Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 30: :caught

After Tao Qixun shouted so, Fu Qihan suddenly came back to his senses: "Then you...what do you do?"

"Leave me alone, go in quickly and be obedient..." Tao Qixun was almost anxious to death by her. Knowing that Jin Yishuo's purpose was Fu Qihan, he would definitely not let her go, while resisting Jin Yishuo who stabbed him at him. Dao, while continuing to shout.

"Oh...I...I see, you...Be careful yourself." Fu Qihan responded in a panic, quickly turned around and picked up the phone on the sofa and entered the room, locked the door, and quickly took it out. The phone called Song Jinan and told her what happened here.

The moment Jin Yishuo saw Fu Qihan, his eyes were red, trying to break Tao Qixun's entanglement, he just wanted to rush to kill Fu Qixun, but Tao Qixun's Sanda is really good, especially difficult to dump him. open.

In the end, there was no alternative, Jin Yishuo also killed himself. Every knife swiped at Tao Qixun was very deadly and poisonous, and the two fought together like this.

Jin Yishuo also looked like he had practiced, and Tao Qixun's several attacks were also chopped off by him.

Jin Yishuo knew in his heart that if he continued to fight Tao Qixun like this, the longer the time would be, Fu Qihan would definitely call Song Jinan and the others as soon as he entered the room, and then the gain would not be worth the loss.

This time he came to kill Fu Qihan. He originally came with a mortal mentality. He didn't intend to go back alive. It was just that he hated Fu Qihan very much. The fourth case could be a perfect work, but she broke it for no reason. It’s because of her that made him a police suspect and made the police suspect that he was on his head. He obviously did so seamlessly in the case of the United States, but it was a good thing that was broken by him. This hatred, how could he be possible? If you don't report, even if he is dead, he will catch Fu Qihan's life and make her his sixth perfect work.

But how could Tao Qixun make it easy for Jin Yishuo to leave? When he turned around and was about to leave, Tao Qixun put his foot on his waist, causing him to stagger a few steps. Tao Qixun ignored the injury on his arm and grabbed him. His clothes: "Jin Yishuo, where do you want to go, we didn't arrest you, but you sent it to the door by yourself. If you refuse to arrest, don't blame me for being impolite."

Jin Yishuo turned around, with a stroke of the knife in his hand, forcing him to loosen his clothes, and the two continued to fight.

Fu Qihan, who was in the room, put her ears on the door panel after talking with Song Jinan and Fu Jinheng, listening carefully to the movement outside, but did not dare to open the door. She was indeed afraid of Jin Yishuo. But I was more afraid of pulling Tao Qixun’s hind legs. Once he went out and was exposed to Jin Yishuo, Tao Qixun had to protect himself when fighting with him. It was unavoidable to be distracted. In the room, she was very afraid of Tao Qixun being hurt. After all, she had just seen it clearly that Jin Yishuo had a knife in his hand.

Tao Qixun's Sanda and fighting are indeed great, but it is still very risky to fight Jin Yishuo with bare hands. What if something goes wrong or gets injured?

The more he thought about it, the more frightened Fu Qihan was. Finally, he couldn't help sobbing. He folded his hands together and kept muttering: "God bless, Bodhisattva, bless Tao Qixun, I must protect Tao Qixun from doing anything, oh~, Jin Sister An, brother, when are you guys coming! I'm so scared."

When Tao Qixun and Jin Yishuo were fighting more and more fiercely, the time was getting longer and longer. Tao Qixun did not intend to let Jin Yishuo go. After all, Jin Yishuo had been in hiding for so long, and they had not found any trace of him. , Now that he has finally brought it to the door by himself, Tao Qixun will naturally not let it go.

But because Jin Yishuo's skill is also very agile, and he still has a murder weapon in his hand, it also caused a lot of trouble to Tao Qixun's display. Every time he attacked, it seemed that he was about to succeed, but Jin Yishuo's sword swung. He had to let go when he came over.

So later Tao Qixun was about to hit the knife in his hand on the ground first, but Jin Yishuo quickly reacted, holding the knife tighter and tighter, and his determination to attack him became greater.

After more than two minutes, the elevator in the short corridor made a'ding', the door slowly opened from both sides, and a long figure came out from inside, just in time to see the takeaway scattered at the door and coming from the door. With the sound of fighting, his expression became tense in an instant, and he rushed over to see Tao Qixun leaning on the entrance cabinet, holding Jin Yishuo's hand with both hands, while the knife in Jin Yishuo's right hand was approaching Tao Qixun.

Tao Qixun saw Fu Jinheng, and when Jin Yishuo's gaze passed, he kicked his knee, causing Jin Yishuo to stagger back a few steps, and Fu Jinheng quickly ran over with a pair of pliers. Hold Jin Yishuo's arm and push back.

Tao Qixun's reaction was also very sensitive. Seeing Fu Jinheng rushed to control Jin Yishuo's hand, he quickly rushed to **** the knife in his hand, and tripped Jin Yishuo's leg with his foot, causing Jin Yishuo. Having to kneel down on one knee, the two quickly broke his body back and pushed him to the floor.

"Are you okay!" After controlling Jin Yishuo, Fu Jinheng breathed a sigh of relief. He turned to look at Tao Qixun, who was sweating profusely, and noticed that he was bleeding from his arm. His brows were lightly looked at: "Are you injured? "

"I'm okay, it doesn't matter." Tao Qixun gasped and looked down at Jin Yishuo, who was struggling: "You can't run away now."

"Hahahahahahahaha, you have the ability to kill me! Kill me!" Jin Yishuo laughed wildly on his face and struggled hard, but Tao Qixun and Fu Jinheng's strength was so strong that they didn't let him break free. At the opportunity, he opened his eyes provocatively, and roared at them with violent veins on his forehead.

"Just let you die? It's too cheap for you." Tao Qixun pressed his arm with one hand, and his arm with the other leg. Angrily reached out and grabbed his collar: "You killed four The innocent girl also caused another girl to lie in the hospital. It’s not an exaggeration for you **** to die ten times."

"Hahahahaha! Be angry! That's the expression, yes, that's the expression, hahahaha! It's so funny, I will not only kill five, I want more, Fu Qihan is one of them, I want Killing her, she ruined my perfect work." Jin Yishuo laughed wildly again, staring at them both very arrogantly.

If it weren't for professional problems, Fu Jinheng and Tao Qixun really wanted to take this opportunity to beat the **** violently.

"Don't pay attention to him, the more you pay attention to him, the more proud he will be. How about Han Han?"

"in the room."

"Is she all right!"

"It's okay, I let her into the room as soon as the **** came."

After hearing that Fu Qihan was fine, Fu Jinheng was relieved. He glared at Jin Yishuo, squinted and asked: "What did you mean by'perfect work' just now?"

Jin Yishuo was pressed to the ground by them, sneered, turned his head in contempt, and stopped talking.

Soon, Song Jinan came with the people in the team, and took Jin Yishuo away on the spot, which disturbed the entire community. Fu Qihan opened the door after hearing the sound of the police downstairs and the movement outside. I leaned my head and looked outside and found that there were several police officers outside. I also knew that Jin Yishuo must have been taken away. He quickly walked out, questioned one of the policemen in the house, and took the elevator down to the first floor.

The entire community was surrounded by many residents, and there were many policemen. The scene was a bit chaotic. Fu Qihan patrolled around. Finally, after seeing Fu Jinheng's figure, he quickly walked over and threw himself into his arms: "Brother ."

Fu Jinheng looked at the beautiful shadow in his arms, smiled, and patted her on the back with his arms: "It's okay, it's safe, and there will be no danger in the future."

After listening to this, Fu Qihan raised his eyes, suddenly remembered, and withdrew from his arms: "By the way, brother, have you seen Tao Qixun? Where has he gone? Is there any injury!"

"Hey, isn't it in front?" Fu Jinheng gestured with his eyes and looked at Tao Qixun who was talking to Zhang Mingcheng in the distance.

Fu Qihan followed his gaze and saw Tao Qixun's figure. He subconsciously pushed Fu Jinheng aside and immediately ran towards Tao Qixun.

Fu Jinheng who was forcibly pushed away by his sister: "..."

Looking at the figure of Fu Qihan running past, Fu Jin Heng felt quite uncomfortable. He had already seen Fu Qihan's thoughts on Tao Qixun, but this beautiful Chinese cabbage that he grew up watching was caught by Tao Qixun. This "pig" has been arched, can he be happy in his heart?

Besides, in his eyes, Fu Qihan is a melon that hasn't grown up yet. Now it has been forcibly pulled from the vine. His older brother who waters and fertilizes is very upset.

Fu Qihan walked over and grabbed Tao Qixun’s arm. Tao Qixun’s hand was stabbed by Jin Yishuo with a knife, and he was still bleeding. When she pulled him like this, he called out in pain. Came out'hiss...pain'.

When Fu Qihan heard this, he quickly retracted his hand, looked at the arm in his hand, and opened his eyes in surprise: "Tao Qixun, are you injured?"

Zhang Mingcheng, who was originally chatting with Tao Qixun, didn’t notice this, but Fu Qihan said this. After looking at him, he stared in surprise: "You are injured, why don’t you say it? You bleed so much, and yet I have time to tell me about the process just now, so I should go to the hospital as soon as possible. It’s okay to do the transcript later."

"I'm fine."

"You have something, look at it, it's all bleeding." As soon as Tao Qixun finished speaking, Fu Qihan shouted at him with a cry of tears, and the tears in his eyes flowed down immediately.

"You... don't cry! I'm really fine."

"You still said."

Zhang Mingcheng watched by the side and noticed something was wrong, but the injury on Tao Qixun's arm looked a little unoptimistic. It was not when he was entangled in these things. He quickly took his other arm and said, "Quick, I'll drive you there. In the hospital, it is better to treat the wound first. Look at your face now. If you lose too much blood, it will be troublesome."

"I... I want to go too."

"No, you and Fu Jian will go back and take a good rest. You must be scared today." Tao Qixun quickly accepted Fu Qihan's words, with firm eyes.

"I'm going."


"Okay, okay, don't fight, Qixun, Miss Fu is also worried about you, she can go if she wants to! Let's go!" Zhang Mingcheng saw that the two of them started to quarrel again, so he hurriedly stopped and pulled Tao Qixun. Go in the direction of the car.

These two are also really funny, when are they, there is still time to quarrel, are you really afraid of losing too much blood and dying?

Suddenly smell the sour smell of love, what is going on!

After getting in the car, Tao Qixun looked at Fu Qihan who was sitting next to him, thinking about it, and asked: "You and I went to the hospital, don't you tell Fu Jian? Jin Yishuo was arrested now, Fu The inspector will definitely be worried if you know you are missing."

"It's okay, I'll just send a message to my brother now." Fu Qihan smiled and shook his head, took out his mobile phone from the pocket of his clothes, clicked on the chat dialog between WeChat and Fu Jinheng, and quickly called Two lines of words were sent to Fu Jin Heng. In order to prevent him from worrying and angry, she added a few more cute emoticons behind her.

After sending it out, Fu Qihan stretched out the phone in front of Tao Qixun and showed him: "Hey, I have sent the message, now it's okay!"

Tao Qixun glanced at the phone and said nothing more.

Zhang Mingcheng, who was sitting in front of the car while watching the interaction between the two of them, always felt that the wattage of his light bulb was too large and it was so bright that it was a bit dazzling. But Tao Qixun now has an arm injury and is not easy to drive. Fu Qihan also Without a driver's license, he could not drive anymore, so he had no choice but to endure the sourness in his heart and continued to drive, drove the car to the hospital, helped Tao Qixun register, and watched his wound treatment.

The wound on Tao Qixun's arm was very deep. Because it took too long, the cloth of the torn clothes was also stained on the wound. The doctor who cleaned him had to cut his clothes open, exposing the open and fleshy wound.

Fu Qihan watched, trembled fiercely in his heart, and quickly closed his eyes, not daring to look.

According to your Fu Qihan's reaction, Tao Qixun smiled silently. While the doctor was helping him clean up the wound, he had been enduring the pain without making a sound.

"Your wounds are like this, why don't you come and clean them earlier? Seeing that there is a lot of blood, you look at your face, it is as white as a piece of paper." The doctor was reproaching as he cleaned the wound. The tone said.

"Um... I was injured while arresting the prisoner, so I didn't have time to deal with it."

"Catch the prisoner?" The doctor glanced suspiciously at him and Zhang Mingcheng: "You are the police."

"We are a policeman, a doctor, is his wound serious?" Zhang Mingcheng looked at his wound and felt that it was quite serious, and the clothes he had just cut off were all soaked in blood.

"According to the amount of bleeding, you have to be hospitalized, and if you don’t deal with it in time, I’m afraid that inflammation will follow. Don’t underestimate the consequences of inflammation. After inflammation, it will cause pus. In severe cases, it may require amputation. It’s the worst plan. I’ll help him clean up now, and I will have to sew it later. Who of you will go to the hospital for half of the procedure first!”

"Ah! Amputated."

Zhang Mingcheng and Fu Qihan opened their eyes suddenly when they heard these two words, they both looked at the doctor in surprise, their eyes full of worry.

"I said, this is the worst result. It doesn't mean that the inflammation will become so severe that it will become pus. You should go through the hospitalization procedures first! I will ask the nurse to issue a certificate for you and stay in the hospital for observation for two days!"

"Okay, I'll go." Zhang Mingcheng nodded heavily and looked at Fu Qihan: "Miss Fu, you can stay here with Qi Xun!"

"Okay." Fu Qihan nodded in a panic, worried about Tao Qixun's injury.

After Zhang Mingcheng completed a series of procedures, Tao Qixun’s wound was stitched up, and he was admitted to the ward handled by Zhang Mingcheng. Zhang Ming became Tao Qixun also busy, and Fu Qihan stayed there. By his side.

Later, Zhang Mingcheng received a call from Song Jinan. After he explained Tao Qixun’s situation, Song Jinan also asked a few questions with concern. After learning of Tao Qixun’s injury, he allowed him to take a few days to rest. , But Jin Yishuo was arrested, and they couldn't relax. After all, Jin Yishuo was carrying several lives on his back, so Zhang Mingcheng was transferred back to the team.

After Zhang Mingcheng and Tao Qixun explained the situation, Tao Qixun naturally understood. Of course, he should put the case first. He nodded and asked Zhang Mingcheng to go back to assist Song Jinan. He originally thought that he would also return to the team, but Zhang Mingcheng and Zhang Mingcheng Fu Qihan joined forces to stop it.

"You rest at ease, the Song team said, you have done a good job in arresting Jin Yishuo, and recovering from his injuries in the hospital. We will leave the rest of Jin Yishuo to us." Zhang Mingcheng pushed him back to the hospital bed and specifically ordered. "Also, the doctor just said that you have a serious injury. Don't use force or touch water. Anyway, you can't use this arm during this time. Otherwise, it will be amputated!"

Zhang Mingcheng said this to scare Tao Qixun. Tao Qixun also heard it, and looked at Fu Qihan's a little angry face, so he compromised and watched Zhang Mingcheng leave the ward.

Here Fu Qihan is guarding Tao Qixun who is injured. On the other side, when Fu Jinheng received the WeChat messages she sent to herself, he suddenly felt a sense of dumbfounding, the kind of person who looked at him when he grew up. The mood of the good cabbage being held up by the pigs became more intense.

But now that Jin Yishuo was arrested, he also breathed a sigh of relief, and there is no need to be frightened for Fu Qihan in the future, for fear that Jin Yishuo will do anything to her.

Looking at Song Jin'an, who was instructing the police to retreat in the distance, the corner of Fu Jinheng's mouth was slightly raised, and he walked over, stopped at a place only two steps away from her, and coughed slightly: "Cough cough."

Hearing the voice, Song Jinan looked back and gave Tian Yan a wink: "Tian Yan, you go back to the team first. Cao Wei has taken Jin Yishuo back."

"Yes." Tian Yan nodded, nodded with Fu Jinheng again, then turned and left.

"Thank you Fu Jian for your help tonight." Song Jinan set his gaze on Fu Jinheng's handsome handsome face, and gently moved his lips.

"If you really want to thank you, please invite me to dinner someday! It just fulfills the promise that Officer Song said that he will invite me to dinner." Fu Jinheng was not modest, but smiled and followed her. Tao.

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