Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 2: : Are you interested in having a game?

Following her gaze, a touch of handsome and handsome holding the Hollekitty cotton candy in his hand fell into his eyes. The man looked very elegant and the smile at the corner of his mouth was very soft. He gave the cotton candy and stood in front of the crane machine. Little princess girl. .

When the man straightened up, he seemed to have noticed the gaze from their side, and he also looked at it. After colliding with Qiao Shiwei’s eyes in the air, the smile on his face was obviously stiffened for two minutes, and he was slightly taken aback. Next, he took the little girl's hand and walked over, smiling and saying hello: "Long time no see, Shishi."

Qiao Shiwei also came back to his senses. He glanced at the little girl and smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth: "Yes! Long time no see, this is your daughter?"

Cheng Beihuai tilted his head and glanced at the little girl, the light in his eyes softened a bit, then smiled and nodded: "Xinghe, call someone."

The little girl took a mouthful of marshmallows, looked at Qiao Shiwei and Fu Jinheng with big eyes, and said politely: "Hello, uncle and aunt."

Listening to the little girl’s soft and well-behaved voice, the smile on Qiao Shiwei’s face deepened a bit. When she raised her eyes, she found that Cheng Beihuai’s gaze fell on Fu Jinheng, who was on the side. It's my fiance Fu Jinheng, this is the famous songwriter Cheng Beihuai."

"Prosecutor Fu, disrespect." Cheng Beihuai was taken aback for a while, looked at Fu Jin Heng, smiled and stretched out his hand to say hello.

"Mr. Cheng, admire your name for a long time." After the two shook hands politely, Fu Jinheng looked at Qiao Shiwei and smiled: "I am waiting for you at the door."

Watching Fu Jinheng go up the escalator and go down the first floor, Qiao Shi pressed her lips slightly, slowly retracted her eyes, looked at the little girl, bent down, and asked softly: "How old are you, kid?"

When the little girl heard it, she looked at Qiao Shiwei's beautiful face, without any guard in her heart, but her big smart eyes flashed: "My name is Cheng Xinghe, I am five years old this year."

Cheng Beihuai watched them interact with each other, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "How are you doing recently?"

Qiao Shiwei heard the words, looked at him, raised his hand to touch the girl's head, and straightened up: "Very good, how about you?"

"Oh, that's alright."

"That's good, it's getting late, I'll leave first, he's still waiting for me below." Qiao Shi nodded slightly, and then turned on the escalator.

"Auntie, goodbye."

Halfway through the escalator, the little girl suddenly shouted.

Qiao Shi turned his head slightly and looked over, and saw the little girl with a big smile, waving her little hand and looking at her, unable to help, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up, and she waved her hand.

Walking to the entrance of the mall, Qiao Shiwei found Fu Jinheng standing there, and stood shoulder to shoulder with him: "Let's go!"

Fu Jinheng glanced at her, raised his eyebrows, and walked forward: "Unexpectedly, the rumor is true. He actually has a daughter that old. Seeing your reaction, it should be the first time I saw him. Daughter!"

Qiao Shi glanced at him slightly, "I can't tell, Fu Jian also has a gossip side."

"Everyone is curious!" Fu Jinheng smiled and raised his eyebrows at her. When he got to the parking place, he asked, "Should I take you back?"

"No, I drove by myself." Qiao Shi spoke slightly and walked in the direction of his car.

"Then I will pick you up tomorrow night, or will I go directly?"

"Come and pick me up!"

Watching Qiao Shiwei get into the car, start the engine, and drive away, Fu Jinheng raised his wrist to check the time, then turned to his car, put the gift selected for Qiao’s mother in his hand on the co-drive, and drove back. Home.


In the early autumn morning, there was a cool breeze, and the bright red morning sun slowly rose from the east through the layers of clouds and slanted into the shutters of the cloakroom.

Standing in front of the full-length mirror, Fu Jinheng was wearing a dark blue suit and leather shoes, highlighting his stalwart figure. He buckled the precious watch on his wrist, his head was slightly raised, and the navy blue striped tie was slightly adjusted. Looking at himself in the mirror, he raised his mouth with satisfaction, put one hand in his trouser pocket, turned and left the cloakroom.

After driving to the procuratorate, Fu Jinheng took the elevator to the floor where his office was located. During the period, many passing staff greeted him. Fu Jinheng walked into his office with a smile as always, took off his coat and hung it on the floor stand. Go up, go to the desk and sit down.

"Fu Jian, these are all the relevant information I found from the archives yesterday." As soon as Fu Jinheng took his seat, assistant Han Xufan followed up with a stack of documents and put the documents in his hands on the desktop.

Fu Jinheng felt that the desktop was shaken by the stack of files. Fu Jinheng stared at the stack of files with his eyes closed, and frowned, "Is all this related?"

"Yes." Han Xufan nodded: "Zhao Xiaowu is unwilling to mix up this matter, it is probably threatened by someone."

Fu Jinheng picked up one of the documents and looked through it, and leaned back lazily on the back of his chair: "Okay, let's do this first! By the way, what is the case that is being heard today over the 13th?"

"It seems to be a robbery prosecution case."

"Well, I see." Fu Jinheng didn't lift his eyelids, and said faintly, "I will take care of the rest."

"Yes." Han Xufan nodded in response, and suddenly thought of a question: "By the way, Fu Jian, I read the news report last night. It was said that three homicides occurred in Punan and Liudong districts of T City recently, and they were still Serial murders."

"The murder case?" Fu Jin Heng raised his eyes, "Punan District?"


"When did it happen? Why didn't I hear about it?" Fu Jinheng closed the documents in his hand and looked at Han Xufan with a bit of interest. After all, his apartment was in Punan District, where such a major event as a life case occurred. He didn't hear any wind.

"The police and the media have been suppressing this news report for fear of bad influence. The first case happened more than 20 days ago. It happened in Liudong District. I heard that there was a third girl the night before. It was killed in Punan District. It was a last resort report to protect women from the fourth victim."

Fu Jinheng squinted his eyes, thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and started searching for reports about the murder.

The information in the report stated that the current Sanming women were killed. The police believed that they were the same murderer. Among the three women, two of them were in Punan District and the other was in Liudong District. The deceased in Sanming were all ages. Between the ages of 20 and 28, one of them is still a college student. The police are still investigating the details. It is also hoped that the girls will go out less at night and pay more attention to their own safety issues, especially when traveling at night. A person.

After reading the report, Fu Jinheng pressed his lips lightly, put the phone aside, and said nothing more.

In the afternoon, Fu Jinheng checked the time and got up and went to the floor stand to take the coat and walk out to get off work. After talking to the assistant about work, he took the elevator directly to the underground garage and got on the car. I called Qiao Shiwei and picked up Qiao's home to live his mother.

In the next few days, incidents about the serial homicide case continued to ferment on the Internet, causing great panic among many women in city t, and a headache for the police. For so many days, no suspects were found. trace.

Inside the boxing gym.

"We have seen the surveillance of Song Team, Liudong District, and Punan District, but we haven't seen the trace of the suspect. Could he be a criminal case? Maybe he didn't live in these two districts, but lived in the Western Fan District. Where is Heanbei District?” Tao Qixun, who had just graduated from school, was playing a sandbag while looking at Song Jin'an who was seriously practicing boxing next to him, and curiously analyzed.

"The distance between Fanxi District and Liudong District and Punan District is very long. Even if the suspect has transportation, it will take more than an hour to drive. And most importantly, there is a must pass from Anbei District to Liudong District in Punan District. A section of the expressway, if he is going to pass, he can't get out of the toll gate of the expressway, you have also checked it, and there is no trace of him. "Song Jinan answered Tao Qixun's question indifferently as he practiced his boxing conscientiously.

"Then what should we do now? Maybe he will come out to commit crimes?" Tao Qixun stopped hitting the sandbags and asked very worried.

"Why don't you talk so much! Shut up! Didn't you see the Song team thinking about the problem? You are still chattering around, what do you tell the Song team to think about, come over and practice boxing with me." Zhang on the side Looking at Song Jin’s eyebrows, Mingcheng went over and patted Tao Qixun’s head, strangling his neck with his arm and dragging it to the side: "Team Song, you practice first. I will take this kid to practice and try him. Kung fu for legs and feet."

"Ah! It hurts, brother, brother, be gentle." Tao Qixun grabbed Zhang Mingcheng's arm and begged for mercy.

Song Jinan glanced at the two of them and didn't say anything, but the punching hand paused, and his head tilted to one side, he saw a familiar figure reflected in her sharp eyes.

Fu Jinheng was wearing a set of black sportswear at this time, with a pair of black boxing gloves in his hand, talking and laughing with Qi Yue next to him: "I admire your courage very much. I was beaten by me last time. It's so miserable, you dare to ask me out to fight this time, you are afraid that you have a tendency to be abused!"

Qi Yue listened to the words, curled his lips disapprovingly, and snorted: "I tell you, old Fu, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't be too arrogant. I haven't beaten you a month ago. I don't prove that I will be Can't beat you."

Fu Jinheng chuckled lightly and nodded: "Okay, what you say is what you say." There was a hint of arrogance between his brows: "Think about this bet before you play. Don't blame me for not being sympathetic if you lose. "

With that said, Fu Jinheng withdrew his gaze from Qi Yue. When he was about to walk past Song Jinan, he noticed that the heroic shadow was staring at him, his steps stopped immediately, and his brows were frivolous. After a few times, a trace of surprise flashed across his face, and he smiled and said hello: "Hey! What a coincidence! Officer Song, you are practicing boxing here too!"

"Yeah! It's a coincidence." Song Jinan retracted his hand and stood upright, staring at him with dignified eyes.

"Yo! Old Fu, you know this beauty!" Qi Yue looked at Song Jin'an up and down, and cast a meaningful eye at Fu Jin Heng, with a bit of ridicule in his tone.

Song Jinan curled his brows, and didn't seem to be satisfied with Qi Yue's tone, and gave him a cold look.

Qi Yue felt the warning look cast by Song Jin'an, and he was shocked and coughed pretendingly: "Ahem, that... old Fu, I'll go there first, so I won't disturb you.

Seeing Qi Yue’s back when he was on the run, Fu Jinheng laughed silently, and the smile in his eyes became more and more serious. He looked at Song Jinan, as if she had the same expression since the last time we met, very serious, and again. Indifferent, giving people a feeling of being difficult to approach.

"Police Officer Song, are you interested in coming?" Fu Jinheng said with a smile, shaking his boxing gloves.

"I am happy to accompany you." Song Jinan raised his eyebrows faintly, nodded, turned and walked to the boxing ring.

Fu Jinheng didn't expect Song Jinan to agree so readily. He was a little surprised. After looking at her back, he followed her on stage for two seconds in a daze.

Putting on the red lotus root gloves, Song Jinan looked at Fu Jin Heng who was a head taller than him, and inadvertently swept his shoulders, remembering the incident of catching him by mistake last time, and asked: "By the way, your shoulders were okay last time. Right!"

"It's okay, it's okay." Fu Jinheng smiled and moved his muscles a little: "However, I still hope Officer Song will show mercy."

Song Jinan withdrew his gaze from him, prepared to move, his expression was faint, without excessive ups and downs: "Come on!"

Fu Jinheng raised his eyebrows and nodded to signal that Song Jinan could start. Song Jinan quickly made a move. Fu Jinheng quickly hid behind, chuckled, and struck her right in the face because he was sure Song Jinan. Can hide perfectly.

Song Jinan naturally did not live up to his expectations. A few came and came back, and the two of them also fought back and forth, and did not suffer from each other's losses. Song Jinan was also a little surprised at his skillfulness: "I can't see it, Fu The examiner's skill is also quite good."

"Police Officer Song is too acclaimed, and I just come to practice often, but it is not as agile as Officer Song." Fu Jinheng dodged Song Jin'an's attack, and chuckled back.

Not far away, Qi Yue looked at the two people on the table, stuffed the gloves in his hands to the staff in the tube, and sat there leisurely, with a bit of resentment on his face. He pulled him over to practice boxing with himself. , It's better now, compared with others, the other party is still a beautiful woman, and his heart is instantly refreshed.

And Zhang Mingcheng and Tao Qixun were also on the other table supporting the rope next to them, watching this scene incredibly: "What's the situation with Team Song? How come they...fight with someone else?"

"That person seems to be the Prosecutor Fu we caught by mistake last time." Zhang Mingcheng looked at the person and kept feeling his eyes, racking his brains and thinking. Suddenly, he straightened up and patted his hands.

"Will that be a problem? Do we want to stop it?" Tao Qixun approached Zhang Mingcheng, looking at him with no bottom. After all, when they caught Fu Jin Heng by mistake last time, their Song team gave Fu Jin Heng Duo to him. There was a slam over the shoulder properly, this is a grudge! "

"Team Song is a sensible and well-measured person. It's okay, and I believe that Fu Jian is not such a small belly. The matter was not cleared up last time, and it was solved perfectly. Fu Jian did not blame us either. Now it is estimated that it is just a competition, a joke, not serious." Zhang Mingcheng thought for a while, and quickly came to the conclusion that he has teamed up with Song Jinan for more than half a year and has some understanding of her behavior style.

"Actually, I'm still a little afraid of Team Song, especially the eyes of Team Song watching people. It's scary." Tao Qixun thought of Song Jinan's gaze when he looked at him, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Hearing this, Zhang Mingcheng looked back at him and laughed directly: "Haha! Don't be afraid, Team Song has that temperament, usually the same to everyone, rarely smiles, anyway, she has a case every time. When she can't solve it, she will come to the boxing gym to relax. This is her own small habit, and she can better sort out all the small details of the whole case."

"Oh, I remembered." Tao Qixun nodded. He actually only came out of school for an internship for more than a month, but Song Jinan was also temporarily transferred last week because of the lack of manpower in the team.

After the chat here, Song Jinan and Fu Jinheng also practiced almost. Both of them were basically sweating. The person who called to stop first was Fu Jinheng. He was not formally trained, and just treated boxing as a boxing. It's just a hobby, so physical strength is naturally limited.

Seeing Fu Jinheng yelled to stop, Song Jinan hurriedly took back the fist he just wanted to throw out. He glanced at his clothes and was soaked in sweat. Fu Jinheng turned around and took off the gloves from his hands and picked up two from the corner Towel, threw one at him, did not speak, took the other towel and wiped the sweat from his face.

Fu Jin Heng steadily caught the towel she threw over, hooked the corners of her mouth, wiped away sweat, and walked in front of her: "Does Police Officer Song often come to this boxing gym?"

"Occasionally." Song Jin'an didn't look at him either, just faintly spoke back.

"When will Officer Song come next time? I don't know if I have another chance to compete with you."

Hearing this, Song Jinan tilted his head to look at him, his expression still cold, and his eyes were particularly calm when looking at him: "It depends on the situation."

"Should we add a WeChat? We can make an appointment next time."

Song Jinan squinted his eyes. Before he could speak, Zhang Mingcheng and Tao Qixun walked over: "Team Song, the grapefruit side called and said that the autopsy has made new progress. Let's go back now."

When Song Jinan heard this, he immediately stood up, stuffed the glove and towel in his hand into a black bag, bent over the rope on the stage, and jumped down: "Go back to the team."

Zhang Mingcheng and Tao Qixun and Fu Jinheng nodded slightly and then left the boxing gym with Song Jinan.

Fu Jinheng originally wanted to say that she didn't take her towel, but he thought that the towel was wiped off by herself, and it didn't seem good to return it to him, so he silently retracted his hand, and the corner of his mouth raised a meaningful smile. Turning to look at Qi Yue, who had been watching the show, "We should also go." After speaking, he got off the stage and took a towel to the bathroom.

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