Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 37: : Is he questioning his emotional intelligence?

After eating, Fu Jinheng paid the bill and drove Song Jinan back to the police team. Fu Jinheng didn't speak any more, let alone mention the previous confession. Song Jinan held his head with one hand. , Looking out of the car window, his eyes became more and more blurred, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but his expression was a little serious and indifferent. .

When approaching the police station, Fu Jinheng glanced at her profile without a trace, and then silently retracted it. Suddenly he remembered something, gently twitching his lips, and then slowly said: "Right, Hanhan back to y Officer Tao doesn't know about the affairs of the country, right!"

"Huh?" Suddenly interrupted by his voice, Song Jinan turned to look at him, subconsciously made a tone, paused slightly, and asked: "I don't know about this, anyway, I only found out yesterday. Hanhan returned to country y, why did you suddenly ask like this? What does Hanhan have to do with Qixun when he returns to country y?"

"Do you think it's okay?" Fu Jinheng raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

Song Jin looked at him unclearly, and didn't think about it at all: "What can it matter?"

Fu Jinheng couldn't help but glanced at her again, smiled, but was silent. Song Jinan was a little slow in his emotional problems, let alone his feelings for others, and naturally he couldn't see through.

Seeing that he was not speaking, Song Jin An silently retracted his gaze, thinking for a moment, and the scene of seeing Fu Qihan and Tao Qixun getting together before appeared in his mind. He seemed to realize something, and looked at Fu Jinheng with his brows. When he saw his high-end and unpredictable look, a strange feeling rose in his heart.

Is he silently scorning his slowness and emotional intelligence?

She actually didn’t understand, but she was hesitant in this regard. Although she was pretty, she was a policeman because of her personality. She started out as a'brother' when getting along with any opposite sex. Wouldn't think of going to love.

In addition, every time they set out on a mission or faced a fierce suspect, they were basically people who gave their lives. After experiencing so many times, she didn't take these things seriously.

Although her parents will urge her to get married and fall in love, she doesn’t take it any time. She feels that it’s nice to be alone, and there is no need to find someone to fear for her. If she gets married in the future, her children will suffer even more. One day of sacrifice, the child will suffer, and one more person will be sad.

In her years as a police officer, she also experienced an experience of rubbing shoulders with the **** of death, probably because from that time on, she basically stopped these thoughts and focused on her work.

After crossing a road, Fu Jinheng parked the car at the gate of the police station and turned to look at Song Jinan in the co-driver's cab: "Here."

"Well, thanks a lot." Song Jinan answered faintly, unfastened his seat belt, and when he was pushing the car door to go down, a forceful hand suddenly caught her, making her a little caught off guard, and the door just opened again. She was taken back by her, and suddenly turned her head to look at him, widening her eyes: "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, I just want to remind you."


"If you think about it, you can contact me at any time. If you don’t think about it, you can contact me. In addition, I may be busy with Wang’s case during this period. I may not have time to see you, but I can still call and send WeChat. If you squeeze it out, don’t miss me too much. If, in case, if you really miss me too much, you can also choose to come and see me.” Looking at her puzzled expression, Fu Jinheng smiled and said. The hand holding her arm did not retract, her speech was clear and gentle, but the affection in her eyes seemed very hot.

When Song Jinan heard the words, a rippling rippled in his heart again, and he shook violently, his face was stained with irritation, and his heroic brows were twisted in an instant, and he shook off his hand vigorously, and gave him a blank look: Miss you, hurry up and go! Stop being affectionate here."

After finishing speaking, Song Jinan would not give Fu Jinheng any chance to answer the call and continue to hold her. He moved quickly and quickly opened the door and walked into the police station.

Fu Jinheng sat in the car with the big palm holding her wrist hanging in the air. Looking at her panicked back, he laughed silently. It seemed that his path to chasing his wife was not Far.

The most obvious thing is Song Jinan's attitude towards him. Although occasionally indifferent, he still chokes himself with words, and he has made great progress. He expressed his satisfaction.

After the figure of Song Jin'an disappeared from the field of vision, Fu Jin Heng withdrew his hand with a deep smile, restarted the car and drove to the procuratorate.

After his car drove away, the three figures standing tens of meters away were a little confused. Tian Yan poked Tao Qixun and Cao Wei who were beside him: "Hey, am I dazzled? Just now? The person who came out of that black car is Team Song!"

Tao Qixun and Cao Wei's expressions were also a little dazed, and they nodded one after another, and gave Tian Yan a very affirmative answer: "Yes, you are not mistaken, we also saw it."

"The car just now, if I didn't read it wrong, it should be Fu Jian's!" Tian Yan tilted his head and squinted to ask the doubts in his heart.

After listening to this, Tao Qixun and Cao Wei nodded again: "Yes, it's Fu Jian's car."

"It's noon, and Fu Jian drove Team Song back again. Looking at the situation, how do I feel that the two of them... are not in a relationship!" Tian Yan reasoned, and was suddenly moved by the thoughts in his heart. Shocked, he opened his eyes in surprise and looked at Tao Qixun and Cao Wei.

Tao Qixun also expressed his surprise: "It shouldn't be! Song team and Fu Jian...how do I think they can't?"

"What's wrong? Do you think they are all the same as you? Mu-headed? Fu Jian is much more advanced than you. Maybe we really won the Song team, and...Fu Jian only announced a tie a few days ago. The marriage contract of the second lady of the Qiao family, do you think...is it possible...?"

"Bah, what nonsense! Impossible, Team Song will not be a junior! Besides, I pulled your tongue out, and the report says that Fu Jian and the second Miss Qiao family are friends from beginning to end. Relationship.” Tian Yan immediately exploded Mao when he heard it, interrupted Cao Wei's voice, and gave him a warning look.

Song Jinan is a goddess in her mind, how could she tolerate others to slander her in front of her?

"I haven't finished talking about this yet! What are you so excited about? How could Team Song be a junior! What's more, Team Song doesn't bother to be a junior! Besides, Fu Jian is not that kind of person! I am! This means that even if Fu Jian is not with the Song team, is it possible that he is chasing the Song team now?" Seeing Tian Yan's reaction, Cao Wei reached out and knocked on her forehead, taking all the meaning behind his words Said it.

Tao Qixun on the side listened, and suddenly thought of Fu Qihan in his mind, and felt inexplicable. This section is false, and Fu Qihan ignored herself. Every time she took the initiative to send messages or phone calls to herself, Like the night before, he clocked her'Are you there? ’’S news, so far there has been no reply.

Seeing the two of them arguing over this issue, they monopolized their thoughts and said: "Don't fight, we can see how the Song team is, and we don’t know Fu Jian in a day or two. Don’t talk nonsense, so as not to be heard by others, let’s go in! There are still clues to the case to be investigated."

Hearing, Tian Yan and Cao Wei remembered the business, waved quickly, and both trot back to the team, and started investigating the case of the unknown corpse.


By mid-December, the weather in city t was even colder, and it was cold and windy. After a few days of light rain, the first snow began to float. During these days, Fu Jinheng and Song Jinan often contacted each other. Basically, Fu Jinheng took the initiative to call her, and Song Jinan called him a few times, but it was all because of official business reasons.

Regarding Fu Jinheng's confession and response, Song Jinan never mentioned it, and Fu Jinheng didn't seem to be in a hurry, and the two were so deadlocked.

Because of his work, Fu Jinheng was very busy because of Wang Sheng’s case, which was far more complicated and troublesome than he thought. Song Jinan also received a corpse division case, and he was busy day and night. The faces the two have seen in these twenty-odd days are also very few.

Two or three of them were Fu Jinheng went to the team, or Song Jinan met when he went to the prosecutor’s office, and stood together and chatted for a few words. At most, Fu Jinheng even teased her or teased her and then separated, even together. There is no time for a meal.

Although the case of dismemberment was not as complicated as the case of Jin Yishuo, it was also very bad in nature, and it was enough to make Song Jinan and the others a headache, because the true identity of the corpse was not found from the investigation of missing persons, and the strangest thing was Yes, they did not find the head of the corpse. They only found the corpse. The corpse was left in four places. One was the upper reaches of the shallow river and the other was the lower reaches of the shallow river. The distance from the upper reaches was about a thousand. Duo Mi, the other two are the smelly ditch and a long-abandoned ruin, which was buried with mud.

Just looking for the body, Song Jinan and the others were busy for four days and four nights. They basically didn’t stop in that area, but they couldn’t find the head. The shallow river, ruins, and stinky water ditch were all covered. They turned upside down but didn't find it.

Song Jinan and their entire team focused on this case. On the one hand, Cao Wei and Tian Yan investigated the source of the corpse, while Tao Qixun and Zhang Mingcheng stayed in the shallow river and the ruins to search for the last part of the corpse.

Song Jinan held the autopsy report Xiayou gave her in his hand, and frowned. The case of Jin Yishuo only disappeared for more than a month, and now there is another case of dismemberment. This case also brought Yang Detachment and the upper hand It is very important to let them find out the head of the body as soon as possible and find out the identity of the victim.

The deceased was a female, aged between 22 and 27, and his height was about 1.63 to 1.67 meters. The deceased's body did not have any trauma or signs of poisoning, because the head was not found, and the cause of death could not be found. And the time of death was about 20 days ago. Because of the cold weather, the body was soaked in cold river water and buried in the ruins, and it was severely decomposed. The winter in city t was cold and on the surface. The temperature will be several degrees lower than usual, and it has rained, so the exact time of death cannot be determined at all. In addition, the cuts on each piece of the corpse are not clean, and many knives have obviously been chopped off.

"This case is no more evil than the case of Jin Yishuo. We can get so much information from the corpse. The corpse can't lie, but we can't find it here. It is very difficult for us to make a conclusion, and it is really embarrassing. You are, how long have you not closed your eyes again?" Xia You walked out of the autopsy room, took off the disposable leather gloves and mask in her hand, looked at Song Jinan, who was full of serious and indifferent, and shook her head helplessly.

Song Jinan put down the report in his hand and sighed silently: "Today is the fifth day of the verdict of this case. We haven't even found the head of the body until now, and there is no related missing report that matches. This girl disappeared. For many days, no one came to report the disappearance? I was curious. The murderer chose four different places to throw the body, and they were all around. Where can he throw the body on the other side? We all searched around there. , Mingcheng and I went down in the smelly water ditch personally, and didn't find anything at all."

Xia You patted her shoulder, and from her words, she could also hear that her current mood was a little irritable: "Don't worry, there will be clues sooner or later. The methods of this murderer can be compared with that of Jin Yishuo. It's cruel, there are no valuable clues on the body, I can only help you get here."

"I know you tried your best, and you have worked hard for you these few days. After you have a good rest, I will go back to the team first." Song Jinan raised his eyes to look at her, her lips pressed tightly, and got up with the report sheet on the table. After speaking, he walked outside.

"Well, you should also pay attention to rest. Don't push yourself too hard. Take your time. You won't be fat with one bite."

"Got it."

Song Jinan returned to the team, and Cao Wei and Tian Yan returned. Song Jinan immediately walked over and asked, "Cao Wei, Tian Yan, are there any new clues?"

Tian Yan pulled a face and shook his head: "No, nothing."

"We have even been to the police station in the surrounding countryside. There is no missing report that matches the dead body. The shallow river and the ruins are blind spots for surveillance. The cameras are all hundreds of meters away, and there is no suspicious clue. ."

"You go and rest first! It's hard work."

"it is good."

Song Jinan went back to the office, turned on the computer, and watched the videos that he retrieved over and over again to see if he could capture the same figure in the same scene. After all, the murderer left the body in so many places. She may avoid all the cameras. Although she has watched this video no less than ten times and has not found any clues, she still refuses to give up.

After reading it four or five times, Song Jinan’s eyes were a little tired, but he still couldn’t find anything. Finally, he let out a long sigh of relief, turned off the video, and looked at the photos of the corpses at the time, each one. The photos are very shocking and horrible.

When the corpses were found separately, Tian Yan's legs were weakened by fright, and he was sick and vomiting. Until now, she has not been relieved, so Song Jinan sent her and Cao Wei to find clues about the deceased's identity.

That night, Zhang Mingcheng and Tao Qixun, who continued to search for the last piece of the corpse, returned. It was the fifth sleepless night. Song Jinan analyzed that the reason why the murderer hid the deceased’s head so deeply was definitely to conceal the identity of the deceased. Don't let them find out so easily.

After everyone had a meeting for more than an hour and discussed about the case, it was already a little later. Song Jinan knew that they had not rested because of this case in the past few days, so he got up and said, "You have worked hard these days. Go home and take a hot bath and get a good night's sleep! We will check again tomorrow."


Everyone yawned and left the team. Song Jinan was the last one to leave. It was almost three o'clock after returning home to take a shower. Song Jinan let go of his thoughts and fell asleep peacefully.

When he woke up at about eight in the morning the next morning, Song Jinan washed and ate a bit of breakfast. He went straight to the team and reopened a regular meeting on the detection direction. Zhang Mingcheng, Cao Wei and Tao Qixun were also active. Participation gave advice.

"In this way, our detection direction is still divided into these two. The head of the corpse must be found as soon as possible in order to figure out the cause of death of the deceased, and the identity of her. Since t city has not found clues about her, we will investigate all of them. For provinces, we must figure out the identity of the deceased so that we can plan for the next step. Otherwise, just like now, like a headless fly, we can't find any goal at all. The first thing now is these two points, Cao Wei, You and Tian Yan are still in charge of finding the identity of the deceased. They must be investigated by province by province. As long as the missing persons matching the physical appearance and age of the deceased must be selected, we will check them out one by one later. Mingcheng and Qixun, and I will still lead people. Looking for the head of the corpse, you also know that the current weather in city t is cold. If the head of the corpse is found one day later, there will be fewer clues to us, and it’s hard work for you." Song Jinan thought for a while. Only after making a decision, after re-arranging the task for them, he waved his hand: "It's all gone! Technical Liu, have the fingerprints of the deceased been compared?"

Tech Liu, who was sitting on the side, pulled out a piece of paper from the pile of documents in front of the table and handed it to her, shook his head: "I went to the fingerprint database to check it, and there is no matching information."

Song Jinan took the order and glanced, and her lips tightened.

This case is really wicked. The dead has disappeared for so many days, and no one reported the case, and what kind of person hates her so much. After killing her, she must be divided and thrown to different places. What?

"Okay, thanks for your hard work, let's go!" Song Jinan glanced at Technical Liu, patted his shoulder lightly, and left the conference room.

"Team Song, we have already turned upside down nearby, and there is no trace of any corpses at all. Where should we search now?" Zhang Mingcheng and Tao Qixun walked over and asked when they saw her walking out.

"Team Song, they are all ready, so you just have to give an order."

Song Jinan walked to the map and looked at the piece that he had originally circled with a red pen. He squinted his eyes and carefully grasped: "If you are the murderer, choose to find the ruins in the upper and lower reaches of the shallow river and nearby. After the corpse is thrown in the smelly ditch, where would you choose the last place to throw the body?

Zhang Mingcheng walked over, looked at the map, and touched his chin: "The head is the easiest to identify the deceased’s identity. The murderer divides the deceased’s corpse into pieces, just because we don’t want us to find out the deceased’s true identity. Then the head must be hidden deeper than the other corpses. In terms of distance..."

"Nine hundred meters across the shallow river is a barren mountain. The southern part of the ruins was originally a farmhouse, but it was later moved away due to demolition. If I remember well, there are many wells over there." Zhang Mingcheng said later, Tao Qixun said. Suddenly thought of it, and immediately took the call.

Song Jinan's eyes lit up and looked at Tao Qixun and Zhang Mingcheng: "In this way, Mingcheng and Qixun, you two will take people to these two places separately, and conduct a carpet search for me. You have to see everything clearly, and pay attention to safety, you know?"


Zhang Mingcheng and Tao Qixun immediately trot out of the hall after responding, and went to the two places separately when they greeted the master.

Song Jinan looked at the map for a while and thought about it, and then wanted to go to the office of the Yang Detachment, but just two steps out, a young and tall male police officer walked over: "Song Team, pick up from the police station in Punan District. It was reported that when the landlord of Mingyue Community went to collect the rent, the door that had been knocked on for a long time was not opened, and no one answered the phone, and there was a black patch of suspected blood at the door. The renter was a girl, 25 years old, It's Wang Lili."

Song Jinan's eyes widened. This is undoubtedly ‘sending charcoal in the snow’ for their case. They are worried and have no clue!

"Xu Dong, Zhang Lei, you two come with me."

"Yes." Zhang Lei, who was not far away, ran over immediately after hearing the words.

Song Jinan and his party first came to the police station in Punan District to find out about the situation, and then they met the landlord. The landlord is an aunt in her fifties who is a native of T City. The entire Mingyue community is her own house. Collect rent for the past month.

Wang Lili moved to her community two months ago. She is very beautiful and signed a three-month rent contract. But at the end of last month, she sent her a message to collect the rent. She never returned. During the period, the landlord also gave Wang Lili made several calls and no one answered it. At first, the landlord thought she had a tight hand, and deliberately dragged it down. She also understood, young man!

She was given a certain amount of time, but after half a month, no one answered the call. She wondered if Wang Lili had escaped the rent, so she came to the rented house to have a look, and knocked on the door for a long time and no one opened it. The most important thing was that there was a black block at the door, and it looked scary. She didn't dare to open the door and went directly to the police station to call the police.

Song Jinan and the three of them followed the landlord’s aunt to the rental room, and the landlord’s aunt opened the door with a spare key. A very strong smell of blood came upon their faces...

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