Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 32: : The meaning of pity

Song Jinan's cherry lips pressed tightly, and he slowly recovered, and took two steps forward. Seeing his glamorous clothes, he calmly asked, "Fu Jian, is this going to go out?"

Fu Jinheng smiled and nodded: "I guess, you didn't come here to find me, but came out from the other side. You should have gone to Jin Yishuo's house!"


"I watched all the news, how about it?"

"The case is closed, what else can be done." Song Jinan said in a cool tone, without too much emotion, and asked curiously: "Where is Fu Jian going?"



"Well, didn't Tao Qixun be injured and hospitalized last night? Hanhan didn't come back last night, so I stopped by to see Tao Qixun, and then took Hanhan back. Speaking of which, Hanhan still has his luggage with Officer Song. Wait until there is time. I'll go over and take it again." Fu Jinheng responded lightly. When it comes to the relationship between Tao Qixun and Fu Qihan, he is also deeply helpless.

It’s not that I look down on Tao Qixun. I just think that Fu Qihan is still young now, and he is still studying abroad, and his studies have not been completed. If you fall in love at this time, you will definitely have a long-distance relationship later. Long-distance relationships are very hard. Not to mention, coupled with the risk of Tao Qixun's career, he is indeed a little worried.

In other respects, he agrees with Tao Qixun, especially when he arrested Jin Yishuo yesterday, his arm was obviously bleeding, but he didn’t say a word, and he insisted on catching Jin Yishuo. From this, it can be seen. This stinky boy is still a bit **** and square.

He doesn’t care about those family backgrounds. He just asks to be nice to Hanhan, and can’t make her feel wronged at all. After all, Fu Qihan was a princess when he was at home. If he gets married in the future, he will marry her in-law’s family, not a princess. , But at least don’t be a nanny. After all, filial piety to the elders is the basic inheritance virtue.

"Yeah." Song Jinan also responded lightly, and didn't say anything more.

"Where is Police Officer Song going now?"

"I happen to be going to the hospital to see Qixun."

"Oh, let's just go together! Did Officer Song come by car?"

"No, I drove by myself."

"In that case, please trouble Officer Song to drive me there! It seems that I have known each other for so long. I haven't taken the car that Officer Song drove. Let's go! Where is your car parked? Is it on the street outside?" Fu Jin Heng raised his eyebrows, his face was not red and his heart was not beating, he said, completely without any embarrassment.


The corners of Song Jinan's mouth twitched a little, and she rolled him without a trace. She really wanted to ask, does he know how to write the word "face"?

Fu Jinheng walked two steps forward and found that Song Jinan had not followed, so he looked back and saw that she was still standing where she was, and laughed: "What's the matter? Isn't Officer Song going?"

Song Jinan looked at her brows. She came here purely to see Mrs. Jin. She really did not expect to meet Fu Jinheng. Yesterday, because of the Jin Yishuo case, the two of them separated after a few words. , Now suddenly hit, and somehow, there was an inexplicable throbbing in her heart, especially when she saw his spring breeze smile, like the sun in the winter, a little bit of the sun infiltrated her heart.

"It's okay." Song Jinan came back to his senses and walked over, without looking away, spit out two words coldly.

After exiting the gate of the community, Fu Jinheng saw at a glance that the car parked on the opposite side of the road was often driven by Song Jin'an. He hooked the corner of his mouth and walked directly, detouring from the back of the car to the door of the passenger cabin. Xiang Song Jinan, who was crossing the road, had a deep smile in his eyebrows, as if waiting for her to unlock the car.

When Fu Jinheng looked like it was taken for granted, Song Jinan raised his eyebrows unhappy, took out the key and unlocked the car. Fu Jinheng smiled, opened the passenger compartment door and sat in, and took the initiative to keep the car safe. Bring it to the buckle.

After Song Jinan got in the car, Yu Guang scanned him and found that he looked very good, with slender fingers resting on his legs, and rhythmic light tapping, the smile in his eyes gradually increased. Deep, she was a little uncomfortable looking at her.

After starting the car, Fu Jinheng asked, "Have Jin Yishuo explained the entire process of all cases?"

"Yeah." Song Jinan drove the car earnestly, staring straight ahead, replied calmly, and then stopped.

"How did he do it, those alibi."

"He has two cars, one he usually drives, and the other only when he commits crimes. He doesn't park where he usually goes, so he drives his own car every time. The car used to change a car, and the car he used to commit the crime was a licensed car. Every time he commits a crime, he will change a different license plate number. We didn't think about it at all at first, and naturally we didn't investigate it in detail. He will have two cars, and the distance between the two cars is still so far, it seems to us to be unnecessary, but in the eyes of Jin Yishuo, it is indeed a guarantee of safety. The fifth case in Liudong District, he said that day We did go to his teacher’s house in the evening, and we also went to get the confirmation, but we underestimated him. He has learned mental hypnosis, because he knows that he has a disease in his heart, and is actively looking for various psychological books to treat himself. , But when it comes to distortion, he himself can't control the urge to kill."

"After nine o'clock that night, he was in the process of drinking tea and playing chess with his teacher. He unconsciously hypnotized his teacher and made his teacher have hallucinations. Then he drove another car to Liudong District to do it. After closing the case, count the time and return to his teacher's house, just in time for his teacher to give him a perfect alibi."

After listening to her, Fu Jinheng also wanted to understand all the quirks in the case, but he caught the key points again, and squinted his eyes and asked, "You just said that he has a mental disorder and he likes to kill?"

Song Jinan nodded: "Well, before we caught him, Mingcheng and I went to his house. We learned that he would often buy some live chickens and fish to kill himself. Even though there are leftovers in the refrigerator, he would still buy them. At that time, I doubted it. I asked a psychiatrist to diagnose him this morning. In fact, he couldn't control this urge to kill, but it was a pity that those few innocent lives were lost."

Fu Jinheng did not answer the call, silently retracted his gaze, and cast his gaze out of the car window.

Speaking of this case, it is indeed a tragedy. It is the tragedy of a few young girls, it is also the tragedy of Kim Il-suk, and it is also the tragedy of the old lady. I feel sorry and very sorry for the old lady Jin to experience the pain of losing a child at such an age, but what about Jin Yishuo?

It also confirms that the poor man must have something hateful. For the case itself, he is indeed not sorry for his death, but from a humanitarian point of view, he is also pitiful. He was an orphan since he was a child, and he has finally been adopted by others. The school violence incident has since felt that he is superfluous in this world, and no one will cherish him. No matter how good he is, he will not receive any care, causing his mentality to collapse a little bit and his psychology is gradually distorted.

Along the way, the two of them didn’t talk anymore, and the car was extremely quiet. After driving for a while, Fu Jinheng rubbed his fingers and looked at her sideways. He found that there was tiredness between her eyebrows, and he whispered softly. Q: "You should have been busy all night yesterday!"

Suddenly hearing Fu Jinheng's words, Song Jinan looked at her subconsciously, then retracted his gaze and nodded: "Yeah."

"Have you rested until now?"

"I went back at noon and took a bath and slept for more than an hour."

"You have been busy all night before you rest for more than an hour? Aren't you sleepy?"

"It's okay."

"Song police officer should be very clear, driving is a taboo for fatigue driving!"

Song Jin'an pursed his lips: "I'm used to it, it's okay."

"Put the car on the side of the road ahead! Let me drive. Take a good rest in the passenger's cab. Don't be seen by the traffic police. It's not good for people to catch the handle. What do you think?" Fu Jinheng smiled. Use his eyes to show the roadside ahead.

Song Jinan curled his brows, Yu Guang glanced at him, but didn't say anything. He stopped the car on the side of the road he was pointing to, unfastened the seat belt, got out of the car, and walked around to the passenger cabin from the back of the car. Here, he found that he didn't mean to come down, he was still sitting there, he didn't even unfasten his seat belt, he was looking at himself with a clear smile.

"What are you doing? Didn't you come to drive? Come down!" Song Jinan stared at him displeasedly, his voice deep and heavy.

"Okay." Fu Jinheng raised his eyebrows and unfastened the seat belt: "You step back and you will hit you later."

Hearing this, Song Jinan took two steps back and watched him push the car door and walked down from the inside, stood in front of her, and opened his body sideways: "Go up first!"

Song Jinan glanced at him and got into the car. Fu Jin Hengcai took the car door for her, walked around the front of the car and got into the cab, restarted the car, and drove the car into the traffic.

Perhaps the nerves were too tight during this period. In addition to being busy with Kim Il-suk last night, Song Jinan thought that he was fine at first, but now, sitting here, suddenly his nerves relax and feel sleepy. There was an attack. After driving the car for a few minutes, Song Jinan became drowsy, and finally fell asleep directly.

Fu Jinheng watched her sleeping while leaning on the chair with her eyes closed. The corners of her mouth were raised slightly, and she did not make a sound to wake up. He deliberately slowed down the car.

After more than half an hour, the car arrived in the hospital parking lot. Fu Jinheng turned off the car and didn't rush her to get up. Instead, he opened the window of the car, propped her head with one hand, and silently looked at her sleeping face. , The smile on the corner of his mouth became more gentle.

Time seemed to stand still, and the affection in Fu Jinheng's eyes gradually became apparent.

I don’t know how long it took, a car’s whistle suddenly rang, breaking the beautiful silence. Fu Jinheng frowned and looked out of the car window subconsciously. When he looked back again, Song Jin’an had already opened dimly. He closed his eyes and murmured: "Um... is it here?"

"Well, here." Although Fu Jinheng was a little dissatisfied with the car that suddenly honked the whistle, he couldn't say anything. After listening to Song Jinan's voice, he responded softly.

Song Jinan opened his eyes and looked around: "Then why don't you call me? How long has it been?"

Fu Jinheng raised his wrist and looked at the time: "It's almost an hour."

"Ah? One hour? Then why don't you call me?" Song Jinan listened to this and looked at him with wide eyes in surprise.

"Looking at you sleeping soundly and looking very tired, I can't bear to call you, I want you to sleep for a while, look at how obvious your own dark circles are." Fu Jinheng said very softly. There was also a bit of pity in the tone.

Made a little uncomfortable by his gentle tone, he unfastened his seat belt, raised his brows and pushed the door, and got out of the car, leaving Fu Jinheng alone in the car.

Looking at her reaction, Fu Jinheng raised his eyebrows with a smile, pulled out the car key, pushed the car door, opened his long legs to follow Song Jin'an, and asked with a smile, "What's wrong with Officer Song? No, no. Sorry?"


"is it?"

"Fu Jinheng, please don't talk yin and yang weird in the future. Just say it if you have something. There is no need to bend around." Song Jinan didn't like Fu Jinheng's attitude, stopped, gave him a fierce look and put down this sentence After warning, he raised his leg again and walked in the direction of the elevator.

After Fu Jinheng heard this, he burst into laughter, his steps became more leisurely, and he walked over.

When the two arrived at the door of the ward where Tao Qixun lived, they saw Fu Qihan and Tao Qixun sitting on the sofa chatting. Fu Jinheng squinted his eyes, knocked on the door with his fingers, and walked in.

When Tao Qixun and Fu Qihan inside heard the sound, they turned their heads and looked over. When Fu Qihan saw the two of them, they got up and shouted with joy, "Hey, brother, Sister Jinan, you are here! What are you doing? Come together?"

Tao Qixun also stood up and nodded and said hello: "Song team, Fu Jian."

Song Jinan nodded, then quietly answered Fu Qihan's question: "I happened to meet him on the road when I came here."

Hearing this, Fu Jinheng glanced at her without a trace, but smiled, his eyes finally fell on Fu Qihan's beautiful little face, and he asked in a deep voice, "Did you stay here last night?"

Listening to Fu Jinheng’s slightly serious words, Fu Qihan's heart squeaked, blinked his eyes, ran over quickly, took his arm, and shook it gently: "Brother, I didn’t give it to you last night. Have you sent a message? And... and Tao Qixun was injured to save me. He injured his right hand again. Isn’t it normal for me to take care of him? As the saying goes, the grace of dripping water should be reported by Yongquan. What's more, Tao Qixun had so much blood yesterday. I can't repay him for his life-saving when he came out of the Pacific Ocean! Especially, if it weren't for him last night, where would I have the chance to stand here and talk to you? right?"

Fu Jinheng squinted at her, although he knew that there was some truth in what she said: "That said, but you are a girl who is watching a big man all night, don't you know you will be embarrassed?"

Fu Qihan lowered his head silently when he heard the words.

"How is your injury?" Seeing that she had stopped speaking, Fu Jinheng looked at Tao Qixun, looked at his arm, and asked softly.

"Let Fu Zhen bother, it's nothing serious."

Fu Jinheng nodded, and Tao Qixun took two steps out of the sofa and turned his body sideways: "Fu Jian, Team Song, please sit down."

"The Yang Detachment asks me to sympathize with you. You will take a good rest before your injury. There is nothing important in the team. Cao Wei and Mingcheng are also busy." After Song Jinan took the seat, he took the Yang Detachment. Bring it to him.

"Thank you Yang Detachment for your concern, I'm bothering you, and I feel sorry for it!"

After a few people sat and chatted for a while, Fu Jinheng looked at Fu Qihan again: "Tonight you must go back to sleep for me."

"Oh! I know, then I'll go back later."

"At eight o'clock at the latest, otherwise I'll call my parents and tell them that you are back."

"Brother, why are you doing this? You belong to crossing the river to demolish the bridge."

"Cross the river and demolish the bridge?" Fu Jinheng chuckled lightly, "You didn't build a bridge for me, but I built a lot of bridges for you. Where did you come to cross the river and demolish the bridge?"


"Then are you going back or not?" Fu Jin Heng interrupted her quietly, his eyes sharp.

"You are threatening me."

"Well, you can think so."

"Sister Jinan, look at my brother, he actually threatened me in front of your police."

"Miss Fu, Jian Fu is right. Saving you is what my profession should do. You have been here to take care of me for one night last night. I am very grateful, but in any case, there are differences between men and women. There are indeed some differences. Appropriate, you still listen to Fu Jian's words, and go back today! I have nothing to do with me. I just hurt an arm. It's not that I can't go to the ground or become disabled. I can take care of myself." Fu Qihan said just now. After speaking, Tao Qixun kept a serious face and his tone was very serious.

After listening to this, Fu Qihan glared at him fiercely. This wooden head is really stupid. Although his mind is angry, Fu Qihan is not easy to have a seizure. He curled his lips and turned his head unhappy: "I know, I Just go back with you."

"Well, that's good." Fu Jinheng nodded in satisfaction, got up slowly, and looked at Tao Qixun: "Then since you are all right, then I'll leave first, and you can take care of your injuries."

"Okay, thank you Fu Jian."

"Then I will go first." Song Jinan also got up.

Tao Qixun also saw the tiredness on Song Jinan’s face, and guessed that she must have been all night last night. It is estimated that she hasn't slept until now, so he nodded quickly: "Okay, then Team Song, Fu Jian, you guys go slowly. Drive carefully, Team Song, go back to sleep well!"

"Yeah." Song Jinan nodded softly: "You take care of your injury. Just call me directly if you have something to do."

"it is good."

Fu Jinheng and Song Jinan got up and walked to the door together, but Fu Jinheng suddenly stopped, his eyes narrowed, his head tilted, and the sharp light swept onto Fu Qihan’s simple face: "Don’t forget you. If you do, give me home before eight o'clock in the evening, otherwise...you will do it at your own risk.

Fu Qihan curled his lips, nodded unwillingly, and made a grimace: "I see, I promise to go home on time."

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