportunity to quit the entertainment industry and take a break for a while. Anyway, I think the entertainment industry is still not suitable for me. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Fang Xin was taken aback, but she was not surprised. She actually wanted to wait for her to tell her about leaving the circle after she was discharged from the hospital, but she didn't expect to speak first, and finally nodded: "Even if you don't Say I plan to talk to you. The time to leave the circle is right now. Tomorrow I will draw up a copy and post it on the studio’s Weibo. Just like it, don’t say anything."

"Okay." Qiao Yuwei knew that Fang Xin would agree, and was not surprised. He smiled and nodded: "Yin Shi, you just talked about funding the Lengwanshan Elementary School, do you have any ideas?"

Seeing her wicked look, Yin Shi squinted her eyes and squinted at her: "Am I not unemployed now? I want to go to the mountainous area to support education. I also participated in your funded project."

When the other three people looked at her incredulously, Qiao Shiwei asked: "It's okay if you support us. Do you want to support education?"

"Well, I have no plans to return to the TV station in recent months. Yesterday, I also told the director of my plan. I made this school funding activity a charity column. I came to find the sponsor, and I also published it myself. Before the part, I didn’t follow the film. I was in charge of supporting the education and the two staff members took photos and uploaded them to Weibo. It’s simple and clear, and I will give the TV people a lot of popularity."

"That's a good idea, but have you found a sponsor?"

"There are two now."

Fang Xin looked at her curiously and asked, "Who?"

"Hey, aren't there two rich people in front of me? Oh, no, it's three." Yin Shi raised his eyebrows, took a sip of tea, and turned his eyes towards the sisters Qiao Yuwei and Qiao Shiwei.

"Did I say that I would fund it?" Qiao Shi chuckled slightly and asked back.

"How could a beautiful and kind-hearted person like my Shishi disagree with funding! Needless to say, Wei Wei has this plan." Yin Shi smiled at her, and then cast a wink at Qiao Yuwei.

"The reason why you didn't go back to the TV station is because you want to rub oil on us?" Qiao Yuwei gave her a very contemptuous look. He was deeply shameless of her behavior, but he was curious about the one she said later: "You just Who else is there to say the three? Isn't it a heart-to-heart?"

"Stop, stop, my old lady has no money. I have a senior and a young child. It's not bad if I can support myself. I can accept a donation of tens of thousands of dollars, but I can't make any more. I only renovated the house last year. It’s too poor now.” Fang Xin immediately raised her hand to stop their conversation when she heard that her name was mentioned.

Don't be worried by the three "vampires" at this time.




Seeing her such a big reaction, the corners of their three mouths twitched slightly, Yin Shi gave her a speechless glance: "Don't worry, you don't care about you, you forgot, we are now one of the richest in a city. People's home."

After Yin Shi finished speaking, Fang Xin and Qiao Shiwei gaze at Qiao Yuwei. Qiao Yuwei was stunned in an instant. He blinked his eyes innocently and trembled in his heart, feeling that there was a giant sinkhole in front of him. Waiting for myself, my eyes rolled around: "You...what do you look at me like this?"

"Stupid! It's your husband that Yin Shi said!" Fang Xin said with a smile and explained, "Your husband is the president of the dignified Lu Group. It is most appropriate to find him for funding."

"Yes, so I plan to talk to your husband about this later."

Qiao Yu slightly spread his hands: "Are you doing this too much? Haven't I already donated it?"

"You are you, your husband is your husband, and your husband can represent the entire Lu Family and the Lu Family." Fang Xin slapped her hand in an angry manner, curling his lips back.

"It's up to you, as long as he agrees, I have no objection."

"Just waiting for your words."

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