Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 14: : Take care back

Fu Jinheng waited outside for more than a minute. He didn't see Song Jinan getting out of the car. He walked to the front of the car, opened the door of the co-driver's cab, looked at her who was deserted, and asked, "What? Up?"

"No...biqugev" Song Jinan twitched his lips indifferently, walked out of the car, looked at the cotton slippers on his feet, thought for a moment, raised his eyes and said, "Let's change to another restaurant!"

"Huh? Why? Don't you like it?"

"It's not..." Song Jinan didn't know how to explain, just looking at the restaurant in front of him, he was a little unnatural.

She doesn't think she can't go to this kind of restaurant, nor is she a person who tends to care about other people's eyes, but she just thinks that her current dress is not suitable for this kind of restaurant, especially wearing a pair of cotton slippers on her feet to enter this high-end kind. The restaurant will look particularly out of place.

But before she finished her words, Fu Jinheng suddenly stretched out her hand by the wrist and led her to walk inside. He heard his deep and nice **** voice: "If it's not, then go in! This house I have been to the restaurant several times and it tastes really good. You will like it if you eat it."

"Hey..." Song Jinan's cold eyes widened a little bit, watching Junying walking in front of him, and shaking his hand vigorously, but he couldn't shake his hand away, but instead he shook it. Harder: "You let go, or I will use my own means to let you go."

When Fu Jinheng heard this, he turned his head and looked over. Suddenly he recalled the slammed shoulder she had given him when he first met. He narrowed his eyes and raised his handsome eyebrows slightly. He pointed to the hand in the palm of his hand and the corner of his mouth. Slightly raised her hand and slowly let go of her hand.

After the hand was released, Song Jinan immediately retracted his hand, glanced at him faintly, and then looked away.

"Fu Shao, you are here, are you alone? A waiter smiled and nodded to say hello when he saw a familiar face.

Fu Jinheng nodded, then immediately retracted his hand hanging in the air and dropped it into his trouser pocket: "Two people, the old place, bring the menu."


"Let's go!" Fu Jinheng tilted his head to look at Song Jin'an, and said with a smile.

Song Jin was dumb, followed him, and followed him to the innermost cubicle of the restaurant. Inside was a double seat. After the two of them were seated, the waiter brought the menu up, and Fu Jinheng gave the menu to her. Pushing in front of him, he smiled and said, "Officer Song can order whatever he likes to eat!"

Song Jinan looked at the cover of the menu. After hesitating for a few seconds, he decisively opened the menu and ordered a dish that was not wrong, and pushed the menu to Fu Jinheng's side: "I ordered it."

"Just order one dish?" Fu Jinheng looked at her in surprise.

"Enough, you can't finish eating more, you order the rest."

Upon seeing this, Fu Jinheng just smiled and didn't say much. After opening the menu and ordering two more dishes and desserts, the waiter took the menu away.

"What other hobbies does Officer Song usually have? During the vacation."

"Boxing Gym."

"Speaking of the boxing gym, it seems we haven't finished the match last time. I don't know when we can try again with Officer Song." Fu Jinheng leaned back in his chair leisurely, looking directly at him with a profound stream of light. Xiang Song Jinan.

Song Jinan's movement of drinking water was slightly startled, and raised his eyelids slightly to stare at him: "Before this case is over, it is estimated that it will be difficult to have a fake."

"Police Officer Song is ill today, so he is asking for leave!"

"That's it." Song Jin Ansi paused for a while and nodded back.

He transferred Tao Qixun over today, and the case has made new progress. There are two veterans Zhang Mingcheng and Cao Wei. She is actually quite relieved, and Yang Detachment also knows about her illness, and asked her to catch a cold. Only then can she go to work in the team, otherwise she will be punished.

She is naturally aware of the good intentions of Yang Detachment. Sometimes she does work too hard and never takes her body seriously. She has worked with illness several times, and the most serious one is with While the suspect was fighting, she suddenly fainted and almost had a major accident. Later, Yang Detachment did not allow her to work sick.

"Would you like to go in the afternoon?"

"in the afternoon?"

Fu Jinheng nodded: "Well, punching and sweating are also good for you to catch a cold, how?"

Song Jinan thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, no problem, but I will go back and change my clothes and shoes after dinner."


After the dishes were ready, Fu Jinheng picked a piece of fish into her bowl. Song Jinan was taken aback, and he greeted him with an undiminished smile: "Taste the taste."

"I don't eat fish."

"Huh?" Fu Jinheng was startled, his pupils dilated, a little surprised: "You don't eat fish?"

"Allergic to fish."

"Then why didn't you say when I ordered?" Fu Jinheng put down his chopsticks, the expression on his face immediately became serious.

"It's okay, I don't want to eat it." Song Jinan put the piece of fish he picked up on the plate: "But I still have to thank you for your kindness."

Fu Jinheng stared at the fish tightly, his face gradually darkened as he looked at the fish, raised his hand to call the waiter, and motioned with his eyes: "Take the fish down."

"Um...Fu Shao, does this fish taste bad? As long as you say, I will let the kitchen correct it." Facing the withdrawal, the waiter naturally thought it was a big problem, and Fu Jinheng was a frequent visitor to this restaurant , They dare not offend.

"No, she is allergic to fish. Let's bring it down! Change to another dish." Fu Jin Heng said lightly, his eyes swept towards Song Jin'an unhappy.

"It turns out that this is the case, then I will carry it down, what does Shao Fu want to change?"

"chef's special."

"Okay, then please wait a moment for Fu Shao."

After the waiter left, Song Jinan pursed his lips and said, "Don't be so troublesome."

"Next time there is something you can't eat or don't like to eat." Fu Jinheng warned with a deep voice, frowning.

Seeing his eyebrows together, there was no slight smile on his face and eyes. Song Jinan narrowed her eyes and didn't say anything. She usually seldom talks, and she doesn't like to talk to anyone about her preferences. , It’s not hypocritical, just that it’s unnecessary, her character is just like that.

The atmosphere of the two people's meal suddenly cooled down, and neither of them spoke anymore. It was not until the waiter brought their restaurant’s signature dishes that Fu Jinheng took any action. He picked up his chopsticks again and put a piece of meat without saying anything. Into her bowl.

Song Jinan glanced at him, and also picked up the chopsticks to taste the taste, which was indeed quite good.

But think about it, Fu Jinheng is so picky and strict in eating and wearing, the restaurant he chooses is naturally not bad.

After dinner, Fu Jinheng paid the bill. The two left the restaurant together and drove back to Zijingyuan Community. When they entered, they just saw Jin Yishuo assisting his mother just coming back from the outside, still holding it in his hand. He was carrying a bag from a nearby supermarket, apparently accompanying his mother to the supermarket.

"It can be seen that Jin Yishuo is quite filial." Fu Jinheng parked the car on the opposite road, raised his hand to touch his chin, rubbed it carefully, and a somber sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. It's mocking in general.

Song Jinan closely watched Jin Yishuo, who was walking into the community with an elderly woman, and squinted his eyes: "That person is not her biological mother. According to our investigation, he was abandoned by his parents since he was a child. He was 13 years old. He used to live in an orphanage before, but was later adopted by his current mother. His current mother is Jin Meilan, who is married, but later divorced because of infertility, so he went to adopt Jin Yishuo. At the age of 19, Jin Yishuo went to study abroad. He returned to China with his mother more than two months ago and settled in Zijingyuan."

Hearing this, Fu Jinheng looked at Song Jinan: "According to you, it is hard to imagine that he will be a serial murderer."

"People shouldn't look good." Song Jinan faintly twitched his lips: "We also talked to his mother about him while he was away. According to Jin Meilan, Jin Yishuo has always been a good character since childhood. The child is very serious in studying, also very considerate to her, and very delicate in mind. It can be said that she is a perfect person, but the only thing that makes Jin Meilan a headache is that he is so old, but he does not fall in love, let alone contact with girls. And it can even be said to be resistance to getting along with girls."

"He had a murder case not long after he returned to China. I want to say that this case has nothing to do with him. No one believes it!" Fu Jinheng chuckled lightly, and suddenly thought of the murder case that happened the day before yesterday: "The murder case in Anxin community, you guys. Is there anything wrong with the investigation department?"

"At the time of the incident, Jin Yishuo happened to be at home, and our people have been guarding the vicinity of Zijingyuan. We did not see him going out. We also checked the surveillance cameras in the corridor. That night, he did not. Going out, although he had a perfect alibi in that case, it does not rule out that he was the murderer of the four previous cases."

"Oh, where do you start?"

"It's very simple. According to the autopsy report, the knife that killed the victim was not the same knife. The four previous cases showed that each wound was from the same knife. Furthermore, we have locked one of her boyfriends on him. Now there is a lack of critical evidence to identify him."

Fu Jinheng squinted his eyes and understood the mystery of the case from her words: "You mean... the murder case that occurred a few days ago was not done by Jin Yishuo, but by someone. Are you imitating Jin Yishuo's killing tactics to divert the attention of your police?"

Song Jinan was also a little surprised at what he said, but she quickly grasped the surprise, thinking that she had seen Fu Jinheng's keenness and careful thinking last time, and he could hear her words from her words. The meaning itself is not surprising.

"Well, but this case also happened to provide a perfect cover for Jin Yishuo, so Jin Yishuo hasn't moved during this time, as if waiting for something."

When looking at the gate of the opposite community again, Jin Yishuo and his mother Jin Meilan had already entered and disappeared from their sight. Fu Jinheng thought for a while but did not answer any more. After all, he is not a policeman. Although he can do this case Give some constructive comments to Song Jinan, but it is better to participate less.

"Then let's go up first!" After a while, Fu Jin Heng monopolized his thoughts, looked sideways at Song Jin'an, and restarted the car.

"Yeah." Song Jinan looked at each other with him, faintly replied, leaning on the back of the chair, reimagining the beginning and process of the case in his mind.

After entering the parking lot, Song Jinan got out of the car first and waited for him to park the car and enter the elevator together. In the enclosed elevator, only the two of them were so quiet that they could hear each other's breathing very clearly.

Seeing that he was almost on the floor where Fu Jinheng lived, Song Jinan slowly raised his head, hesitated a little, and said coldly, "Today...thank you."

"Huh?" Her sudden thank you made Fu Jinheng unable to react. She looked at her with a little surprise, and then chuckled softly: "Thanks? What does Officer Song mean? Send you to the hospital to take care of your illness. Or invite you to dinner at noon?"

Song Jinan was taken aback, and her lips were tightened. Just when the elevator reached the floor, it stopped with a'ding', and the elevator door slowly opened from both sides. Song Jinan's steps were paused, and he raised his eyes to look at him coldly. After the sound echoed two words, he stepped out of the elevator: "Both."

Seeing her turning around and disappearing into her field of vision, Fu Jinheng's mouth became more obvious. He raised his eyebrows, stepped out of the elevator, followed her steps, and walked to his door: "This is police officer Song. It’s too polite to say, it’s a big deal. In the future, Officer Song can take care of it or invite me back for dinner."

When Song Jinan heard this, he raised his head unconsciously, and raised his brows: "Take care of you back?"

"Well, if I get sick and catch a cold next time, I will definitely tell Officer Song."


"Go in!" Fu Jinheng looked at her dumb and smiled even more. He entered the password to open the door and motioned for her to go in with his eyes.

Song Jinan walked in with a cold face and walked into Fu Qihan's room. After checking the phone, he found that there was no information and missed the call. He took a set of clothes and walked out of the room. He saw Fu Jinheng standing right there. In the living room, looking at the door of the room, he squirmed his lower lips and said quietly: "I'll take a shower first."

"Yeah." Fu Jinheng smiled and nodded, turned and sat on the sofa in the living room. When she was about to enter the bathroom, she did not forget to say: "Use warmer water a little bit, your fever has just subsided, so don't catch cold anymore. ."

Listening to his words, Song Jinan paused, but didn't say anything. He twisted the doorknob of the bathroom and walked in.

While waiting in the living room, Fu Jinheng sent a WeChat message to Qiao Shiwei and asked her how the matter was resolved. Qiao Shiwei soon responded and said that it had been resolved, but encountered a major trouble. Before Fu Jinheng asked, Qiao Shiwei sent a photo.

Fu Jinheng clicked on the photo and looked at it carefully. In the photo is a little girl with two braids. She looks like four or five years old, holding a violin in her hand. It looks like a violin. Bigger than her.

At first glance, Fu Jinheng felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere. He closed his eyes and tried hard to think about it. Suddenly, he suddenly thought of something, widened his eyes in surprise, and clicked back. A photo, directly sent a voice over, "Isn't this the little girl your ex boyfriend met when we went to the mall to pick a gift for your mother last time?" ’

Three or four seconds later, Qiao Shiwei replied, "Yes, his memory is not bad."

‘How can she be with you? ’

‘I was surprised when I came back and saw her. I asked the other two teachers to find out that when I was out in the morning, Cheng Beihuai brought her daughter over to sign up, saying that Xinghe likes the violin very much.’

'what! I see. Congratulations, congratulations to mention your ex-boyfriend’s daughter.’

After reading this passage from Fu Jinheng, Qiao Shi sent a series of ellipsis and a emoticon with big eyes, followed by a sentence, ‘Your need for gloating is so obvious? ’

Fu Jinheng laughed, raised his eyebrows, and touched his chin to type. "This little girl is very cute and watery, please teach me the next violinist is in your hands." He also added a "Go on!" Figure.

Qiao Shiwei looked at his ridiculously profound words, dumbly, tried to restrain the urge to blacken him, and directly exited the chat dialog with him.

Seeing that Qiao Shiwei did not reply to the news, Fu Jinheng knew that he was probably **** off, and silently put down the phone. Song Jinan just walked out of the bathroom and looked sideways and found that she seemed to be in a bad state. He raised his brows: "Come here and drink the medicine first!"

Song Jinan was wiping her hair with a towel in her hand, and noticed that he had placed a medicine bag on the table, and prepared a glass of warm water, just like when she came back and took a shower last night.

Song Jinan held the towel in his hand, raised his hand and gently scratched his nose, walked over, said "thank you" indifferently, then took up the few medicines and drank all the warm water.

"If you feel uncomfortable, you won't go to the boxing gym. Next time you have time, there will be a lot of opportunities anyway." After that, Fu Jinheng couldn't help but reached out and touched her forehead, and found that his forehead started again. It started to burn: "It's starting to burn again, and you won't go to the boxing gym. Go and dry your hair, and then go to sleep."

With his cool hand touching his forehead, Song Jinan's body suddenly ran through a trace of electricity, and her body was stunned, and she did not refute his words. She just came out and wanted to ask about the hair dryer, so she slowly got up and asked: " Where is your hair dryer?"

"Come on, I'll find it for you." Fu Jinheng raised his eyebrows, got up, and walked to the bathroom.

Song Jinan was standing at the door of the bathroom, watching him stooping over the cabinet under the countertop and looking for it. After flipping through two cabinets, he couldn't find the hair dryer. He couldn't help but ask: "You... don't know where the hair dryer is. where?"

"I haven't used it for a long time. I forgot where to put it." Fu Jinheng answered her questions while rummaging, and finally found it when he turned the fourth cabinet door, took out the black hair dryer, and straightened up. Smiled at her and said, "I found it."

Song Jinan walked in, put the towel in his hand on the shelf, reached out to take the hair dryer, inserted it into the doorway, turned to the huge mirror, and just turned on the hair dryer to blow, suddenly a long arm stretched out. Take away the hair dryer in her hand.

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