Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

: Fang Xinfan 086: I want to marry you

After eating, the two of them wandered around Chunyu Road. For them, this kind of shopping has been rare since they parted ways after graduating from school, because at that time Qiao Yuwei went to study abroad, and the two of them Everyone is on the same side. After graduation, I returned to t city, and because of work and status, the most common thing is to eat together and drink afternoon tea. Things like shopping are quite common with Fang Xin and Yin Shi. Acceptable, but Qiao Yuwei is a public figure, and he must be fully armed every time he goes shopping, otherwise he will be easily recognized. .biquge

Nearly 2:30, the two went to the nearest movie theater and chose a youthful romance style movie to watch. When they held Coke and popcorn in their hands, they suddenly felt like they were back in their school days. It's just that Qiao Yuwei is missing.

So before entering the venue, Fang Xin deliberately hung a few dolls on the claw machine next to the hall, stacking them up as Qiao Yuwei. After entering the venue, Fang Xin placed the dolls and took a photo with her mobile phone. I sent it to Qiao Yuwei and sent it to Moments by the way, and then Yin Shi also reposted it.

It was already past five o'clock when they came out of the theater after watching the movie, and the setting sun went down, and the afterglow of the setting sun lightly shone on the two of them, stretching their silhouettes.

"It's been a long time since I came to the cinema to watch a movie." Fang Xin stretched out with the doll in her hand: "I haven't watched this kind of fresh movie for a long time, and it feels pretty good."

"Well, but the relationship between the second male and female second is quite a pity." Yin Shidan nodded with a smile.

"That's true, but this is also in line with real life, not everyone who loves each other will be together." Fang Xin also pouted regretfully, took out his mobile phone from his bag and looked at the time: "It's half past five. Didn’t you say that we would have dinner together at half past six yesterday? How about we go there first? It’s still a bit away from the location you sent me yesterday.


After the two decided, they took the car directly to one of the restaurants under Ying Xiaoyang's company. Both of them also sent WeChat to Zhai Jiaye and Ying Xiaoyang and asked them to go directly after work.

When Yin Shi sent a message to Ying Xiaoyang, Ying Xiaoyang happened to be in his office discussing a project with several senior executives of the company. Hearing the ringtone, Ying Xiaoyang glanced at the mobile phone placed on the desktop. , Looking at the word'wife' written on the lit screen, he quickly put down the file in his hand, picked up the phone to open the message and read it, his brows were involuntarily stirred.

The executive who was still discussing the plan saw Ying Xiaoyang looking at his mobile phone, and didn't know whether to continue speaking, so he glanced at the person next to him, and the person next to him was also at a loss.

"Keep on talking!" When Ying Xiaoyang was typing back the message, he found that they were not talking anymore, so he raised his eyes and glanced at them, and cried out, looking at them.

When the man heard it, he quickly retracted his gaze and continued to talk about the plan just now, without daring to delay at all.

After more than half an hour, Ying Xiao Yang took the time on his wrist, pressed his lips, and listened to the endless talk of those executives. The eyebrows he was staring at became more displeased. After about two or three minutes, Ying Xiao Yang left the file on the desktop: "After talking for so long, your plan is still the same as the original. It's just a different way of saying it, and the plan is so long. I want to know the point. Where? I want the key, the useful key."

After Ying Xiaoyang’s call, the executives all closed their mouths. Ying Xiaoyang got up from the sofa and inserted one hand into his trouser pocket: "Tomorrow, I want a satisfactory plan, and I can’t give it. , You can pack and leave."

Several executives glanced at each other, picked up all the papers on the desk in a slanderous manner, and after a slight nod to Xiaoyang Chaoying, they all left the office.

After seeing them leave, Ying Xiaoyang raised his hand and pulled on the necktie, his gaze shifted to the assistant Jiang Yuan: "You sort out the information, I'll go first."

"Yes." Jiang Yuan nodded, watching Ying Xiaoyang take a leisurely pace, turning the mobile phone in his hand, putting one hand in his trouser pocket and leaving the office.

After arriving at the restaurant, Ying Xiaoyang walked into the private room and saw Yin Shi and Fang Xin sitting in there chatting, and there was another person he did not expect, that was Zhai Jiaye. When he saw Zhai Jiaye, his expression was obviously somewhat different. Surprised.

"Mr. Ying." After Zhai Jiaye saw him, he was as calm as ever and greeted meticulously.

For Ying Xiaoyang, who had a high EQ, after the surprise, when he saw Zhai Jiaye and Fang Xin sitting so close, his brows were frivolous, and he seemed to have seen the clues and narrowed his eyes, with deep meaning. Glancing at him, the corner of his mouth raised a wicked smile, walked over, pulled the chair and sat between Zhai Jiaye and Yin Shi.

After greeting the waiter to serve, Ying Xiaoyang approached Zhai Jiaye without a trace, slammed his arm lightly, and whispered: "Yes! Dude, I actually managed to fix Fang Xin's little pepper. I thought You will be the same as Lu Yiyang's wood. If it were not arranged at home, you would definitely be single for the rest of your life."

Hearing, Zhai Jiaye also slowly approached him, staring straight ahead, and whispered back: "Xie Ying always praises it, it makes you bother."

"Tsk! I didn't praise you, but I just think that you are a little bit more promising than Lao Lu. If you can solve your single problem personally, Lao Lu can't do it, it's the old man who arranged it." Ying Xiaoyang gave him such a cheap price. The act of betrayal is deeply shameless, and after a vain look, he can't help but sigh with emotion.

"In this way, Mr. Ying's words are somewhat reasonable."


"What are you two whispering?" After the waiter finished the food, Fang Xin found that the two elders sitting in the middle were very close together, whispering something.

When Yin Shi heard this, he turned his head and looked at the two of them one after another. After receiving the strange look from his wife, the two of them silently stood up and moved back to their original position. His face was calm and composed, and there was no guilty conscience. a feeling of.

"We were just talking about work." Ying Xiaoyang raised his eyebrows, raised the wine glass in front of him, smiled, and glanced at Zhai Jiaye meaningfully: "This seems to be the first time the four of us are sitting together. For dinner, Lao Lu and his wife are missing. Come on, let's drink one?"

Fang Xin and Yin Shi didn't say much, they also raised their cups and bumped them.

Halfway through the four of them, Zhai Jiaye and Ying Xiaoyang talked about work inexplicably. After a while, an ‘English’ term came out of their mouths and several companies were mentioned.

Fang Xin and Yin Shi looked at each other, Qi Qi rolled his eyes at both of them, put the chopsticks in their hands on the table one after another, staring at them dissatisfiedly and asking, "Are you treating it as a workplace now? If you want to talk about work troubles, can you stop talking in front of us?"

After hearing this, Zhai Jiaye looked back at Fang Xin, dumbly, closed her mouth silently, picked up her chopsticks and gave her a dish.

When Xiaoyang saw this, she naturally wouldn’t lose to Zhai Jiaye. Although Yin Shi didn’t say much, her face was a little cold, and she knew that she was a little angry. She immediately smiled and said: "You didn’t say this last time. Is the grouper delicious? I asked the kitchen to prepare it for you when I ordered."

After the meal, the four of them left the private room together, Fang Xin smiled and said, "Thank you Mr. Ying for the hospitality today."

"You are polite." Ying Xiaoyang smiled and saw the restaurant manager approaching and wanted to say something to him, but Ying Xiaoyang gave him a wink. After the manager understood, he stood beside him and talked to Yin Shi. They nodded slightly and said hello.

"Xiao Yang."

A clear voice suddenly sounded outside the corridor. Everyone heard the sound and looked over. When the gorgeous figure wearing a red tube top skirt came into view, Ying Xiao Yang narrowed his eyes slightly and swept it subconsciously. The manager of the restaurant glanced sharply across his eyes.

After receiving his gaze, the manager lowered his head subconsciously, and didn't dare to look at him. In fact, he just came here to tell him about this.

Lin Meiling walked to Ying Xiaoyang's side with a gorgeous smile on her high heels. The expression on her face was a bit shy, and even her tone of voice was reproachful: "I came back from Italy some time ago. , If you call you, you won’t answer, you won’t reply if you send text messages. People at the company always say that you can’t see you without an appointment. Today I happened to come to your restaurant for dinner with my friend. My friend said that I just saw you. I thought she was a lie! I didn't expect you to be here!"

Lin Meiling's voice is very soft and soft, let alone a man, even Fang Xin and Yin Shi felt that her bones were crispy, and she was very beautiful, and her figure was also convex, so she voted for Ying Xiaoyang. There are various emotions in his eyes.

The few people who were watching were not fools. Naturally, they could see that there was some relationship between this woman and Ying Xiaoyang, and the relationship seemed unusual.

When Yin Shi watched Lin Meiling put Ying Xiaoyang's arm very naturally, the expression on his face was slightly heavy. He glanced at Lin Meiling and looked at Ying Xiaoyang deeply.

Ying Xiaoyang's figure had a pause, and he quickly pulled his arm out of Lin Meiling's hand, looked at his brows, and asked displeasedly: "Is something wrong with me?"

"We haven't seen you for a long time, people miss you!" Lin Meiling didn't pay attention to the detail of Ying Xiaoyang's withdrawal of her hand, but shyly lowered her head and approached Ying Xiaoyang again coquettishly.

Ying Xiaoyang subconsciously hid his brows, frowning deeper and deeper. Zhai Jiaye on the side looked at, pursed his lips, and pulled Fang Xin, who was about to move on a small bench to watch melon seeds, and said: "Mr. Ying, we Let’s go first, thanks for the dinner."

Ying Xiaoyang opened his eyes wide and motioned him with his eyes to tell him not to leave, but Zhai Jiaye completely pretended that he didn't understand anything, and after slightly nodding at him, he pulled Fang Xin and left directly.

It's better for them to stay out of this kind of thing.

Fang Xin was dragged away by him, but she recovered, and she moved backwards: "Hey...Zhai Jiaye, slow down, that... Yin Shi, I'll leave first, and I will contact you later!"

Seeing Zhai Jiaye and Fang Xin disappearing at the corner at the end of the corridor, Yin Shi calmed down and said nothing. He calmly retracted his gaze, turned and walked directly forward.

Upon seeing this, Ying Xiaoyang quickly grabbed her with eyesight and hands: "Where are you going?"

Yin Shi was forced to stop, tilted his head to look at him who was a little anxious, and coldly withdrew his hand. The words that came out of his red lips were also very indifferent and alienated: "You are busy first, I have something to do, so let's go first. When you go back, don’t call me when you haven’t handled your own affairs properly. Tomorrow your mother is afraid that you won’t be able to go there. Please help me and auntie to say sorry.”

"I have nothing, I..." When Ying Xiaoyang looked at the frost floating under her eyes, she knew that Yin Shi had shut her heart again, and she had shut him out again, instantly. Feeling a little flustered and anxious.

"Xiao Yang..." Lin Meiling saw that something was wrong, pursed her lips in displeasure, walked over, and cried out crying.

"Shut up." Ying Xiaoyang himself was a little helpless at this time. Hearing Lin Meiling calling herself like this, a fire broke out in her heart for some reason, interrupted her angrily, and stared at her: "I warned last time. You, I'm not interested in you, don't endlessly think about sticking to me and get out of me."

Lin Meiling listened, tears immediately fell from her eyes, she looked very pitiful, and when she looked at Yin again, she stomped and cried and left.

After finishing Lin Meiling, Ying Xiaoyang only looked at Yin and explained seriously: "I swear, I really have nothing to do with her? I have met several times, because she and Mingke still have nothing to do with her. Qi Yan knew each other, and we had two meals together. Later, she asked Qi Yan and Mingke to match me and him, and she also pestered me to be with me, but I refused. I am now There is only you in my heart, and I can't pretend to be anyone else."

Yin Shi listened to his explanation, the indifferent expression on his face remained unmoved, and he calmly squinted at him: "I said, Ying Xiaoyang, if you are not ready to be with me for the rest of your life, then Breaking up early, I don’t like wasting time, and I don’t like that kind of little girl’s separation and reunion, I am not a generous woman, I can’t tolerate the Sahara Desert, and I don’t want to waste time after I get married. I don’t want to go to my mother’s footsteps. I don’t want to be ridiculed like my mother that I deserve to look down on a man. So, let’s calm down and think carefully!"

Yin Shi pushed his hand away, and there was only endless darkness in his eyes. The sweetness of love really enriched her missing heart and made her forget the pain and memories that childhood brought her.

But when I just saw Lin Meiling, the picture that filled Yin Shi's mind was the picture of his mother crying in the house when he was a child, while his father was holding the same woman wearing a red dress and leaving in despair.

Suddenly she felt a little trance, fear and pain in her heart. She had always been calm and calm, but during the time she was with Ying Xiaoyang, his sweet words and careful manner made her abandon all of her once herself. I didn't think about it until now.

Listening to her indifferent words without any fluctuations, Ying Xiaoyang's heart seemed to be attacked by something. They never realized that it was the first time he heard these words when he heard Yin.

He had seen her mother and grandfather and grandmother, and knew that her mother was in poor health, but he had never heard anything about her father from her, and he had never asked him.

Seeing her leaving, Ying Xiaoyang recovered, followed quickly, and took her hand: "You believe me, I will never let the things you just said happen."

The appearance of Lin Meiling made her react so much, although Ying Xiaoyang was a little confused, but more distressed and wanted to explain everything.

"How do you make me believe you? Just rely on the Yingyingyanyan that appears by your side from time to time?" Yin Shi chuckled lightly, his black eyes didn't fluctuate at all, just looking at him quietly, but nothing Any awn points.

"I really have nothing to do with Lin Meiling. Since I was with you, I have really kept a distance from all the women. I have a clear conscience for you. Is it because she suddenly appeared, you have to deny it? What do we have before?" Ying Xiaoyang became a little impatient, and pulled Yin Shi into his arms, tightly imprisoning her, and asked with a little overbearing.

Yin Shi struggled hard. Inadvertently, he noticed that there were waiters and restaurant guests around him looking at him. The coldness on his face instantly turned into embarrassment and unnaturalness. He stretched out his hand and pushed his chest: "Xiansong Open, so many people are watching!"

"I hold my own daughter-in-law. Anyway, I don't feel ashamed. If you are not used to it, I will let them all go." Ying Xiaoyang heard the change in her tone, knowing that this matter has come to an end, and began to implement her own set of shameless methods. , Staring at the waiter aside: "What are you looking at? Waiting for me to fire you?"

When the waiter who was still onlookers heard this, he turned around and went to each other to be busy.

Seeing that the people around had disappeared, Ying Xiaoyang raised his eyebrows with a special pride, and when he looked at Yin somewhat proudly, he smiled, "Okay, they're all gone."

Yin Shi was dumb, feeling unlovable: "You let me go first."

"Don’t let go, let go of you, if you run away, whoever pays my daughter-in-law, I don’t care. I have already determined that you are my daughter-in-law, and my mother has also determined that you are our Ying’s daughter-in-law. What you said before is invalid. , I also swear, if I make you sad in the future, or do anything I'm sorry to you, I will be thundered and killed, I..."

When Yin Shi heard this, his eyes widened in surprise, and he quickly raised his hand to cover his mouth, and gave him a reproach: "What are you talking about?"

The softness of the lips made Ying Xiaoyang laugh, and the hand holding her waist went in for a few minutes: "No matter if it is now or in the future, I am the only one in my heart, the Yingying Yanyan you said. I won’t let her show up, and I’ll never attract bees and butterflies outside. It’s enough to have you alone."

Yin Shi pursed his lips, tilted his head, and said nothing.

Seeing that she was silent, Ying Xiaoyang was a little anxious, and he hugged her horizontally and walked outside: "Today is late, let's go to see the ring first, and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow morning to pull the certificate. You have been in your life. My people, don't even think about running away."

"Ying Xiaoyang, what are you doing..."

"I want to marry you." Ying Xiaoyang lowered his head and curled up the corners of his lips, his eyes filled with seriousness: "I am not your father, and you are not your mother, so things like that will never happen. "

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