Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 31: : Childhood shadows

On the night when Jin Yishuo was arrested, Song Jinan, Cao Wei, and Zhang Mingcheng interrogated him overnight. Even Yang Detachment took it seriously and went to the monitoring room of the interrogation to watch them interrogate. .biqugev

But no matter what they asked, Jin Yishuo kept silent. When it came to the critical moment, he laughed wildly.

After more than an hour of interrogation, Song Jinan and the others did not ask anything. They were so angry that Zhang Mingcheng patted the table again: "Jin Yishuo, don't think that we can't convict you if you don't speak now. They found it from you. You can see the emails you sent to us on your mobile phone. Also, today, you pretended to be a food delivery person and entered our Song team’s house with a knife. You tried to attack Fu Qihan and were finally killed by one of our police officers, Tao Qixun. Stopped it, and you stabbed him. One charge of assaulting a policeman is enough for you."

"The girls you killed were all of the same age. They had no grievances and no grudges against you, but they became your souls under the sword. Also, have you ever thought that after you killed someone and was arrested? What should your elderly mother do? She has adopted you since you were very young. Is it because you want to kill when you grow up?" Cao Wei was also asked by his silence and got up angrily. , Pointed at him and rebuked loudly.

Song Jinan was much calmer. Although he was angry at his non-speaking attitude in his heart, he was still sensible, and said coldly: "It's all like this, are you really planning not to say something?"

Jin Yishuo looked at Song Jinan and was indifferent to what Zhang Mingcheng and Cao Wei said, but after listening to Song Jinan's words, he smiled grimly: "I have nothing to say. I will kill whoever I want to kill. It depends on my mood. , If there is a chance, I want to kill you, Officer Song, hahahahaha!"

"Tell me again, bastard." Zhang Mingcheng red eyes when he heard it, and he rushed over and grabbed his collar.

"Mingcheng, come back." Upon seeing this, Song Jinan frowned and called Zhang Mingcheng back.

Zhang Mingcheng was very unwilling to let go of Jin Yishuo and returned to his seat.

Song Jinan watched Jin Yishuo’s eyes get deeper and deeper, played with the pen in his hand, and hummed softly: "Jin Yishuo, a professional like you, should be confident and proud. You and your mother, The relationship is not as good as it seems, right? You and your mother are separated, right?"

Song Jinan knew that since he couldn't get in from the case itself, he had to go around with him and pinch what he cared about the most.

"Hahahaha! She doesn't love me at all, she only loves herself. She was the only one who killed me when I was like this, and it was all because of her. If I knew it would be like this, I might as well hope her I didn’t adopt me at the beginning, and all mothers, kindness and filial piety were farts, haha~!

Song Jinan narrowed his eyes and saw that Jin Yishuo was finally willing to speak, so he continued to ask about this question, and gradually brought the topic closer to the case itself.

In the monitoring room, Yang Detachment, who watched the whole process, looked at Song Jinan’s ingenious interrogation method, and nodded with satisfaction: "It’s the girl Jinan who is more clever. Mingcheng and Cao Weixin are too anxious and lack some heat. We have to have a good experience with Jin An. We are the police. We will definitely face more suspects like Jin Yishuo or even more unwilling to talk. We have to start with what they care about. To win in one fell swoop."

When the interrogation of Jin Yishuo reached two o'clock, Song Jinan, Zhang Mingcheng, and Cao Weicai came out of the interrogation room: "Mingcheng, you go to the confession of Jin Yishuo just now, Cao Wei, you go to the traffic police brigade and take Jin Yi The two cars that Shuo just explained were dragged to the team for inspection." After that, Song Jinan looked at Tian Yan in front and beckoned to her: "Tian Yan, you go to the inspection department and The Forensic Department will check if the inspection report has come out. After forming a chain of evidence, submit it to the Procuratorate as soon as possible. Today, the Inspection Department and the Forensic Department are working overtime. I will go to the Yang Detachment."

"it is good."

After Zhang Mingcheng, Cao Wei and Tian Yan listened to them, they went to work on their own.

Song Jinan went all the way to the office of the Yang Detachment and told him about the results of the interrogation that night: "You mean, the two emails he sent us reminded that the next target was Fu Qihan? "

Song Jinan nodded: "This is our negligence. We have always set the scope for Jin Yishuo to kill other girls, completely forgetting that Hanhan is also the target he wants to kill, and according to the few he gave Prompt, indeed, there is a very large Apple retailer near my home, and Jiang is very close to my home, only two roads away."

"Yang Detachment, I have a ruthless please."

"you said."

"I want to ask a psychiatrist to show Jin Yishuo."

"What do you mean by this? Suspect that he has a mental illness?"

"That's not true. He is quite normal, and his logical thinking is beyond ordinary people. I just think... his heart is very distorted. He is completely out of the same channel as normal people when it comes to viewing issues, and... according to the last time I visited him Mother said that he would often buy live fish and chickens and come back to kill, especially after the fourth case, when we monitored him in all aspects so that he could not commit crimes, the old lady said that he would buy two a week. When the live chickens come back, or the fish come back to kill, it shows that there are still a lot of chickens and fish left in the refrigerator, but he still bought them. I think... he is a little distorted in his heart, or even addicted to killing.

"The addiction to killing?" Yang Detachment couldn't help being horrified after hearing these four words: "This kind of thing should be considered rare! It shouldn't be!"

"I'm not so sure, so I want to ask a psychiatrist to show him tomorrow."

"Okay, leave this to me."

Song Jinan nodded: "Well, after the psychiatrist will diagnose him tomorrow, I will be able to write a case report. He also explained the process himself. The evidence is solid and he can submit all the information tomorrow. Go to the procuratorate."

"Okay, very good, this serial murder case is finally solved, but my heart is broken. Tomorrow I will go to the bureau to give your team credit, and I will ask you to eat Haidilao tomorrow night."

"Okay, then I will first thank the Yang Detachment for the people in the team."

"By the way, how is Tao Qixun's injury? I heard that he was hospitalized. Is it serious?"

"Mingcheng said that the wound was quite large and had been stitched up, but the doctor said that he would have to observe in the hospital for a few days. He said that from the stabbing to the hospital for about an hour, he didn't say a word, bleeding too much, and his face looked very bad. It's pale, so I let him take care of his injuries during this period and give him sick leave. I will go to the hospital to see him when the case is over tomorrow."

Yang Detachment nodded: "In this way, I will apply for his medical expenses. After all, he was injured during the mission. It is considered a work injury. Moreover, he was able to arrest Jin Yishuo and let him rest for a few more days. This Tao Qixun Although I’m a newcomer, I’m not familiar with any old detective. After you’re done with you tomorrow, come to my office, I’ll go buy something, and you will bring it to him."

"Yang Detachment, no, we ourselves..."

"When I say that I am not myself, I don’t seem to be your own person. I personally assigned Tao Qixun when he joined your team. Now he is injured. Although I don’t have time to visit him, I always try to buy something. There must be something, otherwise my leadership will be too stubborn."

"Okay, then I will thank Yang Detachment for Qixun first."

Yang Detachment smiled and waved his hands: "Since this serial killing appeared, your team hasn't had a good rest. It's just this last time. It's all you need to do. Thanks for your hard work."

"Yang Detachment is polite. Doesn't Yang Detachment often stay up late with the people in our team? I ask you many times, and you will try your best to help me fight for it."

"What I said, you are the ones I brought out, and it is about the case. Of course you have to do your best."

"Thank you Yang Detachment, for making you bother, it's not too early, you should go back to rest soon! I'll go back to the team first."

"Okay, go! Also pay attention to your own body, know?"


The whole night was another sleepless night in Song Jin'an and his team. Everyone was too busy to settle the case of Jin Yishuo. It was completely untouched.

At about ten o'clock the next morning, the psychologist arranged by Yang Detachment arrived. Song Jinan arranged a small room for them to let the psychologist and Jin Yishuo one-on-one. In order to have better results, Song Jinan and Cao Wei The two stood outside the one-way glass window and looked at the situation inside.

Because Jin Yishuo is special, in order to prevent him from hurting the psychiatrist, they also leaned his hands and feet on a fixed chair.

Song Jinan was watching outside. In the treatment of the psychologist, Jin Yishuo often laughed wildly, sometimes quietly, and even covered his face in the middle of the way and cried, seeing her and Cao Wei both in the mist. , Completely confused.

Cao Wei also said a cool remark: "I didn't expect that Jin Yishuo would still cry. The evil spirit and ruthlessness were gone last night. This psychiatrist is really powerful. I suddenly want to experience it too, Song Team, does the psychiatrist charge by the hour? How much is it for an hour? I also feel that I have been tortured by Jin Yishuo during this period, and I feel that I can't bear it anymore, so I have to find a psychiatrist to solve it. ."

Hearing the words, Song Jin'an handed it over with cold eyes, and couldn't help rolling his eyes, with wisps of icy sharpness in his eyes.

Seeing Cao Wei’s back shining, he quickly smirked at her, waved his hand, and said: "Haha, I...I’m kidding, Team Song, don’t take it seriously, don’t look at me like this, I Goose bumps."

Song Jinan looked back indifferently and found that the one-on-one diagnosis inside had ended, so he gave Cao Wei a color, and walked to the door together. Cao Wei and another young male police officer pressed Jin Yishuo back to the detention room. , And Song Jinan walked to the psychiatrist and made a'please' gesture towards her.

"Doctor Jiang, please, go to my office to talk!"


As he approached his office, when Tian Yan walked to the door, Song Jinan stopped and said to the psychiatrist: "Doctor Jiang, please forgive me. We have a rule that there must be more than two people when conducting an investigation."

"It's okay, Captain Song is polite." Doctor Jiang is also a young woman with extraordinary temperament, and her words and demeanor are quite common. She smiled slightly towards Song Jin'an and walked into the office.

After the three of them were seated, Song Jinan asked, "Doctor Jiang, how is Jin Yishuo's situation?"

"Jin Yishuo's heart is extremely distorted, perhaps caused by the family environment. He desperately desires to be recognized and loved, and from the process of chatting with him, he said that he likes the pleasure of killing, especially Yidao When the knife plunges into a living life, he will feel very fulfilled when he sees the dark red blood emerge instantly. He calls the girls and all the creatures he killed as works, according to our psychology In terms of acn/stateorientan, he fills up his emptiness and extreme lack of love through such behavior."

"Huh, so perverted?" After listening to Doctor Jiang's words, Tian Yan felt that she had goosebumps, rubbed her arms, and smashed her mouth in disgust.

When Dr. Jiang heard this, he laughed and nodded: "According to normal people's thinking, this is indeed a more abnormal one."

Later, Dr. Jiang talked with them about Jin Yishuo’s condition. It was almost half an hour later that Dr. Jiang got up, took out a business card from her bag and gave her: "Then if there is nothing wrong, I will leave. , Captain Song can contact me at any time if you have any issues. This is my business card."

Song Jinan nodded, showing a faint smile: "Okay, there is really Dr. Lao Jiang today."

"Captain Song is polite, this is what I should do."

"Tian Yan, you can send Doctor Jiang off."

"No, no, I'll just go by myself. You are all busy people, so I won't waste your time."

"Okay, Dr. Jiang walks slowly."

After watching Doctor Jiang leave, Song Jinan breathed a sigh of relief, but Tian Yan sighed: "I think Jin Yishuo is both pitiful and hateful, because he was twisted in his heart and actually killed so many innocent lives. Fingering."

"Well, this case has finally come to an end, and I can rest assured to write a closing report. You talk to Mingcheng and Cao Wei. After tired all night, you will take a hot bath and get a good night's sleep. Right!"

"That means, can we get off work now?"


"Okay! It's been a long time since I got off work so early. Just now Mingcheng and Cao Wei were still talking about going to visit Xia Qixun at noon."

"Well, I'll go again in the afternoon, and I will write a closing report later, and I will also report the end of the case to the Yang Detachment."

"Okay, then I'll go out first, Team Song, you should finish your work early and go back to rest!"


Tian Yan happily took small steps and left the office. Song Jinan got up and walked to the desk, took the cup to the water dispenser and poured himself a cup of warm water. After drinking two sips, he sat on the chair and looked at the computer. He typed and prepared to make the closing report of this case.

After he was finished, he asked another policeman in the team to send all the information and reports related to Jin Yishuo's case to the procuratorate. Of course, Jin Yishuo was also taken into custody and sent to the procuratorate.

It took less than half an hour for Jin Yishuo to be taken away. The news that the murderer was arrested in the serial murder case exploded on the Internet and TV reports. Song Jinan looked at those reports and suddenly thought of Jin Yishuo’s elderly mother. He pursed his lips, and deepened his eyes.

At noon, Song Jinan returned to the apartment where he was staying. He sighed and started to clean up when he looked at the scene where the fighting marks were very obvious. It was not until about one o'clock that he cleaned up. He ordered the takeaway and took a hot shower. The takeaway just arrived, and she took a nap for more than an hour. After getting up, she went out again and drove to the Zijingyuan community. Jin Yishuo's house visited his elderly mother, and when she passed a fruit shop on the way, she bought it. I lost some fruits, especially when I saw the apples, my expression was horrified. After a few seconds, I still picked a few apples.

It was half past three when I arrived at Jin Yishuo's house. It was a middle-aged woman who came to open the door. Song Jinan was taken aback. The middle-aged woman who opened the door nodded and asked, "Hello, may I ask." Can I help you?"

"Is Mrs. Jin at home?" Song Jinan returned to his senses and asked quietly.

"The old lady is here, may I ask you who?"

Song Jinan took out a black document from her pocket and opened it to her: "Police, I have something to tell the old lady. Come see her by the way."

"Come in, the old lady is having a tea break in the living room."

Song Jinan walked into the house, and the middle-aged woman reached out and took the two bags in her hands, and walked to the living room: "Old lady, you have come to see you for the policeman, saying that there is something to tell you."

When the old lady heard the words, she glanced sideways and saw that it was Song Jin'an, with an easy-going smile, and noticed that the middle-aged woman was still carrying two bags in her hand: "It turns out to be Officer Song, and Officer Song is here. Why is it so expensive."

"Nothing to spend." Song Jinan sat on the solo sofa: "I'm here to bother the old lady again."

"Officer Song is polite." The old lady looked at the middle-aged woman: "Meifen! Pour Officer Song a cup of tea."


The middle-aged woman quickly poured a cup of hot tea for Song Jinan. Song Jinan took it and said ‘thank you’. After that, the middle-aged woman didn’t stay in the living room any longer, and went straight to the kitchen to get busy.

"Old lady, who was just...?"

"Oh! Police officer Song is talking about Meifen! She is my newly hired nanny, looking for my diet and daily life. You know, I am getting older and my legs and feet are not very good. I have occasionally caught a cold today. Can't walk straight up."

Looking at the old lady's slightly vicissitudes and sadness, Song Jinan asked tentatively, "Old lady, have you watched the news? Regarding Jin Yishuo..."

The old lady raised her hand to stop her from continuing, nodded, and said sadly: "After reading the news, she just sat down and couldn't get up. The family doctor came to see me at noon and took the injection and the medicine. It's better."

Song Jinan pursed his lips, and he could see that the sadness and sadness in the old lady's eyes were real, so he asked curiously: "Old lady, can I ask, what is the difference between Jin Yishuo and you?"

"This matter is a long story. He was very obedient when he was a child. He was always the first in the class. He looked handsome. At that time, I was struggling with a career and didn't have much time to care about him. I let him live in the boarding house. He suffered campus violence at school. When he was fourteen years old, he was injured in a fight with a classmate and was hospitalized. At that time, I was out of town because of work. I couldn't rush back in time. I went back only on the third day of hospitalization, but At that time he began to be taciturn and didn't like to talk to me. The gap was only there at that time. I regret it! If I knew that one of my small actions could cause him so much harm, even if he lost his job. I will take it with me too." After speaking, the old lady began to wipe her tears, her eyes full of regret.

After Song Jinan heard this, he also understood why the psychiatrist said that Jin Yishuo was extremely insecure and cared for. It turned out that at that time he closed himself up and felt that he was an adopted person. It was not that important. No one loved him. He, the psychological distortion was also produced from that time!

"Officer Song, I can ask, Yishuo, how many years will he be sentenced if he is arrested?"

Song Jinan looked at the old lady with seriousness and seriousness in his expression: "This kind of thing is not what our police say, it needs the court to decide, but... he is carrying a four-day young life on his back, and The nature of this case is extremely bad, especially the last girl, who was only 17 years old, was killed by him on the way back from outside tutoring. If she didn't die, she would be a college student next year."

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" After hearing this, the old lady's heart was ashamed, her body trembling and nodding: "One life pays for life, this has been the case since ancient times, not to mention four lives. I heard that another girl is seriously injured. In the hospital, a person with half of my body can't wait for him after all."

"Please take care of yourself, old lady."

"Thank you Officer Song for your concern."

"Officer Song, can I go and see Yishuo? He has escaped, and it has been ten and a half months since I saw the old bones for the last time."

"This... person has been sent to the prosecutor's office today, I can't be the master."

"That's it! That embarrassed Officer Song."

Seeing the sad look of the old lady, Song Jinan slowly got up, and didn't plan to sit for a long time: "Then old lady, take a good rest, I will leave first, and come to see you another day."

"Okay, Police Officer Lao Song came to see my old bone." The old lady wiped away her tears and nodded: "Meifen! Come out and send it to Police Officer Song."

After Song Jinan got out of Jin Yishuo's house, he took the elevator directly to the first floor. When he left the hall, a familiar stalwart and handsome shadow happened to emerge from the hall on the opposite side. Song Jinan's footsteps paused, and the expression on Qiao Rong Also slightly stunned.

Fu Jinheng, who had just walked out, also quickly saw Song Jinan. He stopped while stepping on high-end leather shoes. His handsome silhouette was raised up with an evil and beautiful arc, and he leisurely put his hand in his pocket and glanced at it. Looking at the building behind her, the tail tone was deliberately extended: "Hi, Officer Song, what a coincidence!"

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