Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

: Fang Xinfan 085: It's also enough for Buddhism

Fang Xin looked back at Ye Han in the back seat in surprise, and then chuckled softly: "No thanks, just remember that you owe me another 2,000 yuan. Think about what will happen in the future. Give it back!"

Ye Han lowered his head, pursed his lips, and said nothing. .biquge

"May I ask, why are you asking them to borrow money?" Fang Xin asked, leaning on his side, curiously holding his arms around his chest, looking at him.

"My grandma was ill some time ago. My uncle and my aunt are unwilling to pay grandma to see a doctor. There is no way."

"You live with your grandma?"

"Yeah." Ye Handan replied, "I was brought up by my grandmother since I was a child. My dad died in a car accident when I was 7 years old." The rest of Ye Han didn't want to mention it again.

"Then you haven't studied, why don't you think about finding a job?"

"I haven't graduated from high school, so whoever will ask for it, only occasionally work as a temporary job."

Fang Xin looked at Ye Han with a little more sympathy, thinking that Ye Han's stubborn and unwilling character was driven out of such a growth environment!

Because he himself has things and people he wants to protect, he will think about working hard to become strong, so strong that people will not be bullied at will!

Thinking of work, Fang Xin looked at Zhai Jiaye subconsciously. Zhai Jiaye noticed his sight and her thoughts. He raised his brows and asked, "Will you ask me to find him an errand in the Lu Group?" "

"Huh? You are coming out soon?" Fang Xin pretended to be surprised, and then smiled and said: "The saying goes well, good people do it to the end, send the Buddha to the west! Just now you heard it too. In the position of the Lu's Group, arranging an errand is very simple."

Zhai Jiaye was dumb, looked at Ye Han through the rearview mirror, but didn't say anything.

Listening to Ye Han, he was a little surprised. He also had some thoughts about the identities of Fang Xin and Zhai Jiaye, and slowly lowered his head.

After sending Ye Han to the hospital and letting him treat the wound, Fang Xin sent him another 1,000 yuan on WeChat, saying that she lent it to him, and it would be fine if he was paid after work. .

After handling Ye Han's affairs, Fang Xin felt a little tired, paralyzed in the position of the co-pilot, tilted his head and looked out of the car window, looking drowsy.

Seeing that she was tired, Zhai Jiaye didn't bother him. He didn't even think about picking her out of the car until he was downstairs in the apartment, but Fang Xin woke up in a daze just as he helped her unfasten the seat belt. , Raised his hand and rubbed his eyes: "Hmm... is it here?"


Fang Xin yawned, got out of the car and looked at the huge parking lot in front of him. She felt a bit strange, not quite like the underground parking lot of his apartment, so she asked curiously, "Huh? Is this the parking lot of your apartment? ?"


"Should you not send me back first?"

Zhai Jiaye pursed her lips: "Don't you still want to pick up potatoes and yam?"

"Oh! Yes, the potatoes and potatoes are still at your house, and my luggage is also with you, let's go!"

After the two got on the elevator, Fang Xin kept yawning. Zhai Jiaye looked at him, stretched out her hand and gently held her hand: "Is it sleepy?"

"Yeah, kind of." Fang Xin leaned on his shoulder and nodded tiredly.

When the elevator reached the floor where she was staying, she opened with a ‘ding’, and Zhai Jiaye walked out of the elevator with her arms around her. After entering the door, Potato and Potato ran over quickly, and even Potato performed a face brake.

Fang Xin looked at him and laughed for an instant, bent over to stroke the potato, pinching its face: "Yo, are you stupid and cute?"


Potato cried nearby and caught Fang Xin's attention. Fang Xin smiled and reached out to touch it: "Go, mom will take you to eat delicious food."

Zhai Jiaye stood at the door watching her lead the two dogs to the place where the dog food was placed. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, he closed the door, changed her shoes and walked in.

Fang Xin got up after watching the potatoes and potatoes. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Zhai Jiaye standing behind him, looking at herself, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and walked to him: "Then I will go home with the potatoes and potatoes. "

"Yeah." Zhai Jiaye responded lightly, tilting his head and glanced at the potatoes and potatoes.

"Potatoes, potatoes, gone, go home."

Fang Xin looked back and saw that the potatoes and yams were lying on the ground neatly after eating, closing his eyes, as if he didn't want to go and wanted to sleep.

Seeing this, Zhai Jiaye couldn't help but chuckled: "Let them stay here! Don't you have to rest tomorrow? It doesn't matter if you pick it up tomorrow, it's very late today, I guess I'm sleepy."

The two dogs were lying on the ground, closing their eyes to sleep very consciously, knowing what to see and what not to see.

This is also the first time that Fang Xin and Zhai Jiaye have been dating. Fang Xin stayed at Zhai Jiaye's house for the first time.

The next morning, Zhai Jiaye was awakened by an alarm clock. The sky was just breaking dawn. There was still a hazy mist hung on the blue-gray curtain, and the cool morning breeze was blowing against the golden gauze window in front of the French windows.

Zhai Jiaye moved a little, and turned her head to look over, only to realize that Wenxiang Nephrite was still lying in her arms, and the amplitude of her movements became smaller. She stretched out her long arm to turn off the alarm clock to avoid waking her.

Slightly sideways, gently raised her head resting on her arm, and pulled her arm out. When she got up, she kissed her forehead lightly before going to wash.

When he finished breakfast and went out to change clothes in the cloakroom, Fang Xin, who was sleeping on the bed, squirmed and slowly opened his eyes. His beautiful face was still full of sleepiness. Seeing this, Zhai Jiaye walked to the edge of the bed. Asked softly: "Wake up? It's still early, and I will sleep more."

Fang Xin glanced at him, then closed his eyes, and the little hand held the corner of his clothes, and asked in a low voice, "What time is it?"

"seven thirty."

"so early."

"Well, you will go to bed again. I will make breakfast. You can eat it when you wake up later, just put it in the microwave oven." Seeing her sleepy appearance, Zhai Jiaye couldn't help but bow her head and kiss after finishing her speech. She lowered her lips: "Call me if you have something to do, I'm going to work."

"Yeah." Fang Xin closed his eyes and nodded. The hand holding the corner of his clothes also slowly loosened, and the little mouth murmured, "Then you drive carefully."

"Yeah." Zhai Jiaye got up, put the watch that he had just taken out on his wrist, picked up the briefcase on the floor, got up and left the bedroom, and then reached out and touched the two dogs approaching, and whispered a warning: "Mom is inside. Sleep, you are not allowed to go in and disturb her, do you hear me."


Potatoes and Potatoes screamed one after another, which was regarded as a response to Zhai Jiaye. Zhai Jiaye raised his mouth with satisfaction, turned around and went to the door to change his shoes, and went out.

At about 10:30 in the morning, Fang Xin was awakened by the ringing of her mobile phone. He fumbled around on both sides of the bed, but did not touch it. At last, Fang Xin slowly opened his eyes and saw Tudou was standing on the edge of the bed with her mobile phone in his mouth, and Potato sat beside Tudou.

"Good." Fang Xin reached out and took the phone in his mouth. While touching them, he looked at the caller ID and put it in his ear to answer: "What are you doing? Don't call me in the morning to disturb my sleep. I said it yesterday, and I am on vacation today."

Yin Shi on the other end of the phone twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth: "You haven't woken up yet?"

"Yes! What's the matter?"

"I will invite you to dinner at noon, come out!"

"Huh? Isn't it at night?" Fang Xin sat up from the bed, scratched his head, and asked inexplicably.

"In the evening, I should treat Xiaoyang, and I will invite you at noon."

"You invite me?" Fang Xin squinted, feeling a little strange: "Just talk about your purpose, why invite me to dinner?"

"Are you persecuted delusion? Do you think I am Weiwei, always thinking about digging for you?" Yin Shi rolled his eyes on the phone, "I want to buy gifts for Ying Xiaoyang's parents, but I don't know how to buy them. What? Come out and give me a reference."

"Why did you suddenly think of buying a gift?"

"His mother just called me, saying that I will go to her house for dinner, I can't go empty-handed! Oops! Can't you get out?"

Fang Xin raised his eyebrows: "Okay, you send me the address on WeChat, and I'll leave later."

After hanging up the phone with Yin Shi, Fang Xin went to the bathroom to wash, and found that he had not thrown away the toothbrush and towel he used last time. He was a little excited, but after washing, he suddenly thought that he didn’t have any clothes to wear. Change, but there is a spare dress in the suitcase that she attended yesterday at the event. She actually doesn't like wearing skirts. She will compromise only on some necessary occasions, but it is also a very time. I thought about it and hesitated a little. Next, it was finally replaced.

After everything was ready, Fang Xin saw the breakfast in the kitchen, raised his eyebrows, and walked over to take two bites. Although it was cold and the taste was not good, Fang Xin felt very happy.

After eating almost, Fang Xin packed up, and the phone rang Yin Shi's WeChat urging sound. Fang Xin quickly poured the dog food of potatoes and yams, and then touched them both: "You two, beloved. Yes, watch the house at home. When Mommy comes back to bring you delicious food, don’t mess with it! Also, don’t pull your poo on the floor, or mother will beat you back when she comes back."


After Potato and Potato yelled, they walked to the door with Fang Xin and wanted to go out with her, but obviously Fang Xin did not intend to take them out until she saw that the door was closed mercilessly. Only potatoes and artichokes know what true despair is.

It was another day when I was locked up at home, and suddenly wanted to go back to my grandma's house, at least my grandma would slip them two every day, unlike my mother who would throw them behind her head after she had a father, they would be forgotten at any time.

After Fang Xin took a taxi to Yin Shifa's International Trade Department Store, he went around Yin Shi's figure.

When I saw her in Yin not far away, he walked over and patted her on the shoulder: "What are you looking around? Let's go! Let's go shopping inside and see what is suitable to buy." Then, Yin Shi took her on Arm, drag her into the mall.

"You and Ying Xiaoyang have reached the point of meeting their parents? Are you thinking about when to get married?" Fang Xin was dragged away by her throughout the whole process, and she found it effortless. As she walked, she swept teasingly at the same time. Yin Shi's relatively deserted and pretty face contained a sly smile in his eyes.

After being ridiculed by her, Yin Shi's face became somewhat unnatural: "He has mentioned the marriage several times, but I am not ready yet."

"If there is anything to prepare or not, you just have to wait to be the most beautiful bride. This is your biggest preparation, and, to be honest, Yin Shi, I am very happy for you, although I heard that you and I was a little bit worried when Ying Xiaoyang was dating. After all, he is famous! However, for so long, he has not had any scandals, he has also taken good care of you and has taken care of you. You can see that he Serious about you."

"I know what you said. He said some time ago that he wanted to see my family. I'm afraid... it will become a burden for him."

"It's not right for you to think this way. You can't use your mind to decide what he thinks about this kind of thing. It's unfair. You still need to communicate with him about marriage. What's going on? Say, this will reduce a lot of suspicion and unnecessary trouble."

Listening to Fang Xin’s way of talking, Yin Shi also felt that there was some truth, so he nodded: "Well, I know, I will talk to him." After speaking, he looked at Fang Xin's words. The expression felt wrong again: "Hey, let me ask you! Is there something wrong with you?"

"Huh? What's the situation?" Fang Xin looked at her in a hazy mood.

"The night before yesterday, Wei Wei sent me a message saying that something is wrong with you. When I look at it this way, you are indeed not quite right. Look, the smiles in your eyes are almost overflowing. Don’t say anything about marriage. I’m so excited, and I’ve become my life mentor. Hey! I don’t believe the ghosts even if there is no situation." Yin Shi squinted at her, stopped, and gently pushed her: "Aunty, isn’t it? Did you have a blind date? And he looks like a nice man."

"What? Why do I have to go on a blind date to find a good man?" Fang Xin glanced at her, holding his head very bullishly, and retorted dissatisfiedly.

"Oh! Hearing what you mean, do you really have a boyfriend? When did it happen? Don't you show it to us?"

"Didn't Ying Xiaoyang say a treat for dinner? He will come too."

"Really?" Yin Shi opened his eyes in surprise: "Who? Do we know each other?"



"Zhai Jiaye."

"real or fake?"


"When will you two...?"

"Ah..." Seeing Yin Shi's reaction, Fang Xin quickly grabbed her and looked around: "Low-key, low-key, and keep your voice down. It was also confirmed a few days ago."

"Oh my God! You really scared me, I didn't expect you two to become, if this Wei Wei is there, it must be exploded."

"She doesn't have time to talk about these gossips these days, she can be so busy if she is busy." Fang Xin smiled and raised her eyebrows, and continued on her way: "Aren't you going to pick a present for your future mother-in-law? Hurry up! Pick it up before noon, so you can eat! Stop the ink."

But the two of them strolled around, and none of them were satisfied. Fang Xin turned around and asked, "What's your impression of his parents? Tell me."

"I've only met his mother once. He is very temperamental and beautiful, and his personality is more gentle and generous, his affinity is better, and he is very talkative. As for his dad, I searched for his photos on the Internet, and he looks very kind. Yes, but I don’t know the specifics."

"Then you should find Ying Xiaoyang as a reference for buying gifts!"

"I told him, he said no need to buy, I just go, what else said I go is to give them the biggest gift, I..."

"Oh, yes! This is how Mr. Ying's love story is pretty good!" Fang Xin looked at her embarrassed look, laughed and joked, and when she was thrown by her eyes, he analyzed it seriously. "Actually speaking, when Xiaoyang's family has a big business, his parents must have no worries about food and clothes. No matter what you buy, they will not be able to afford it. In fact, it is still your heart. Okay, you can buy them one item each according to what you like. It does not matter whether it is expensive or not, as long as they like or are interested, so that people will think that you are bothered and will not think that the gift is too slippery. Yes, do you understand what I mean?"

"You know you know, so, what on earth do you buy?"

"You can ask Ying Xiaoyang about this matter and ask his parents what they like. I can only help so much." Fang Xin shrugged and replied.

"Then what are we doing now?"

Fang Xin took out his mobile phone and checked the time: "It's been around 11:40, of course I went to a restaurant for dinner! Just in time you can call Ying Xiaoyang and then we will decide where to go in the afternoon. With such a big sun outside, I don’t want to go wrong."

"What do you want to eat?"


Yin Shi listened to the words, chuckled, and went out of the mall with Fang Xin to a nearby western restaurant. After taking a seat and ordering a meal, Fang Xin suddenly raised his eyes and asked, "Hey! Wait, this restaurant. The restaurant won't belong to Ying Xiaoyang, right?"

"No! What's the matter?"

"It's okay, I'll just ask. After all, Ying Xiaoyang's restaurants are all over the city, and I just asked curiously." Fang Xin took a small sip of the ice water on the side and said with a smile: "I can suddenly imagine the future. When I went to the restaurant of Ying Xiaoyang’s house, I said that it was fun to charge you when paying the bill, just like Lu Yiyang always likes to charge Ying Xiaoyang when he eats."


Yin Shi was dumb and gave her an angry look: "Don't hurt me. Ying Xiaoyang is Ying Xiaoyang, and I am me."

"I know, I'll just say that. I can still handle this kind of thing, and I won't give others the opportunity to tell you about you." Fang Xin smiled and motioned to her with his eyes: "You give Ying Xiaoyang Just call and ask! Otherwise, you won’t be able to find anything in the afternoon, so come here."

"Okay." Yin Shi took out his mobile phone from his bag and sent a WeChat message to Ying Xiaoyang, but didn't make a call, fearing that he would be disturbed if he was still busy at this time. After sending it, he waited quietly for his reply. .

After a while, Ying Xiaoyang responded to the news. The two chatted without a word. Fang Xin sat opposite, propped his chin with one hand, curled his mouth, and finally couldn't help asking: "I will let you Ask his parents what they like, don't you two talk about love, just ask if business is right?"

"Perfume." Yin Shi put down his phone and raised his eyes, "He said his mother likes perfume very much."

"Then we will buy perfume in the afternoon."

"it is good."

"What about his dad?"

"He said he didn't know, let me buy it casually or not."


It's a real son.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"do not know."

"I found that Ying Xiaoyang is really good at Buddhism, so I'm picking gifts here."

As soon as Fang Xin finished speaking, Yin Shi’s cell phone rang. It was a message from Xiaoyang that she didn’t need to buy the gift. He had already asked someone to prepare it and brought it to him when he met in the evening, but Yin Shi refused, and froze with him on WeChat, saying that it was not sincere to give a gift like this and he had to buy it himself, but in the end he was convinced by Ying Xiaoyang.

At the end, Yin Shi threw out a sentence, "Then tell me how much you will pay later and I will transfer it to you."

When Ying Xiaoyang saw this passage, he suddenly felt dumbfounded. He found a wife to settle the accounts!

Although very helpless, Ying Xiaoyang knew that Yin Shi had to be strong, so he had to agree, and just quote a price to her at that time, and that was nothing.

When she was chatting with Ying Xiaoyang, the waiter put the dishes together, and Fang Xin’s mobile phone on the table rang. It was from Zhai Jiaye, and then a magical scene appeared, just two. The people at the same table were holding their cellphones and chatting with their boyfriends, ignoring each other's existence completely.

In the middle of the conversation, the two suddenly raised their eyes and looked at each other inadvertently, and then smiled at each other. After chatting with the phone and the person on the phone for a few more words, they hung up the phone, and they were eating while discussing whether to take the afternoon Going to the movies, after all, their girlfriends have not gone to the movies together for a long time. The only regret is that Qiao Yuwei is not there. It would be more perfect if she was there.

Thinking of this, Fang Xin initiated a video invitation in the group of three of them, and Qiao Yuwei quickly accepted it. Seeing the two of them eating Western steak together, Qiao Yuwei viciously accused them of this kind of' Bad behavior, severely despised them.

Fang Xin and Yin Shi were very happy. The three did not chat for a while. Qiao Yuwei was called away by his assistant Taozi, and the video was interrupted. Fang Xin divined: "I will pinch my fingers and wait for Weiwei to be free. After coming down, she will slaughter both of us fiercely."

"I think so too." Yin Shi nodded in agreement.

This kind of love between girlfriends is incomparable with many things. This kind of emotion can give you help and comfort when you need it, just like Fang Xin, Yin Shi and Qiao Yuwei's love for girlfriends. .

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