Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 42: : The vow of non-separation

"Sister Song, are you leaving now?" Just as Song Jinan hung up the phone, a gentle, familiar male voice heard behind him.

Hearing the words, Song Jinan turned his head and looked over. He stopped walking when he saw that he was walking by, and his eyes became a little confused: "Yeah! Why did Brother Yan come out? It's not over yet!"

"It's too lively inside, I came out to avoid the limelight." Yan Que waved his hand, some helpless smile.

Song Jinan took his look seriously, and found that his cheeks were a little blush, it seemed that he had drunk a lot of wine, he also guessed a general idea, could not help but chuckle: "If I guessed right, Brother Yan said. She said she should have come out to hide from the limelight!"

Yanke looked at her a little unexpectedly, and finally laughed helplessly, and nodded: "I can't drink enough of them. I just drank a few glasses and it was a little better. They drink a bottle or two like drinking water. Yes, I won’t be out to avoid the limelight tomorrow, I probably won’t be able to go back to Kitabata City tomorrow.

The corner of Song Jin'an's mouth raised slightly: "Brother Nayan is hiding here, I will not be accompanied, and I will leave first. I would like to thank Senior Brother Yan for helping me with this matter."

"Are you going to wait for your boyfriend?" Yanque looked at her with a smile, and asked back.

Song Jinan tightened her lips, the smile in her eyes gradually disappeared: "Yes! Just asked to pick me up over the phone."

"Speaking of which, I am quite envious of your boyfriend."

"Why did Brother Yan say this?"

"Well... how do you say it!" Yanke took two steps closer, chuckled, thinking for a while, and then said again: "It can be said that I am young and ignorant, there is no alternative now!"

"What does Brother Yan mean?"

"Go and figure it out for yourself! But I still want to bless you, you can find your own happiness, and don’t forget to send an invitation to get married in the future, so I can come over to ask for a wedding drink and be drunk with your joy. My marriage is settled."

"Then I also wish Brother Yan can find a beautiful woman as soon as possible, and don't forget to notify me when the time comes." Song Jinan smiled lightly, and followed his words very politely.

"Okay, let's borrow your good words, then we're all set."

"Okay." Song Jinan nodded: "Then I'll go ahead first. It takes too long for the seniors to come out, and the people inside will look for them. The brothers in our team are not so easy to deal with, otherwise they will be punished more when they go back. Ruthless, there are many offenses. I, the captain, will first apologize for them and accompany them. I also hope that brothers will forgive me. You are visitors from afar. They are too hospitable. Brother Yan will take more care."

"How did I hear a bit of threat from your words? I have hallucinations in my ears?" Yan Ke squinted his eyes, and said with a smile.

Song Jinan raised his brows and smiled: "That's really because Senior Brother Yan is too worried, I will leave first."

Yanke stood in place, smiling as she watched her leave. The persistence in a certain part of his heart disappeared completely at this moment. For some reason, his mood was relaxed a lot at this time.

Song Jinan waited by the roadside for about ten minutes. Fu Jinheng arrived and gave her a double flash. When Song Jinan saw this, he walked over, opened the door of the passenger cabin and sat in.

Fu Jinheng turned his body sideways, stretched out his hands to wrap her hands in his own hands, eyebrows looked at it slightly: "It's so cold, I'm sorry, so cold weather made you wait for so long."

"It's okay, I have been using this hand all the year round, and I am used to it." Song Jinan replied softly, but did not take his hand out of his palm.

Because his hands are big and warm, this feeling is strange to her, but he also misses this feeling especially.

"By the way, I heard you say that the case was solved today, why is it so fast?" Fu Jinheng smiled softly, leaned in and kissed her on the forehead, remembering what she had said before, and asked suspiciously. .

Song Jinan probably told him about the people coming from Beiban City today. By the way, he also explained the identity of the deceased Wang Rui to him. In short, the whole process of the case was briefly finished.

Although it was not very complete, Fu Jinheng heard it almost, and almost understood the cause of the whole case, but he was also embarrassed. In the end, he also noticed a key point in the process of all her words, and his eyes were dangerous. Li's squinted, watching her eyes gradually changed: "Brother Yan...who is it?"

Song Jin'an was taken aback, and he was able to speak vigorously just now, but he forgot to omit this matter, and looked at his eyes with a dangerous atmosphere: "I was a senior in the police academy."

"Familiar with you?"

"That's not true."

"He is also at dinner tonight?"

"I came from Beiban City and helped us so much. Isn't it right to have a meal?" Song Jinan looked at him for granted, fearing that he might misunderstand something, and explained it again.

Fu Jinheng nodded and understood. Looking at her serious look, he finally couldn't help but laugh, and the expression on her face couldn't be stretched: "I just asked casually, what are you doing so serious? ?"

"Obviously you just questioned me like a prisoner, OK?"

"I was questioning you in my tone of voice just now?"

"Is not it?"

"Should not be a very easygoing question?"

"Where is it easy going?"

"It's easy going everywhere."

Song Jin'an was dumb and gave him an angry glance, too lazy to argue with him. When she saw that she hadn't spoken, the smile on Fu Jinheng's face increased even more: "Okay, let's not tease you. Now that the case is solved, Are you free tomorrow?"

"We will rest two days after tomorrow."

"Tsk! I just finished two days off here, you started to take a break, when can we take a break together?"

"You will be busy tomorrow?"

"That's not true. You can leave work on time tomorrow." As he said, Fu Jinheng raised his eyebrows and held a smile: "I have an idea. Would you like to listen to it?"

"what idea?"

"Tomorrow I will take you back to my parents to meet them."

"Huh?" Song Jin'an widened his eyes in surprise, and was undoubtedly surprised by the news. There was even a'buzzing' in his head, and he became nervous inexplicably: "This... will it be too soon? ?"

The relationship they only confirmed. Speaking of yesterday, yesterday and today, it only took three days to see the parents in these three days? This speed is indeed a bit unexpected and helpless!

The words'flash marriage' suddenly appeared in my mind.

She actually thought about getting married in her life. As for what kind of person she would marry, she hadn't seriously thought about it, but at least she didn't expect to get married so early. She thought she would have to marry after thirty.

"My dad called this afternoon and mentioned the question about my marriage, so I told him about you by the way. He gave me time to take you back to sit and have a meal." Fu Jinheng raised his eyebrows in a very voice. Calm and calm, without any panic or uncomfortable feeling.

"But... you just broke off your engagement with that Miss Qiao. Isn't it a bad idea?"

"Didn't I explain it to you? The relationship between me and Shishi is not what you think, it's just..."

"I know, but you explained it to me like this. Others don't think so!"

"We said that to the outside world on the day of the dissolution of the marriage."


"No, but you don't have to worry about the others. Anyway, you won't marry other people."

"What do you mean?"

"What? Besides me, who else do you want to marry?"

"I didn't say that."

"Then you acquiesce in my proposal."

"You just proposed to marry me?"

"It's so obvious, can't you hear it?" Fu Jinheng laughed, spread his hands and shrugged, and said triumphantly: "Do you remember the scene when we first met?"

"Remember." Song Jinan frowned and looked at him unhappy.

"At that time, you gave me a shoulder throw without saying a word..."

"Hey, I was on a mission at that time. I thought you were a suspect and wanted to escape. That's why..."

"That said, but as the saying goes, Feng Shui takes turns, look! Now Feng Shui is coming to me!" Seeing how she tried to refute, Fu Jin Heng interrupted her immediately. , Smiled very slyly.

Song Jinan could hear a bit of nuisance from his words: "You seem to have other meanings! So you are deliberately playing tricks on me, wanting to retaliate against me?"

Hearing, Fu Jinheng stretched out his hand and knocked on her forehead: "That's nothing, what do you think! I have solved a lot of crimes on weekdays, and my brain is not bright? I was thinking, this girl is so sturdy, it is probably difficult. Married, if I don’t accept her, how can I be worthy of the trust of the people and the cultivation of the country!"

"You can't marry me!" Song Jinan understood it, and the boy turned around, co-working just to harm her, so he raised his hand and patted his shoulder fiercely: "I can see it, you I've been playing tricks on me just now."

"How do you say?" Fu Jinheng looked at her with a smile, and asked back.

"Just like the proposal just now, you never said to marry me." Xu Ye has been influenced by Fu Jinheng, and Song Jin'an has spoken more these days, and the smile on his face has also become clear. It was very different from before, and now I am arguing with my boyfriend just like a girl in love.

It looks like when you first fell in love.

"Didn't I say?"


"Yes." Fu Jinheng said solemnly: "I just said who else you can marry besides me, right?"


"You just acquiesced, right?"

"I do not have."

"So who else do you want to marry?"

"I..." Song Jinan slumped and glared at him fiercely. In this respect, she was not his opponent at all, and finally had to say annoyed: "I don't play this kind of word game with you. I have the ability to play directly. One."

As a prosecutor, he is a prosecutor with a brilliant tongue and articulate. She is just a policeman who can solve crimes and have a strong reasoning logic. She is willing to be inferior to the fight, but she feels that she will not necessarily lose to him in fighting, although She has also seen Fu Jinheng's skills, but she still has confidence in herself.

When Fu Jinheng heard her cold and hard words, he was really surprised. He chuckled and raised his eyebrows: "Speaking of which, last time we said we went to the boxing gym to practice together. We never found a chance. Now It's still there, it's only eight o'clock, and the boxing gym hasn't closed yet. You won't have to go to work tomorrow. Since you want to do it, we might as well try."

"Okay, let's go!"

"Wait, don't worry."

"What are you doing?"

"It's so boring just to practice boxing! Let's take a bet or what about the conditions?"

"Bet terms? You said."

"The bet is, if I win, you have to marry me. If I lose, you can set the conditions as you wish. As for the conditions! If I lose, I promise you three requirements, and if you lose, promise me three requirements. Which one do you choose?"

Song Jin'an was dumb, staring at him with her eyes closed, feeling that with Fu Jinheng's shrewd head, she would never lose her, so no matter whether she chooses the bet or the conditions, there is no difference, that is, as long as she loses, he will have to marry her. give him.

Although she does not reject the matter of marrying someone, this game sounds quite interesting. Moreover, she is very confident in herself and will not necessarily lose to him. If she wins, she can still earn three conditions. Happy but not doing it?

"I choose the conditions."

"Okay, shall we go now?"


After making good calculations in his heart, Fu Jinheng drove directly to the boxing gym. When they arrived at the boxing gym, they put on their own clothes, changed into light casual clothes, and took off their heavy coats.

When Song Jinan came to the stage, Fu Jinheng was already ready. Seeing her coming, he stepped forward to pull her, but Song Jinan himself was a temperament who refused to admit defeat, and he was bound to win this game. Ignoring him, he stepped on the stage.

Fu Jinheng's hand stopped in the air, and he smiled silently. His wife is too aggressive, and she has to change it if she doesn't. It's just this opportunity to rub her up, otherwise she won't get married in the future. The roof tiles have been lifted!

"I'll do my best later, and don't cry if you lose!" Fu Jinheng put on his gloves and said, not forgetting to ridicule.

Song Jinan glanced at him, disapproving of what he said, and snorted softly: "Just don't beg for mercy when the time comes. Who is the cry?"

"Very well, it's good to have this ambition, let's start warming up!" Fu Jinheng smiled and nodded, moving each joint slightly.

Song Jin'an was also ready here, and set her boxing posture. The eyes that had been softened instantly became cold and sharp. Fu Jinheng knew that she was serious, raised her eyebrows, and did not rush to make a move, but Waiting for her to attack first.

The two held a stalemate in this way for about ten seconds. Song Jinan quickly punched Fu Jinheng's side, and Fu Jinheng had already prepared, so he easily escaped and punched back quickly, but Song Jinan was also sensitively avoided.

The two people were going back and forth like this, and they couldn't tell the difference. Gradually, both of them were sweating profusely, but Fu Jinheng was very good at catching the opportunity. The moment she waved her fist and fell, she waved her long arm. In the past, Song Jinan did not expect him to move so fast, and he subconsciously hid behind him, and then Fu Jinheng waved his other long arm. Song Jinan could not dodge, and stood there firmly, Fu Jinheng also grasped the measure. Very well, I stopped when I was about to get close to her face, and then looked at her with a deep smile: "You lost."

Song Jinan pursed her lips, staring at her eyebrows slightly. Maybe she was busy today, and she stood by the river for a few hours and blew the cold wind for a few hours. Her legs were a little bit unable to bear, so her reaction was not as quick as usual and she lost her. Don't worry, take off the gloves: "Let's talk! Your three requirements."

"You are so smart, you should think of what I want." Fu Jinheng chuckled lightly, took off his gloves, picked up a bottle of water on the ground and wrung it off and passed it to her.

Song Jinan took it, raised his head and took a sip, tilted his head to look at him: "Marry you?"


"So there are two more?"

"I didn't think it over, let's owe it! In the future, some time will be paid back slowly."

"Let me say it first! I don't do anything against morals..." For the old and cunning fox like Fu Jin Heng, Song Jinan needs to get the vaccine first.

"Of course, how could I let you do this kind of thing? I must do it first! Don't worry."

Song Jinan glanced at him and exhaled for a long time: "Fu Jinheng, can I ask you a question?"

"Well, you ask."

"what do you like about me?"

"This... is really unspeakable."


"Don't be angry, listen to me." Seeing the anger in her eyes, Fu Jinheng quickly stopped: "If you like someone, you must first look at the margin of the eye. If you look right, you will naturally like it. I see From the first side of you, you have this feeling, like a fateful feeling."

Song Jinan was stunned when he heard the words, and the calming heartbeat speeded up again, trying to suppress the upward arc of the corners of his mouth, and asked uncertainly: "Really? Are you lying to me or teasing me?"

"You are so shrewd, how can I dare to lie to you, and... I have always been serious about liking you, and I have never lie." As he said, Fu Jinheng slowly approached her, tilting his body. Attached to her ear: "I want to be more serious about participating in the rest of your life. Do you mind spending the rest of your life with me?"

Although it was not in a particularly romantic scene, his words moved her very much, and this place was also a place of their love, and the second meeting was here.

"There is no such thing as a divorce or breakup in my life." Song Jinan looked at her seriously, and she also took out her sincerity and placed it in front of Fu Jinheng. She didn't want to hide anything, but just wanted to confirm it.

"It's a coincidence, I don't have any. You see our phone number, WeChat, and QQ all have contact information. Now it is the same. Do you want to add it another day?" Fu Jinheng deliberately added it in a charming voice He lowered his voice and asked with a sense of mystery.


"Of course it is the spouse column in the household registration book. After this is added, you will be mine for the rest of your life. How about betting games like today, how can I play with you?"

"Did you think about it? You won't regret it?" Song Jinan asked with her lips pressed, stroking her beating chest.

"No regrets, as long as you want to."


Love is in love, all in an instant, for them, it is indeed a lifetime, in this lifetime they have made a vow of non-separation.

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