Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 13: : Floral

Qiuying Flower Garden. .biqugev

After Tao Qixun and Fu Qihan came to the flower garden, they were received by the deputy director who took care of the entire flower garden. After greeting each other, the deputy director began to introduce the situation of the entire flower garden: "Our flower garden, you can It is said to be the largest flower garden in North China. It covers an area of ​​15,000 square meters, including greenhouse farming area. There are 276 different plants and flowers in total. T City and the entire Xunnan Province are many famous The florist shops and Baicaoyuan have business dealings with our flower gardens. In addition to some of our common plants, our flower gardens have also transplanted several precious plants and flowers, and are actively looking for ways to grow them. "

The two followed the deputy director of the flower garden all the way around, and every time they saw a flower or plant that seemed to be special, the deputy director would highlight it again.

Every time Tao Qixun smelled a scent, Tao Qixun would subconsciously look at Fu Qihan, and Fu Qihan shook his head in discouragement, it was not the smell she had remembered.

The boundless fragrance of flowers comes with the wind. Fu Qihan likes this place very much, and is especially interested in her unusual flowers.

While Tao Qixun listened carefully to the introduction made by the deputy principal, Yu Guang couldn’t help but sweep towards Fu Qihan, who was squatting in the flower field admiring the flowers. Perhaps it was the reason for his younger age. Fu Qihan’s face was very delicate. Small, like a ceramic doll, coupled with the bright smile like a warm sun, even if there is no golden sun shining, but it also adds a bit of different colors, maroon wavy hair gently swaying in the wind , Suddenly, Tao Qixun suddenly became wild, looking straight at the past, and could no longer look away.

"Police Officer Tao?" The deputy head of the garden yelled several times, but didn't call him back.

Hearing the words of the deputy head of the garden, Fu Qihan turned his head and looked over. He caught Tao Qixun's gaze looking at him. After a moment, he slowly stood up, walked up to him, and asked in a puzzled manner: "What's the matter?"

Fu Qihan’s sweet sound line successfully pulled Tao Qixun’s thoughts back. Looking at the pretty face that suddenly appeared in front of him, he subconsciously took a step back, shook his head, his eyes and face were a little flustered: "No ...It's okay."

"Just now the deputy head of the garden called you a few words, you didn't respond to them, did you think of something suddenly?" Fu Qihan looked at him curiously, his smart eyes widened, and he stared at him intently.

Tao Qixun immediately looked at the deputy principal, nodded and apologized: "Sorry, I'm really sorry, I was a little distracted just now, you continue to say."

"In terms of uniqueness and strong floral fragrance, there are several kinds of flowers, one of which is hydrangea, with a flower diameter of 18 to 20 cm, all of which are sterile flowers. The flowers are green at first, and then turn white. , Has a delicate fragrance, and the whole plant is toxic. Eating the stems and leaves can cause colic, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, shortness of breath, blood in the stool, etc., but it is also suitable for medicinal use. One of the representative flowers." The deputy head of the garden smiled and took him a dozen steps forward, slowly spreading his hands, looking at the white and pink flower field in front of him, and gave a brief introduction.

Fu Qihan followed Tao Qixun, bent down and smelled the hydrangeas. There was a feeling of deja vu, but he didn't feel like it. The taste was not as pure as that day, as if something was missing.

After listening to the deputy director, Tao Qixun noticed Fu Qihan’s wrinkled little face. He gestured to him while drinking the deputy director, walked over, and asked softly: "Miss Fu, did you find something? ?"

"This scent is a bit special and familiar."

"Really? Are you sure?" Tao Qixun looked at her nervously and asked.

Fu Qihan slowly straightened up, tilted his head and pondered in his heart: "It's really familiar, but not very sure, because I always feel that something is missing." After that, he suddenly thought of something and grabbed Tao Qixun. The arm asked: "You told me that the murderer might be a senior perfumer, right?"

"Well, didn't I even show you his picture? And we just came to this flower garden today!" Tao Qixun nodded and looked at her puzzled.

"Excuse me, can I ask, does your flower garden cooperate with some incense-making companies or research institutes?" After hearing this, Fu Qihan directly looked at the deputy head of the garden and asked seriously.

After hearing this, the deputy head nodded and answered with some pride: "This is nature. We are the largest flower garden in the entire Xunnan Province and the northerly wind region. The incense manufacturing company and research institute cooperated with our flower garden. There are a total of nine, and there is a research institute called Rose in the city. They have been cooperating with our flower garden, and each time the order quantity is quite large, the flowers they want are also very special. I ordered a Dutch briar from our side in the past month. It has a very strong fragrance and can float for three kilometers. But this kind of product is very precious in our flower garden, because it is not suitable for planting, and the transplant is very expensive. The research institute is also The first batch of research institutes for flowers such as the Dutch briar has been ordered."

"You mean the Rose Research Institute?" Tao Qixun's eyes narrowed slightly. After seeing the deputy head nod, he asked again: "Who is the person in charge of this flower?"

"He is called Jin Yishuo, a senior perfumer of Rose. It is said that he returned from the Netherlands. A total of eight special flowers have been ordered. Among them, the amount of Dutch briar and hydrangea is the largest. We all have records. ."

After listening to the deputy director, Tao Qixun and Fu Qihan looked at each other, and finally said to the deputy director: "That... deputy director, can you take us to see the Dutch wild rose?"

"Of course you can, please here." The deputy head nodded naturally, leading the way in front of him, while explaining: "Although it is a wild rose, it was transplanted, so we planted it in the greenhouse. It is carefully taken care of and cultivated by professional personnel. It grows on the roadside in the Netherlands. It is also known as the white canal flower, the thorn flower, and the maidiao. Among the domestic roses, it has been a good flower and famous flower since ancient times, and there are many varieties of this flower. , The rose is strong in nature, light-loving, tolerant to half shade, cold-tolerant, and has no strict requirements on the soil, but it must have a good grasp of temperature."

Tao Qixun didn’t know anything about flowers, so he was confused about what the deputy director said, but Fu Qihan had already studied perfume, and he often went to various flower gardens. I'm interested, and I look very serious when listening.

She has never seen the Dutch wild rose, only seen it in books, and is very curious about its taste. I was lucky enough to see it today. Naturally, she didn’t want to miss such a good opportunity, and she intuitively bought the Dutch wild rose by the Rose Institute. Qiangwei, and Jin Yishuo also just returned from the Netherlands. If there is no connection, no one believes it.

Under the leadership of the deputy director, Tao Qixun and Fu Qihan came to the greenhouse together. Although the greenhouse is not as big as the flowerbeds outside, this greenhouse is not too small. There are many kinds of plants and flowers grown inside. It was something that Fu Qihan had never seen before. This made her extremely excited and excited. She observed Fan in front of each plant and even went to see the sign next to the flower introduction.

"Your girlfriend seems to like flowers and plants very much." Seeing Fu Qihan's joy, the deputy head of the garden couldn't help smiling with relief. After all, there are fewer young people who choose to work on plants. In this flower garden, more than 80% of the people are elderly, and only a few are young people.

For some people who love flowers, plants, and plants, these cultivated plants are equivalent to their children, and they will take care of them carefully.

Tao Qixun was stunned when he heard it, and noticed the words used by the deputy principal, "girlfriend", and suddenly he shook his heart. Inexplicably, he wiped something that he had never had before, and he couldn't help being pretty with a few inconspicuous blushes. , My eyes also subconsciously looked at Fu Qihan who was looking at the flowers, suddenly a little awkward, after a long time, he reacted, and quickly waved his hand: "No...no, she is not my girlfriend, she just... assists One of our witnesses who solved the case was misunderstood by the deputy director."

"That's it! That's because I misunderstood it. It's true that I am so old that I can't see people clearly, but I think you guys are a couple when I look at the looks of you guys and women! And, I can tell. , That little girl is very dependent on you and trusts you very much.” The deputy principal smiled awkwardly, and couldn't help speaking out his thoughts and impressions.

Tao Qixun raised his hand and scratched his head, smiled, and didn't say anything, just staring at Fu Qihan with a deeper look.

She has been protecting her for more than half a month, and the time spent with her is indeed quite long. It is undeniable that she is very beautiful and cute, but she is a little bit caprice and savage, but it is not unreasonable. Yes, every time I mention her, I feel a little more happy in my heart. This feeling he has never looked at it squarely. Now that the deputy director said that, he reacted and throbbed fiercely in his heart. .

"Miss Fu, let's go see the Dutch wild rose first!" After a while, Tao Qixun slowly said, calling back Fu Qihan's thoughts.

"Oh, good." Fu Qihan turned around, nodded with a smile, with his hands on his back, and ran to him in small steps, apologizing: "Sorry, there are many flowers that I haven't seen. , So I was a little curious, and I didn’t know how to measure it right now. Let’s go! Let’s go see that wild rose now."

"If this young lady likes it, I can pick two plants you like later, and I can send you." The deputy head of the garden is very satisfied with Fu Qihan's love for plants, and the look in her eyes is like an old father looking at herself. Like my daughter, I like it very much.

"Is it really possible?"

"of course."

"That's great, then I will first thank the deputy director. I'm not welcome. I will really pick it later! The deputy director should not feel distressed."

Fu Qihan's playful tone and teasing smile made the deputy principal laugh heartily, nodded, and said with certainty: "Well, you just choose, I will not feel distressed."

"Thank you, deputy principal."

Watching the dialogue between the deputy director and Fu Qihan, Tao Qixun couldn't help but smile, silently following Fu Qihan, and walked into that very special and carefully protected small greenhouse.

As soon as he walked in, Fu Qihan knew how much the people in the flower garden were interested in this kind of wild rose, because the equipment inside should be complete, and a strong fragrance also instantly hits her face, sweeping over the tip of her nose, and she smells Innately sensitive, this scent hit her brain at once, and suddenly reflected in her mind that the day when she saw the murderer was killing someone, she had been chased by him.

Fu Qihan's face suddenly turned pale. This familiar feeling made her horrified. She turned her head mechanically, quivered her lips, raised her hand to caress Tao Qixun's arm, tight and tight.

Seeing her abnormality, and already feeling that she was holding her arm too hard, Tao Qixun lowered his head slightly and asked softly: "What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?"

Fu Qihan slowly raised his eyes and nodded at him: "It's the smell, it's..."

"Really?" Tao Qixun asked in disbelief with his eyes widened.

"Well, there is absolutely nothing wrong, I will not forget it, but...I just thought the scent of the hydrangea is also a bit familiar, I think it’s probably because they made the two kinds of flowers into a fragrance, last time you Didn't it mean that Rose researched all its own processing workshops?" Fu Qihan nodded firmly. How could she forget this smell so easily!

For her, this kind of smell is equivalent to a nightmare, and it is still lingering.

Tao Qixun and Song Jinan both showed her the picture of Jin Yishuo before, but because the murderer was wearing a hat that day, and the section of the road was rather dim, she saw the dark smile on his mouth and did not look at it. Clear what he really looks like.

"Yes." Tao Qixun thought about it seriously, and planned to take out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket to call Zhang Mingcheng and Cao Wei and tell them important clues here, but found that the expression on Fu Qihan's face was not right. He stretched out and shook her hand, and gently patted her arm with the other hand to show comfort: "Don't think about it, it's enough, I will let Brother Mingcheng and Brother Cao Wei check it out."

Fu Qihan lowered his eyes, his steps staggered, and leaned weakly on his body. She suddenly approached, and Tao Qixun raised his hand in a panic, and looked at her helplessly: "Why...what...what Up?"

"I... have soft legs." Fu Qihan moved his lips, his face drooped, feeling a cold sweat coming out of his back.

When Tao Qixun heard this, he was taken aback, and his raised hands slowly lowered. He held her arm and looked at the deputy director behind him: "Deputy director, sorry, is there a place to sit for her? ?"

"Yes, there is a lounge in front, you can sit, see this lady's face is not so good, come with me!"

"I have work." Tao Qixun nodded, looked down at Fu Qihan who was leaning on him and asked: "Can you go?"

Fu Qihan raised his face aggrievedly and shook his head: "No, I am weak, and... my palms are all sweaty." As he said, Fu Qihan raised his little hand to show him.

Tao Qixun looked at the palm of her hand, it was indeed wet with sweat, and his lips were lightly pressed. After thinking about it, he finally said, "That...just offend it first." When the voice fell, he bent slightly to take Fu Qihan's whole body. He hugged it horizontally, with his palms open all the way, and the whole person looked very stiff, just barely touching the same feet.

Fu Qihan was actually very surprised. He looked at him with blushing cheeks and hard steps, then glanced at his hands, not daring to touch him all the way, just holding himself straight and walking outside the greenhouse. It eased a lot, and was not so scared anymore, smiled, and asked: "Tao Qixun, am I heavy?"

"Huh?" Tao Qixun was like a frightened bird when he was called out suddenly, and his reaction was extremely great.

Fu Qihan, who was in his arms, almost didn't get thrown away by him. She was so frightened that she quickly grabbed his clothes and stared at him angrily: "What are you doing? You want to throw me out?"

"No...I don't." Tao Qixun hurriedly retracted his open hand, hugged her tightly, and explained repeatedly.

"I ask you if I am heavy?"

"It's not heavy." Tao Qixun's head shook like a rattle, and he replied in a panic, not forgetting to add: "It's very light, how heavy are you?"

"Do you know that it's impolite to ask a girl about her weight like this?"

"Uh...oh, okay! Then I won't ask."

Seeing him forcibly looking away, Fu Qihan chuckled, "I am sixty-five meters tall and weigh 86 kilograms."

"It's only eighty-six catties?" Tao Qixun opened her eyes in surprise. He looked at her with thin arms and legs. To say that eighty-six catties are normal, but he always feels that if a strong wind blows, he can She blew down all at once.

"Yeah." Fu Qihan nodded, and looked at him with his head tilted: "What's wrong? Do you think I am fat or thin?"

"Slim." Tao Qixun answered without thinking, almost without thinking.

"Then I can't help it. My physique is like this. I can't eat fat. You've been with me for so many days. You have seen it. I don't eat less, but I don't get fat!" Fu Qihan curled his lips. , I was a little angry while talking.

"Of course you eat snacks like this. Eat more meals. I think you eat that small bowl with every meal. It's not polite to eat snacks." Tao Qixun glanced at her without a trace, ruthlessly. Put her words apart.

Fu Qihan: "..."

Soon, after arriving in the lounge, Tao Qixun put her down, and the staff brought them a glass of water. After taking a sip, Tao Qixun said, "You can sit here for a while. I will call Mingcheng. ."

"Yeah." Fu Yihan took a sip of the cup and watched him walk outside to make a phone call. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, but she was a little melancholy. She was expecting the murderer of this case to be caught quickly. There is no need to worry about your comfort or there will be more innocent victims in the future.

But... when I thought that if the murderer was caught, she would no longer be a witness, Tao Qixun wouldn't be by his side to protect herself every day, and she felt a little blocky in her heart, so she became very entangled.

She knows very clearly that she has developed a different sentiment between men and women for Tao Qixun, but Tao Qixun is not a piece of wood!

Tao Qixun called Zhang Mingcheng and Song Jin'an respectively, and after telling them the results of their investigation at the flower garden, they returned to the house and watched Fu Qihan's face gradually improved. He sat on the single sofa and asked. : "How? Is it better?"

"Yeah." Fu Qihan nodded with a smile, "Then where are we going now?"

"Brother Mingcheng and Brother Cao Wei will go to the Rose Institute later. It's not too early. Are you hungry? I'll take you to eat first?"

"Okay." Speaking of food, Fu Qihan naturally got up happily, and suddenly remembered something, and looked at the deputy head of the garden: "Uncle deputy head of the garden, hehe, you said before that I can pick two kinds of plants when I leave. Go, do you still count these words?"

Upon hearing this, the deputy director laughed heartily: "Of course he counts."

"Then I will pick it now!"

"Yes, let my staff take you there! I will have a dinner later, it is really..."

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm really sorry for letting you stay with us all morning."

"Those two are free, I will leave first."

"Thank you, the deputy head of the garden. The deputy head of the garden is walking slowly." Tao Qixun got up and shook hands with the deputy head of the garden. After watching him leave, he found that Fu Qihan had already taken the staff to pick plants enthusiastically, and he was helpless. He laughed, shook his head, and followed closely.


On the other side, Song Jinan and Fu Jinheng were speechless in the car after coming out of the hospital. Fu Jinheng glanced at her a few times, but the expression on Song Jinan's face was still faint, without the slightest ups and downs.

She also noticed the countless look in the eyes that Fu Jinheng handed over, and finally couldn't help but speak, "Speak straight if you have something."

Fu Jinheng looked ahead and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "Is it the call from Officer Tao just now?"


"The case has made new progress?"


"Where is Hanhan?"

"Qixun will follow, it's okay."

Listening to her indifferent tone and attitude, Fu Jinheng squinted his eyes, Yu Guang glanced at her again, and asked curiously: "Officer Song, are you...angry?"

"No." Song Jinan was stunned, his eyes turned to the car window silently: "Why am I angry?"

"It's fine if you're not angry." Fu Jinheng raised his handsome eyebrows, drove the car into the parking space at the entrance of a restaurant, and said with a smile: "Here, police officer Song get off!"

"What are you doing here?" Seeing that Fu Jin Heng had already unfastened his seat belt and was about to get off the car, Song Jinan looked at the layout of the former high-end restaurant below, and asked with eyebrows.

"Isn't Officer Song hungry? Naturally, he came here to eat."

"Come here to eat?"

Fu Jinheng leaned on his side and nodded with a smile: "I asked Police Officer Song just now, but what Police Officer Song didn't say is casual. You are not picky. I have to pick it. Don't worry, this restaurant tastes pretty good. Not bad, let's go!" After speaking, he pushed the car door and walked down.

"No..." Song Jinan still wanted to say something, but Fu Jinheng had already got out of the car, letting her hold back the rest of her words.

Song Jinan pursed his lips, frowned, glanced at the man waiting outside the car, and subconsciously looked down at what he was wearing.

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