Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 33: : Dissolution of marriage

Hearing Fu Qihan’s unwilling but serious voice, Fu Jinheng smirked with satisfaction and raised his eyebrows: "Well, very good, come back by taxi, and send me WeChat after getting in the car. "

"Okay." Fu Qihan drooped his small face, exactly like an eggplant beaten by frost.

After Fu Jinheng and Song Jinan left the ward and walked out of the hospital door, the phone ringing in Fu Jinheng's pocket suddenly rang. When he saw the caller ID, Fu Jinheng did not evade, stopped and answered in front of Song Jinan. Went up: "Hey, Shishi."

"I just arrived at my mother's house, when are you going to talk about that?" Qiao Shi's gentle question came from the other end of the phone.

"Have you gone back?"

"My mother called me to come back for dinner today. I also looked at the almanac. I thought that the days were pretty good. It makes sense. I have to talk early and late. If you think it's okay, I'll just say it tonight." Qiao Shiwei's tone was faint, with a hint of joking, paused for a while, and then continued to ask: "Where are you now?"

"Just came out of the hospital."

"Hospital? Are you injured?"

"No, it's not me, come to see a friend."

"Oh, that's how it is!"

"Tsk! How do I feel a little regretful in your tone?" Fu Jin Heng narrowed his eyes and expressed dissatisfaction with the tone of her words, always feeling that she looked like watching a movie.

"No." Even if Qiao Shiwei really had that idea, he naturally couldn't admit it. After denying it, he pulled the topic back to the topic: "If you don't have time, then forget it. I will say the same tomorrow. can."

"Forget it, let's go today! I have time, and I will send you a message when I arrive." Fu Jinheng thought for a while, raised his wrist and checked the time. After answering Qiao Shiwei's call, he hung up. Putting the phone away, she looked at Song Jinan, "Officer Song doesn't seem to be well rested. Do you need me to take you back?"

"No." She had been listening to his conversation with Qiao Shiwei, but she was a little unclear about what Qiao Shiwei said on the phone, so after he finished speaking, she directly refused: "If you have anything to do with Fu Zhen, please go ahead. I'll just drive back by myself."

Fu Jinheng pursed his lips, thought about it for a moment, and nodded: "Well, you have a good rest. I hope that when I see you next time, you won't have dark circles under your eyes. I will go now."

Song Jinan listened to his words, stood there silently, watching him walk to the side of the road and waved to an approaching taxi, opened the door of the back seat and sat in, lowered the window and waved to her. , The taxi drove away and disappeared from her vision.

After a long while, Song Jinan retracted his gaze, walked slowly to the front of his car, got into the passenger cabin, looked at the set of car keys in his hand, her lips pressed into a straight line, and she was taken aback for a long time before she gathered her thoughts. Plug in the key, start the car, and drive to the apartment where he lives.

When I returned home, it was almost six o’clock, and the black color was already dark. Song Jinan bought a la carte and fruit from the supermarket downstairs and went back to make a simple meal, but he didn’t have much appetite, so he ate more. After eating the fruit, he went straight back to his room and fell asleep.

Maybe it was the reason why she was so tired during this time, she didn't have time to think about other things, so she fell asleep.

On the other side, Fu Jinheng took a taxi back to Fu's old villa. The old housekeeper heard the sound of the car and came out to greet him. Seeing that it was Fu Jinheng, he hurried forward: "Master, you are back."

"Where are my parents?"

"Mr and Mrs. have just come back and are preparing to have dinner. Have you had dinner?"

"not yet."

"Then hurry in! Young Master, you haven't come back for a long time to dine with your husband and wife. The husband and wife will be very happy to see them."

Hearing this, Fu Jinheng raised his eyebrows and chuckled lightly: "Happy? Tsk! It's really hard to tell." After speaking, he raised his leg and walked into the house.

Entering the living room, I just saw Fu Fu and Fu Mu sitting on the sofa, as if they were discussing something. Fu Mu still held a cup of black tea in her hand, crossing her legs gracefully, tasting it carefully. The waist is straight, and there is a sense of nobility and arrogance between the cold eyebrows.

On the other hand, Fu's face looked very kind, but the majesty between his eyebrows still pierced. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he looked up and said, "Aheng, you are back."

"Dad." Fu Jinheng nodded slightly towards Father Fu, then looked at the arrogant and noble woman, chuckled and shouted: "Mom."

Fu's mother raised her eyelids and glanced at him. A slow and indifferent tone came out from her red lips: "What's the matter when you come back?"

"It happens to be free today, I want to dine with you and dad."

"Eating? This is surprising." Mother Fu put down the black tea cup: "Usually I can't see a half-person figure. You suddenly said that you accompany us to eat, I'm really flattered."

Fu Jinheng also knows her mother’s temperament very well. She has always been strong. She basically doesn’t bother to discipline her children. She only has to work harder to clean up Fu Qihan. For Fu Jinheng’s son, she basically doesn’t care. It belongs to stocking, because she knows very well that her own son is also very strong and very independent. It is difficult for her own ideas to influence his ideas, and she is also very self-disciplined. If she is really like a housekeeper, Fu Qihan If you were to discipline Fu Jin Heng in the same way, Fu Jin Heng would have a rebellious mentality when he was adolescent.

Therefore, the relationship between Fu's mother and Fu Jinheng's mother and child can be said to be in love and awe, so it is normal for Fu's mother to see him not pleasing to his eyes. Fu Jinheng also understands it very well.

"Mom, you don't know, I'm usually busy at the procuratorate, isn't this coming back as soon as I'm free today?" Fu Jinheng laughed, and he had already guessed the attitude of Fu Mu when he came. I don't think it's surprising.

"Okay, it's a good thing for your son to come back. Didn't you say two days ago and didn't see Ah Heng call back or something?" When Fu Fu saw this, he received the look from his son and put down the documents in his hand. , Echoed aloud.

When the parents listened, they stared at him without a trace, then glanced at Fu Jin Heng, who was smiling brightly in the sun, put down the overlapping legs, got up, and walked towards the restaurant with a beautiful face. .

Father Fu also got up and winked at Fu Jin Heng: "Let's go! Go eat first."

"it is good."

Seeing Fu and Fu heading to the restaurant, Fu Jinheng took out his mobile phone from his jacket pocket and sent a message to Qiao Shiwei. After seeing Qiao Shiwei's reply, he put the phone in his pocket again and walked to the restaurant. , Pull out the chair and sit down.

Halfway through the meal, Fu Jinheng thought for a while, put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, raised his head and glanced at the Fu's mother and Fu headed by the dining table, who were sitting across from each other, and said sternly: "Dad, Mom, I will not Apart from eating with you when I come back, there is one more thing to discuss with you."

Father Fu heard the words, looked at him, and nodded while eating, "Well, you said."

Fu Mu didn't say anything, but she swept at him arrogantly. Usually when Fu Jinheng tells them to discuss the problem formally, it must be a big problem. If you encounter something in normal times, follow the instructions of Fu Jinheng. Heng's temperament had been handled by himself a long time ago, and he wouldn't even tell them at all.

"I want to discuss with you about the marriage contract with the Qiao family." Fu Jinheng looked a little serious and serious. After a short pause in the meeting, he continued: "I decided to cancel this marriage contract."

"What?" Fu Fu originally thought that he mentioned this incident to talk about his marriage with Qiao Shiwei, but he never thought that the marriage contract would be cancelled.

"Why cancel?" When Fu Mu heard this, she immediately put down her chopsticks and became serious.

"When this marriage was set up, you said that you should let me get along with Shishi first, and then we will retire if it is not appropriate. I have been engaged to Shishi for four or five months, and we have known each other for almost half a year. , She and I are just friends now, and there is not the slightest affection between men and women."

After hearing this, Father Fu raised his brows and knew that this marriage was not handled very well at the beginning, but he also respected Fu Jinheng’s views. After thinking about it, he said: "Then how do you plan to give poems to poems in this matter? Explain, how can you give the Qiao family an explanation?"

"I have discussed this matter with Shishi, and when I come back today to tell you this matter, I have made an appointment with Shishi. Presumably, Shishi also talked to her parents over there."

Father Fu nodded, feeling a little regretful: "Shishi is a good girl, but unfortunately she has no relationship with our Fu family! Although it is said that you and Shishi have agreed, you still have to visit Qiao's house in person another day, how do you say You also have to give the Qiao family some face, so that you can't hurt the harmony of the two families, you know? You have always had your own opinions and measures. You can take care of this matter yourself!"

"Well, I know." Fu Jinheng responded earnestly, looking at Fu's mother who hadn't spoken much, "Mom, what do you think?"

"You are not here to discuss with us, you are here to inform us!" Fu Mu glanced at him, gently twitching her lips, and asked displeasedly.

Fu Jinheng chuckled: "Mom, what are you talking about? I really came back to discuss with you."

"Let’s come, I don’t know what your temperament is? Alright, since you and Shishi have decided, so be it! I think you have eaten almost, let’s go, don’t come back in a short time, don’t want to see you , Add blockage to me." Mother Fu snorted softly, waved her hand to him, and suddenly remembered: "Also, the dissolution of the marriage contract is related to our two families, I think you know it in your heart."

"Yeah, I know." Fu Jinheng didn't make a fuss about Fu's mother-in-law's order to chase away guests. He just smiled and got up slowly: "Then I'll leave first, and I won't disturb my parents."


When Fu Jinheng turned around and just took two steps, Fu Mu shouted to him again.

Fu Jinheng looked back at her, smiled and asked, "Mom, what else do you want to order?"

"You are also thirty this year, and you have to pay close attention to getting married. Although you have broken your marriage contract with Shishi, don't think about being alone in this life. I don't allow you to have this kind of idea."

Hearing, Fu Jinheng chuckled twice, raised his eyebrows, and Song Jinan’s cold and pretty face naturally appeared in his mind, and nodded: “Don’t worry, I’m not going to be alone. Getting married will happen sooner or later, but It is a matter of time and timing."

"Okay, you can do it yourself!" Father Fu nodded, then suddenly remembered and asked: "By the way, A Heng, have you contacted Han Han during this period of time?"

Fu Jinheng was taken aback, and smiled and asked, "What's wrong? I have been sending WeChat calls with her every day during this period!"

"Nothing unusual?"

"What can be abnormal?"

"I wanted to make a video call with her last night and she refused. She said it was inconvenient. Some classmates were reviewing in the dormitory. She still refused to give her a video at noon. She also chatted on WeChat. I always think this girl is weird. It's weird, as if something is hiding from us."

Fu Jinheng squinted his eyes and dropped both hands into his trouser pockets: "She told me that there was a quiz on Wednesday, and I didn’t listen to the class very much. She said that if the exam fails, credits will be deducted and re-skills will be required on weekends. In the past few days, I am holding onto the Buddha's feet temporarily, pulling her several classmates who are desperately reviewing, probably because they dare not tell you, they just found an excuse, say it is inconvenient!"

"This girl, I usually tell her to have a good class, and when she comes to the quiz, she knows that she is anxious." After hearing this, Fu Fu sighed helplessly.

"Huh, you don't know the virtues of your own daughter? It's because you two have been spoiled since childhood." Fu Mu coldly snorted, and his stern glance glanced at Fu Fu and Fu Jin Heng.

Fu Jinheng chuckled, "Don't worry! I have already told her about her. After her quiz results come out, I will call and ask in person. You don't have to worry about this. I'll go first. eat."

To help Fu Qihan find an excuse to make it through, Fu Jinheng went out of the iron gate of the villa, called a car with his mobile phone, and sent a message to Fu Qihan, telling her what her parents asked him just now. Don't show your stuff, let her come back early by the way.

At this time, Fu Qihan was having dinner with Tao Qixun. When he saw the news from Fu Jin Heng, his face changed drastically. He quickly put down his chopsticks and sent a voice over, ‘Brother, are you going home? Did your parents say anything? I won't be discovered anymore! ’

Fu Jinheng was able to grasp her with ease and confidence: "You come back first, and I have something to discuss with you."

After seeing the news he sent, Fu Qihan thought for a while and replied ‘I know’, and then raised his head to look at Tao Qixun: "Tao Qixun, I’m going back now. You eat slowly by yourself."

"Huh? But you haven't finished your meal... Well, I mean, anyway, eat the meal first before leaving!" Tao Qixun was taken aback, and subconsciously said something to keep, but he felt that it was not right. He quickly changed his words.

At this time, Fu Qihan's mind was all about whether his parents knew that he had returned to China. He didn't pay attention to the meaning of his words at all. He stood up and said: "My brother just returned to my parents and told me Go back, he has something to tell me, I have to go back, I am going back late, according to my brother's vile temperament, he will definitely tell my parents about this matter, you eat first, I will see tomorrow You!"

After speaking, Fu Qihan didn't give Tao Qixun any chance to answer the call, and ran outside while holding his mobile phone.

"Slow down, send me a message when you get home." Tao Qixun hurriedly shouted outside when he saw this.

Fu Qihan stopped a taxi on the side of the road and returned to the Zijingyuan community, entered the password, opened the door and walked in. It happened that Fu Jinheng had just finished the bath and walked out of the room and saw Fu Qihan coming back, Fu Jinheng He laughed, wiped his head with a towel in his hand, teasingly said: "Hey! Come back so fast? I thought I would have to wait at least an hour!"

"Brother, did you go back to your parents?" Fu Qihan didn't have time to pay attention to his yin and yang tone, walked over and asked nervously.

"Yeah." Fu Jinheng responded lightly, raising his leg and walking towards the living room.

"What are you doing back to your parents?"

"I have something to discuss with my parents."

"what's up?"

Fu Jinheng took a seat on the sofa and looked sideways at Fu Qihan, who was chasing after him: "It's about retiring from Shishi."

"Ah! Are you going to remarry Sister Shishi? Are you crazy? Why do you do this? Did your parents scold you bloody?" Fu Qihan widened his eyes in surprise, and hugged again. He asked with a smile while watching the play.

"No, they agreed."

"What? Agree? Did your parents have a flu, or you have a flu? Why do you want to dissolve the marriage?" Fu Qihan suddenly thought: "Ah! I understand, you wouldn't do it for Sister Jinan! Although! Sister Jinan is also very good, but are you too sorry for Sister Shishi for doing this?"

Fu Jinheng glared at her: "This has nothing to do with Police Officer Song. I said when Shishi and I got engaged. After such a long time together, she and I are just friends, and the dissolution of the marriage is also about me and Shishi. Shishi has discussed it, so don't worry about it, and don't talk nonsense about it, otherwise..." After that, Fu Jinheng suddenly laughed at her.

Seeing Fu Qihan's horror, he swallowed his saliva: "I know, I just said that. By the way, what did parents say?"

"Didn't I tell you on WeChat?"

"Then parents haven't said anything?"

"What else do you want parents to say?"

"No, I didn't mean that." Fu Qihan smiled sadly, leaning over and asking: "Then...you just told me that you have something to discuss with me, what's the matter?"

"Your return to country Y."

"Ah! Why?"

"Do you think this can be kept from your parents for the rest of your life? When you are going to graduate and have an exam, your parents can just call your teacher and ask, and you can ask them clearly. If you don't go back now, wait for your parents to find out, what? I don’t need to tell you the consequences! And now that Jin Yishuo is arrested and the case is solved, you should go back and finish the rest of your studies.” Seeing what she wanted to refute, Fu Jinheng continued:” You understand mom’s temperament, and you came back halfway through the book, and you couldn’t get your graduation certificate. How can you explain to your parents?"

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