Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 3: : The case

After coming out of the boxing gym, Fu Jinheng was slaughtered by Qi Yue for a meal. He admitted it too. There was no complaint, but the smile on the corner of his mouth was never subtracted, and the streamer in his eyes was better than usual. It's a lot brighter. .

After He Qiyue ate dinner, twilight had arrived, and the evening breeze in early autumn was chilly, and the neon lights on the street corners slowly rendered the night.

Fu Jinheng drove back to the apartment where he was staying. As soon as he walked out of the elevator, he saw a thin figure with two ponytails squatting in front of the door of his apartment. There was a cute pink suitcase and a pink canvas bag beside him. After a while, he couldn't help but shouted: "Fu Qihan?"

Hearing a familiar voice, Fu Qihan, who was squatting on the ground and sleepy, raised his eyes sharply, and the handsome face of Fu Jinheng appeared in his eyes. With a squeezed mouth, he got up from the ground and plunged directly into his. In his arms: "Brother, where did you go! Why did you come back now! I was almost frozen to death."

Fu Jinheng looked at the small figure in his arms, looked at her brows and pulled her out, and asked displeasedly: "When did you come back?"

"I... arrived this afternoon." Fu Qihan blinked his eyes, lowered his head silently, and muttered in a low voice.

"Do parents know?"

"do not know."

"Fu Qihan, you are getting bolder now, and you dare to skip school, don't you?" Fu Jinheng's blue veins on his forehead burst out, and there was obvious anger under his eyes. He almost gritted his teeth when he spoke from the corner of his lips.

Fu Qihan was so scared that he shivered when he yelled. He raised his eyelids aggrievedly and glanced at him. The little hand slowly stretched out to grab the corner of his clothes, shook it gently, and muttered softly: " Didn’t I tell you last time? I want to come back and I don’t want to study there alone. You just think I am your only sister. Don’t be angry! I haven’t eaten since I got off the plane. I'm starving to death, brother, you can do it! If the adults don't remember the villains, let me be willful!"

"How often are you willful?" Fu Jin Heng glanced at her small hand that was holding the corner of his clothes, and gave her a dissatisfied look.

Fu Qihan blinked his eyes with a guilty conscience, lowered his eyes, and deliberately said that he was very pitiful: "I have come back now, and I have no money. All the money is used to buy air tickets. Can you bear to drive me away? go?"

Fu Jinheng sighed helplessly, angrily slapped her hand off, walked past her, and pulled up her suitcase: "Come in."

Hearing, Fu Qihan's eyes lit up with a big smile on his face. He turned around and picked up the canvas bag on the ground and followed him into the room.

After throwing the canvas bag on the sofa, Fu Qihan rushed directly into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. He found that there was nothing to eat except drinks and beer. His little face fell down instantly, and he lay on the refrigerator door and looked back. Fu Jinheng in the living room: "Brother, why is there nothing in your refrigerator? Is it so poor?"

"I'm not cooking at home." Fu Jinheng sat on the sofa calmly and glanced at her without a trace.

"Then what should I do if I am so hungry now?" Fu Qihan closed the refrigerator door, walked to the sofa in the living room dejectedly, and leaned on him weakly.

Fu Jinheng raised her head and pushed it aside, and took out her mobile phone from her pocket: "I'll help you order takeaway..." But suddenly thinking of something, he squinted his eyes, put the phone away, and turned his head to look. Tell her: "What do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you."

"Bowl with rice."

"Okay." Fu Jinheng stood up: "You first go take a shower by yourself, and I will be back soon."

"it is good."

Fu Jinheng went out and took the elevator to the parking lot. After getting in the car, he glanced at the white towel in the co-pilot's position, his mouth raised slightly, and drove outside to buy Fu Qihan what she wanted to eat. Rice bowl.

Twenty minutes later, he returned to the parking lot, and when he took the rice bowl, Fu Jinheng took the towel along the way. When he returned home, Fu Qihan had already taken a shower and was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and watching TV. .

Fu Jinheng walked over and put the meal on the irregular white coffee table: "Your meal."

"Thanks! Brother." Fu Qihan happily got off the sofa and sat on the gray carpet. He couldn't wait to open the bag and the lid, smelling the scent, and felt that the study was not in vain, so he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's this smell, it's so fragrant."

Fu Jinheng ignored her any more. He went back to the laundry room, washed the white towel and dried it on the pole before walking out. He watched Fu Qihan eat with relish while watching leisurely. Watching the TV, he said: "After eating, put away the spicy chicken, clean up the guest bedroom, and call your parents tomorrow to explain."


"I'm going to work tomorrow. I'll go to bed first. If I have something to do by myself, don't call me." When Fu Jinheng saw that the smile on her face froze and turned to act like a baby at him, Fu Jinheng decisively interrupted her. If he did, he put down these words blankly, walked into his bedroom, and locked the door.

Listening to the piercing sound of locking the door, Fu Qihan threw the spoon in his hand into the box. He had no appetite for eating it. The picture in his mind was how her mother would smoke tomorrow when she knew she was playing truant from abroad. I feel a headache even thinking about it.

The next day, Fu Jinheng woke up as usual, and walked out of the room after he was dressed neatly. When passing by the living room, he found an unfinished lunch box on the coffee table. He raised his brows and turned away. When I got into the guest bedroom, opened the door, I saw Fu Qihan sleeping on the bed with big characters, his brows tightened, and he shook his head helplessly. In the end, she didn't wake her up. He gently closed the door and walked to the living room. I simply cleaned up the **** on the coffee table, left my wallet on it, and gave a note and pressed it under the wallet before leaving the house with confidence.


One morning, Song Jinan stayed in the forensic department, watching the practice reports of the three girls over and over again, and trying hard to search for the common ground of the three victims and girls in his mind, but according to more than 20 days of investigation, There is no clue to this case. They have sent police to increase patrols in Punan District and Liudong District, but the suspect has never entered their field of vision.

The first victim girl was a girl who did a sales job in a shopping mall. She was 25 years old and had a boyfriend who died in an alley in Liudong District. She was found by a cleaner. She was wounded with nine swords in her body and her face was also covered. Scratch, when they were investigating this case, they thought it was a vendetta. After all, no one would stabb her nine times and shave her face without hating someone, but after the interpersonal relationship with the girl, No clues were found, and love killings or love killings had to be ruled out.

On the ninth day after the first case was sent, another homicide occurred in Punan District. It was discovered by two men who were off the night shift at 11 o’clock in the evening. After investigation, he was a junior student, 21 years old. , Doing a part-time job nearby, got eleven knives in his body and got scratches on his face. It was the same as the last victim's death method, except that the number of stabbings was different. Such serial killings have also attracted the attention of the police.

Eleven days after the death of the college student, the third victim reappeared. It was also a girl, 28 years old, with a fiance who was stabbed in her body and also had a scratch on her face.

The only thing in common in these three cases is the same method of being killed. The murder weapon was also identified as the same knife, and the time of death was almost always between nine o'clock in the evening and about 12:30 in the evening.

Song Jinan was also keenly aware that the time of the murderer’s crime was related to the number of knives stabbed by each victim. The first girl was stabbed nine times, and the second victim appeared nine days later, and the second stabbed. With eleven knives, a third victim appeared after eleven days, and eight knives in the third body, that is, eight days later, there is a high probability that a fourth victim will appear this evening.

But the murderer's streamlined crimes made the police unable to figure out his whereabouts, and they had to work overtime at night to prevent such things from happening again.

"You have been here all morning, have you come up with something?" Xia You took a pen from the pocket of her white coat, walked to the stage and signed her name on a booklet, looking at it with a smile. Song Jinan's eyes frowned.

Song Jinan gathered his thoughts, looked at Xia You, and shook his head: "No, this murderer is thoughtful, and he knows the topography of Punan District and Liudong District very well. He knows where to monitor and where there is no surveillance, and he has anti-reconnaissance capabilities. At the scene of the crime, he did not leave clues such as footprints and fingerprints. The crumb in the nail of the third deceased you showed me yesterday. I also checked it. There are too many crumbs on the market, ordinary People can afford it, and the nets cast these days have not recovered a useful clue."

"Hey! I tried my best. I have checked the three corpses carefully, and there is no clue. The murderer cut the knife very decisively and quickly without any hesitation." After signing the sign, Xia You put the pen back in her white coat. Hanging from his pocket, he sighed leisurely.

"I know, so...tonight is the key." Song Jinan raised his head, with a very faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and his expression became solemn when he said that, "I will take this report first. I have worked hard, grapefruit. "

"It's okay. Pay more attention to yourself. I didn't sleep for a few hours last night. Be careful at night." Looking at the figure of Song Jinan getting up and leaving, Xia You couldn't help but exhorted.

"Got it."

Across the door, Song Jinan's unclear female voice was heard. Xia You turned around, picked up the stack of pictures of the three dead on the table, and observed again.

Song Jinan returned to the team and sat at the desk and began to rearrange all the clues and reports from the first case to the third case.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Song Jinan checked the time, got up and called Tao Qixun out, drove directly to Punan District, and this afternoon he transferred Zhang Mingcheng to Liudong District to investigate the case.

Walking through the two alleys, Song Jinan saw two uniformed policemen patrolling with batons in their hands.

When we walked to the vicinity of Zijing Streets and Alleys in Punan District, it was already 10:40. Tao Qixun looked at the quiet roads on both sides and asked: "Team Song, will the murderer have discovered that we know when he committed the crime? , Won't you come tonight?"

Song Jinan glanced at him: "Let’s transfer more and don’t jump to conclusions so quickly. After all, the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light. If you are not in Punan, you may be in Liudong District. Let the fourth victim appear."

"Yeah." Tao Qixun nodded solemnly after hearing the words. He felt that Song Jinan's words also made sense, and he couldn't let this murderer go on unscrupulously.

When the two were about to walk out of the Bauhinia Alley, a sharp scream suddenly cut through the night sky.


When Song Jinan and Tao Qixun heard the words, they looked at each other, their pupils shrunk, and hurriedly ran to the source of the sound, followed by a panic and scared cry: "Help~!"

"Hurry up." Song Jinan ran forward desperately, and made Tao Qixun quicken his pace.

Tao Qixun also ran to the sound side. When passing a street and lane, a pair of uniformed policemen rushed over after hearing the sound, and rushed to the sound.

Song Jinan didn't run slowly, but Tao Qixun was taller and had longer legs, and naturally ran faster than her. After running for a while, he saw two figures chasing under the dim street lamp, crying in front of them. It was a petite girl who said'help', and behind her was a tall man in a black hat.

"Stop, don't run."

Xu saw Tao Qixun and the police coming, and the man in black who was chasing the girl turned around and ran away.

Seeing the policeman in uniform, the girl instantly weakened her legs and slumped on the ground. The expression on her face was full of horror and panic. Her hair was covered with tears and she looked very embarrassed.

Tao Qixun motioned for the police to catch up quickly, and told the directions on the walkie-talkie, so that the other policemen came over to outflank the man in black, and he squatted down to comfort the girl: "It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid, I It's the police."

At this time Song Jinan also ran over and squatted in front of the girl, watching her trembling badly, pursing her lips, raising her hand to poke her hair away, holding her into her arms, and softly comforting: "It's okay. Now you are safe."

The girl leaned in her arms and sobbed silently. The fear in her heart was also calmed down a little bit. Suddenly, she thought of something, raised her hand in a panic, grabbed her hand, and choked up: "Ambulance..., over there... A girl over there was stabbed by him and she shed... a lot of blood."

When Song Jinan heard it, his face drenched, and he immediately gave Tao Qixun a wink. After Tao Qixun understood it, he immediately got up and rushed to the direction the girl was pointing. As expected, there was a girl lying in a pool of blood in the corner. Tao Qixun hurriedly walked over to explore. After rejoicing in her snort, she found that she was still breathing, so she took off her jacket to cover the girl's wound, and dialed 120 with her mobile phone.

The originally quiet night was broken by this thrilling scene, and the man in black also carried out an extraordinary chase with the police in Punan District.

Song Jinan helped the frightened girl to the police station, put his windbreaker on her, and gave her a cup of warm milk tea to relieve her inner fear, and asked softly: "What's your name?"

"Fu Qihan."

"how old are you?"


"Do you live near the Bauhinia Garden?"

Fu Qihan nodded, and couldn't say anything with his eyes down.

"Do you remember the phone number of your family? I'll call them and ask them to pick you up."

"Can you call my brother?"

"Yes." Song Jinan took out his cell phone and dialed the phone number Fu Qihan said.

At this time, Fu Jinheng was working overtime at the procuratorate, because a public prosecution case in his hand was about to go to court in two days. When he heard the sweet ringtone, Fu Jinheng did not look at the electric display. He looked in front of him. While answering: "Hey..."

"Excuse me, are Fu Qihan's family members?"

The familiar, clear and beautiful female voice heard from the other end of the phone, which made Fu Jinheng's eyes shrink a little while looking at the document, and his brows looked unnaturally: "Police Officer Song?"

"Prosecutor Fu?" Song Jinan on the other end of the phone also heard Fu Jinheng's voice. He was a little surprised. He looked at the trembling girl and asked, "Fu Qihan is your sister?"

Hearing, Fu Jinheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked nervously, "What happened to her?"

"It's okay, I was just a little frightened. Come here!" Song Jinan pursed his lips and replied quietly.

Fu Jinheng's expression was weak, he put the papers on the desk, picked up his jacket and car keys, and walked out of the office. Before leaving, he said something to his assistant.

After Song Jinan and Fu Jinheng hung up the phone, they sat beside Fu Qihan and comforted softly: "I have already called your brother, and he will be here soon."

Fu Qihan slowly raised his eyes, with obvious fear under his eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Do you know my brother?"

"Forget...get it!" Song Jinan hesitated, and replied with some entanglement.

"I actually watched the news today and said that there was a murder in Punan District during this period. I just want to go out to buy slippers and shampoo tonight, because the end of the alley is close to the neighborhood where my brother lives. Just walk past the front. You can reach the back door of the apartment building by turning a turn at the fork in the road, but I don’t know how many street lights on that road are broken, I...I feel a little scared, I want to turn back and walk on the right road, but I heard the girl at the corner. With painful groans, I walked over curiously, just to see..." Fu Qihan originally heard that when she met her brother, he felt a little calm in his heart, but as long as he remembered that memory, he couldn’t help his scalp. He was numb, his body trembled suddenly, and tears were streaming in fear: "The bag in my hand fell to the ground, and the... man saw me, he pushed the girl away and laughed at me... …I was so frightened, I turned around and ran away, and then...then he...he chased me behind, I..."

Seeing Fu Qihan's emotions getting more and more excited, Song Jinan grabbed her hand and patted her on the back: "It's okay, it's okay now, no one is chasing you."

Fu Qihan leaned against Song Jin'an, calming his emotions a little bit, Song Jin'an also patted her on the back lightly, and also captured the important point from her words just now: "So... you see that man Looks like?"

Fu Qihan nodded, and the hand holding Song Jin'an's clothes tightened slightly.

"Then...he saw you too?"

"I have looked at him, and he should have been shocked when I showed up... I don't know."

Song Jin's lips were pursed. This situation is not a good one. The policeman who had just chased the man called and said that they had been slapped by the man and disappeared outside the suburbs of Punan District. He is still trying his best to find his trace. If he did not catch him, then Fu Qihan would be the only witness.

And the murderer had seen Fu Qihan's appearance, and most of them would want to kill his mouth, so Fu Qihan was in a very dangerous situation.

But according to Fu Qihan's current state of mind, she is really not good at asking and saying more, and she will have to apply for a protection certificate later.

During Song Jinan’s comfort, Fu Qihan’s mood stabilized, and gradually fell asleep while sobbing silently in her arms. Song Jinan stayed in the sitting position, patted her back and never stopped. While thinking about this case.

Soon, Fu Jinheng came to the team and was led by a police officer to Song Jin'an's office. The two looked at each other high and low, and Fu Jinheng finally fell asleep leaning on her. Fu Qihan walked over to him, looked at his eyebrows and asked: "What's the matter?"

Song Jinan told him about the process of the incident tonight, and finally said solemnly: "She just said that the murderer saw her, and the murderer has not been caught yet. Fu Jian should understand this. What do you mean!"

Fu Jinheng looked at his brows and looked at the tears on Fu Qihan's face that had not yet dried, and then touched it with distress, but as soon as he touched it, Fu Qihan shrank into Song Jinan’s arms in fear, scared. Fu Jinheng quickly withdrew his hand.

"She was scared, and she is now in a nervous state." Song Jinan paused for a while and continued: "I will apply for witness protection, and will send the police to protect her personally for 24 hours. You can rest assured of her safety."

"Then it will work." Fu Jin Heng said lightly, reached out his hand to take Fu Qihan from her arms, and gently lifted her up.

When he was picked up by him, Fu Qihan was frightened and opened his eyes abruptly. After hearing the phrase "it's me" that Fu Jinheng said, he glanced at him again, and then narrowed his mouth aggrievedly. In his arms, he wailed loudly: "Brother, you are finally here, you almost scared me to death, you almost couldn't see me."

Her sudden outburst made Fu Jinheng and Song Jin'an stunned. They didn't look like they were cautiously seeking comfort just now, they leaned in Fu Jinheng's arms and cried wantonly.

"Thank you Officer Song tonight, then I'll take her home first." Fu Jinheng looked at him crying like a small cat, feeling distressed and a little helpless. He turned his head and glanced at Song Jin'an, then hugged her and left the office. .

After Fu Jinheng left with Fu Qihan, Song Jinan got up and called and began to apply for an order to protect the witness, and reported everything tonight. The above also agreed to Song Jinan's order to protect the witness, and the team was left with them. Investigate this case and protect Fu Qihan's personal safety issues.

After applying, Song Jinan called Zhang Mingcheng and asked him if he had come back, and went to the hospital with her to see how the victim was injured.

For Song Jinan and others, this will be a sleepless night again...

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