Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

: Fang Xinfan 080: As a boyfriend!

Zhai Jiaye sat opposite her and asked quietly, "Milk or juice?"

"Milk...biqugev" Fang Xin took a mouthful of porridge with a spoon, muttered back, and ate with his head down.

After Zhai Jiaye heard this, he pushed the milk in front of her and brought the juice in front of her, taking a sip for herself.

"By the way, don't you need to go to work today?"


"Oh, yes, I almost forgot. Today is Saturday." Fang Xin nodded suddenly. After speaking, he continued to drink porridge. Within a few minutes, a bowl of porridge had bottomed out, but Fang Xin still nodded. Looking still, he raised his head and smiled and asked, "Is there...Is there any porridge? I still want to drink it."

Zhai Jiaye put down the juice in her hand and stretched out her hand to her: "Give me the bowl, and I will serve it for you."

"No, you can just tell me where I am, and I will go by myself." Fang Xin smiled, thinking about letting him make breakfast for herself for free, and letting him serve her for free, it seems a bit too much, so let's do it yourself!

"In the white casserole next to it."

"Good drop." Fang Xin got up from the stool with the bowl, took small steps to the kitchen, and after serving herself a bowl of porridge, she turned around and asked, "Do you need me to serve you a bowl?"

"No." Zhai Jiaye tilted her head and glanced at her, then calmly said back.

Fang Xin returned to his seat with a bowl of porridge, and when he saw his indifferent expression inadvertently, he supported his chin with one hand and stared at him with a pair of bright water eyes.

After being looked at like this for a long time, Zhai Jiaye was a little unnatural. She raised her brows, and was helpless to get the juice cup next to her. As soon as she touched it, she heard Fang Xin ask curiously: "Zhai Jiaye, are you still there? Angry?"

"What?" Zhai Jiaye looked up at her, with a look on her face a little puzzled.

"Just... last time...cough... the blind date." Fang Xin's eyes became erratic, and the hand holding the spoon gently stirred in the porridge, and the tone of his speech was obviously not emboldened.

After Zhai Jiaye heard this, the hand that touched the juice glass paused for a while, and then touched the glass. The glass was originally placed on the edge of the table. With such a slight touch, the glass suddenly fell down, and the juice in the glass was also poured over. On Zhai Jiaye's white t-shirt.

Zhai Jiaye's first reaction was to hold the cup and prevent it from falling to the ground and breaking. After all, Fang Xin was still barefoot.

After grabbing the cup, Zhai Jiaye was relieved, placed the cup on the table, looked at the juice stains on the clothes, patted it lightly with his hands, Fang Xin saw this, poked his head and asked, "Are you okay?"

"No." Zhai Jiaye replied faintly, trying to draw a paper towel to wipe off the unsoaked juice, but the box containing the paper towel was some distance away from him, and the long arm was not far enough to reach him.

Fang Xin felt strenuous when he looked at it, so he simply put down the spoon, took a few tissues, got up and walked around the table, walked to his side, and patted his hand holding his clothes: "You let go, I'll help you get it. ."

Zhai Jiaye's hands were hung in the air, her lips pressed into a straight line as she stared at Fang Xin's drooping head.

Fang Xin didn't notice his gaze either, holding a tissue to help him gently wipe the excess juice stains on his clothes, and at the end of the wiping, his little face wrinkled together: "You have to change your clothes and soak them in liquid laundry detergent. Then I was rubbing, otherwise the mark would go wrong, and your clothes would still be white, if..." At the end, Fang Xin raised his head unconsciously, just hitting his eyes, staring at him tightly. The voice of his mouth stopped abruptly, the expression on his face was also stunned, and the movement in his hand also stopped.

"What are you looking at me for?" Fang Xin's expression was a little unnatural, so she stared at him with an angry expression.

"Are you serious about what you said last time?" Zhai Jiaye didn't look back, but was silent for a while before asking.

Fang Xin retracted his hand and suddenly smiled, "So, you are still angry with the last time, right?"

Zhai Jiaye narrowed his eyes, but did not answer.

Seeing him not speaking, Fang Xin continued to ask: "Then I ask you, are you angry because of my blind date, or because of what I said?"


Hearing this, Fang Xin suddenly laughed. Seeing her smile unscrupulously, Zhai Jiayue raised her brows in discomfort and stood up from the stool: "Don't laugh, eat your breakfast, I'll change my clothes. ."

"Hey! Zhai Jiaye." Seeing him turning to leave, Fang Xin suddenly stopped him. When he turned his head and looked over, he raised his eyebrows and asked: "I ask you, you know what I said yesterday. What do you mean?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Just what I said before you left last night!"

Zhai Jiaye narrowed her eyes and thought, "If you have breakfast?"

Fang Xin nodded: "Yes! I didn't mean, I want to eat your breakfast, can I?"

"Well, aren't you eating now?"


Fang Xin was dumb, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and there was no interest in talking about it later, and rolled his eyes at him: "You are so stupid, then why don't you want to think about the true meaning? You deserve to be single, huh. "

Seeing her contempt for returning to her position and continuing to drink porridge, Zhai Jiaye was also stunned, still a little bit unsure of the true meaning of the sentence, pursed her lips, raised her hand and scratched her head, turned around and went to her bedroom. Changed clothes and rinsed off by the way.

Don’t you just want to have breakfast? Why does it have meaning?

He really didn't understand, can't he say something clearly?

After Zhai Jiaye returned the clothes, he took the clothes to the laundry room next to him and started to wash the clothes with laundry detergent. During this time, Fang Xin had also finished breakfast. Originally thought about putting the bowl away, but thinking that Zhai Jiaye hadn't eaten yet. After that, I only collected my own cups and bowls, and then I sat on the sofa and played with my mobile phone.

In my heart, I was a little angry with his wooden head, and the expression on his face was also a little unpleasant, but it was quite cheerful to chat with Yin Shi and Qiao Yuwei in the group.

After Zhai Jiaye got washed, she walked out of it and saw Fang Xin playing with her mobile phone in the living room. She glanced at the dining table again. Her bowl had been put away, and she cleared her throat and asked, "Well, have you eaten?"

"Yeah." Fang Xin said while playing with her mobile phone without lifting her head.

Zhai Jiaye raised his hand and touched his neck, sat at the dining table and finished his breakfast. She looked at Fang Xin from time to time. After eating, she cleaned up the table and washed the bowls before walking to the living room. , Sitting next to her, turn on the TV.

"What do you mean by that sentence?" After a long while, Zhai Jiaye stared at the TV screen and asked aloud.

"Huh?" Fang Xin raised his head subconsciously, looked at his serious expression, and curled his lips: "I want to." After speaking, he yawned and glanced at the TV: "Hey! I watched this show a little bit last time. , It feels pretty good and funny."

Zhai Jiaye was dumb, did this change the subject too quickly?

Fang Xin leaned on the back of the sofa and watched the TV cross-legged. Although Zhai Jiaye on the side was also staring at the TV, her thoughts were completely covered by the questions Fang Xin had just thrown out. It was a racket to think about it!

But there is no use at all, why can't I think of the meaning of eating breakfast?

But Fang Xin suddenly yawned when he saw it halfway. The feeling of not waking up in the morning came again. After yawning several times, his eyelids became heavier and heavier. In the end, he couldn't support it. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Because he was sitting on the sofa, the supporting point of his entire body was on the back of the sofa, and gradually his body tilted to the side, his head just right on Zhai Jiaye's shoulder.

With a heavy shoulder, Zhai Jiaye's thoughts were immediately monopolized. He tilted his head to look at Fang Xin leaning on his shoulders, pursing his lips, and somehow, suddenly, a bright light appeared, as if he realized something, but in his heart again I was a little uncertain, and wanted to open my mouth to ask Fang Xin, but seeing her sleeping so sweetly, I couldn't bear to call her, so I kept holding back the doubts in my heart.

After sleeping for about half an hour, Fang Xin felt her head a little tired, and deliberately leaned against Zhai Jiaye, moved on his shoulders, and found a more comfortable position to continue sleeping.

Zhai Jiaye maintained that sitting position and straightened her waist, fearing that her head would fall, and then reached out and gently took the remote control in her hand, lowered the volume of the TV, put the remote control aside, and moved her head gently. , His arms went around her back, and the big palm hesitated a little bit or put it on her shoulders, letting her lean comfortably in her arms.

For more than two hours, Zhai Jiaye hugged her like that, even if his arm was a little sore, he didn't take it back and didn't say anything.

As it approached noon, Fang Xin leaning in his arms moved. There were signs of awakening. Maybe he felt the person beside him. Then he slowly opened his eyes, lifted his head from his arms, and saw his profile. At that time, he was slightly taken aback.

Seeing that she was awake, Zhai Jiaye closed his eyes and tilted his head to look over. The eyes of the two collided in the air. Zhai Jiaye pursed her lips and asked, "Are you awake?"

"Um..." Fang Xin nodded, and just about to withdraw from his arms, he found the hand on his shoulder, looked at Zhai Jiaye in surprise, squinted and snorted, and slammed close to Zhai Jiaye: "Zhai Jiaye, you... eat my tofu?"

Seeing the pretty face close at hand, Zhai Jiaye leaned back slightly, but did not let go of the hand on her shoulder, and said slowly, "I seem to understand what you said before."

"Oh?" Fang Xin raised his eyebrows and looked at him with interest: "Tell me."

"If you like to eat, I can make it for you every day." Zhai Jiaye lowered her eyes and pursed her lips softly.

Fang Xin listened, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she stretched out her hands to pinch his handsomeness: "Tsk, it doesn't seem to be too stupid. It's pretty good if you can think of it. In that case, I'm not welcome. , From now on, my breakfast will be contracted by you!"

Such affection made Zhai Jiaye startled, and the sound of her heartbeat also missed several beats. After thinking for a while, she raised another jade hand that held her to hold her face, and slowly put it down vertically: "Then... …In what capacity do you do it for you?"

"In what capacity do you want to be?"

"I..." Zhai Jiaye was dumb, she didn't know what to say.

"As a boyfriend!" Fang Xin tilted his head, answering the words as if nothing had happened.

Zhai Jiaye heard that the black pupils were a little brighter, and the original handsome Junrong also relaxed, the corners of her mouth slowly rose with a shallow arc, and the big palms around her shoulders tightened a little.

Seeing him secretly happily, Fang Xin rolled his eyes and leaned over to put a sip on his face: "This is my apology for my last blind date and those words!"

Zhai Jiaye was stunned, and looked at her with a more serious expression: "Since there are two things, one is not enough."

"Hey! Zhai Jiaye, I'm a little bit into the inch! I... Um..." Fang Xin watched him say that, so naturally he stopped doing it. He straightened up from his arms and argued with him, but Zhai Jiaye was just halfway through the conversation. Suddenly he covered it, lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Fang Xin's pupils dilated slightly, but she gradually got used to his rather jerky but serious kiss, stroked his neck with one hand, and responded to his kiss little by little.

Since you don't want to marry him blindly, let's start with love first!

Regardless of whether he wants to be responsible out of that guilt or really wants to marry her, it is enough as long as he has this heart.

A crisp bell suddenly rang, breaking the look and warmth between the two completely. The two were stunned for each other. When the sweetness of the bell was getting higher and higher, Fang Xin hurriedly left his arms and took it. I picked up my mobile phone next to me, looked at the phone display, and answered, "Mom, what's wrong?"

"When are you picking up the potatoes and potatoes?" The mother on the other end of the phone looked at the dog with the leash on both ends, and she was really helpless and helpless.

"Didn't you insist on taking them the other day? You are bored and insecure by saying that your dad is not at home. Let the potatoes and potatoes accompany you."

"Your dad is back now."

"I'll pick it up later."

"You come early, I am about to be tossed to death by the two of them."

"Did you take them with the vaccine yesterday?"

"No, I forgot."

"Let's do it! I went over in the afternoon and took them to call." Fang Xin curled his lips, hung up the phone, and looked at Zhai Jiaye who was aside: "Well...it's noon, what shall we eat?"

"What do you want to eat?"

"Hmm... I want to taste your cooking skills."

"There is not much food in the refrigerator, so I have to go to the supermarket."

"Then I will accompany you."

"Well, let's go!" Zhai Jiaye replied softly, turning off the TV with the remote control. When she got up, she hesitated a little with her hand, and reached out to hold her jade hand.

Fang Xin was stunned, looking at the big palm that wrapped his hand, lowered his head and chuckled, slowly got up, and walked to the door with Zhai Jiaye with his mobile phone.

Zhai Jiaye changed his shoes at the door, took the car key, and the two went to the underground garage together. After getting in the car, Zhai Jiaye suddenly asked, "Are you busy this afternoon?"

"Well, I'm going to my mother's place, how about you? If you're fine, you can go with me!"

"Go to see your mother?" Zhai Jiaye opened her eyes wide and looked at her in surprise.

Seeing his nervous look, Fang Xin couldn't help laughing, and raised his eyebrows: "What are you suddenly nervous about?"

"No... I'm just a little surprised..." Zhai Jiaye pulled back her gaze with her lips, her face flashed unnaturally, and after a pause, she said, "I can take a short vacation next week. If you have time or want to If you go, I can take you back to your heart."

"Really?" Fang Xin's eyes lit up when she heard it.


"Okay! Anyway, I'm also a big idler now. Going to play is just as relaxing." Fang Xin suddenly thought of something, tilted his head and asked, "You don't want to take the opportunity to take me to play. Take the opportunity to let me see your parents?"

"Sooner or later, if you don't want to see you now, you can do it next time."

Listening to his confident tone, Fang Xin narrowed his eyes and smashed his mouth: "Tsk! It's still going to happen sooner or later."

"Is not it?"

"Yes, yes, yes, so, are you going to go to mom with me this afternoon?"

Zhai Jiaye thought for a while, but didn't rush to respond, so she asked curiously: "You just said on the phone who you should pick up for the vaccine?"

"Didn’t I have two dogs? Some time ago, my dad went back to my hometown to visit my grandparents. My mom was a little courageous, and she was afraid to live in such a big house alone, so she came to me the day my dad left. I took the two dogs and said that it could give her a sense of security. Now my dad came back from her hometown, she began to abandon the two dogs, and she was going to abandon them and give them back to me. Yesterday was originally arranged for them My mother didn't take them to get the vaccine. I just had time today. I will take them to get them when I will pick them up."

When he mentioned the word "gouzi", Zhai Jiaye raised his brows unconsciously, but didn't say much, didn't ask any more, and continued to drive the car earnestly.

After arriving at the supermarket, Zhai Jiaye pushed a shopping cart, Fang Xin walked side by side with him, watching the flow of people in the supermarket, subconsciously raised his hand to hold Zhai Jiaye's arm, and squeezed towards him.

Zhai Jiaye glanced at her, then looked down at her hand holding her arm, trying to restrain the corners of her mouth, leading her to the vegetable section and fresh food section of the supermarket: "What do you want to eat at noon?"

"Want to eat your specialty, what is the best thing you do?"

"Seafood or fish."

"Then fish!"

"Stewed or steamed?"

"I want to eat sauerkraut fish."

"Yeah." Zhai Jiaye replied softly. After choosing a fish, he bought some side dishes and vegetables. The two went to line up to pay the bill.

Because it was the weekend, the supermarket had a very large flow of people, and the line of paying the bills was also very long. Fang Xin stood beside him and waited quietly, but suddenly a man with a shopping basket walked past Fang Xin. , The figure was also taller and burly, and slammed her lightly, and Fang Xin's attention was originally on the long line. When he was hit by him like this, the steps under his feet couldn't help but staggered two steps.

The man who hit Fang Xin looked back at Fang Xin and looked up and down at her lower heart with deep meaning. When Fang Xin saw this, he was about to get angry. Zhai Jiaye behind her suddenly took her arm and dragged her to her right. With the side guard behind him, he glared at the man without a trace.

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