Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

: Fang Xinfan 079: Some things are not there

Seeing Zhai Jiaye's leaving back, Fang Xin jumped up with this anger and hurriedly chased him out, but when he walked to the door, he was stopped by the waiter and said that he did not pay the bill. Fang Xin pouted dissatisfiedly. The cash in the bag was directly stuffed into the hands of the waiter: "I will put the remaining money on Qiao Yuwei, who should know Qiao Yuwei! She often comes to this restaurant. Biqugev"

"Oh, yes, welcome to come again." The waiter was stunned, then nodded clearly, and watched Fang Xin leave.

Fang Xin walked out of the restaurant, looked around, and walked to the parking lot. As expected, he saw Zhai Jiaye's figure there and shouted, "Zhai Jiaye, stop for me."

Hearing this, Zhai Jiaye stopped, but did not turn around to look at her.

Seeing him with her back to her, Fang Xin walked in front of him angrily, frowned and said, "What do you mean? You made my blind date pornographic, and you are still angry. Are you irrational at all? ?"

"I'm not reasonable?" Zhai Jiaye looked at her in surprise, and asked patiently, "Do you remember what I said to you last time? It's only a few days before you came to have a blind date?"

"Last time? Which time?" Fang Xin blinked, and didn't really think of it for a while.

Zhai Jiaye was so angry that her brows jumped, and raised her hand to help her forehead: "The last time you left my house."

Fang Xin was startled, his pupils dilated a little, and remembered, moved his lips, thought for a while and said: "I... didn't I say that last time? Ahem, everyone is an adult. There is no need to take that matter to heart, and..."

"That's what you think?" Zhai Jiaye frowned and interrupted her displeasedly.

Fang Xin raised his eyes and looked at him, looking at the serious expression in his eyes, and nodded after a long time: "Yeah."

"Okay, I see. I'm sorry about the blind date that disturbed you today. There will be no next time." Zhai Jiaye has always been a person who doesn't like procrastination. Hearing this, she feels angry in her heart. It didn't happen that it happened. After speaking coldly, he directly bypassed her and got into his car and left.

Hearing the sound of the car's engine getting further and further away, Fang Xin tightened her red lips and sighed silently. The reason why she said that was actually very simple. It wasn't that she wanted to get caught, but that she and Zhai Jiaye didn't know much about each other. , And most importantly, she didn't feel that Zhai Jiaye liked her. He was willing to marry her because of the accident that happened that night, and he wanted to be responsible.

This kind of marriage is not what she yearns for. She has never liked the word'flash marriage' very much. She just feels that it is too unreliable and can't give her the sense of security she wants. Although she is usually careless, she is a woman. , She will also look forward to things that women should yearn for.

She is not an unreasonable person, there are some things, some things, not all of a sudden.

But this blind date was also arranged by her mother, who asked her to come, but she didn't want to be hit by Zhai Jiaye.


Since Qiao Yuwei rarely accepts business performance activities recently, the work of the studio has become free, and occasionally needs to be busy.

On the third day after the unhappy meeting with Zhai Jiaye that day, Fang Xin suddenly found the white shirt in the cloakroom. Suddenly Zhai Jiaye's handsome face with a little seriousness appeared in his mind, and he let out a long sigh of relief. I found a bag, folded the shirt, put it in, and went out.

In fact, it’s also a coincidence that the apartment where Fang Xin lives and the apartment where Zhai Jiaye lives are actually separated by a green street. The two communities are exactly opposite each other. Although they look far away, they come out through the side door of Fang Xin’s apartment. It's a straight road.

This was also discovered when she left Zhai Jiaye's house that morning.

After arriving at the apartment building where Zhai Jiaye lived, Fang Xin took out his mobile phone and checked the time. It was around five o'clock in the afternoon. It stands to reason that Zhai Jiaye should be still at work at this time, not off work.

She wanted to go up, but if Zhai Jiaye was at home and the two met each other, what should she say?

After struggling at the door, Fang Xin finally put the bag in the security booth at the gate of the community, and told the security guard: "Sorry, I will wait for the head of the house at 1037, Block C, to come back later. Please help me to transfer this to Give him a look! Thank you."

The security guard took the bag and nodded: "Okay."

Fang Xin smiled, turned around and walked a few steps outside, then looked back at the community, and silently retracted his gaze. For some reason, there was a trace of remembrance and reluctance in his heart.

At around 7 o'clock in the evening, Zhai Jiaye drove back to the community. Just as he was about to pass the security booth at the entrance, the security guard in the security room suddenly beckoned him. When Zhai Jiaye saw this, he stopped the car, lowered the window, and saw the security guard. Carrying a pink bag, he walked out of the security room: "Mr. Zhai, a girl asked me to pass it on to you today."

Zhai Jiaye glanced at the bag in his hand, took it and opened it, and looked at the neatly folded white shirt with a special fragrance inside. The expression on his face was slightly heavy, and he raised his eyes and asked: "This When did the clothes arrive?"

"It's about five o'clock in the afternoon, and it's probably not half past five."

"Well, thank you." Zhai Jiaye held the bag tightly and threw it onto the passenger's cab. After thanking the security guard, he raised the window and drove the car into the underground garage of the community.

After returning home, Zhai Jiaye grabbed the bag in her hand and threw it on the sofa, walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of ice water to drink, took out her phone from her trouser pocket, clicked on WeChat, found Fang Xin’s avatar, and opened the dialog box. , I typed a line of "clothes gotten", but hesitated when I wanted to send it. I deleted that line. In the end, I didn’t send anything. I quit WeChat and put the phone back in my trouser pocket.

At very late at night, Zhai Jiaye fell asleep, and a sudden ringtone broke the tranquility of the night and woke him up from his sleep. He closed his eyes and touched the phone on the bedside table. He opened one eye and looked at the electric display. When the word'Fang Xin' was reached, the other eye was also opened subconsciously. After confirming that it was correct, he slid to the answer button and said hoarsely: "Hey..."

"Um... Zhai Jiaye." Fang Xin's voice on the other end of the phone was very low, sounding like it was painful.

Zhai Jiaye felt something was wrong, and immediately sat up from the bed: "What's the matter? Where are you?"

"I am home……."

"what's happenin?"

"my stomach hurts."

Zhai Jiaye looked at her brows, put her long legs down from the bed, reached out to turn on the light, got up and walked to the cloakroom to get her clothes: "What's the matter?"

"Auntie is here, and it hurts so much that I can't move anymore. Can you come here?"

"Address." Zhai Jiaye pursed her lips, and she was still a little unnatural when she heard the three words'big aunt'.

"It's at No. 1203, 12th Floor, Block E, diagonally across from your apartment building."

"The Lu'an apartment diagonally across from my apartment?"

"Yeah." Fang Xin replied softly, "Um... bring me a box of warm palace stickers when you come. We can sell them in the 24-hour supermarket downstairs."


After hearing Zhai Jiaye's response, Fang Xin hung up the phone and curled up on the floor of the living room with her belly, leaning on the sofa, with layers of sweat on her forehead.

Zhai Jiaye also quickly changed into her clothes, and hurriedly went out, walked to the supermarket under the opposite community, and picked what she had just said, but after turning around twice, she couldn't find it. The one who was on duty at night When the eldest sister saw this, she came over and asked, "Young man, what do you want? Tell me, I'll help you find it."

Zhai Jiaye tightened her lips, raised her hand to cover her lips, and replied with some embarrassment: "Nuangong paste."

"Oh, is my girlfriend suffering from menstrual cramps?" The eldest sister suddenly realized when she heard it, she smiled and said: "Come with me, over here! I have been in this supermarket for so many years, and I rarely see men come to help my women. Your girlfriend must be very happy if a friend or wife comes to buy something like Nuan Gong paste."

After listening to the elder sister, Zhai Jiaye didn't say anything, but silently followed the elder sister.

When they arrived at the cargo shelf, the eldest sister handed the Nuan Gong stickers to Zhai Jiaye, using her identity as a person to say: "This menstrual pain is common to most women. You don't need to be nervous, but the process is a bit painful. You can bring brown sugar and **** Going back and cooking it for her can also relieve the pain. It is also good for her to drink more papaya syrup."

"Do you want it? Brown sugar water and **** slices?"


"I'll get it for you."

"Okay, thank you."

After buying everything, Zhai Jiaye went directly to the building Fang Xin mentioned earlier, took the elevator up to the 12th floor, and patrolled the house number, and finally locked in room 1203, reaching out and rang the doorbell.

After pressing it twice, a WeChat prompt came from the mobile phone, which was the ‘password, 074953’ sent by Fang Xin.

After seeing this string of numbers, Zhai Jiaye squinted her eyes, opened the light of the code lock, entered the code, the door opened with a jingle, and she opened the door and walked in.

Only one wall lamp was on in the entrance hallway, and only one floor lamp was on in the living room. When he glanced over, Zhai Jiaye saw Fang Xin sitting on the floor of the living room, his brows instantly twisted together and he took off his shoes. Stepped on the white socks and walked in.

"Why are you so slow?" Fang Xin raised his head and glared at him, and stretched out his hand: "What do I want?"

Zhai Jiaye took out a box of warm palace stickers from the bag and handed it to her. Fang Xin took the package and took out the package after three times and five divided by two. Then he took out one sticker. When he was about to remove the clothes sticker, he found that he was right. Looking at him intently, he stretched out his hand and pushed his face with his palm: "Don't you know how to avoid suspicion? Still staring?"

When Zhai Jiaye's face was pushed by her like this, her whole head was tilted to one side, and her eyes were also shifted to the side subconsciously, but she did not raise her hand to remove Fang Xin's hand, and silently opened her body sideways.

Fang Xin retracted her hand and opened her body sideways. She lifted her clothes and stuck the warm palace on her stomach, then put down her clothes, and she exhaled in pain.

Seeing that she had posted it, Zhai Jiaye looked over again: "You won't be sleeping in bed most of the night, what are you doing in the living room?"

"Didn't I come out to find Nuangong stickers? Then I found out that there were no more."

"Go back to bed and lie down."

"Wait, I just posted it, let me slow down, I can't stand up now."

Zhai Jiaye glanced at her somewhat pale face, pursed her lips, reached out his arms around her waist, directly hugged her up, and looked left and right: "Which is your room."

Fang Xin was stunned, and his two hands hooked his neck subconsciously. He came back to his senses when his eyes swept over, and pointed to the front: "There."

Zhai Jiaye hugged her back to the bedroom, put her gently on the bed, straightened up and walked outside the room.

"Hey, wait a minute." Fang Xin saw that he was going to leave, so he hurriedly stopped him.

Zhai Jiaye tilted her head and looked at him without saying a word.

"Why are you going?"

"I bought some brown sugar and boil some water for you."

Hearing this, Fang Xin raised his eyebrows: "Then you go!" But when he walked to the door, Fang Xin remembered a serious problem: "Hey, wait a minute, I... There is a rather embarrassing problem that I am never there. For cooking at home, there is no kitchen utensils, only two bowls, one plate and two pairs of chopsticks."

It was the last time Yin Shi came to her house to bring takeaways to eat and bought them along the way.

"There are always people who boil water?" Zhai Jiaye was dumb, and would ask after thinking about it.

Fang Xin nodded: "This is true."

After hearing this, Zhai Jiaye retracted his gaze and left the bedroom, went to the kitchen, turned on the light, and sure enough, a woman who didn't cook, the kitchen was indeed as clean as new, and there were two takeaway boxes in the trash can beside her. Apparently I ate it tonight.

After shaking her head helplessly, Zhai Jiaye took the brown sugar and **** out of the bag. After washing the ginger, she looked around and found a fruit knife to slice the **** and began to boil the brown sugar water.

Fang Xin, who was sitting on the bed, waited for about eight or nine minutes. Zhai Jiaye walked in with a bowl of brown sugar water, sat on the edge of the bed, and stretched the bowl in front of her: "Drink."

Fang Xin leaned over and smelled it. The pungent smell of **** made her face twisted up, her eyes were a little bit disgusting, and she looked at him curiously: "Where do you know, woman And brown sugar **** water is good for dysmenorrhea?"

"That eldest sister said when I was shopping."

"So you bought it?"

"Yeah." Zhai Jiaye responded calmly, motioning her with her eyes: "Drink."

"It's too hot."

Zhai Jiaye stared at the heat in the bowl, and said with a glance at her eyebrows: "I have used ice outside to cool down just now, so it's not hot anymore."



Fang Xin took Xiaoyi and took a sip. Although the smell was a bit pungent, she could still accept the smell, and the temperature was relatively moderate. She was not a hypocritical person at first, so she dried a bowl of brown sugar water in a couple of mouthfuls.

"After drinking and sleeping, it should be fine tomorrow morning." Seeing that the water in the bowl had bottomed out, Zhai Jiaye got up with the bowl and asked her a few words, staring at her pretty face, silently looking away: "I'll leave if there is nothing wrong."

Watching him turn around to leave, Fang Xin suddenly asked, "I sent your white shirt this afternoon. I think you left it in the security room before you got off work. Did you take it?"

"Take it."

"Oh oh."

Zhai Jiaye turned his gaze to look at her, pursing her lips, "Is there nothing else I want to say?"

Fang Xin raised his eyes and stared at him, his lips moved and moved, and when he saw that he was ready to lift his leg and leave, he said, "Uh...I want to eat your breakfast?"

Hearing, Zhai Jiaye was taken aback: "You don't have a pot here, and there is no food in the refrigerator."

"I know."

"You asked me to go back and make it for you?"

"Um...it seems a bit troublesome to say that! Then... forget it! Thank you tonight. I will transfer the money for shopping to you tomorrow via WeChat. Let's go!" Fang Xin narrowed his eyes. She still couldn't say what she said in her heart, she was really not suitable for this kind of sensational scene, let alone to create any warmth.

"Tomorrow at 8:30 in the morning, you will come and eat by yourself." Zhai Jiaye thought for a while, her hand holding the bowl tightened slightly, she left the bedroom directly after she put down these words, closed the door, and put it in her hand by the way. After cleaning his bowl, he left Fang Xin's house.

The next morning, Fang Xin was awakened by the alarm clock. She checked that the time was 7:50 and struggled a little bit. Thinking of what Zhai Jiaye had said last night, she suddenly sat up from the bed and shook her head slightly. , Get out of bed immediately to wash and change clothes.

At 8:10, he went out to the apartment building where Zhai Jiaye lived.

Fang Xin didn’t think she was so beautiful or warm. She just felt a little sun-dried and didn’t have time to appreciate so much. She speeded up her pace and walked downstairs to the apartment and took the elevator upstairs to Zhai Jiaye’s. After the door of the house, the doorbell rang.

At this time, Zhai Jiaye was also just starting to make breakfast. Hearing the doorbell, he turned to look at the personalized clock on the wall of the living room, pursed his lips to the door, opened the door, and a familiar face greeted his eyes. One sentence, "Morning, I'm here for dinner."

Zhai Jiaye turned sideways: "Come in! I'm the only one at home, so I don't have many slippers."

"It's okay. I'll just be barefoot. It's hot anyway." Fang Xin smiled and took off her sandals, stepped on her bare feet and walked into the house. Seeing the ingredients in the kitchen, she turned around and asked, "You just started. Cook it?"


"What did you eat this morning?"

"Seafood congee."

Fang Xin raised his eyebrows: "Do you want me to help?"

"what can you do?"

"Uh...I can eat it."

"Then no need, go to the living room and wait."


Fang Xin sat in the living room and waited for about ten minutes. She couldn't stand it after she didn't wake up much. She fell asleep holding the pillow on the sofa.

At about nine o'clock, Zhai Jiaye made all the breakfast. As soon as she turned her head, she saw that Fang Xin had fallen asleep. He brought the breakfast to the dining table, walked to the sofa in the living room, and slowly squatted down to watch her sleep. After a while, he said: "Fang Xin, breakfast is ready, get up and eat."

"Um... OK." Fang Xin sat up in a daze after hearing the words, raised his hand and rubbed his eyes.

Zhai Jiaye looked at her like this, and asked, "Did you sleep well?"

"What do you mean? I was tortured by my aunt at two o'clock last night. It's probably three or four o'clock when I fell asleep. I woke up so early in the morning." Fang Xin yawned, put his pillow aside, and got up. When I walked to the table, looked at the delicious food on the table, my sleep was gone for a moment: "Wow! It smells so good!"

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