Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

: Fang Xinfan 084: The boy who almost smashed your head?

The couple who reconciled after the quarrel could not tolerate any outsiders, including the two dogs potato and potato. Fang Xin completely forgot the existence of these two dogs. .biqugev

Although Zhai Jiaye remembered it, remembering that he was disturbed by them when he was kissing Fang Xin just now, she was very upset, let them be hungry! Zhang Chang remembers sex.

Let them know when they should call and when they shouldn't. Anyway, it won't be good if they are hungry. They should be hungry, but they are too kind to them, and they don't have any vision.

After getting in the car, Zhai Jiaye looked at Fang Xin, who was leaning on the back of the chair, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised. Her jealousy and her anger just now all meant that she cared about him. Although she was a little helpless, she was still very happy.

Fang Xin turned his head and looked over, and immediately caught the smile on his face. He narrowed his eyes, leaned over and tilted his head and asked, "What are you laughing at? Are you laughing at me?"


"I haven't said no, you can't take back the corner of your mouth, what are you laughing at?"

Zhai Jiaye glanced at her, the smile deepened in her eyes, looked ahead, and drove the car earnestly: "No, it's just... I suddenly thought of what you were jealous about just now, and felt... a bit funny."

"It's funny, I said it. I'm not jealous. I am angry. If you see another man holding me, will you feel comfortable? Will you be angry? You were angry when I went on a blind date with another man last time. Yeah! I haven't hugged them yet!" Fang Xin glared at him angrily, expressing dissatisfaction with the triumphant smile on his face.

When referring to the last'blind date', the smile in Zhai Jiaye's eyes disappeared instantly, and her face sank: "In the future, the word'blind date' is not allowed to be mentioned, nor is it allowed to meet with other men alone."

Seeing Zhai Jiaye's reaction, Fang Xin also felt complete and psychologically balanced in an instant. She covered her lips and smirked, raising her eyebrows and nodding: "Okay, I won't mention it anymore."

Seeing her triumphant smile, Zhai Jiaye helped her forehead, a little helpless, and quickly changed the subject: "Do you want something delicious?"

"I don't know, I don't really want to eat, but I'm a bit hungry. Do you want to eat, we can eat what you want." Fang Xin tilted his head, grabbed his eyes, and touched himself. With a flat belly, he looked at him curiously and asked.

"Do you eat Japanese food?"

"Japanese cuisine?"


Fang Xin raised his eyebrows, considered it, and nodded: "Well, yes, yes, speaking of it, I haven't eaten it in a long time."

"Yeah." Zhai Jiaye responded lightly, turning a corner at the intersection in front, and driving for a few minutes before arriving at a Japanese food store.

When the two got out of the car, Zhai Jiaye walked to her, took her hand very naturally, and walked into the store together. The style of this store is Japanese, and each position is a separate cubicle. Led by the waiter, the two sat in the innermost compartment.

After Fang Xin ordered the meal, the waiter exited the cubicle. Only the two of them were left in the cubicle. Fang Xin supported his chin with both hands and looked at Zhai Jiaye, who was sitting opposite, with a warm heart on his face. Smile: "By the way, Yin Shi detained me in the group just now, saying that he would invite me to dinner tomorrow, saying that it was for Xiaoyang's treat, and you would go with me! By the way, I also announced that I officially left the order, and I am also a There are men."

Zhai Jiaye was taken aback for a moment, listening to the passage behind her, she was a little bit happy, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly: "When is tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow night, if you go, I will get back to her now."

"Yeah." Zhai Jiaye nodded, and suddenly thought that Fang Xin and Qiao Yuwei were also good girlfriends, and Yin Shi was also their best friends. After thinking about it, she wanted to ask, "Will Mr. Lu and the others go?"

"Tomorrow Weiwei has a job. I guess I won't be able to go. If Weiwei won't go, Lu Yiyang will definitely not go. Why do I suddenly ask?"

"It's okay, just ask, Mr. Lu is too particular about eating, and he eats at the same table..." Halfway through, Zhai Jiaye stopped talking, anyway, gave Fang Xin a look for her to understand.

Fang Xin understood immediately, and smiled mercilessly: "Haha! You have been with Lu Yiyang for so many years, are you afraid of him?"

"Why are you afraid of him at work? It's just that he is really admirable in some respects." Zhai Jiaye said frankly. He was not afraid of Lu Yiyang, but admiration, especially in terms of work ability. He admired him very much.

"Then how do you usually get along with him?"

"Speak up if something is wrong, if there is a problem, it has always been the case."

"Okay! When I first saw Lu Yiyang, I looked at him and felt that I could be killed by him in the cold."

Zhai Jiaye chuckled lightly: "In fact, Mr. Lu sometimes has a different side than high coldness."

"is it?"


"Then I really didn't see it."

Zhai Jiaye laughed, but didn't answer the conversation anymore.

Soon, the waiter ordered all the dishes. Fang Xin picked up the chopsticks and couldn’t help eating. Then he nodded in satisfaction to Zhai Jiaye: "Well, the taste is pretty good. Did you come to this restaurant before? Ever?"

"Well, I've been here twice."


"That's it." After Zhai Jiaye finished speaking, she was stunned, for fear that he would continue to ask, the expression on her face flashed unnaturally, she put the topic aside again, and used chopsticks to hold sushi for her: "Try this, this It tastes pretty good."

Fang Xin didn't think much about anything else, nodded, opened his mouth and bit the sushi on his chopsticks, smiled and raised his eyebrows: "It's delicious."

Zhai Jiaye retracted his chopsticks and smiled. He actually had a guilty conscience when he came to the restaurant to eat before. He was afraid that she would be angry if she said it, because although the previous two visits were related to work, they were all with the same woman. Here, that woman is the deputy director of another company. They came to this restaurant to talk about business.

I brought her here today. I didn’t mean anything else. I just thought that the store tastes good and I want to share it with her. However, as a lesson from the past, I can’t say the first two things too clearly, otherwise I will explain all ten mouths. I don't know.

"I will be on vacation tomorrow. I told Weiwei before I came back today that I plan to fix it until next week. When will your short vacation start and how many days will you take? I want to go to Xinhai to play." Fang Xin side Asked while eating.

"You don't have to go to work on the weekend the day after tomorrow. There are five days off for a small long vacation, and one is off on Friday, and it's the weekend again. The total is nine days.

"That's pretty good, so shall we go this Saturday? Do you drive by yourself or do we go by train?"

"Do you want to travel by car or take a train."

"Traveling by car."

"Well, then drive. It will only take you five or six hours to Xinhai from here."

"it is good."

"Will you bring potatoes and yams?" Fang Xin suddenly remembered when he mentioned the two dogs, "Oh, when we just came out, we forgot them at home."

"It's okay, I'll go back after eating."

"Okay!" Fang Xin thought about it again, "Let's do it! We won't take them this time when we go to Xinhai. We will leave them at my parents' house or pet shop when that time comes!"

"Well, listen to you."

After the two had eaten, Zhai Jiaye went to pay for the bill. Fang Xin stood at the entrance of the restaurant and waited for him. After he walked over, Fang Xin smiled and stretched out his hand. Zhai Jiaye also naturally took her hand and walked towards the car. go with.

As soon as he walked to the door of the car, Fang Xin's cell phone rang suddenly. Seeing the word'Ye Han' written on the caller ID, Fang Xin raised his eyebrows, a little surprised that he would take the initiative to call her.

The previous few times he looked for him on WeChat and he was ignorant, but he paid back 300 yuan and said that the rest would be paid next time. At that time, Fang Xin teased him, and he didn't respond to her either.

"Hey! Why did you suddenly think of calling me?" Fang Xin answered the phone with a teasing tone.

"Sister, help me." Ye Han on the other end of the phone panted heavily, his voice was relatively low, and he seemed to have a cautious feeling.

Fang Xin heard the words and immediately raised his brows: "What's the matter? Where are you?"

"I'm here on Changxin Street."

"What are you going there for?" Fang Xin asked unhappyly. As everyone knows, Changxin Street has the most gangsters.

"Ye Han, if you don’t return the money to Lao Tzu if you step on the horse today, Lao Tzu will let you die here today. Do you think you can hide from it? The whole site here is mine. If you don’t come out again, Lao Tzu will go tomorrow. Your family asks your old lady for money."

A louder and rougher voice came from the other end of the phone again. Since the voice was louder and sounded closer, Fang Xin listened to it verbatim.

"Ye Han..."

Fang Xin said again, and there was already a beeping sound on the other end of the phone. Fang Xin looked at the hung up call, and suddenly felt something wrong, and put the phone in his bag: "Zhai Jiaye, go, go Changxin Street over there."

"What's wrong? What happened?" Zhai Jiaye looked at her with a panic expression, and asked worriedly.

Fang Xin shook his head: "I don't know very well either. Ye Han called Ye Han and told me to go over and leave him alone."

"It's the boy who almost smashed your head last time?" Zhai Jiaye frowned, her eyes shrouded in gloom, and the expression on her face was extremely unhappy.

In response to his statement, Fang Xin's mouth twitched slightly, and lightly slapped his arm: "Can you speak well? Get in the car and take a look."

Despite how unhappy Zhai Jiaye was, seeing how worried she was, she got in the car and drove to Changxin Street, but she couldn't help but curiously asked, "Why are you so caring about Ye Han?"

"I don’t know, instinctively, I think he is quite stubborn, and he paid me 300 yuan for the money I released him on bail last time. Although the 300 yuan is not much, it is enough to see his integrity. , I think his heart is not bad, he can save a bad boy, I think it is very fulfilling." Fang Xin smiled, and the more he talked about it, the more proud he became.

Zhai Jiaye glanced at her dumbly, but said nothing.

Changxin Street is located in the north of T City, with sparsely populated people and sparse security management. Fighting incidents often occur here. The police have also increased patrols here, but only during the day and at night. However, a camera was also installed. Although the incidence of fighting incidents has been reduced, there are still some. After all, there are indeed more gangsters here. Many of them are boys in their early twenties.

When he got to Changxin Street, Fang Xin quickly pushed the car door and walked down. Zhai Jiaye also immediately followed. After walking for some distance, Fang Xin called Ye Han, but the phone couldn't be reached directly. Fang Xin felt a little worried.

Suddenly a noisy fighting sound came over, Fang Xin and Zhai Jiaye looked at each other, and immediately walked over with the sound. As expected, they saw seven or eight people surrounded by Ye Han, while Ye Han was sitting on the ground. Support the body with one hand.

Upon seeing this, Fang Xin immediately rushed over, kicked the two people in front of him, pointed at them, and shouted: "What are you doing? So many people bully one person?"

"Oh, who do I think! It turned out to be a beautiful sister! Is this going to come to a beautiful woman to save the waste?"


The first words made the other people laugh.

Fang Xin is the most uncomfortable with this kind of arrogant and incompetent little hairy boy. He rolled his eyes, hooked his hands, and smiled: "Little brother, hasn't your mother taught you what a person is?"

"You're scolding me for not being a human? Are you looking for death?" As soon as the lead boy heard this, his hot temper came up, and he wanted to fight Fang Xin directly.

Fang Xin itself was not easy to provoke. He moved his hand first, and Fang Xin naturally stood there and was beaten. Naturally, he had to fight back, easily avoiding the fist he waved, and then stretched his foot forward slightly. The boy tripped on the ground.

Not far away, Zhai Jiaye saw them doing it. He wanted to go up and help, but looking at Fang Xin's playful smile, he stopped, raised his hand and scratched his head, a little helpless, what kind of daughter-in-law he was looking for. what!

It's almost her pleasure to clean up the punks now.

He squinted at Ye Han, who was lying on the ground, squinted, scowled, and walked over. He passed the group of people very easily and calmly, squatting in front of Ye Han, and asked quietly, "Are you okay?"

Ye Han raised his head and glanced at him, his immature handsome face was covered with scars, he slowly propped up and sat up from the ground, raised one leg, don't start, and didn't speak.

Seeing Ye Han didn’t speak, Zhai Jiaye didn’t plan to ask any more questions. She stood up and walked to Fang Xin’s side: "I just contacted the Yi team. He has brought people over. Don’t do it again, otherwise they will fracture again. A few, have to lose money, and have to go to the police station to make transcripts."

Hearing what Zhai Jiaye said, most of Fang Xin's fighting spirit just ignited disappeared, especially when he heard the word'losing money', he curled his lips and replied extremely reluctantly: "Let's do it!" Then he looked at that trip. The fallen boy walked over and grabbed his wrist and twisted it back: "Sister doesn't know you as much today. At a young age, she should study hard and be a good person. Don't think about fighting all day long."

When the boy heard this, he was naturally unconvinced and wanted to fight back. Fang Xin pinched his wrist with a bit heavier force: "I advise you not to move, otherwise you will really fracture, and you, don't act rashly. Sometimes I It's not serious or serious. If it really breaks you, it won't be okay." Fang Xin glanced at the eager boys around him and sighed: "How much money does Ye Han owe you? I paid it back for him."

"Twenty thousand." The boy twisted his body painfully, looking at his wrist held by her, and he could see that Fang Xin was a practitioner. Hearing that she said to pay back the money, he would naturally not shirk, he was very loud. Back.

"You fart on horseback. It was two thousand when I borrowed it. How come it became twenty thousand in only half a month." Ye Han got up from the ground with a'jerk', and pointed angrily at it. The boy roared.

"Oh! Yeah! Little kid, you can learn to fight even if you are young, and you can also learn to use loan sharks, yes, yes." Fang Xin glanced at the boy in front of him in surprise, and nodded with a smile on his face: "Then the Yi team will come later, so he has to investigate it carefully."

"Team Yi...? That Yi Ru from the Second Detachment of the Police Department?" Hearing this, the boy asked tentatively.

Fang Xin nodded: "What? You know?"

"You... you let me go first. I didn't lend usury. Two thousand is two thousand." The boy shrank his neck a little bit, and silently turned his head away.

I was caught by Yi Ru in the last fight, and he said that if I see him at the police station next time, he will definitely not let him go so easily. Now, he is really dead, and, most importantly, this woman is really heavy, and her wrist really feels about to break.

Fang Xin rolled his eyes, let go of him boringly, touched his pocket, and turned to look at Zhai Jiaye: "Did I put my bag in your car?"

"Yeah." Zhai Jiaye nodded.

"I don't have any money, wait for me..."

"Are you teasing me? You..." Hearing this, the boy raised his hand displeased, but when he saw Fang Xin and Zhai Jiaye's warning eyes, he silently withdrew his hand: "Pay the money, I Regardless of."

"Let's go then! Go to where we parked." Fang Xin didn't intend to embarrass them, turned around and glared at Ye Han: "You also keep up with my old lady, dare to run, I broke your dog leg."

Ye Han: "..."

Hearing this, the man taking the lead blinked his eyes innocently, and suddenly glanced at Ye Han with sympathy. The woman was indeed a terrifying creature.

While following Fang Xin and Zhai Jiaye to the parking lot to get money, the man who took the lead walked to Ye Han and asked, "Hey! What does this woman have to do with you? Your sister?"

"What's up to you?" Ye Han gave him a relentless glance, and then speeded up his pace and walked over.

After Fang Xin gave them the money, Yi Ru and others arrived. The three greeted them one after another, and after a few lively chats, the other police officers began to interrogate the boys.

With Fang Xin’s assurance, Yi Ru agreed to let Fang Xin and Zhai Jiaye take Ye Han to the hospital first, and then go to the police station to give a statement tomorrow. Ye Han gradually became grateful for Fang Xin and sat in the car for a long time. Just said: "Thank you tonight."

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