Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 36: : That is to agree

Song Jinan stayed up until more than two o'clock that night to re-find the document. When he came to the team for a regular meeting the next morning, he called Tian Yan to the office and criticized the document she wrote. Tian Yan also accepted it humbly. I read it again with her modified version, and then nodded: "I see, Team Song, next time I will pay attention...biquge"

"Well, there are many cases in the file room, you can check it out if you don't understand." Song Jinan responded softly, and gently twitched her lips.

"Okay." Tian Yan listened carefully, and then asked, "Should I hand this over to the procuratorate again?"

"No, Fu Jinheng will come later." Song Jinan thought for a while, shaking his head and whispering back.

"Fu Jian is coming?" Tian Yan looked at her in surprise.

"Aren't Mingcheng and Cao Wei going to the hospital to investigate the matter of the unknown corpse? Don't let them wait for you, don't be reckless in everything else, listen to Cao Wei's arrangements." Song Jinan pursed his lips. , Was silent for a short while, did not pick up her words, but changed the subject.

Tian Yan just remembered that when the regular meeting was just over, Cao Wei also asked her to go to the entrance of the hall after finishing the work. They waited for her, and quickly put the documents in their hands on the desktop: "I know, then I'll go. Team Song, thank you for your hard work on this document! I will definitely correct it next time."

"Yeah." Song Jinan responded lightly and watched her leave the office.

Nearly eleven o'clock, the door of the office was knocked, and a female police officer came in with a probe: "Team Song, Fu Jian is here, saying that she is looking for you."

Hearing, Song Jinan suddenly raised his head and looked at the door, with a slightly stunned expression. The embarrassing scene of last night suddenly appeared in his mind. His heart beat twice and the smearing on his face was unnatural. He pursed his lips and asked: "Someone else is now where?"

"Out there!"

"Call him in!"


After the female police officer left, Song Jinan waited in the office for two or three minutes. He still didn't wait for Fu Jinheng's arrival. He couldn't help looking at him. After thinking about it, he got up and walked to the door to find Fu Jinheng.

When he walked to the office lobby, Song Jinan patrolled Fu Jinheng’s handsome figure at a glance, but standing opposite him was a very beautiful police flower, that was, when he was waiting for her last night, he was in the hall with him. The civilian police flower chatting.

The two were also talking and laughing, but they were far away, and Song Jinan couldn't hear what they were talking about.

After another half a minute or so, the civilian policeman waved to Fu Jinheng and left. After she disappeared from the field of vision, Fu Jinheng turned around and happened to see Song Jinan standing in the distance, with eyebrows stained. With a soft smile, he raised his leg and walked towards her, teasingly asked: "Song officer is waiting for me?"

"The files are ready, don't you want all the routes of Wang Sheng? Come with me!" Song Jinan ignored his question, glanced at him indifferently, turned and walked in the direction of the video archive room.

Fu Jinheng laughed, and walked over. He walked around several long corridors and a short corridor before finally reaching the video archive room.

After entering the archive room, Song Jinan talked to the staff inside, and then started looking for the case of Wang Sheng's case. After finding it, he took out all the video tapes inside, walked to the computer in the room outside, and turned his head to look towards Fu Jinheng: "Did you bring the USB flash drive? All the videos here are original videos. You can't take them away, you can only copy them."

"Well, I took it." Fu Jinheng nodded, took out the USB flash drive from the inner pocket of his clothes, walked over to her, and put one hand on the table and the other hand on the back of the chair, leaning slightly. Looking at the computer screen, it looked like the scene last night.

The familiar breath rushing on his face made Song Jinan subconsciously scowl at his brows, and then glanced at Fu Jinheng, who was watching the video carefully, and unconsciously moved to the side, pulling a little distance away from him.

"This paragraph is very important. Copy it down and make it complete." Suddenly, Fu Jinheng leaned forward again and pointed at the screen on the computer, unknowingly or intentionally bringing the two of them closer again. .

Song Jinan glanced at him, moved the mouse, and copied all the paintings he just said to the USB flash drive, but his warm breath with male hormones lingered around her, which made her heart can't help mentioning She didn’t dare to gasp in her throat, she wanted to move a little aside, but the table where the computer was placed was not too wide, and her body had shifted away from the chair she was sitting on, and when she moved over, she was about to fall Go to the ground.

Furthermore, she didn't want Fu Jinheng to see the clue and give him a chance to laugh at herself.

But how can Fu Jinheng, who has always thought deeply about the city, couldn’t see Song Jinan’s careful thoughts, he didn’t puncture his mouth, smiled at the corners of his mouth, and looked at the computer impartially, still keeping the one that supported the desktop. She reached out to touch the mouse in her hand again.

When his hand touched, Song Jinan's heart passed a trace of electricity, and even the heartbeat missed several beats. He suddenly raised his head to look at him, like a frightened bird: "What are you doing?"

Seeing her vigilant look, Fu Jinheng smiled helplessly, his ridiculous eyes were tightly squinting at her panic-stricken face, and he raised his eyebrows: "I want to go back and see. In the scene just now, what did you do so nervously?"

Song Jinan was dumb, and took the hand that touched the mouse back, and then turned away from the chair, and wanted to get up from the chair: "Then look at it for yourself!"

But as soon as he got up, Fu Jinheng suddenly stretched out his hand to press her shoulders, pushed her back on the chair, and leaned forward again: "Where are you going? Your rule here is not to follow the procedure. Is it against the law for me to retrieve the video without the police officer."

Song Jinan raised his eyelids, stared at him, and tightened his lips: "As long as I agree, there is nothing illegal."

"Tsk! Officer Song, tell me, are you afraid of me?" Fu Jinheng squinted his eyes, and the smile on Junrong looked very sly. He deliberately lowered his voice and prolonged the tail, and vomited warmly. The atmosphere of the surroundings made the surrounding atmosphere a little bit ambiguous.

Song Jinan raised his eyebrows displeasedly when he heard the words. He glanced at him without any trace, and hummed calmly, "Fu Jian said this is really interesting. I'm a policeman, why should I be afraid of you? ?"

"Really? So what do you always hide from me? Why can't I do to you." Fu Jin Heng asked with a smile, joking in his words.

Song Jinan rolled his brow and glanced at him, gently twitching his lips: "You think too much."

"is it?"

"Do you want to copy it now? It's about noon, I don't have time to spend with you here." He asked him anxiously, and Song Jinan rarely showed an impatient look, with cold eyes. Staring at him displeased, even his tone was much higher than usual, adding a bit of anger.

Seeing her angry, Fu Jinheng laughed and nodded: "Okay, I will copy now."

The copying process took almost forty minutes. When it was finished, it was already after twelve o'clock. Fu Jinheng put the things away and turned to look at her: "Where is that document?"

"In my office."

"Please ask Officer Song to lead the way to get the document."

Song Jinan glanced at him, said nothing, turned around and left the archives room, said a few words to the police officer in the archives room, and took Fu Jinheng back to his office, picked up the document on the desk and handed it over. To him: "I made all the corrections and stamped the official seal. Look, there is something wrong."

Fu Jinheng took a look at it, and focused on the areas that he had proposed to change. After finding that there was nothing wrong, he smiled and put the document in the briefcase: "It was handled by Police Officer Song, I am naturally relieved. There is Police Officer Laosong today."

"Fu Jian is polite." Song Jin'an replied nonchalantly.

"In order to express my gratitude, it's time to eat now. If Officer Song has time, he can enjoy a meal and have a meal together?" Fu Jinheng chuckled lightly and dropped one hand into his trouser pocket, looking into his trouser pocket with a smile. Hold her.

Song Jinan looked at him at each other. If he refused at this time, he might say something messy. Besides, it was really nothing important today. It was more leisurely, so he nodded: "Since it's Fu Zhen sincerely invited me, I Where is the reason for rejection, let's go!"

Seeing her walking by her, Fu Jin Heng smiled and walked out: "What do you want to eat? I remember there are no particularly delicious restaurants near you."

"Are you not an expert at eating toppings? Let you lead the way!"

"Okay." Fu Jinheng raised his eyebrows and nodded with a smile.

When he got out of the police station and walked to the parking space, Fu Jinheng went to the co-driver's cab to open the door for her. Song Jinan was very uncomfortable looking at him at his casual and courteous appearance, but he didn't say anything. Just glanced at him deeply, bent over and sat in the car, fastened his seat belt.

Fu Jinheng detoured from the back of the car to the side of the cab. After sitting in, he threw his briefcase onto the back seat and started the car. He seemed to have thought of where to eat and drove directly.

On the way, Fu Jinheng also received a call from his assistant Han Xufan about work. Fu Jinheng was meticulous and serious when facing work. Song Jinan listened in the seat of the co-pilot. Then, I couldn't help but glanced at him. After he finished the call, he asked: "Are you busy during this time?"

"Fortunately, if you are busy or not, or if you are free, there are only two cases." Fu Jinheng put the phone beside him, answered her question with a smile, paused, and asked again: " What? Are you looking for something to do with me? Or you want to invite me to dinner?"

Song Jinan gave him a sideways glance, answered his question in silence, and didn't bother to talk to him.

Seeing her not speaking, Fu Jinheng's eyes became more smiling, and he didn't say anything any more, and drove the car earnestly.

Soon after arriving at the restaurant, Fu Jinheng parked the car and turned his head to look at her: "Get off!"

Song Jinan glanced at the restaurant, silently pushed the car door and walked down. The two of them walked in together. After ordering the meal, Fu Jinheng looked at her, pondered for a moment, his lips were soft, and he reached his mouth. I couldn't say anything.

After a long while, Fu Jinheng slowly asked, "You should have seen the news about the dissolution of my engagement with Shishi!"

When he mentioned this suddenly, Song Jinan seemed a little caught off guard, staring at him with wide eyes, completely forgot to react.

"Don't you know?" Fu Jin Heng asked, looking at her reaction.

Song Jinan came back to his senses, nodded, and shook his head. Fu Jinheng was a little confused when he saw Fu Jinheng. He laughed and asked, "Do you know or not?"

"I know." Song Jinan replied softly, adding: "I heard what Tian Yan said yesterday."

"You still knew it yesterday?"

"Yeah." Song Jin'an pursed her lips and made a single tone. He felt that it was not quite right for him to ask, and his brows became tighter and tighter: "What do you mean?"

Fu Jinheng laughed and saw the concerns in her heart, so he provoked and said: "My marriage contract with Shishi is just on the surface, without too much decoration. She is a very sensible person, and she is also a man. Straight, I have realized it from the time I met her. The most impressive thing is that when I talked to her about the engagement, that is, when I met for the fourth time, she clearly told me that she didn’t like me, and I Being together was also under pressure from the family. It happened to me, too. Therefore, at that time, we could say that it was a hit. The two only maintained the superficial engagement and did not interfere with each other privately. In the past four or five months, we have also I did it. It’s like getting along with friends. This mode of getting along is actually pretty good. There is no development about love. The proposal to dissolve the marriage contract this time is not my proposal alone, but I just happened to mention it. When it came to this matter, she agreed. The two of us combined for a while, and we talked to the family. Even if we don’t say it now, she will definitely talk about it in the next year. So, don’t think too much about it. I will break the marriage contract. It’s not for you, you don’t have to feel guilty or whatever, it’s just... I like that this thing about you is true, you can think about it seriously, I have a lot of time to wait for your answer now."

Song Jinan listened to his serious words, and with the serious look on his face, his heart suddenly burst twice, and even his breathing became suffocated, and a little unnatural and flustered across his beautiful face, and confronted him. Suddenly, Shi's eyes dodge a little.

The atmosphere became a little tense and embarrassing for a while, Song Jinan's heart was up and down, very disturbed, he lowered his eyes, and knew that his eyes had been watching him, but his rapid heartbeat did not know why. It became more and more urgent.

Fu Jinheng had a full view of her panic and insecurity. He looked happy, raised his eyebrows, as if thinking of something, and deliberately teased: "Officer Song, do you know what your shortcomings are? "

Song Jinan suddenly raised his head to look at him, eyes full of puzzlement and tension: "What?"

"I just counted, I think your fate is short of me, or... just agree to be my girlfriend!" Fu Jin Heng squinted his eyes, his tone seemed a bit joking, but his expression seemed to be a bit joking. Be extra serious.

Song Jinan pursed his lips, which was unnaturally unnatural by him, but pretending to be calm. He picked faults from his words and asked quietly: "Are you something?"

"No..." Fu Jinheng was taken aback. She didn't expect that she would ask back like this. She was a little bit dumbfounded and spoke subconsciously, but felt that something was not right, so she stopped immediately.

"Then, are you something?" Seeing his helpless look, Song Jinan's nervous heart slowly stabilized, his eyes were stained with a clear smile, and he raised his eyebrows.

This episode also eased the atmosphere slowly. Fu Jinheng looked at her dumbly, not knowing whether to say it or not!

He actually saw this kind of local love story on the Internet. I originally thought that this kind of thing should be very useful for Song Jinan's affectionate white, but I didn't want to open it badly, so she directly called it back. .

Could it be that he didn't choose the right words of love?

It's rare to see Fu Jinheng slumped, Song Jinan's mood was inexplicably better, and the expression on his face was a little more cheerful, just at this time the waiter brought the food, Song Jinan ignored him, picked up the chopsticks and ate by himself .

She was eating happily, but Fu Jin Heng felt that he was hit. His eyes were dangerously narrowed, and he stared at her straightly. Perhaps after staring for a long time, Song Jin'an felt a little hairy in his heart, and he caught the chopsticks. The beef was eaten into his mouth, and his eyelids raised slightly: "What are you looking at me doing? The dishes are already ready, and it will be cold if you don't eat it, and...you should be okay this afternoon!"

"Are you not going to say something?"

"Say...what?" Song Jinan looked at him blankly, completely unclear.

"I just confessed so affectionately, don't you plan to respond?" Fu Jinheng leaned back in the chair leisurely, tapping lightly on the table with his slender fingers, which made people feel unpredictable and strategizing. illusion.

Song Jinan was stunned, and immediately stopped holding the chopsticks, and said subconsciously, "You...didn't you tell me to consider time?"

"Oh! Yes, that's what I said just now, okay! Then I'll wait for your reply and eat first." When Fu Jinheng heard this, he smiled instantly, raised his handsome eyebrows, and said briskly, picking up his chopsticks. There was a piece of fish in her bowl, and the smile in her eyes continued: "Try this fish, their fish is very fresh and tender, with a good taste."

Seeing his reaction, Song Jinan realized that he had said the wrong thing. Annoyed, he smashed his mouth and raised his hand to touch his nose: "I mean..."

"No need to explain, I understand." Fu Jinheng smiled and interrupted her.

Song Jinan looked at him, and seeing his natural and full smile, he knew that he understood a hammer.

"I did not mean that…."

"What does that mean? Want to refuse directly?"

"It's not..."

"That is to agree?"


Song Jinan gave him a speechless glance, and was too lazy to reason about it with him. She immediately retracted her gaze and had a meal at the door. She couldn't compare to him in terms of chattering. It would be better to be silent and not give him any handle.

Every time she was silent, Fu Jinheng was also very happy to watch, and started eating leisurely.

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