Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

: Fang Xinfan 088: I am lucky to marry you

More than half an hour later, the car arrived at Zhai Jiaye's house. It was a duplex villa, decorated in a classical Chinese style. Zhai's mother was surprised and happy when she learned that Zhai Jiaye had returned. She also blamed Zhai Jiaye for not making a call in advance. .biquge

After speaking, he noticed Fang Xin on the side, and Fang Xin smiled and greeted politely: "Hello Auntie."

"Mom, this is my girlfriend, Fang Xin." As soon as Fang Xin's words came to an end, to ease her tension, Zhai Jiaye answered the conversation directly.

When Mother Zhai heard that, the expression on her face was very surprised, and the smile on her face was still uncontrollable: "You stinky boy, when did you talk to your girlfriend, why don't you tell me, this girl I won’t tell me in advance when I come back, I’m well prepared at home! Quick, quick, don’t stand at the door, come in and sit.” After that, Mother Zhai took Fang Xin’s hand and welcomed her very warmly. Up.

Mother Zhai's enthusiasm made Fang Xin unable to adapt, but it also made her feel less nervous.

Mother Zhai is also a person who knows how to measure. She knows that Fang Xin is here for the first time, and she didn't ask more questions. She just talked about the daily routine and thought this girl was pretty good, and she was very educated in her words and deeds. , And the temperament is quite straightforward, getting along is quite to her liking.

Since Zhai Jiaye came back suddenly with Fang Xin, after talking with Fang Xin, Mother Zhai said that she would go out to buy groceries. Fang Xin also suggested that she would go with her, but Mother Zhai refused, saying that they had been sitting there for so long. Time's car must be tired, so she and Zhai Jiaye were allowed to rest at home, and she was not allowed to follow.

In the end, Fang Xin couldn't hold back Zhai's mother, so he chose to compromise, and Zhai Jiaye led the whole villa on a tour.

"Hey! Why didn't you see your dad?"

"Should be still in school at this time."


"Well, he is a history teacher in the city high school. He usually comes back at night. Sometimes he lives in school directly and only comes back on weekends."

"So that's it." Fang Xin sat on Zhai Jiaye's bed, lay down with his hands spread out, looked at the ceiling, and asked curiously: "Then you should have been good at studying history when you were a kid!"

"On the contrary, history is the worst of all subjects, but it always lingers on the edge of passing, and it is still passable." Zhai Jiaye squatted on the ground to organize the suitcase, while calmly sorting the suitcase.

"Ah, the worst?" Fang Xin exclaimed in surprise, turning over and lying on the bed: "You can pass the worst. You are also very good, but why is it the worst? Your dad is history. Teacher! Shouldn't it be the best?"

"He didn't care much about my studies since he was a child, it belongs to... the kind of education that makes me fend for myself."

"Puff." Fang Xin couldn't help but laughed: "What should I do? I don't know if I envy you or sympathize with you now."

Zhai Jiaye raised her eyes and glanced at her: "What do you envy?"

"Envy your dad to ignore your studies! When I was studying, I was scolded by my parents because of partial subjects, especially my physics scores. That was terrible! Once I got a single-digit score in the exam. , And sent my dad into the hospital with anger, and called me a hatred of iron and steel! Almost never kicked me out of the house to relieve the hatred. Fortunately, my grandma was stopping me at that time." Fang Xin now Looking back on the days when Pianke was bombarded by my parents in turn, I felt miserable!

"By the way, Zhai Jiaye, are you the only child?" Fang Xin asked curiously after the memory.

"There is a younger sister who is in college, she should be a junior this year!"

"It's great. I envy those who have younger siblings, and at least one can share it when they are beaten." Fang Xin sighed and curled his lips, only feeling that her childhood was very wronged.

The only daughters of other people's families are always spoiled. She, the only daughter, has to think about how to live strong in this family, otherwise her dad may go out at any time.

Talking too much is tears!

Zhai Jiaye burst into laughter, got up and sat on the edge of the bed, and reached out to touch her head: "Would you like to take a bath and then sleep?"

"May I?"

"why not?"

"I'm not afraid that your mother will come back later to see that I fell asleep, isn't it?"

"It's okay, let's take a bath first!"

"it is good."

Fang Xin got up from the bed, opened his suitcase, found a set of clothes inside, and led the way to the bathroom with Zhai Jiaye, where he took a shower comfortably.

After she came out of the shower, Zhai Jiaye took the clothes and went in for a bath. Fang Xin sat alone in the room with her hair blowing. When her hair was almost blowing, a sweet voice suddenly came from downstairs, "Mom, I'm coming back." Up'.

At first, Fang Xin thought that she had heard it wrong, but she felt that she was wrong, so she put down her hair dryer and got up and went out. As soon as she walked out of the door, she saw a man wearing a baby-collared skirt standing at the stairs with two small braids. Cute girl.

The two looked at each other, and the four eyeballs blinked a few times. The girl looked at her up and down and asked suspiciously: "Who are you...?"


"Jia Yue?"

Just as Fang Xin was thinking about how to explain, Zhai Jiaye walked out of the bathroom, wiping her hair with a towel in her hand, and when she saw the little girl with braids, she spoke subconsciously.

"Brother, when did you come back?" Zhai Jiayue looked at Zhai Jiaye in surprise.

"I just came back." Zhai Jiaye put the towel on her shoulders, dropped her hands into her trouser pockets, and walked over: "Why are you back?"

"The school will be off the day after tomorrow, I'll be back!" Zhai Jiayue took it for granted, glanced at her heart, nodded suddenly, and smiled: "Oh! I understand, brother, this is your girlfriend. ?"

Zhai Jiaye looked at Fang Xin, saw her face covered in circles, smiled, and nodded: "Introduce you, this is my girlfriend, your future sister-in-law Fang Xin, this is my sister Zhai Jiayue."

"Hello future sister-in-law, I am your future sister-in-law." Zhai Jiayue smiled sweetly and stretched out her white tender hand, greeted her especially cheerfully.

Fang Xin was originally a straight-forward temper. Seeing Zhai Jiayue greeted her so naturally, she was not restrained, smiled, and held her little hand: "Hello."

Due to Zhai Jiayue's return, Fang Xin didn't sleep anymore, and the two chatted very speculatively. Later Zhai Jiayue learned that Fang Xin and Qiao Yuwei were best friends, and was even more excited.

Seeing the two of them chatting so enthusiastically, Zhai Jiaye was happy in her heart, but he was a little bit upset about the fact that he was left behind.

After Mother Zhai returned from buying vegetables, she hurriedly called Father Zhai, saying that he would be back today anyway. Today is a reunion day. The most important thing is that her son is back with his girlfriend.

She no longer has to worry about her son not getting married in the future, and she will not be able to hold her grandson, and after this contact, she is very satisfied with the other side.

At dinner, Father Zhai also came back, but he was also a kind of stodgy person. He didn't know how to say good things. He just asked a few questions and didn't read anything.

Fang Xin didn't feel any loss either, because she had already learned from Zhai Jiayue that her father had that temperament, and he treated everyone the same. After all, she was used to being a serious teacher in school.

After dinner, Zhai Jiaye took Fang Xin for a walk nearby. The beach was three to four hundred meters away from his villa. The two walked on the beach hand in hand against the sea breeze.

Halfway through, Fang Xin suddenly stopped and looked down at the sand under her feet.

"What's the matter?" Seeing her stop, Zhai Jiaye stopped and asked, turning around.

"Zhai Jiaye."


"I have something to give you."


Fang Xin slowly raised her head, stretched out from her pocket, compared a heart to him with her hand, and said with a smile: "My true heart."

Zhai Jiaye was taken aback for a moment, looking at the heart with her fingers, and at the smile on her face, like the morning sun, warming into his heart, holding her hand slightly harder, towards herself She pulled her arms and put her arms around her waist: "Then I have something to give you."

"Huh? What?" Fang Xin raised his head happily and sweetly, and looked up at him.

Zhai Jiaye took out a white ring box from her trouser pocket with one hand, then slowly loosened the hand that was holding her waist, and opened the ring box, with a one-carat heart-shaped diamond ring lying inside.

Fang Xin looked at him in surprise, her eyes filled with emotion and disbelief: "You...when did you prepare? Why don't I know?"

"I secretly bought it from you a few days ago, thinking that this ring should be quite suitable for you. I wanted to say that when I returned to the city of t, I would find a time to propose to you, but I just saw the sincerity you gave me. , I still couldn't hold back and took it out."

"You can do it! There's this one too." Fang Xin glared at him and took out the ring from the box. When he first wanted to put it on, he felt that something was wrong, and put it in his hand: "You help me wear it. "

Zhai Jiaye smiled lightly, took the ring, gently held her hand, and put the ring on her ring finger.

Fang Xin looked at the dazzling diamond ring on her finger and smiled sweetly: "Does it look good?"

"Well, it looks good."

Fang Xin tilted her head happily, suddenly remembering the necklace and ring she bought this afternoon, and took out a small gray-blue gift box from her pocket: "Hey! This is my gift to you."

"For me?" Zhai Jiaye was still immersed in her joy and sweet smile. When she saw the box she handed over, her body was taken aback, and the look on her face was also startled.

Fang Xin nodded and smiled: "Open it up and take a look."

Zhai Jiaye took it, and gently opened the box. Inside was a very beautiful and delicate necklace. There was a men's ring in the middle of the necklace. Zhai Jiaye's eyes gradually lost consciousness. He looked at the objects in the box dumbly, and his lips moved and moved. , Just can't make any sound.

Seeing his reaction, Fang Xin smiled and stretched out his hand to cup his face: "Silly? Say something!"

"When did you... buy it?" Zhai Jiaye monopolized her thoughts, and the eyes under her eyes softened and her tone became lighter.

"Remember when I asked you to buy caramel bubble tea for me this afternoon?"


"I saw this at that time. I thought it was pretty at first glance. I wanted to buy this and propose to you, so I used the milk tea as an excuse to distract you, but I didn't expect it. You also prepared the ring, and you started to propose before me." Fang Xin put her hands behind her back, and at the end, the expression on her face was a little bit regretful.

Zhai Jiaye laughed silently, and raised her hand to pinch her nose: "Fool, of course a man should come to propose such a thing. How can you girls speak first."

"Why can't it, I just want me to speak first." Fang Xin retorted, "Zhai Jiaye, are you willing to marry me? Regardless of life, old age, sickness, wealth, or poverty, you are willing to never leave and grow old."

"Yes, yes, yes."

Zhai Jiaye closed the box and hugged her around the place a few times. The sound went from steady at the beginning to the final announcement, and the blessings and cheers of the sea breeze and waves were ushered in.

Fang Xin smiled and patted his shoulder: "Don't turn, let me down quickly, my head is almost dizzy."

Zhai Jiaye put her down and kissed her lips with a smile.

Sometimes, an accident can also be the beginning of happiness and sweetness. It can be much impossible for a long time. Such a unique accident is also the most unique and memorable memory in their life.


One month later.

Zhai Jiaye and Fang Xin had received the certificate within a few days after Xinhai City returned to t city, and Fang Xin took the potatoes and potatoes and moved into the apartment where Zhai Jiaye lived.

But most of the time, potatoes and potatoes still live in her grandma's house, because their grandma does not allow them to disturb the lives of Fang Xin and Zhai Jiaye, who thinks they are light bulbs.

For this reason, potatoes and potato expressed deep dissatisfaction, but in the end they were still unable to stand up to the peasants and sing due to the threat of their grandmother.

In the evening, Zhai Jiaye prepared the food as usual, and went to the room to call Fang Xin, but as soon as he opened the door, he saw Fang Xin rushing out of the room, covering his mouth, and when he passed by, he gently pushed. He ran directly in the direction of the bathroom.

Upon seeing this, Zhai Jiaye hurriedly followed, watching her vomiting on the toilet, feeling distressed and patted her on the back: "I'm vomiting again? Didn't you start eating anything yet?"

Fang Xin waved her hand, the vomiting still did not stop, until she vomited the bile, she did not get better, she collapsed on the ground, Zhai Jiaye held her in one hand, and took a towel from the shelf with the other hand. He wiped his cheek lightly: "Let's go to the hospital for a look! It's been several days, so vomiting like this is not the answer."

"Help me up first."

Zhai Jiaye put the towel back to the original place, hugged her horizontally with both hands, walked to the living room and gently put her on the sofa, turned to the kitchen and poured her a glass of water: "Drink some water."

Fang Xin took two big sips before feeling the whole person came alive.


"Much better." Fang Xin held his mouth aggrievedly, and leaned sideways in his arms.

Zhai Jiaye put her arms around her and kissed the top of her head: "Let's go to the hospital to have a look."

"What's so beautiful? Didn't the doctor tell you last time? Morning sickness is normal during pregnancy, and it's not your fault if you say it." Fang Xin gave him an angry look, and unconsciously put her hands on her own. abdomen.

She found out that she was pregnant ten days ago. When Zhai Jiaye found out, she took the b-ultrasound picture and didn't sleep all night. That's an excitement!

Fang Xin was at a loss when she first knew that she was pregnant. Later, thinking that she had a little life in her belly, she began to look forward to it again, but with the arrival of morning sickness, the joy was halved.

Moreover, she vomited during pregnancy, and sometimes she could vomit when she drank, which made her particularly painful.

Zhai Jiaye also took a one-month leave for this, and stayed with her at home.

"I want to eat sour."

"I just made sauerkraut fish."

"I want to eat."

"Is it brought me or you eat it yourself?"

"I'll go over!" Fang Xin sighed, got up and walked to the dining table with Zhai Jiaye's help, pulled the chair away and sat down, smelling the sauerkraut fish, and suddenly felt very comfortable: "I want to drink that fish soup. ."

Zhai Jiaye also pulled a chair and sat down and helped her with a bowl of soup. He was afraid that it would be hot to her, so he blew the bowl gently before putting the bowl in front of her, and said, "Be careful of the fishbone, don't drink too quickly. "

"Yeah." Fang Xin nodded softly, took a small sip, and smiled: "The taste feels better than last time."

"Don't just drink the soup, you can also drink the porridge."

After the meal, Zhai Jiaye was washing the dishes. Fang Xin came over and wanted to help, but before she could speak, Zhai Jiaye preemptively said: "Go and sit on the sofa. I will take you out for a walk. You are not allowed to come to the kitchen. "

Fang Xin was dumb, and moved his hand hanging in the air a little, took advantage of the trend and hugged his waist from his back, and put his face on his back: "Don't I want to help you? You take care of me so hard every day. I’m pregnant and I’m not a ceramic doll anymore. The bowls can still be washed.

Zhai Jiaye was stunned, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly: "How can I have the heart to let you do the dishes if you are so uncomfortable with morning sickness! Obedient, go to the living room and sit down, and I will wash some fruit for you later."

"Zhai Jiaye, why do I think you treat me as your daughter? Even the tone of speech has changed. This won't move me, and then won't let me touch." Fang Xin tilted his head, pouting dissatisfiedly. Xiaozui complained.

Zhai Jiaye raised her eyebrows, put the last bowl in the drain basket, dried the water on her hands, turned to look at her, and naturally stroked her back with her hands: "Ying always said last time that it’s best to pet a wife. I treat her as my own daughter, so I want to try it. Now it seems that the effect is still good." After speaking, she raised her hand and squeezed her face.

Fang Xin smiled lightly, nestled in his arms, and whispered: "Husband!"

"Huh?" Zhai Jiaye hugged her tightly and replied quietly.

"Then do you like a son or a daughter?" Fang Xin put his jaw on his chest, staring at him with beautiful apricot eyes, and asked curiously.

"As long as you give birth, I like it."

Fang Xin smiled sweetly: "I am very happy to marry you."

"I am lucky to marry you."

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