Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 12: :engagement

"Um...Tao Qixun, you go out and wait for a while, I have something to tell my brother..." Fu Qihan's gaze swept back and forth over the two of them, and finally gave Tao Qixun a wink.

"Oh... OK." After Tao Qixun understood, he nodded, and moved two steps toward the door. Suddenly he thought of Song Jinan lying on the hospital bed, and asked, "The Song team is okay? Does it matter? "

"It's okay, it's just a cold and fever. After the injection, take some medicine and the fever will go away." Fu Jin Heng opened his mouth calmly, and swept towards Fu Qihan.

"That's good, Miss Fu, I'll wait for you at the door."

"it is good."

After watching Tao Qixun go out, Fu Qihan approached Fu Jin Heng with small steps, blinked and smiled, holding Fu Jin Heng’s arm affectionately, a little flattering and flattering: "Brother, my Good brother, I..."

"Just talk about it." Fu Jin Heng glanced at her, drew his arm out of her hand calmly, and interrupted her in a deep voice.

Her temperament, Fu Jinheng, knows too well, and she is used to these ills since she was a child, because she was eleven years younger than him when she was a child, so she especially spoiled her and basically gave whatever she wanted. , So that I don't talk about being squeamish now, I am still a little headstrong, and I like to act like a baby at every turn.

"Um... can you transfer some money to me? I don't have a penny in my hand. Don't mention how poor I am. Tao Qixun always spends money to buy me food and drink during this period, although he is now I am obligated to protect me, but I am not obligated to give me money! Speaking of it, I owe him a lot of money! If this goes on, I have no face to eat and drink from him, and you are the face of your brother Isn't it faceless?" Fu Qihan slowly squatted down, looked at him with a smile, and gently shook his arm, Xiaozhi reasoned with him with emotion and reason.

After listening to Fu Jinheng, he felt that there was some truth to him. After being silent for a while, he stared at her, "How much do you want?"

"This." Fu Qihan quickly raised **** with a bright and sweet smile, and was afraid that he would not agree, so he explained: "Brother, you know, 20,000 yuan is actually not much. Maybe it’s not enough to buy a bag, and I have to eat and drink myself, and I have to pay back Tao Qixun’s money, which is really not much."

Fu Jinheng sighed helplessly. His younger sister was an enemy sent by God, and his younger sister was sent by God to ask him to collect debts. She really owed her in her previous life.

"Okay, I'll transfer it to you later, you go first!"

"Hey, I love you, my dear brother."

"Hurry up."

"Okay, then you hurry up! I'm leaving now."

"Be careful, don't run around alone, you must follow Tao Qixun, know?"

"I know, I know, don't worry! I'm not a three-year-old kid anymore."

After taking Fu Qihan out of the ward bouncingly, Fu Jinheng took out his mobile phone and transferred the money to her.

Fu Qihan, who had just entered the elevator with Tao Qixun, heard the beep of the mobile phone and couldn't wait to take it out. He also took the mobile phone close to know how many zeros there were. After counting, he snapped his fingers excitedly: "Perfect."

"What's the matter?" Tao Qixun stood beside her and couldn't help asking when seeing her so excited.

Fu Qihan put away the phone with a smile and tilted his head: "Hey, it's nothing, just happy. Have you had breakfast?"


"What did you eat?"


"Hey." When Fu Qihan heard it, he glanced at him disgustingly: "Can you eat something other than bread? It's all bread every day, don't you get tired of it?"

"Fortunately, if you are tired, you can change to other flavors of bread."


Fu Qihan rolled his eyes silently, curled his mouth, waved his hand in contempt, and said, "No pursuit, go, I invite you to have morning tea."

"Don't, we have a task now. You have to go to the flower garden with me." Tao Qixun refused her invitation righteously.

Fu Qihan was dumb, she almost forgot that she was able to come out with him this time to assist him with the case, not to go out for fun. Thinking about it, she lost most of her interest in an instant, and her face drooped in an instant. No more anger, and he replied dejectedly: "Oh! But I haven't eaten breakfast yet."

"What do you want to eat? You can buy it later and you can eat it in the car." Tao Qixun looked at her disappointed little expression, knowing that she must have been suffocated by staying at home during this period of time. He thought for a while and said: "This way, After you and I went to the flower garden, I can walk with you for half an hour on the way back."


"Well, but the premise is that you are not allowed to leave my sight, let alone run around."

"it is good."

Tao Qixun thought for a while, staring at her suspiciously. He obviously didn't believe what she said, but he didn't say anything. In short, let's go to the flower garden first!

Since Tao Qixun took Fu Qihan away, Fu Jinheng has been guarding Song Jin’an’s bedside, except for going to the bathroom halfway, she hasn’t moved. After Song Jin’an’s drips, she didn’t wake up either. Fu Jinheng also knew that she must have been busy these days and didn't have a good rest, because the dark circles under her eye sockets shouldn't be too obvious. People with a discerning eye will know it.

Near noon, the nurse walked in and handed him the checklist that he had done before: "This is the report of the test. It's nothing serious. Just go home and take a good day's rest, and take your medicine on time."

Fu Jinheng got up and took the list from the nurse, smiled lightly and said thank you. He was so fascinated by the nurse that he hugged the booklet in his hand, and replied ‘It’s okay, it should’.

Xu was the voice of him and the nurse, which made Song Jinan gradually wake up. When he opened his eyes, the white ceiling came into view.

Fu Jinheng looked at the test sheet, Yu Guang inadvertently noticed that Song Jinan in the hospital bed was awake, and walked over with a smile: "Wake up? Get up! It's time to make room for other patients."

Song Jinan looked at him, her lips moved, and she propped up her body with her hands. Although her head was still a little groggy, it was obviously better than in the morning, and she had more strength. He opened the quilt and wanted to get out of bed. Shimizu appeared in front of his eyes, slowly raising his eyes, and his smile was reflected in his eyes: "Thirst! Drink some water, warm."

"Thank you." Song Jinan glanced at the glass of water and took it for a while, tugging her cold lips lightly, revealing two light and indifferent tones.

After seeing her drinking the entire glass of water, Fu Jinheng's smile deepened again: "Do you want more?"

"no need."

"How is it? Does it feel better?"

"Yeah." Song Jinan responded calmly, and suddenly found that there was no one in the room. He suddenly dilated his pupils and asked, "Where's Hanhan? Why didn't you see her?"

She looked nervous and Fu Jinheng looked in her eyes and laughed: "In the morning, Tao Qixun said that there was a clue that she needed to help. He picked him up, let's go too!"

Hearing what he said, Song Jinan was relieved, nodded, looked at the pair of cotton slippers by the bed, pursed his lips, put it on and left the ward with him. After walking for a short period of time, Fu Jinheng asked again. : "You didn't eat anything in the morning. You should be hungry now! What do you want to eat?"

Song Jinan subconsciously raised his hand and touched his stomach. He was indeed a little hungry, but he didn't say much. His expression was still faint: "It's okay."

"Then eating at home or outside?"

"At home?" He said these two words too natural, so that Song Jinan had a moment of stunned, stopped, and subconsciously looked at his handsome side face.

Fu Jinheng was taken aback, and was also surprised by these two words. When he turned his face, he met her surprised eyes and couldn't help but laugh again and explained: "You are not living in my house to protect Han Han. Did you say that there is nothing wrong at home!"

Song Jin'an pursed his lips, his eyes flashed embarrassingly, because he was too sensitive, and he did not respond, and there was really nothing wrong with his explanation.

Seeing that she was not speaking, Fu Jinheng looked at him with a smile, but in the process of not speaking, he suddenly heard a familiar, clear and beautiful voice.

"Fu Jinheng?"

Hearing this, Fu Jinheng turned his head to look over, and a shadow in an orange coat instantly jumped into his field of vision, including the familiar and beautiful face. Fu Jinheng was slightly startled, and his face was also a little surprised: "Why are you here? ?"

"I should ask you this sentence!" Qiao Shiwei stepped on high heels and walked to him, holding her phoenix eyes, her tone not indifferent.

"My friend is sick, take her over for an injection." Fu Jinheng said lightly, and he glanced at Song Jinan, and asked subconsciously, "What about you? Why are you in the hospital or in the emergency department? Side, are you sick?"

Song Jinan stood beside Fu Jin Heng. After listening to Fu Jin Heng's words, his heart sank inexplicably, with a few sharp rays of light, and he looked at the beautiful woman below, with a standard face with melon seeds. She looked very delicate and pleasant, with curving eyebrows, and her eyes like autumn water, but the red dotted on her lips gave her a kind of steady aura.

"No, during class, two children were fighting and scratched their faces. I will show him." Qiao Shiwei also responded quietly to Fu Jinheng's question, and her eyes couldn't help but notice the person next to Fu Jinheng. Song Jinan raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "This is your friend?"

"Let me introduce you to Song Jinan, the sixth team leader of Criminal Investigation Division 3, famous violinist Qiao Shiwei, and my fiancée." Fu Jinheng smiled and nodded, and reached out to introduce them to each of them, without knowing the next four words. Whether it was added accidentally or deliberately, the final gaze really fell on Song Jin'an's cold face.

And when Song Jinan heard the last four words of him, a few shadows flashed in her sharp eyes. When investigating Fu Jinheng's information, she also saw the name Qiao Shiwei. From the beginning to the end, she knew that he had a fiancée and waited with Qiao Shiwei. After his eyes collided in the air, he remained calm, his face was cold, and he stretched out his hand: "Hello, Miss Qiao, I've looked up to the name for a long time."

Qiao Shiwei basically didn't deal with the police very much, especially the policewoman who was still such a heroic spirit. She hadn't seen it before. At the moment when she stretched out her hand, she was obviously a little stunned.

When the scene became a little awkward, Song Jinan pursed her lips, thinking that she shouldn’t stretch out this hand. After all, she is Fu Jinheng’s righteous fiancée. Seeing her fiancé showing up with others in the hospital, she would definitely not. Happy, not to mention that she is still a woman.

She thought, if it were her, she would be angry no matter how magnanimous it is!

Thinking about this, Song Jinan lowered his eyes and planned to withdraw his hand. Fu Jinheng looked at her gradually cold expression, then glanced at Qiao Shiwei who was a little stunned, and moved his lips to break this weird thing. be quiet.

"Hello." Qiao Shiwei was born in a famous family, and naturally has the temperament of everyone. When she recovered, she smiled decently, and gracefully stretched out her hand to hold Song Jinan's slightly rough hand with a thin callus. Apologized again: "Sorry, I was a little lost just now."

Qiao Shiwei was also surprised that she was distracted just now, and was unwilling to let Song Jinan feel any discomfort from her mistake.

Looking at the slender jade hand that was held up, Song Jinan subconsciously lowered her head and glanced. Her hands were slender and white, especially beautiful, and her skin was very delicate. When held together with her hands, they formed two distinct colors. difference.

She performs tasks in the wind and sun all year round, and also deals with firearms. She naturally has thin calluses on her hands. Compared with Qiao Shiwei, her skin is actually quite dark.

"It's okay." Song Jinan said lightly, and slowly pulled out his hand.

Fu Jinheng looked at the two of them and looked at each other. Although he and Qiao Shiwei had become that kind of very iron friendship, only the two of them knew about it. From the outside, they were still a pair of heaven and earth. Unmarried couple relationship made in heaven.

Therefore, this scene should be nothing to her and Qiao Shiwei's eyes, but it is different in the eyes of Song Jinan, who doesn't know it, she will inevitably feel a little embarrassed and overwhelmed!

After thinking for a while, Fu Jinheng broke the silence loudly: "Shishi, have your affairs been handled properly?"

"Not yet, the child's parents are here, I have to negotiate from it, you go first! Contact later." Qiao Shiwei withdrew his gaze from Song Jinan, and whispered back to his question.

She didn't feel angry that Fu Jinheng showed up in the hospital with other women. She was now wishing that he could quickly find the woman she liked, and then contact herself with the nominal marriage contract.

To be honest, since the first time she saw Fu Jinheng, she didn’t look at him. It was not that he was bad, but that he was not up to his own appetite and eyes. Although in private contact, she felt that he was a man. Quite a nice person, but Naihe didn't have any feelings for him. Every time I saw him, only friendship came from my heart, and she was also helpless.

She also firmly believes in the phrase "Twisted melon is not sweet", so she didn't bother to tear Fu Jinheng's melon from the vine and let him hang it on the vine! Hanging for a while, someone will pick it up sooner or later, and then she will be liberated.

The same is true for Fu Jinheng. When I first saw her, he felt that she had a good temperament, she was also very beautiful, and she had everyone's demeanor, and her personality was somewhat calm and gentle. He was not irritable or impatient, but he always felt a little bit worse. Feeling, it is probably the edge of the eye.

So, after coming and going, the two unmarried couples became "iron buddies" somehow.

Fu Jinheng regards her as his'good buddy' and can talk and chat, and Qiao Shiwei also regards him as a'good girlfriend'. If he has nothing to do, he can call out to eat and eat, go shopping with her, and let him by the way. Help her play cover in front of her mother.

The two of them have been ‘helping’ with each other until now, and still only regard each other as good friends. Sometimes Fu Jinheng feels that the two of them are really sick and weird.

"Then let's go first, and you can call me when you are finished! You can have dinner together in the evening." Fu Jinheng smiled and nodded, talking to her in a frivolous tone as usual.

"Are you entertaining?" Over the past six months, Qiao Shiwei has almost understood Fu Jinheng's character, and is naturally accustomed to his tone of voice, and teased him with a faint smile.

"If Miss Qiao is willing to treat, I naturally don't mind."

Qiao Shiwei heard the words and rolled his eyes, knowing that he would be so shameless and cheeky, chuckling softly: "I want to be beautiful, I'll pass it first."


Qiao Shiwei and Song Jinan smiled and nodded and then turned and left. After disappearing from their sight, Fu Jinheng retracted his gaze and looked at Song Jinan: "Let's go! What does Officer Song want to eat at noon?"

Song Jinan raised his head and glanced at him, without saying much, and moved forward.

Seeing her walking forward silently, Fu Jinheng was a little unsure, so he followed up: "What? Officer Song is thinking what to eat?"

"It's okay, I won't choose." Song Jinan walked to the gate, and put down these words indifferently.

"In that case, let me choose the restaurant! Officer Song wants to eat Chinese food or Western food or..."

"Chinese food."

Before Fu Jinheng's words were finished, Song Jinan coldly grabbed the conversation and walked to the parking lot. When she came to the hospital in the morning, she fell asleep at that time, or Fu Jinheng hugged her in, so she asked where the car was parked. , It is really no impression.

Looking around in the huge parking lot, seeing Fu Jinheng following up, he asked, "Where is the car parked?"

"Front." Fu Jinheng gestured with his eyes, looking at the black BMW not far away.

Seeing that familiar black BMW, Song Jinan pursed his lips, walked over, and took Fu Jinheng to unlock, then he opened the position of the passenger cabin and sat in, subconsciously touching his trouser pocket, only to remember that he was also caught in the morning. Fu Jinheng hugged him when he went out, but the phone was left on the bedside table for charging.

After Fu Jinheng got in the car, she stretched out her hand: "Lend your mobile phone to give me a call. I didn't take it at your home in the morning.

Fu Jinheng nodded, took out the mobile phone from her trouser pocket, put it in her hand, fastened the seat belt, started the car, and patrolled the delicious Chinese restaurants nearby.

"Unlock." Song Jinan turned on the phone and found that it was a fingerprint lock. After hesitating, he stretched out his hand again.

Hearing this, Fu Jinheng glanced at her, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and his full fingertips lightly dropped on the screen of the phone, and the phone was unlocked. Then Song Jinan called Zhang Mingcheng and the others to ask about the progress of the case. .

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