Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 38: :did you miss me

The landlord’s aunt was actually very scared, so she ran away before she opened the door before she could push it open: "Um...I am only responsible for opening the door for you. I am getting older and I am really afraid of these things. You go in, I won't go in."

Song Jinan didn't say anything, and opened the door gently, but the scene inside shocked the three of them in a cold sweat. Song Jinan quickly took out the gloves and shoe covers he carried with him from his bag and put them on, and also signaled the two of them not to destroy the scene. .

The scene can really be described by the words'shocking and terrible'. The walls on the ceiling and the floor, including the tables and chairs, are all splashed with blood. But due to the long time, the blood has solidified and the room is messed up. There has obviously been a strong fight.

"Team Song, come and see." Xu Dong, who walked to the kitchen and started to look at the scene of the kitchen, opened his eyes in surprise, and quickly raised his hand to call Song Jinan.

Song Jinan cautiously walked to the kitchen, but was shocked, her back felt cold, Zhang Lei, who had come over after hearing the sound, poked her head in, just one glance, her face was instantly pale and she was hurriedly covering her mouth. Turned around and went to the door, looking like he was about to vomit.

When she first came in, she almost vomited when she saw this sight, but she resisted it, but she really couldn't help the sight of the kitchen.

Not only was there a lot of blood in the kitchen, but the most important thing was that the head they had searched for five days was actually thrown in the pot, and there was water in the pot, as if it had been boiled, looking hideous and terrifying. Extremely, anyone who looks at it will feel terrified.

Although Song Jinan has always been a girl, but in the face of such a scene, his heart still trembled. He turned his face away and said: "It seems that this is the first scene of the crime, Xu Dong, you call to inform the technology. Department and forensic department."


Song Jinan looked at Zhang Lei at the door again, walked over, patted her on the back and asked, "It's okay!"

Zhang Lei's face was pale and nodded: "Well, but this murderer is too innocent! People are killed by him, and it is really too much to give others' heads..." At the end, Zhang Lei became more and more distracted. Got angry.

"The landlord’s aunt is still waiting below. You can find out about the situation. By the way, after Tian Yan arrives, you will visit downstairs and neighbors’ houses outside together, and ask them if they have found anything unusual. Wait for our people to come. After that, pull the cordon directly." Song Jinan gave her a soothing look, and her tone slowed down. She understood Zhang Lei's current feelings very well.

They are indeed angry with such a fierce murderer, especially their methods are so cruel, they are several times more terrifying than the devil in hell.

"Okay." Zhang Lei calmed down her expression, took out the notebook and pen from her bag and walked out.

After watching Zhang Lei leave, Song Jinan looked back at the scene in the room, tightened his lips, and secretly vowed to catch the murderer as soon as possible. After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and gave Tao Qixun and Zhang Mingcheng a chat. Call, ask them to withdraw the people back, say they have found them, and ask them to come directly to Mingyue Community.

By the way, I also called Cao Wei and asked him to stop the investigation and asked him and Tian Yan to come directly to assist in the investigation.

Although the head in the kitchen has not been confirmed by the forensic doctor to be the case of the corpse, Song Jinan also estimated that it was almost the case, plus this scene, it is simply...cannot be expressed in words.

Zhang Mingcheng and Tao Qixun were extremely excited when they heard that the head of the corpse had been found. They rushed forward quickly, but when they saw the shocking scene in the room, they were all stupid. They never expected this to be the case.

"Damn, this murderer is just a brute." Zhang Mingcheng closed his eyes and raised his forehead, walked out of the kitchen, and immediately burst into foul language.

Song Jinan glanced at him and didn't say anything. He looked at Xia You who was wearing a white coat and walked out of the kitchen, and gestured to the four of them: "Check carefully and don't let any clues go."

"Yes." After Tao Qixun, Cao Wei and Xu Dong Zhang Mingcheng listened to them, they immediately dispersed and began to search the rooms.

The technical department is also collecting all relevant clues and fingerprints, including footprints.

Song Jinan walked up to Xia You and looked at the boiled head that was put in a bag by the forensic department. He subconsciously touched his nose, twisted his brows and asked: "How? Is it the head of the corpse case? ?"

Xia You nodded: "I looked at the cuts, which are almost the same as those of the corpse. I can confirm that it is the same deceased. The head was boiled in boiling water and the skull was injured by a blunt instrument. This should be the cause of death. , Other people have to go back to make a conclusion. I am busy now. I have been a forensic doctor for so many years. This is the first time I have encountered such a corpse. I’m going back. I’ll leave the scene to you. I guess this scene will keep you busy for a day. I’ll call you whenever I get a report.”

"Okay." Song Jinan pursed her lips and nodded, and watched Xia You leave the house with the forensic department.

After Xia You and the others left, Zhang Lei and Tian Yan returned from a visit. They still shudder when they saw the scene in this room, especially Tian Yan. For her, the impact of this scene was too great, and she couldn't relax. God came, so I didn't dare to step into this room at all.

Song Jinan went out. Although he understood their discomfort, as their leader, he still had to say at this time: "You need to get over this point. I won't talk about you this time, but we are the police. With this uniform, how can you solve the case like this? It's better to transfer to the civilian side."

"We got it." Tian Yan touched his nose in a serene manner.

"Tell me what happened?" Song Jinan stopped tugging at this question anymore. Knowing that they had just visited, he asked the result.

"That's it. According to the landlord’s aunt, this girl came to rent a house alone, and she also met her twice. I also copied the ID number registered with her. The home address is in city m. She doesn’t know exactly which unit she actually does what she does. She said that there are also many migrants in city t. Basically 80% of her community come to work here, so basically She will rent as long as she pays the money. She will not ask too much about the rest. She just paid a 1,000 yuan deposit when she first started renting the house. Later, it is stipulated that the rent will be collected at the end of each month, and Wang Lili only Signed a three-month contract." Zhang Lei said about what she had just learned from the landlord’s aunt.

"But I just called Kou Jing from the team, and she said Wang Lili's ID was a fake." Tian Yan also answered.

"Fake?" Song Jin'an widened his eyes in surprise.

Tian Yan nodded: "Yes, ID numbers and names are all fake."

"According to the neighbors next door, they heard the sound of ping-pong next door on the night of the 21st last month, but they didn’t care about it at the time, because they had knocked on the door once before, worrying about what happened to her. , But at that time Wang Lili didn’t appreciate them, and she was very unfriendly to them. At that time, she said she was watching TV at home, and the sound was very loud. They didn’t care about it later, and no one wanted to touch the gray nose. , And according to neighbors’ reports, Wang Lili rarely goes out during the day, but goes out at night. Anyway, she behaves strangely.

"If the identity is false, then we have to start with her identity again, so that this matter will be handed over to you two. You probably don't want to come to the scene of the crime, how about it?" Song Jinan heard this. He pursed his lips, glanced at both of them with a cold look, and asked back.

"Okay, we promise to find out Wang Lili's true identity as soon as possible. Anyway, her photo can't be faked. Even if we find a needle in a haystack, we have to get her out." Tian Yan and Zhang Lei nodded immediately, as long as they don't let them enter or leave the case. On the spot, they would rather go to the field with a cold wind.

After the two of them left, people from the technical department also took pictures and detailed surveys of the scene. Technical Liu walked over and said: "Song team, we are done here, we will go back to the team for inspection first, and contact you if there is any situation. ."

"it is good."

Song Jinan walked into the room again, watching the four of them seriously searching for clues, and Zhang Mingcheng suddenly took out three bodies in his hand.

The certificate came over: "Wang Lili is really interesting. All of them are photos of her. They are really pretty, but each has a different name, a different age, and a different ID and residential address."

Hearing this, Cao Wei walked over, took the three ID cards in his hand, chuckled lightly, a little surprised: "Zhang Qianqian, Xu Qiaoruo, Wang Lili, which of the three ID cards is her true identity?"

"Besides being so cruelly killed, Wang Lili's identity is probably not easy! Song Team." Tao Qixun also walked over and looked suspiciously at Song Jin'an.

"Any other clues?"

"No, the wallet is empty, there are two photos of herself on the table, three ID cards and a few sets of clothes in the suitcase, nothing else, it looks like a place to live temporarily, and Seeing this, she didn’t plan to live for a long time. She put her clothes in a box, two closets in time and space, a beautiful young girl, logically speaking, clothes, shoes, bags and cosmetics are indispensable, and there will be many more. But this Wang Lili is just a few sets of clothes, a bag, and the few bottles of skin care products on the counter. The shoes are a pair of cotton slippers and a pair of boots. There are two wads of cash in the box. I just counted them roughly. After that, there should be four to five thousand yuan. For a normal girl, the amount is not small. Why can't he be reluctant to buy clothes and bags for himself? After all, I love beauty. Everyone has it! Tian Yan and Zhang Lei often apply facial masks when they work overtime in the middle of the night!" Zhang Mingcheng shrugged, and at the end, he didn't forget to complain about the two female police officers who were not present. By the way, they used them to make a fight. For example.

Song Jinan agrees with Zhang Mingcheng's words, and what he said is indeed somewhat reasonable.

"But if she only came here to look for a job, and she only had these tens of thousands of dollars, would she not want to spend it?" Tao Qixun was thinking about it all the time, waiting for Zhang Mingcheng's words to be intact for a long time before questioning.

"But in the trash can that I was kicked over there just now, I saw the packaging box of her leftover Starbucks takeaway drinks, and the shell of the bread crab. She should live a full life, not like we see now. In this way, there are only a few sets of clothes, and her clothes are all brands. The total number of clothes in the box is estimated to be our salary for one year."

"So expensive?" Xu Dong opened his eyes and looked at Cao Wei in surprise.

Cao Wei smiled and nodded, and patted him on the shoulder: "Child, you don't know anything about the price of famous brands."

"Teached." Xu Dong clasped his fists in both hands, stunned him pretentiously, and returned with a smile.

"you are welcome."

They talked and laughed again, but Song Jinan noticed the bottle that was held down by a cabinet that fell on the ground, and walked over to squat down and took out the bottle, murmured, "Chanel No. 5..."

"What is this?" When the four of them saw this, they came over and asked curiously.

"Perfume." Song Jinan got up, winked at Zhang Mingcheng, and dropped the perfume in his hand into a white material evidence bag: "Take it back to the inspection team for inspection."


"I was searching carefully for anything else. If not, bring her things back to the team and close the team."


After investigating the scene, Song Jinan returned to the team with his team. As soon as he entered his office, he saw Yang Detachment waiting for him. When he asked about the case, Song Jinan talked about the matter. Again.

At eight o'clock in the evening, because everything was under inspection and the results were not so fast, Song Jinan asked them to go back to rest early, and could not work day and night, at least now they have found the last piece of the body. , It can be regarded as progress, the rest is to confirm the identity of the deceased.

On the way back by car, Song Jinan received a call from Fu Jinheng. Seeing the caller ID, Song Jinan's heart was inexplicably throbbing. He pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, and answered the phone: "Hey."

"Are you off work?" The voice on the other end of the phone was still soft and bright.

"On the way home." Song Jinan replied quietly, paused and then continued to ask: "What's the matter?"

"Where is it?"

Song Jinan's eyes circled around the surrounding area: "Suhuan Road."

"Have you had dinner?"

"have eaten."

"Then see you downstairs at your house! I'm not far from your house." Fu Jin Hengsi said for a while before he said.

When Song Jinan heard this, his heart became nervous inexplicably, "What are you going to do?"

Listening to her panicked tone, Fu Jinheng couldn't help laughing: "What are you doing so nervously? I can't eat you anymore. I just miss you. I want to see you. We haven't seen you for a week!

Song Jinan was dumb. It was said that since the last time I met at the procuratorate, he really hadn't seen each other again. They only made a phone call the night before picking up the corpse case and concluding the case. , There is no mood to take care of others at all.

"Why didn't you speak?" Fu Jinheng waited for a long time, but before Song Jinan's voice could be heard, he had to ask aloud.

"It's nothing."

"Okay, then hang up first. I'll wait for you downstairs at your house." Fu Jinheng didn't give her a plan to respond. As soon as the voice fell, he hung up the phone, and his brows moved happily. Next, the corners of the mouth were slightly raised to wipe the arc.

Song Jin'an was a little uneasy. For Fu Jinheng, she didn't reject it in her heart. What she always rejected was his attitude towards herself. The kind of detachment, intentional or unintentional, made her elusive, and she didn't want to go. Guess his thoughts.

She also knows that his city has always been deeper, and she is not as transparent as his in terms of feelings, so in this way, there is a feeling of being played between the palms of his hands, which makes her very unhappy. And dissatisfaction.

Soon, when he arrived near the apartment where she lived, Song Jinan saw Fu Jinheng's handsome figure opposite her home. The black car was parked under the street lamp, and he was wearing a dark down coat leaning against the car door. , There seemed to be an unburnt cigarette **** in his hand, looking very unruly and unrestrained.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that this is the first time they have seen him smoking a cigarette since they have known each other for so long. When they lived in his house, they had never seen an ashtray or anything.

After watching for a long time, Song Jinan suddenly recovered and parked the car behind his car, more than one meter away. Fu Jinheng also recognized her car, straightened up, and threw the cigarette **** to the side of the street lamp. Inside the trash can, walk to her car.

Song Jinan pushed the car door and walked down, closed the door, and looked up at him: "You..."

The light of the street lamp poured down from his back, Song Jinan just saw the person in front of him, Fu Jinheng stretched out his long arms and suddenly embraced her in his warm arms. Song Jinan was taken aback, and his whole body became rigid. The cooling in his eyes was disappearing little by little.

"Miss you." Fu Jinheng hugged her tightly, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and his white smoke-spitting lips were gently opened and closed, making a deep, **** and gentle voice.

Every word hit her heart, making her distraught. She subconsciously pressed her hand against his chest, trying to push him away, but didn't want to. The big palm around her waist became more and more vigorous. This made her a little annoyed: "Fu Jinheng..."

"Well, I'm here." Fu Jinheng responded lazily: "Don't move, let me hold a meeting. I have been busy these days. I finally found time to come to you. Do you want to push me away? "

Song Jin's was dumb, his lips pressed into a straight line, thinking of something to say, he heard Fu Jinheng look up and ask her again: "Tell me, do you miss me?"

Song Jinan froze. Looking at his affectionate look, he moved his lips: "I...." But just as he walked by the side of the road to a walking old couple, Song Jinan made his head look and hid in his arms. Li: "You let me go first, someone is watching!"

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