Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 63: : Raise you

"Lu Yiyang...biquge"

Lu Yiyang, who had just walked to the hallway to change his shoes, heard the light and sweet sound coming from behind, and turned his head subconsciously, and found that Qiao Yuwei, who had been having breakfast in the restaurant, chased him out and was standing two meters away from him. There was no smile on his face, and his expression was faint, only the white gauze on his forehead was the most conspicuous.

Lu Yiyang glanced up at the tip of her eyebrows, feeling a little uncomfortable with her indifferent tone, and deliberately asked in a soft tone, "What's wrong?"

"Have you forgotten something?" Qiao Yu walked to him with light steps, his hands on his back, his tone was a bit serious, but there was a bit of playfulness on his face.

After hearing the words, Lu Yiyang sank his face for a while for a while, but after thinking for a while, he didn't understand what she meant. He pressed his cold lips into a straight line, and looked at her puzzledly: "What?"

Qiao Yuwei looked at his puzzled handsome face, drooped his small face unhappy, and pouted his small mouth: "Why don't I say you Muyu's head is not open? I must speak so clearly to know that it is. No? Forget it, get off to work!"

Lu Yiyang looked at her disappointed little face in his eyes, and felt something strange in his heart, and suddenly realized what it was. As she turned around, he took her arm and took her gently into his arms. The other hand also wrapped her waist naturally, and bowed her head and kissed her pink lips.

The pink lips were covered with a touch of coldness, Qiao Yuwei's pupils dilated, and his heart was even more crisp. The beautiful baby's face was extremely surprised, but he immediately regained his senses, and his delicate brows moved slightly. After he stopped, he appeared very satisfied and happy, and responded to him a little bit.

After receiving her response, Lu Yiyang slowly left her lips, and did not let go of her arm around her waist.

Qiao Yu hugged his neck slightly, a big sweet smile suddenly appeared on his cold face, and he said jokingly: "Should you say that I should say that your child is teachable or self-conscious?"

"Huh?" Lu Yi frowned, staring at her incomprehensibly.

"Actually, I just wanted you to hug me, I didn't want you to kiss me, but I don't mind kissing me, it's not bad, hehe." Qiao Yu smiled slyly, his brows were full of smiles.

Lu Yiyang was dumb, the handsome outline was scratched unnaturally, and he leaned over and pecked her pink lips in a punishing manner: "Go and eat breakfast."

"Hao Le, hehe." Qiao Yu nodded with a squinted smile, loosened his neck, and withdrew from his arms: "Then you drive carefully, and I will wait for you to come back to dinner at night."

"Yeah." Lu Yiyang straightened up and made a single tone.

"I made an appointment with Yin Shi in the afternoon to have afternoon tea. If you come to pick me up early after get off work!"


"By the way, I watched the interview yesterday." When Qiao Yuwei turned around and was about to leave, she suddenly remembered the video she saw last night, but she chased the TV last night and forgot it, so she didn't have time to mention it with him.

"What interview?" Lu Yiyang looked at his brows still suspiciously.

Qiao Yu gave him a white look, stood up intentionally, put away the smile on his face, imitated his serious and indifferent look, and deliberately cleared his throat, making an affectionate look: "Ahem, I am enough to support her."


When Lu Yiyang heard the words, a thin layer of blush floated on the handsome silhouette, and his gaze was a little dodging. The sharp gaze gave her a fierce look, with a warning. "

But Qiao Yu was not afraid at all, and the smile on his face became clearer: "Hey, but I am very happy when I hear it, so I decided that it would be nice to be idle at home, and I will leave it to you in the future to make money and support the family. That’s it, I’ll be responsible for eating the responsible flowers, okay?"

"It's up to you." Lu Yiyang's tone sounded light and windy, but his eyes were misty, and he agreed with her case.

In fact, when it comes to work, he really hopes that she stays at home every day and doesn’t have to work all over the world. Now when he comes home from work every day, seeing her has become a habit that he can’t quit, once he doesn’t see her. ,'S cold sight will involuntarily look for it until it finds it.

"Anyway, your words are released, even if it is to perfuse the media, I take it seriously."

Lu Yiyang squinted his eyes, pursed his lips and said, "Seriously."


"That said."

"What are you talking about?"

"Raise you."

Qiao Yu was stunned for a moment, showing a sweet smile, but still couldn't help but spit him: "I said you can't just finish it in one sentence? If you don't score so many times, it's not too tired. Can this be a problem? Change it?"

"it is good."

"Tsk, what is going on when I found that you are particularly good at talking during this time? Is it my illusion?" Qiao Yuwei folded his hands on his chest, looked at him up and down, and asked suspiciously: "Did you do something sorry for me? "

"No." Lu Yiyang's face was stern, and he reached out to pinch her baby face: "Don't talk nonsense, this kind of thing won't happen."

"Hey, hey, if it doesn't happen, it won't happen. Can you pinch my face? Look, just these few days, I always like to pinch me, I feel my face is fattened by you. ."

"It's better to be fatter."

"Where is it good to be fat?" Qiao Yu patted his hand off in a slightly angry manner, rubbed his cheek, and retorted dissatisfiedly.

Lu Yiyang pursed his lips and stared at her quietly, without the intention of answering.

Qiao Yu squinted over and found that every time he spoke at a critical moment, he began to pretend to be a bear, with a taciturn look.

"Go for breakfast, I have a meeting at half past nine." Lu Yiyang glanced at the time on his wrist and whispered.

"Hmph, then you go! Drive carefully." Qiao Yu snorted slightly, pretending to be angry, but her concerned words and tone betrayed her and walked towards the restaurant.

Lu Yiyang withdrew his gaze, with a faint smile under his eyes, changed his shoes and went out directly.

Hearing the sound of the car's engine outside, Qiao Yu raised his eyebrows slightly and took a sip of milk: "Uncle Chen, is the pastry you made yesterday still a little bit? Yin Shi said he wanted to try it. It happens to be taken to her, and I will go to the mountainous area to support education at the end of the month."

"Not much, I can do more if Miss Yin likes it."

"Okay, thank you very much!"

"Madam, you are polite."

It was nearly 9:30 when Lu Yiyang drove to the company. Zhai Jiaye greeted him at the door of the building and handed over the things to be used in the meeting later. Lu Yiyang took it and glanced at it and threw it back into Zhai Jiaye's hand : "I have seen the data on the data board last night. The difference is too much from the previous month. Let them find a way to make up for it next month. The joint project with Yingshi Group can be initially planned. After the meeting, you personally and Contact over there."

"Yes." Zhai Jiaye steadily caught the materials that Lu Yiyang threw back: "Then are you going directly to the meeting room now?"

"Go to the meeting room."


The meeting lasted for about an hour and a half. When Lu Yiyang came out of the meeting room, his face was not very good. He was obviously not satisfied with the plan and project progress given by the executives at the meeting, and even a little angry.

Seeing him get up and leave, all the executives in the conference room did not dare to make a big sound. They were relieved after seeing him disappear from view, but his face was very solemn. This President Lu is so demanding that he has to think about it. How easy is a plan that fits Mr. Lu's heart!

"Call back the newly sent contract from ug, and inform the legal team to communicate with ug. If the contract is not reached, don't submit it." Lu Yiyang walked forward and said coldly to Zhai Jiaye who was behind him.

"Yes, I will contact the Legal Department and Ug to re-negotiate a new contract later."

"They raised the ratio in the last contract by two points higher than before, too much."

"I already talked to them on the phone yesterday, and they said they could discuss it again."

Lu Yiyang didn't answer the call after hearing it. He walked directly to the office, opened the door and walked in. Zhai Jiaye didn't follow up, and instead returned to his office to deal with work matters.

Nearly 11:30, Lu Yiyang received a call from Yi Ru and learned the whole process of Qiao Yuwei’s injury from his mouth. His face became darker and darker, and the strength of his mobile phone was also increasing. Bigger.

After hanging up the phone with Yi Ru, Lu Yiyang sat on the office chair, his face sullen, and fell into thought.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhai Jiaye wanted to enter the president's office with the documents in her hand, but was suddenly pulled by a female secretary: "General Zhai, I just received a call from the front desk downstairs, saying that someone wanted to see Mr. Lu. "

"Have an appointment?"


"No, Mr. Lu is not free."

"But the front desk said that the person knew Mr. Lu, and he said his last name was He."

"He?" Zhai Jiaye narrowed his eyes for a moment. After the rounds in his mind, Lu Yiyang locked in that day and asked him to investigate the list of Wen Shurou's medical team in Canada. The deputy attending physician was He Ji'an.

After a little thought, Zhai Jiaye tightened her lips: "I'll go in and ask Mr. Lu."

"it is good."

Zhai Jiaye knocked on the door of the office with his fingers, then gently pushed away and walked in. Looking at the clean man leaning on the office chair, Zhai Jiaye put the papers in his hand on the desk, and nodded: "Mr. Lu, what do you explain? I have already dealt with it, and ug has also agreed."

"Well, the boss of ug just called me."

Hearing this, Zhai Jiaye hesitated for a while, and asked, "Mr. Lu, there is someone in the lobby below who wants to see you. He claims to be his last name."

"What?" Lu Yiyang raised his eyes and looked at him, with some doubts between his eyebrows.

Zhai Jiaye nodded and said nothing.

"He Ji'an?" Lu Yiyang squinted his long and narrow eyes. The first thing he thought of was the name. He rubbed his full fingertips lightly, as if thinking about something. It took him a while to close the documents on the table and push it down. Aside, he whispered: "Let him come up."


After Zhai Jiaye turned around and left the office, he went to one of the desks in the secretary's room and dialed the company's internal line and received it in the lobby, and asked the front desk clerk to call He Ji'an directly to the president's office.

A few minutes later, He Ji'an came to the secretary office of the president's office. Zhai Jiaye was waiting at the door. When he saw him, he nodded and said politely: "Doctor He, please come in. We are waiting for you in Mr. Lu."

He Ji'an stared at the seemingly luxurious composite door in front of her face, and walked over.

As soon as he entered the office, He Ji'an saw Lu Yiyang, who had always been clear and indifferent, sitting on the office chair, and the falcon's sharp eyes were mixed with chills.

It was not the first time that he saw Lu Yiyang, but he suddenly felt that there was an invisible pressure surrounding him, his eyes narrowed, and he walked to the desk: "Mr. Lu, I have something to ask you for help."

"Please?" Lu Yiyang lifted his eyes to look at him, got up from the office chair, and walked to the sofa: "Doctor Ho, please sit down. The word you use is really special."

He Ji'an lowered his face, walked over, sat on the sofa, and suddenly didn't know how to speak.

Lu Yiyang's legs were overlapped, and his expression on the whole person seemed relaxed and content. He looked at him with cold eyes, and indifferently twitched his lips: "If I guess correctly, Dr. Ho should be here today for a gentle thing. Right!"

When He Ji'an heard this, he looked at him in surprise: "Mr. Lu, you know?"

"Yi Ru called me this morning."

"then you……."

"The police enforced the law reasonably, and she deserved it. I didn't plan to intervene in this matter." Lu Yiyang interrupted him coldly, and his eyes became more fierce: "You should be thankful that I didn't treat her in the face of her father. Do it, remember, it's just for the face of her father."

"She suffers from mental depression. I have seen a psychiatrist. Mr. Lu, I know that this matter is her fault. She hurt your wife, but if you don’t show up on this matter, she really She will go to jail, and if she enters in her current state, she is likely to self-harm, so..."

"I never like to say it a second time when I speak. Since the gentleness of the book has been handed over to the police, my Lu family has not so much power to turn her guilty into innocence. She has polished my last patience and guilt. , I’m not in charge of the rest. Since Dr. He is so affectionate and righteous to her, please, I will have a meeting in the afternoon and will not send it off." Lu Yiyang interrupted him again, in a ruthless tone. Without half-minute temperature.

"Mr. Lu, I beg you, Shurou, she really knows that she was wrong, please give her another chance, I will take her back to Canada when she comes out, and I won't come back again." Knowing that Lu Yiyang is determined I don't care about this matter, He Ji'an is not willing to give up, try to lower his tone to lower his identity and plead for Wen Shurou.

"One chance?" Lu Yiyang snorted softly, "Doctor He is calm and gentle, and the tone is somewhat similar to the tone you used to pretend to be sick and lie to me."


"Jiaye, see off the guest." Lu Yiyang gave him a cold look, got up from the sofa, turned around and walked to the desk, turned his back to him, and pressed an internal landline on the desk.

Zhai Jiaye on the other end of the phone heard the words and immediately walked in, nodded slightly to He Ji'an, and made a'please' gesture. His tone of voice was fairly modest: "Doctor Ho, please, there is still a very important thing behind Mr. Lu. stroke."

He Ji'an looked at his back, and slowly got up, and bowed heavily to him: "Mr. Lu, please consider Shurou again. I am here to apologize for her and your wife. I'm sorry."

Lu Yiyang didn't turn around, but stood there resolutely, until he heard He Ji'an leave and open the office door before turning his head to look over.

After Zhai Jiaye sent He Ji'an off, he walked in again: "Mr. Lu, do we still care about gentle things?"

"Control? Do you want to control?"

"No...it's not."

"She won't have to worry about her business anymore. By the way, I will inform Canada that she can't go. Except for the house where she lives now, everything else will be recycled. She will have nothing to do with me in the future."

"Yes." Zhai Jiaye replied softly, knowing that Lu Yiyang was deliberately hurt by Wen Shurou and Qiao Yuwei was so angry that he would definitely not care about Wen Shurou's life and death. It is estimated that Wen Shurou is now looking for life in front of him, and Lu Yiyang will look on with cold eyes. .

He himself is a ruthless and cold-blooded person. He used to treat Wen Shurou with a bit of guilt and compensation before, but this time of Wen Shurou has polished all his thoughts, and the most important thing is that it hurt Qiao Yuwei. He is the most unbearable, so Wen Shurou is dead or alive, he is not interested at all, she is already giving face to her father if she doesn't do anything.


After Qiao Yuwei was injured, he basically didn't care about it. Anyway, he let Lu Yiyang stand in the front. As soon as she heard those things, her head was buzzing, so she could not see her heart and let Fang Fang. Xin and Yin Shi and the others don't need to investigate anymore. Everything is handed over to the police. If there is a result, just tell her.

In fact, she is not big-hearted, because she doesn't want to recall the bad things that affect her mood. She still prefers the self who ate and slept, slept, and then likes to play the piano and follow the TV to stick to her husband.

After meeting with Yin Shi, Qiao Yuwei handed her the cakes prepared by Uncle Chen. Yin Shi took the smell and raised his eyebrows: "Xinxin is right. Uncle Chen's craftsmanship is so good. , Nothing can trouble him."

"Hey, isn't it! Envy?"

"Don't come." Yin Shi gave her a sideways glance and put the bag aside: "By the way, I called Xinxin in the morning, how did she have no time?"

Speaking of this, Qiao Yuwei couldn't help laughing and waved his hand: "Haha, haven't you seen the message she posted on WeChat yesterday?"

"What? I didn't click in." Yin Shi said later, picked up his phone and opened WeChat, listened to Fang Xin's voice yesterday, and then looked up at her in surprise: "Isn't it! Blind date? "

Qiao Yu nodded slightly: "Well, she is still asking for help in the morning, and I can't help! Isn't her aunt anxious for her? She started to arrange a blind date for her, and now she must be talking and laughing with others, there is no time to come. We have tea and chat here."

"It seems that from now on, the three of us will be alone."

"You can also find one!"

"Forget it! I think it's good to be single. I can earn money by myself, I can eat food by myself, and I have a washing machine for clothes. Isn't it a waste of trouble to find a man?" Yin Shi took a small sip of coffee. Shrugged and said disapprovingly.

When Yin said this, Qiao Yu was slightly dumb, looking at her unlovably: "It's useless in your eyes to be with a man."

Yin Shi chuckled lightly, but the smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes: "It's nice to be alone. When you get old, you can live in a nursing home."

Qiao Yuwei knew about Yin Shi’s thoughts, but since knowing her until now, Qiao Yuwei has never seen anyone with Yin Shi. Generally speaking, people who can say such things shouldn’t be loved. Hurt something?

But Yin Shi has never been in a relationship. Is it because of the family?

Speaking of them, they have known each other for so long, and Qiao Yuwei has never heard Yin Shi mention anything about her family, nor has he met her parents.

"Hey, let's go!" Qiao Yuwei didn't plan to ask, she thought, Yin Shi would naturally say that there is no need to ask more. As a friend, it is enough to be by her side when she needs it.

"How are your preparations for going to Yuerwan to teach?"

"The sponsor has already negotiated, and it's almost time to sign an agreement. Your husband didn't plan to cooperate with me, but promised me to donate 200,000 anonymously to help rebuild the school in the mountainous area."

"He told me about it."

"I'm not talking about you two now!"

"That's a must! I am a husband and wife. Of course, I have to tell me about this kind of thing. I asked my heart yesterday afternoon. The piano I donated will go with you then. There are also schoolbags and books. An Qi and the others have already purchased it." Qiao Yuwei raised his eyebrows of course, speaking very confidently.

"That list has been shown to me, and I was right." Yin Shi put down the coffee cup in his hand: "Shishi's goods were accepted by my staff last night."

"Then since my husband didn't participate in the cooperation, isn't your project still missing one of the most important sponsor sponsors?"

Yin Shi nodded, with a helpless expression on his face: "Ying's group."

"Should Xiaoyang?"

"Well, I didn't want him to get involved at all. He came to the door himself, and I couldn't find a suitable one later. His company is mainly engaged in catering and tourism, but it echoes the original intention of this project. If you don't pick it up, he said it himself, and all the remaining aid costs are counted as his."

"Tsk, it's Mr. Ying, it's lavish." Qiao Yu shook his head slightly, "But the Ying Group has never participated in this kind of charity project. Why did Ying Xiaoyang make such a big deal this time?"

"I don't know, who knows what he is thinking." Yin Shi spread his hands and shrugged, also quite at a loss.

"To be honest, I really want to go with you."

"Okay! I am afraid I will be bored if I don't adapt to it alone! If..."

"Stop, if it's not, don't get excited, just listen to me." Qiao Yu raised his hand slightly to stop her, and rolled his eyes: "Do you think Lu Yiyang will agree to me?"

"No." Yin Shi was dumb, and the interest he had just ignited was instantly extinguished, and he replied very surely.

Qiao Yu sighed slightly: "Just as I told him about this matter the day before yesterday, he was very ruthlessly interrupted, and he didn't give me a chance to continue."

"Forget it, I'll go alone!" Yin Shi curled his lips and murmured: "Look! A man is a stumbling block."

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