Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 11: : Careful

"Come here first... biqugev" Fu Jin Heng also saw her obvious alertness, laughed helplessly, and raised his hand to beckon, and his tone returned to the old frivolous meaning.

"Just tell me something." Song Jinan has never liked turning around, so he stood still, without the slightest intention to move. The beautiful pretty face was slightly cold, and the sound line gradually became cold and cold.

The smile in Fu Jinheng's eyes was even worse. He lazily propped his head and leaned on the back of the chair, raised his brows, and said softly, "Isn't Officer Song afraid of me? Or is he afraid that I will eat you." Or is it that the assault on the police failed?"

Song Jin’s was dumb, and the fingers that went down vertically couldn’t help but scratch. Fu Jinheng also saw her small movements, smiling and maintaining that sitting position, without urging, he looked at with a deep smile. Her beautiful face.

Under the stalemate between the two and Fu Jinheng's fierce gaze, Song Jinan finally chose to walk over, but did not sit down, glanced at him, and said coldly: "Say."

Seeing her sinking pretty face, Fu Jinheng chuckled lightly, and the hand supporting his head slowly lifted and grabbed her wrist, and gently pulled it down. Song Jinan was unsuspecting. He was pulling on the sofa and sitting on the sofa. After sitting down, Song Jinan looked at him with a frown. Before making a sound, he saw an extra glass of water in his hand and a few more pills in the palm of his other hand. Song Jinan instantly I was stunned, and moved my lips without knowing why: "What is this...?"

"Cold medicine." Fu Jinheng stretched the medicine closer to her and smiled: "I have a spare at home. It should be more comfortable to drink."

Song Jinan watched the few white pills in his hand, but never took it, but his face was stained with obvious confusion and doubts. Fu Jinheng said again: "Officer Song, don't worry, this medicine has not expired. I also had a cold last time."

After waiting for half a minute, Fu Jinheng saw that she was still unmoved, and he smiled helplessly: "I'm tired from lifting my hands, don't you plan to take it? Let me continue to lift it?"

Listening to his teasing and half-joking tone, Song Jinan's heartstrings gradually relaxed. It was not that he did not trust what he gave, but that he was a little confused and unaccustomed to his overly intimate behavior.

She has always been an independent and self-improving person, even more desperately than other men in the team, so whether in work or in life, she is used to doing it herself, handling and making judgments on her own. Except for her parents who personally delivered the medicine to her when she was young, this Fu Jinheng was the first one, and it would inevitably make her feel a little unnatural in her heart, and she couldn't react to it.

Song Jinan returned to his senses and raised his hand hesitantly. The movements were extremely slow. Fu Jinheng looked at her slightly raised hand, and helplessly stuffed the medicine in her hand into her hand, and motioned with his eyes: "Drink."

His tone this time is obviously not as soft as just before, a bit more firm and...domineering command tone.

This made Song Jin'an, who was already suffering from an occupational disease, very uncomfortable. He raised his eyes and glared at him, but Fu Jinheng didn't look back at all. He still used his eyes to signal her: "Drink, sleep, tomorrow will be better. a lot of."

Under the warning from his strong eyes and tone, Song Jin'an's earth-breaking envoy, ghost servant, listened to his words, put the pill in his hand in his mouth, took the cup of warm water he handed over, and swallowed all the pills.

After seeing her drinking, Fu Jinheng smiled with satisfaction and took the water glass back and placed it on the table: "Officer Song, the way he was obedient is quite moving."

As soon as his ending sounded, Song Jin'an's heartbeat made a fiercely'burst' twice, and his body was also stunned. The sharp pupils also expanded a little, and he stared directly at him: "What are you talking about? ?"

"No... nothing." Seeing the dangerous light shining through her eyes, Fu Jinheng chose to give in at the right time, raised his eyebrows, slowly got up, looked at the wall clock on the wall, pretending to be surprised: "Yeah! It's already three o'clock, it's late, Officer Song rest early! Good night."

Looking at his leisurely back, Song Jinan swept across his heart again, seeing him waved to himself before entering the room and closing the door, until after closing the door, Song Jinan slowly retracted his gaze, and subconsciously looked at the coffee table. He stretched out his hand, took a small sip again, and got up and returned to Fu Qihan's room after a long time.

In order to avoid spreading a cold to Fu Qihan, Song Jinan tiptoedly spread another quilt and lay on it, separated from Fu Qihan quite wide, and deliberately turned his back to her.

In the darkness, Song Jinan was not sleepy. Looking at the ceiling, her thoughts drifted away a little bit, and the smile of Fu Jinheng just appeared in her mind. She was taken aback and turned to think about the case. , But she was quickly taken away by Fu Jinheng, who came to her mind again. In the end, she didn't bother to think about it. She shook her head slightly and closed her eyes to go to sleep.

I don't know how long he slept, Song Jinan always felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, but his consciousness gradually became clear, but his eyes just couldn't open.

She opened her eyes slightly until a sweet call came from her ear, but it was also slightly difficult.

"Sister Jin An, Sister Jin An, are you all right!"

With her eyes half-squinted, what came into her blurry vision was Fu Qihan's delicate and lovely baby face. She twitched her lips, but she couldn't make a sound. A burst of sound came from her head. The dizziness made her close her eyes decisively.

"Sister Jin'an, don't scare me! What's wrong with you?" Fu Qihan, who was sitting on the bed, closed her eyes when she saw her. He thought she had fainted. He pushed her gently and found her body. It was hot, and exclaimed: "Ah! So hot? Sister Jinan, you have a fever! Why is it so suddenly! I...Don't scare me..."

Seeing that Fu Qihan was about to be scared to cry by her sudden situation, Song Jinan tried to raise that weak arm, swayed it gently, and closed his eyes and muttered, "It's okay, I'm just a little dizzy. , It’s just fine for a sleep meeting. Don’t go out today, stay at home obediently, and don’t open the door lightly when someone knocks on the door. Tell me first.

Seeing her burning like this, and still thinking about her comfort, Fu Qihan was inexplicably moved. He looked at her with tears and suddenly remembered: "Today is Saturday. My brother is on holiday. I will call my brother. Come."

When the word'my brother' was mentioned, Song Jinan's dizzy head didn't think much at first, but when he suddenly thought of the three words'Fu Jinheng', the gods flicked off the bed and sat up. , Raised his hand and shouted: "Han Han, don't go, I'm fine, no need..."

But before she finished her words, Fu Qihan had already rushed out of the room barefoot, and by the way, a conversation like this came from outside. It seemed that Fu Qihan was knocking on the door of Fu Jinheng on the opposite side: "Brother, you Are you there? Come out quickly, there's something wrong with Jin An sister."

In the next instant, the door to the opposite door was opened, and the thick, familiar and **** voice came from Song Jinan's ear: "What's the matter?"

"I don't know. Sister Jinan seems to have a fever, her whole body is hot, and her consciousness is not very clear, she seems to be fainting, and she doesn't even have the strength to speak."

Listening to Fu Qihan's added words, Song Jinan's brows moved slightly, and she lay back on the bed feebly. She didn't want to explain or say anything.

This ability to add fuel and jealousy is really good, when will she faint? But it's true that I don't have much energy to speak.

She is indeed weak and dizzy now.

After listening to Fu Qihan's words, Fu Jinheng looked particularly dignified and serious. With his long legs, he took two steps and took a step, strode into Fu Qihan's room, and locked onto Song Jinan on the bed at a glance.

At this time, Song Jinan was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, but he still clearly felt the strong aura he was oppressing. He wanted to open his eyes and tell him that he was okay, but he hadn't spoken yet, and one was slightly cold. Her generous palm fell on her hot forehead, as if she suddenly touched a sweet spring in a hot summer day. The coolness refreshed her heart and eased the bitterness in her heart.

"It's so hot?" Fu Jinheng's palm touched her forehead, and it felt like it was placed on an iron plate being roasted on a fire. His brows tightened, and he looked at Fu Qihan who was anxious: "Han Han, you go to the medicine cabinet under the TV cabinet and bring the electronic clinical thermometer."

"Okay, I'll get it now."

Fu Qihan nodded obediently, and as soon as she turned around to get it, she heard Fu Jinheng’s cold reproach into her ears: "First put my shoes on. I said, it’s such a cold day. Don't play barefoot, can't remember?"

Fu Qihan paused, raised his hand and touched his nose with a guilty conscience. He didn't dare to look back at Fu Jinheng's expression. He moved sideways like a crab, quickly put on his fur slippers, and walked out of the room to get the thermometer. .

Fu Jinheng sighed helplessly and looked at the person lying on the bed. In the old days, the heroic eyebrows disappeared completely, leaving only uncomfortable and fragile. He felt a little angry and stretched out his hand gently. Poke her hot forehead: "It's all uncomfortable like this. I didn't say it last night, but I still like to be strong."

Song Jinan subconsciously twisted her brows and was very dissatisfied with his actions. She wanted to open her eyes and stare back at him, and to refute his words. However, she really didn't have the strength to speak at all.

The night before yesterday’s rain was very heavy. She had been in the rain for about ten or twenty minutes. In addition, the temperature was low and accompanied by the cold wind, she sneezed again and again after returning to the team, because she had mastered a lot at that time. The key clue, she didn’t take it seriously, changed her clothes, and had a meeting with Zhang Mingcheng without even drying her hair. When she dragged it to the early hours of last night, she felt something was wrong with her body. So he came back and changed classes with Tao Qixun, transferred him out, and got back to rest on his own.

She didn’t expect it to be so serious at first. She thought she would be fine as long as she sleeps. In addition, she drank medicine under Fu Jinheng’s radical method and the'command style' yesterday. Never thought of it.

She suddenly wondered whether it was the wrong medicine that Fu Jinheng gave her last night, which caused her to become so serious today.

If Fu Jinheng knew what he was thinking at this time, he would stand up and cry out loudly. The medicine was actually bought two days before they moved into his house. He also had a cold at that time, but he bought the medicine. I drank it once at home and it was fine the next day. He stopped eating and put it in the medicine cabinet, which happened to come in handy last night.

After Fu Qihan took the thermometer, Fu Jinheng took it and measured Song Jinan. When he saw his body temperature, he found that his temperature was 39 degrees, six, and his brows instantly twisted into the word'Chuan'. He looked at Song Jin'an and said: "This way I can’t go down, I have to go to the hospital."

After speaking, Fu Jinheng threw the electronic thermometer on the bed, intending to lift Song Jinan from the bed, but as soon as he bent down, Song Jinan keenly grabbed his arm and opened his eyes with difficulty. Shen Shen said: "No, you can't go to the hospital."

"Are you still stunned with me at this time? What good is it for you?" Fu Jinheng was almost mad at her, and finally had to smile helplessly and gritted his teeth.

"You forgot, it's a special time now. We went to the hospital. Could it be...Leave Hanhan at home alone?" Song Jinan's eyes were half-squinted, a ray of indifferent light showed in his bewildered vision.

Fu Jinheng was taken aback, turned his head to look at Fu Qihan, receiving his brother’s sight, Fu Qihan blinked his eyes innocently, before speaking, he heard her brother say: "Simple, Han, you follow Together, I’m not allowed to leave me for half a step, take Officer Song’s jacket, and come with me.” When the sound fell, Fu Jinheng stooped again to hug Song Jin’s sideways, opened his long legs, and walked outside. .

After taking the order, Fu Qihan made an ok gesture, cleverly picked up the black coat on the sofa and the pair of cotton slippers on the floor, and followed Fu Jinheng in a trot-like manner.

"Fu Jinheng, if you let me down, I will go by myself." Song Jinan held his forehead with one hand, trying to get off his body.

Growing up like this, no man dared to hug her except for her father when she was a child!

"Isn't it dizzy? Just lean on, don't move." Fu Jinheng didn't give her the slightest chance to refuse. The more she struggled, the harder she held her.

Although Song Jinan looks like a hedgehog covered with prickles, a sick hedgehog is too easy for Fu Jinheng to handle. He can hold her to death as soon as she tries to force her. Seeing her frustrated struggle, Fu Jinheng He smiled faintly.

After getting in the car, Fu Qihan put on the jacket and slippers in his hand, watching Song Jin'an's indifferent eyebrows, and the pretty face with the word'unhappy' written on him, Fu Qihan glanced silently while driving. His own old brother, he thought that the peace was old, he took her arm affectionately, and said with a smile: "Sister Jin An, you should listen to my brother! It's better to go to the hospital, and I know you are thinking about the case. It’s not good for you to drag the disease like this! And if you drag it like this, you can drag the progress of the case? I understand the truth, and I believe Sister Jinan also understands it."

Song Jinan pursed his lips, raised his eyelids and stared at Fu Jinheng in front of him without a trace. Of course she understood the truth, but she didn't know why she wanted to vent her grievances, especially when he took himself for granted. .

Looking back on this, Song Jinan was a little surprised. When did she become so naive and carefree?

Along the way, Song Jinan closed his eyes and started to sleep because his head was a little dizzy. After arriving at the hospital, Fu Jinheng saw who she was so familiar with, and did not wake her up. He also hugged her from the car in the same way as before. When he came out, he instructed Fu Qihan to keep up.

Fu Qihan knew that he was being watched now, and the enemy was in the dark, she was bright, so naturally he didn't dare to stay more, and immediately followed Fu Jinheng's pace, like his little tail, where would he go? Just follow.

After Fu Jinheng registered her number, after the doctor's diagnosis, she was assigned to a temporary ward for IV drip.

Seeing Song Jinan lying fast asleep on the hospital bed, Fu Jinheng reached out and probed her head. Although it was still a bit hot, it was obviously not as hot as before. It means that the temperature has begun to cool down, and it made his heart a little bit hot. Put it down.

Fu Qihan sat on a chair beside him, holding his mobile phone and didn’t know who he would chat with again. After a long time, he looked up at Fu Jin Heng and said, “Brother, Tao Qixun just sent a message and said that I’m going to help them. Case."

"Let you go over?" Fu Jin Heng scowled and looked up at her.

Fu Qihan nodded: "Yeah."

"You asked him to come to the hospital to pick you up."

"it is good."

Fu Jinheng has no objection to letting Fu Qihan participate in the process of solving their police cases. Although there are certain risks, there are also high security guarantees. At least, she will follow them, and they will protect them all day long. The police will be there for her. By his side, the suspect would not act rashly.

About half an hour later, Tao Qixun rushed to the hospital and looked at Song Jinan who was lying on the hospital bed. He was very surprised: "What happened to Team Song? You said you were in the hospital. I thought you..."

"What's wrong with me? Are you eager for something to happen to me?" Before Tao Qixun's words were finished, Fu Qihan glared at him, and directly beat the rest of his words back into his stomach.

"No, I didn't mean that..." Tao Qixun was taken aback, and quickly shook his head to explain.

Fu Jinheng squinted his eyes and looked at them. The streamer under his eyes became more and more dangerous. He always felt like smelling an unusual smell, so he said coldly: "You want to bring Hanhan with you. I have no objection to help you solve the case, but you have to make sure that what it was like when you took her away, and what it was like when you sent her back."

Tao Qixun heard the words, looked at Fu Jinheng, and nodded very solemnly: "Fu Jian rest assured, I will protect Miss Fu well and follow her every step of the way, so that the suspect will never have a chance.

"Han Han hasn't eaten breakfast yet."

"Then I'll buy it for her later."

"Well, let's go!" Fu Jin Heng raised his eyebrows, and withdrew his gaze indifferently.

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