Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 64: : Honeymoon

After half a month, the case of Qiao Yuwei’s injury was finally investigated. Wen Shurou was also handed over to the prosecutor’s office for the crime of intentional injury. During the trial of the case, Qiao Yuwei didn’t intervene and Lu Yiyang didn’t intervene. Zhai Jiaye heard the result, saying that Wen Shurou was sentenced to six years and eight months in the first-instance judgment. Wen Shurou appealed on the spot, and the judge rejected her appeal on the spot. .

He Ji'an has visited her several times. At first, when the verdict was not down, Wen Shurou was still willing to see her, but since the verdict was down, Wen Shurou did not want to see anyone.

The light in her heart moved away from her a little bit, and finally left her alone in the dark. She was too familiar with that feeling and was always afraid to return to the time when she was alone, but she worked hard for so long, after all A person.

No one belongs to her. She is like the most surplus person in this world. She is always abandoned again, picked up again, abandoned again, over and over again, and over and over again, she almost forgets the feeling of having a home. What kind of it.

But because of her special body and congenital heart disease, the guards in the prison also took good care of her and gave her regular medical examinations.

On the fourth day after entering the Second Women’s Prison, Wen Shurou could not bear the atmosphere inside. In the despair of the night, she herself had a moderate depression, and finally chose to hit the wall to relieve herself.

In fact, her life should have died nine years ago, and it is God's favor for her to live till now.

But now he was killed by himself.

Fortunately, the prison guards who came to patrol found her in time and sent her back to the hospital for rescue, but she fell into a coma, and the handcuffs on her hands still did not disappear. As she went to sleep, there were police officers at the door of the ward day and night. Take turns guarding.


The weather in late May became gradually hotter, changing from a thin coat to a sweet skirt, Qiao Yuwei walked out of the bedroom and walked to the front of the study, knocked on the door with his fingers, and then gently pushed away and poked his head. Entering in, he smiled and looked at Lu Yiyang sitting in the revolving chair.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Lu Yiyang raised his gaze slightly and looked in the direction of the door. When the beautiful and playful baby face reflected the cold black pupils, the dull face became slightly softened, and he lowered his right hand. He closed the document in front of him, and asked quietly: "Are you awake?"

"Yeah." Qiao Yu nodded slightly, pushed all the doors away and walked to the edge of the table, glanced at the neatly placed documents on the table, and asked, "Today is the weekend! You plan to spend the whole day in the study. Ever?"

"Where do you want to go?" Lu Yiyang asked rhetorically, pursing his lips.

Qiao Yuwei thought about it carefully and shook his head: "I don't know, but I don't want to stay at home. I'm going to be moldy at home. I want to go on a walk-away trip, such as going to the chocolate capital of Belgium, romantic. Turkey, Paris, Australia, etc."

Lu Yiyang lowered his eyes and thought for a while, "Where do you want to go first?"

"Huh?" Qiao Yuwei was a little surprised when asked by him like this: "Are you planning to come and go on a trip with me?"

"Don't you want to go?"

"I want to go! But do you have time? You are so busy with work, your schedule must be full!" Qiao Yu lay on the table slightly, supporting his chin with both hands, with a little regret in his tone.

"Then go, I'll book a ticket." Lu Yiyang looked at her, spoke with a very positive tone, and after speaking, he picked up the phone next to him and checked the ticket: "There is a flight to Australia at 7 o'clock this evening, nine The point is to Turkey. There are no flights to Belgium and Paris today. There will be no flights until tomorrow. Where do you want to go?"

"Lu Yiyang."


"Are you serious?"


"Then you work..."

"Push it."

"Um... Isn't this bad?"

"The honeymoon I owe you." Lu Yiyang thought for a while, spit out these very calm five words from his cold lips.

But Qiao Yuwei was in a daze when he listened. He was stunned, and he forgot to blink his eyes. He looked at him incredulously. When he recovered, he straightened up and walked around the edge of the table to Lu Yiyang's side. Pulling the swivel chair, turning around, and looking at him up and down: "Are you really Lu Yiyang? You shouldn't! According to Lu Yiyang's muyu head and the boring temperament, it is absolutely impossible to say such things, or to say You have made rapid progress during this period of time, and suddenly your mind has been enlightened?"


Lu Yiyang was dumb. After accepting her scrutiny, he couldn't help but said: "One last time, where do you want to go?"

"Hmm...then Turkey." Qiao Yuwei felt that this was a missed opportunity. Naturally, he had to take advantage of it. To be able to travel abroad with Lu Yiyang, is this something she has always dreamed of after marriage?

After Lu Yiyang listened, he immediately retracted his gaze and booked two tickets on his mobile phone: "It's 3:30 in the afternoon and the plane is nine o'clock. I have to arrive at the airport one hour earlier."

"I understand, I understand very well, I will go to pack my luggage now, let Uncle Chen cook early in the evening, and then search for Turkey guides to see what kind of clothes are suitable for the past." Qiao Yu snapped his fingers in excitement. , The whole person became agitated, and after speaking happily, he quickly ran and left the study'.

Lu Yiyang looked at her cheerful figure, pursed his lips, Yu Guang glanced at the phone, raised his cold eyebrows slightly, and dialed Zhai Jiaye's phone, asking him to cancel all the itinerary arrangements for the past week, and also told him by the way, He is no longer in the country during this period, and the company's affairs are left to him. Please feel free to contact him if he has any issues.

This ‘surprise’ came too unexpected, and Zhai Jiaye was completely confused.

Why are you going abroad for this good-for-nothing?

He remembered that during this time the company did not have any foreign projects that required Lu Yiyang to go there in person. The call came so suddenly that Zhai Jiaye concluded that this matter might not have anything to do with his wife.

He discovered that the current President Lu and the former President Lu are completely two people. The former President Lu only had work in his mind, and he did not have the least bit of anger. Now President Lu only has a wife in his heart, without the slightest touch of humanity. He pushes his work completely regardless of the consequences. He comes to clean up all messes, it is really not easy for him.

For Mr. Lu, who is a bit too willful at work now, Zhai Jiaye can only shed two lines of tears silently. He really doesn’t know whether to thank Qiao Yuwei or blame Qiao Yuwei. Fortunately, he doesn’t have to work as hard as before. Working overtime day and night, the blame is that the work he has done recently has offended people, and it really offends people.

However, it is really rare to be able to see the dignified President Lu's beloved wife during his lifetime, and it is worthwhile to lose his eyes.

Qiao Yuwei started to pack his luggage, Lu Yiyang didn’t rush, and after talking on the phone with Zhai Jiaye, he put down his work, got up and returned to the bedroom, leaning on the invisible door of the cloakroom, with both hands down. In the trouser pocket, she looked casually at the ground piled up by her, a little helpless on the handsome silhouette.

He should be thankful that she didn't help him clean up on business trips in the past, otherwise he could already imagine what a mess he could have inside the moment he opened the box.

"The temperature in Turkey is basically not higher than 30 degrees throughout the year. It’s summer. Usually the temperature is about 20 degrees to 27 or 8 degrees. The lowest temperature is about 15 degrees. The precipitation is about 31 degrees. You bring clothes. In addition to summer clothes, you also need to bring a jacket. Just bring two thicker ones and two thinner ones, and two sets of sweaters inside. In addition, I received your two suspender skirts. You are not allowed to wear them. Can't wear it." Lu Yiyang stood there for a long time, watching her look for clothes in the closet, especially when she saw her take out two sets of suspender skirts from the cabinet, and the styles were still hollowed-out back and belly-button-exposed dresses. Yes, he couldn't help it anymore, and directly helped her make a decision with a cold voice.

Qiao Yuwei listened to the words, with a surprised expression on the beautiful baby's face: "Did you just check the climate in Turkey secretly online? You said everything."

"I went there once last year."

"Really? With whom?"

"Jia Ye."

"Tsk! It's a pity that the two elders went to such a romantic Turkey."

"It's going to work."

"All right!" Qiao Yu curled his lips slightly, looked down at the two skirts in his hand, and said with some regret: "Didn't you say that the highest temperature is about 30 degrees? That's pretty hot, why not? Wear it? It’s a big deal, when it’s cold at night, I’ll add a jacket! Look at how beautiful this dress is! It’s a shame not to go out without wearing it."

"I said you can't wear it, you can't wear it."

"I want to wear it."

"I don't want to."

"Hey! Why are you doing this!"

Lu Yiyang didn't bother to argue with her, and walked straight over, grabbed the two skirts in her hand and stuffed it into the cabinet, then walked towards his clothing area very smartly, and took a few more casual clothes. She put her jacket aside and opened the black suitcase in the corner.

Facing his ignorance, Qiao Yu akimbo slightly angrily, bulging his cheeks, and looking at the two skirts that he forcibly stuffed back into the closet, deeply saddened.

She hasn't had time to wear it since early summer!

It was more than an hour after the two people packed their clothes. They prepared some conventional medicines. Qiao Yuwei packed all his cosmetics and skin care products again, and spent more than half an hour.

When choosing shoes, Qiao Yuwei began to struggle again. Lu Yiyang was much simpler. He simply picked a few sets of clothes and installed a pair of shoes and two watches and it was over, unlike Qiao Yuwei. trouble.

Seeing her tangled appearance, Lu Yiyang didn't rush her in a hurry. He just stood there and looked at her without saying a word, without giving her any advice.

When it comes to choosing clothes and shoes, Qiao Yuwei didn't plan to count on Lu Yiyang. According to his straight and boring temperament, he might give her some fairy opinions!

So let's slowly entangle herself!

After struggling for a long time, when Qiao Yuwei finally made up his mind to pick up a pair of thick-heeled sandals about 5 cm, a cold voice suddenly came from the top of his head: "No high heels."

Qiao Yu paused slightly with the movement of the shoes, turned his head and glared at him angrily, silently put the high heels back on the shoe cabinet, took two pairs of white shoes, put them in the box with shoe covers.

"Yeah! It's so heavy, I can't lift it, Lu Yiyang..." Qiao Yuwei closed the box, buckled it and locked it, and realized that he couldn't carry the big box at all, so she wanted to turn around and call Lu Yiyang, but she just turned her head. Lu Yiyang's back was stuck, Leng Sui's eyes drooped at her slightly, his slender arms stretched out and grabbed the box in her hand.

Qiao Yu was stunned for a while, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he turned to face him, smiling and jokingly: "Are you teasing me now?"

"Then you mention it yourself." Lu Yiyang pursed his lips, looked at the sly smile on her face, and planned to withdraw his hand.


"Let go, I'll come." Qiao Yuwei just yelled, Lu Yiyang grabbed her little hand and said coldly.

Qiao Yu snorted slightly: "You are really unforgiving."


It was already half past five when the two of them went downstairs. Qiao Yu smelled the smell of food floating out of the kitchen. He was so hungry that he screamed, so he trot to the kitchen and asked in a low voice: "Uncle Chen, When can I eat? I'm so hungry!"

"Immediately, I will serve this soup right now."


After eating, Qiao Yuwei went upstairs to choose a bag that he wanted to carry, and then he held his mobile phone, Fang Xin, and Yin Shi to show off that he was going abroad and Lu Yiyang for their honeymoon.

Listening to her screaming tone and arrogant attitude, Fang Xin and Yin Shi felt shameless, and scorned her severely, and said that if you don’t bring gifts to them, then don’t came back.

Fang Xin also said that she might consider making a baby doll abroad with Lu Yiyang.

After listening to this point, Qiao Yu seriously thought about it, but thought it could be considered. However, with regard to children, she hasn't really thought about it since she got married. Can she really be a qualified mother like this?

At about 7:30, the two drove to the airport from Uncle Chen. After waiting for more than an hour at the terminal, they boarded the plane and flew to Turkey, the romantic place she has always longed for.

After taking a seat on the plane, Lu Yiyang found Qiao Yuwei's whole person and spirits suddenly, and he didn't know what he was thinking about. He seemed a little absent-minded, and sometimes she couldn't hear when talking to her.

After thinking for a while, I couldn't help but ask: "What are you thinking?"

"Huh?" Qiao Yu slightly recovered, and suddenly looked up at him: "Oh, I'm thinking about a very serious and rigorous question that concerns the future of the two of us."

"tell me the story."

"I just chatted with Xinxin and Yin Shi, and told them that I was going to Turkey, and then... Xinxin said a question that I care about and is worth considering."


"We are going out this time as a honeymoon trip, right?"


"We have been married for eight or nine months, right?"


"Is it time to think about giving birth? Grandpa and his elders also want to have a great grandson, should we work hard? Give grandpa a hug."


Lu Yiyang swept around, reaching out and grabbing her arm. There was something unnatural in the handsome outline: "Do you think this kind of thing exists?"

"Then we have to work hard too! Can't it?"

Lu Yiyang pursed his lips. In fact, he never thought about becoming a father. Now Qiao Yuwei suddenly mentioned that he really started to ponder in his heart. After a long silence, he said, "Well, let it be. Yes, I don’t want it."

"Hehe, in fact, I am still looking forward to a little life." Qiao Yu said slightly, subconsciously rubbing his stomach, and staring down at his abdomen.

Lu Yiyang glanced at her belly and threw out a very serious sentence: "Are you ready to be a mother?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Don't be the first to grab food with your kids."


Qiao Yu was slightly dumb, pouting angrily, and asked dissatisfiedly: "Am I that kind of person?"

Hearing that, Lu Yiyang silently retracted his gaze and said nothing.

"Hey, you speak! What do you mean by being silent at this time?" Qiao Yu pushed his arm slightly, questioning dissatisfiedly.

"Nothing, when I didn't say it."

"Lu Yiyang." Qiao Yu reached out and pinched his arm slightly angrily.

Lu Yiyang glanced at her without a trace. His complexion remained unchanged, and he didn't seem to have any pain. Instead, he reached out and grabbed her hand and leaned in his arms: "Close your eyes and sleep for a while."

"I slept during the day, where I can sleep now." Qiao Yuwei was forcibly pressed into his arms by him, and was too lazy to get up, so he found a comfortable position to lie down and did not feel any sleep at all.

"Rely on not to move."

"Are you tired?"

"It's okay."

"You're going to be sleepy, so go to bed first!"


A few minutes later, Lu Yiyang's brows twitched fiercely, watching the woman lying in his arms slightly open her mouth, sleeping very sweetly, helplessly appearing on her handsome silhouette.

Isn't it sleepy?

As a result, I slept faster than anyone else, and there is still this sleeping look, is it not too ugly?

In desperation, Lu Yiyang had to drag her head with his other hand and gently press it into his arms, just to prevent others from seeing her sleeping face of "shocking ghosts and ghosts".

When I arrived at Istanbul Capital Airport, it was already around two o'clock in the afternoon. Qiao Yuwei stretched out after getting off the plane: "I'm exhausted, I'm finally here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yiyang stretched out his hand and took her hand, leading her to the outside of the airport.

The two rented a car and came to a homestay and villa they had booked before. After meeting the landlord, Lu Yiyang got the key, went into the house, pushed the luggage into the room, and Qiao Yuwei was extremely excited to visit the whole room. The layout of the villa.

Although this villa is not as big as their own home, it looks very bright and tidy as a whole, and it looks pretty good. Qiao Yuwei is also very satisfied. Returning to the first floor, he saw Lu Yiyang just took it from the refrigerator in the kitchen. When the bottle of water came out to drink, he walked directly over, took the bottle of water and drank.

Lu Yiyang's hands were empty and looked at her silently.

"I'm hungry, do you have anything to eat?" After drinking the water, Qiao Yu smiled and squeezed the water back into his hand, and asked coquettishly.

"Just now the landlord said that there are many restaurants in front, let's go take a look?" Lu Yiyang put the cap on the water bottle and put it on the table, and said lightly.


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