Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 1: : A perfect shoulder fall

Yihua Village. .biquge

"It's useless to tell me so much. I can't control this matter. You'd better not mess with your parents, or I can't deal with this mess at that time. Honestly, I will wait for graduation abroad and get my graduation. Come back again.” Fu Jinheng parked the car on the side of the road, patrolled the sides of the village, picked up the phone, turned off the hands-free and put it to his ear, pushed the car door and walked down, talking to the phone with a little headache. The man in the head said.

"But I want to go back now, so you can help me! I'm your only sister..." The soft female voice on the other end of the phone spoke as if she had been wronged.

"Stop, the same trick doesn't work for me. I'm hanging up. I have business right now. I will talk about it when I'm done." Fu Jinheng also knew what routine the **** the other end was going to use, so he didn't bother to listen to it. When a call came in, he directly opened the new incoming call and answered: "Are you sure that the location you sent me is correct? I have been around here for more than half an hour, and I haven't seen the boy."

"That’s right, Fu Jian, he does live in Yihua Village. If he doesn’t stay in Yihua Village, there is no other place to go. You just asked me to investigate the transcript of his last visit. I also read him. He was a witness in this case, but the testimony he said was all loopholes, and the court session is about to begin, so he can only wait for him to confront the defendant in court."

After listening to the assistant's words, Fu Jinheng raised his hand and scratched his head: "I know, I'll go in and look for it. Don't be idle on your side."

"I know, I will try my best to bring up the previous files."

After hanging up the phone with the assistant, Fu Jinheng put the phone in his black casual jacket, walked into the village, and looked around.

When he walked to the middle of the village, Fu Jinheng saw a gray vest and five-point shorts squatting under the big tree and chatting with a group of elderly people, holding a handful of melon seeds in his hand, and subconsciously out of his pocket. I took out a photo and compared it. With his black eyes narrowed slightly, with sharp eagle lights glowing, he tentatively shouted: "Zhao Xiaowu."

As soon as the person heard it, he looked over with the voice, and Fu Jinheng put away the photo and walked over slowly.

But when Zhao Xiaowu saw him coming, he threw the melon seeds in his hand to the ground, and ran away wearing his flip flops.

Upon seeing this, Fu Jinheng immediately chased after him with his long legs, and shouted: "Zhao Xiaowu, don't run, stop."

The more Fu Jinheng shouted like this, the faster Zhao Xiaowu ran. In addition, Fu Jinheng was not very familiar with the roads of the village. He was taken by him, and Zhao Xiaowu soon disappeared. .

After walking through two more alleys, Fu Jinheng saw Zhao Xiaowu again, pointed at his back and shouted: "Zhao Xiaowu, you stop for me and you are not allowed to run."

Zhao Xiaowu thought he had been thrown away, but now he saw him chasing him again, and once again Sa Yazi ran away, and Fu Jinheng started a chase match with him again.

As he ran, the black jacket hat was put on his head inexplicably. In order to chase Zhao Xiaowu, Fu Jinheng didn't have too much thoughts about the hat. He just wanted to explain things clearly with Zhao Xiaowu today and let him. Go as a witness for him.

And outside the two alleys they were chasing, there happened to be three plainclothes policemen arresting a suspect in a murder case. Soon, when Zhao Xiaowu ran to a fork, he ran out of the alley on the left. Fu Jinheng, who turned around, didn't know that he had gone there, so he just turned to the right along the road and chased him.

As soon as he ran out of the alley not three or four meters away, a man and a woman suddenly appeared behind him, yelling "no run" at him.

Fu Jinheng glanced back, and then at the front of him that Zhao Xiaowu was no longer visible. He felt a bit inexplicable for the two people chasing after him. It was obviously that he was chasing someone else, so why is it that someone chasing him now?

After running for a few meters, Fu Jinheng still didn't see Zhao Xiaowu, so he gave up, and his speed slowed down slowly. He picked up his clothes and wiped the sweat off his face, before putting down the clothes in his hands. The two who were chasing him were getting closer and closer. Just as Fu Jin Heng stopped to ask what was going on, one of the short-haired women suddenly rushed over and gave him a perfect shoulder fall. He was pressed on the ground, his hands clasped behind his back.

Fu Jinheng was hit hard by this blow, and the pain was so painful that he almost didn't vomit blood. Just after taking a breath, he heard a calm and domineering female voice from the woman pressing on his back: "Don't move, police."

"Hush...lightly." Fu Jinheng moved a little bit, and the woman pressing on him pressed his arm harder and lifted it up, making Fu Jinheng sweat in pain.

When the remaining two men chased him, the woman pulled Fu Jin Heng up from the ground. Fu Jin Heng raised his eyes a little angrily and looked at her, only to see that the woman’s facial features were very correct and beautiful, but her expression was very indifferent and indifferent. Calmly, there is a bit of heroism and fierceness between the eyebrows, and he is dressed in black and cool colors, coupled with refreshing short hair style, is a typical cold beauty.

Just after seeing the woman's appearance, Fu Jinheng suddenly felt cold in his hands. He looked down and was handcuffed by the silver handcuffs. Fu Jinheng opened his eyes in surprise, "Who are you? What is it for?"

The woman looked up and down at Fu Jinheng, her eyebrows looked lightly, and she winked at the two men standing next to him. The three of them took out a black certificate from their pockets, and one of the boys gave him a face. Identification: "We are the police of Team 3 of the Criminal Investigation Branch of T City. We are investigating a suspect in a case. We will officially inform you that you have been arrested."

"I... I was arrested?" Fu Jinheng looked at the three of them incredibly, with a blank face, and shaking his handcuffed hands very innocently: "No, you can tell me what I do. You arrest me if you do?"

"Please follow us back to the team to investigate." The other man put away the documents in his hand and said with a serious face.

"Team Song, are you going back now?" Zhang Mingcheng looked sideways at the capable woman who was patrolling the surrounding area.

Upon hearing this, Song Jinan turned his head to look at Fu Jinheng, and said coldly: "Go back to the team."

With a face full of confusion and confusion, Fu Jinheng was thrown over his shoulders without saying anything, and he was turned into gray. Now he was handcuffed inexplicably, and he had to go to the police station for a cup of tea. This is what he is. Who provoked whom?

Usually at the procuratorate, he watched people walking past him in handcuffs. He never expected that he would be handcuffed on this day.

After getting in the car, Fu Jin Hengsheng looked ahead helplessly, and sighed helplessly: "I repeat, you caught the wrong person."

But after he finished speaking, only the boy Tao Qixun, who was sitting on his left side, glanced at him: "Did you catch the wrong person? After we go back and investigate, we have the final say."

Fu Jinheng: "..."

After arriving at the police station, Fu Jinheng was taken to the interrogation room by the two of them. After sitting for about five or six minutes, Song Jinan and Zhang Mingcheng walked in. Zhang Mingcheng was still holding a pen and a notebook in his hand.

"Name." After the two of them sat down, they looked at Fu Jinheng, who was full of irreverence and calmness. Song Jinan spoke indifferently. His voice was somewhat cold and clear, like a spring rain. , Sneak into the heart with the wind.

"Fu Jinheng." Fu Jinheng stared at her, and answered calmly. What he said was a prosecutor. He still knew that he needed investigation and cooperation to wash his own "wrongfulness".

"Age." Song Jinan looked at her brows again when she heard the name, but did not stop the investigation.



"Bauhinia Garden Community."



"Are you a prosecutor?" Upon hearing this, Zhang Mingcheng raised his eyes and looked at him in surprise, and his hand in taking notes stopped, his eyes widened and his face was full of surprise.

Looking at his fuss, Fu Jinheng naturally folded his legs, leaned back on the chair leisurely, and shrugged: "Otherwise? When you caught me, I said you caught the wrong person. ."

"Why are you in Yihua Village? When we were chasing you, we asked you to stop, why are you running?" Song Jinan pursed his lips, looked directly at him, and asked.

Upon hearing this, Fu Jinheng laughed helplessly: "This beautiful police officer, I am still inexplicable! I was chasing a witness in a case at that time, but if I lost it, you suddenly chased it from behind. As soon as I stopped, you suddenly gave me a shoulder fall. I also said that you caught the wrong person, but you won't give me a chance to explain!"

When Song Jinan heard the words, he calmed down and didn't speak. He just glanced at Zhang Mingcheng who was sitting next to him.

Zhang Mingcheng put away the shock on his face and looked at him suspiciously: "How do we know you are not telling lies?"

"Then check it out! I'm all sitting here anyway, and I don't care about sitting for a few more minutes." Fu Jinheng is also calm, and understands that the police need to pay attention to procedures and rules.

Zhang Mingcheng got up and walked out of the interrogation room. He returned after a few minutes. He went to Fu Jinheng and took out the handcuffs to help him untie him. He smiled and said, "Fu Jian, it's all misunderstandings, misunderstandings, and we are also today. Investigate the suspect in Yihua Village. At that time, you were wearing a black suit and wearing a hat, and you couldn’t see clearly. It was a bit similar to the suspect you saw in the surveillance, so you mistakenly thought you were the suspect. I'm so sorry."

Fu Jinheng moved his wrists and smiled twice, "It's okay, I understand." Slowly got up from the chair, cast his eyes on Song Jinan who was sitting at the interrogation table in front, and twisted slightly. On the shoulders: "It's just that this female police officer is really cruel, my shoulders and arms are sore."

Song Jinan met his eyes, was silent for a while, got up and walked in front of him, and said indifferently: "Sorry, we caught the wrong person by mistake, and I will be responsible for compensation for your injury."

Fu Jinheng raised his hand to stop her, and rubbed his aching shoulder again: "It's not a big problem, the compensation is unnecessary. Can you take the liberty to ask, what is the police officer's name?"

"Song Jinan."

Fu Jinheng raised his eyebrows, with a deep smile in his eyes: "Police Officer Song, can I go now?" He opened his hand and motioned for her to see how embarrassed she was now.


Fu Jinheng lightly flicked the dust off his clothes. After walking two steps, he suddenly thought of his side. He stopped and turned to look at Song Jinan and said, "Officer Song, when you brought me back, my car was still righteous. Huacun stopped."

Song Jinan lowered his eyes to look at Zhang Mingcheng: "You drive him over."

"Okay." Zhang Mingcheng nodded and walked in front of Fu Jinheng: "Fu Jian, I'm really sorry, let's go! I'll drive you to pick up the car."

When Fu Jinheng left, Song Jinan watched the uninhibited and frantic smile under his eyes, took a deep breath, and gradually fell into contemplation. The clues to this case broke again.

After returning to Yihua Village to pick up the car, Fu Jinheng drove home and took a shower and changed his clothes. When he put on his clothes and raised his hand, the sudden pain in his shoulder caused him to close his eyes for an instant, and his mind suddenly appeared. Out of the scene of being thrown to the ground, I had to rub my hands, and the phone on the bed in the dormitory suddenly rang with a sweet ring.

Randomly fiddled with the hair that was still obviously dripping, walked out of the bathroom with long legs, came to the edge of the bed, bent over to pick up the phone, saw the caller ID, raised his eyebrows, and answered the phone: "Hey!"


The female voice Ying on the other end of the phone tactfully fell into his ears, causing him to curl his mouth: "At home, what's the matter?"

"Are you free? Come out to eat together?"

"Oh? You invite me?"


"Tsk! The sun is going to rise from the west tomorrow. What kind of wind is this blowing? You suddenly remembered that you want to invite me to dinner?" Fu Jinheng laughed and walked into the cloakroom, not forgetting to ridicule. if.

"Then are you coming out, or are you not coming out?"

"A dinner for nothing, of course, come out, and send me the address on WeChat."

"old place."

"Ok, got it."

After hanging up the phone with Qiao Shiwei, Fu Jinheng changed his home clothes, took the car key, and went out. During the period, he called his assistant, but he didn't say anything about him and the police station. Duan's wonderful'fate' directly said that Zhao Xiaowu was allowed to run away, so he could only start with other things.

Forty minutes later, Fu Jinheng arrived at the restaurant where he often ate with Qiao Shiwei recently. He walked in and looked at the familiar seat sitting on the familiar shadow. Fu Jinheng waved away the waiter and put one hand in it. I walked over in my trouser pocket and asked jokingly: "Yo! Beauty, alone!"

Qiao Shi raised her eyes lazily and glanced at him, calmly and calmly on her exquisite appearance, looking at his unruly and arrogant look: "Save the words later! I'm hungry." After speaking, he gestured to the person in front of him. The waiter is ready to serve.

Fu Jinheng laughed, opened the chair and sat down, looking at her curiously: "Why do you suddenly remember that you want to eat together?"

"I haven't seen it for ten days. Shouldn't you come out for a meal and cultivate your feelings?" Qiao Shiwei took a small sip of the water glass, her tone was calm, and there were no waves in her eyes, which seemed very plain.

Hearing this, Fu Jinheng was a little surprised and raised his eyebrows and nodded: "You use the term'cultivating feelings' well. How can I say that we are also unmarried couples now. We should cultivate feelings, but it is my negligence. "

"Should be less official." Qiao Shiwei can be considered to understand his personality after getting along with Fu Jinheng for more than half a year.

On the contrary, Fu Jinheng knew her as well. They both had the title of unmarried couple in name. In fact, they had become the kind of relationship between friends in private. It was only due to the relationship between the family and the appointment. The wedding banquet gives the full face of the two families.

And after the engagement, the two of them also opened the skylight to talk brightly, and both understood that their hearts were no longer on each other, and there was no intention of calling each other. After saying this, they would get along together, and the two would not feel it. Feel awkward or embarrassed, and will not disturb each other's lives.

But speaking of it, in fact, the two of them have also worked hard emotionally. At the beginning, they thought about how they would love each other for a long time, but after more than seven months, the two of them met with nothing except mutual dislike and normal getting along. Emotional progress.

"Will you come for my mother's birthday tomorrow night?" After the dishes were served, Qiao Shiwei picked up the chopsticks and tasted, and asked nonchalantly.

Fu Jinheng raised his eyes and looked at her: "Go! Can I not go for my mother-in-law's birthday in the future? Then you will go to the mall with me to pick out gifts after dinner. I don't know what to give. "

Qiao Shiwei listened to his words, didn't take it seriously, and nodded: "Okay."

I thought I was fine at night, and the two of them are now friends of unmarried couples. The last time she went to his house, he helped her pick a gift together.

After the meal, Fu Jinheng did not rush to pay the bill. He watched Qiao Shiwei pay the bill and got up and left the restaurant with her.

Taking the initiative to pay for this kind of thing still happened before they had just met and didn't open up their hearts to speak. Later, it was said that whoever treats the guest is whoever treats it, and neither of them is polite.

After arriving at the mall, the two of them went straight to the third floor and started shopping, but Qiao Shiwei recommended two or three things to him. Fu Jinheng said that he was not satisfied. In the end, Qiao Shiwei didn't bother to say anything and let him choose by himself. .

In the end, Fu Jinheng chose a bag for Qiao's mother. Qiao Shiwei didn't say anything. After all, bags are a single product that every woman loves regardless of age.

"Do you have anything to buy?" Fu Jinheng walked out of the store after buying the bag, looking at Qiao Shiwei and asked.

"No, let's go!" Qiao Shiwei turned and walked forward, throwing out four words indifferently.

When approaching the escalator on the second floor, Qiao Shiwei noticed a five or six-year-old girl standing in front of the crane machine not far away. She was wearing two braids and a princess dress. She was very beautiful and very temperamental. He glanced twice more, and when he was about to take his gaze back on the escalator, a familiar handsome shadow plunged deep into his eyes.

"What's the matter? Don't you go?" Fu Jinheng went up the escalator and found that Qiao Shiwei hadn't followed, so he walked away from the escalator with his long legs, and asked inexplicably.

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