Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 43: : Return home

In July, t city airport.

The plane from y country ld city to t city landed on time. A young girl wearing a suspender skirt pushed a luggage cart with three or four large suitcases and walked out of it. The chestnut hair was tied into twists. The braid looks youthful, fresh and pleasant.

Among the crowd picking up the airport, Fu Qihan quickly visited his own brother Fu Jin Heng with attractive attributes. He raised his hand and waved, pushing the luggage cart and rushing towards him: "Brother, I'm back! Do you miss me!"

When she was about to rush up to give him a warm and missed bear hug, Fu Jinheng poked her forehead half a meter away, her hands hanging in the air, the enthusiasm, laughter and even excitement on her face were also there. It disappeared in an instant, and his expression became dejected. He slapped his hand against his forehead angrily. Because of gravity, she staggered a few steps, but Fu Jinheng didn't mean to help.

Fu Jinheng stared at him viciously, and saw that he took the luggage cart leisurely and pushed it out. Fu Qihan quickly spread his short legs and followed up: "Brother, we have three years and eight. See you in Yue! Is that how you welcome me? You said in the video on the phone that you think about me and everything is a lie, right?"

"I think you are not a lie, it's just..." Fu Jinheng swept slightly, looking at the little girl who only reached his shoulder: "I said, why have you not grown at all in the past three years?"

Fu Jin Hengsheng looked at him irreverently, and gritted his teeth: "That's really a pity. I didn't start growing again when I was 18 years old. It disappointed you. And who is it when the night is dark and windy? I picked it up? You and your dad are both 1.8 meters tall, and mom is also 1.8 meters tall, but I'm only 1.6 meters tall."

"Very well, it's good to have self-knowledge." Fu Jinheng nodded in satisfaction. For more than three years, he hasn't left any traces of years on his handsome appearance, and he is still so graceful and suave.

Fu Qihan curled his lips, not so much that he didn't care about this, it was better to say that he was actually used to some of his editing.

After returning to city t after three years, Fu Qihan was in a good mood and wanted to reach out to take his arm, but Fu Jinheng avoided him. Fu Jinheng raised his eyes and looked over: "What do you do? I am Toxic or something?"

"I am a person with a family now, don't touch me casually, your sister-in-law will be jealous."

"Hey!" Fu Qihan was not ashamed of what he said: "Sister Jin'an is so generous, and I won't mind, and I'm your sister. What's wrong with holding and holding hands?"

"I mind."

Fu Qihan dumbly said: "If you mind, you can throw the pot to your sister-in-law. I'm going to file a complaint."

"I am thinking of you."

"You come here less."

"You are 22 this year. It's the age to find a boyfriend. You are holding me such a handsome guy so affectionately. Who would dare to approach you? Do you think I was right?"

The corners of Fu Qihan's mouth twitched fiercely, and he decisively stepped back from him three steps, and smiled and nodded without a smile: "Brother, you talk a lot, so I'd better stay away from you. Well, after all, narcissism is a disease and can be contagious. Don’t forget to take medicine, otherwise you will be unsaved in the late stage."

"Bad girl, can you speak?"

"Then you can chat? I have been flying for so long, and you didn't even give me a hug, and you still disliked me. Whose brother is like you!" Fu Qihan pouted his little mouth and complained extremely aggrieved. With.

"Your family's is unique." Fu Jinheng was still calm, and a black smile came out from his lips.

I can see that Fu Qihan's intestines are all regretful, why should he be called to pick him up?


Isn't my mind going into salted fish?

After getting in the car, Fu Qihan was playing with his mobile phone, and suddenly thought: "By the way, where's my sister-in-law? Why didn't my sister-in-law come with you?"

"She has a case in her hand and can't walk away." Fu Jinheng drove the car earnestly, answering her questions indifferently.

Three years ago, Fu Jinheng and Song Jinan received their marriage certificates in a low-key manner. They have not held a banquet or wedding banquet. Only the relatives and friends of the two families have eaten a meal together. This is actually what Song Jinan meant. Do it, the lower the key, the better, so there are not many people who know about their marriage, just relatives, friends, and others even if they want to know them.

Because of this, Fu Jinheng felt very guilty for not being able to give her a wedding. During the three years of marriage, he was so good for Song Jinan. He took care of him carefully and thoughtfully. Even now he didn’t like cooking and using the kitchen. They all learned to sit for breakfast, just to make it for Song Jinan.

After marriage, Song Jinan had a very fulfilling life. Originally, she was a queen when she was alone. After being with Fu Jinheng, she changed from a queen to a princess. This feeling is very subtle. She was also immersed in it and felt very sweet and very sweet. happy.

Because of the hesitation between the two of them to work, there was no plan to have children in the past three years. Fu Jinheng also let her, and the Fu family did not urge them. They also understood that Song Jinan was a well-measured person, so this matter was not mixed up either. But Song Jinan's parents urged her many times.

So far, Song Jinan and Fu Jinheng also talked about this issue. Fu Jinheng said that he didn't mind. Therefore, the two of them have been thinking about having children during this period of time, and their work has also eased, and more thoughts have been put on In my own little home.

"Then go back to your parents' house first! I won't go to your place as a light bulb." Fu Qihan thought for a while. In order to spare herself not eating dog food, she decided to go back to her home first.

Fu Jinheng glanced at her in the rearview mirror, and said calmly, "I didn't plan to pick you up from me, because I was troubled and took up space."


Fu Qihan was dumb, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely. This is typical of marrying his wife and forgetting his sister!

Is this really a human thing?

"I'm really sorry, it's because I'm sentimental." Fu Jinheng stared at his back, almost every word and every sound was squeezed out of his teeth.

Fu Jinheng laughed, without saying anything, and drove directly to the Fu's villa.

When we arrived at the Fu’s villa, it was already past noon. Because Fu Qihan did not eat, the housekeeper hurriedly asked the people in the kitchen to prepare lunch. Although Fu’s father and Fu’s mother knew that Fu Qihan was back today, they were working The reason can't go away, can't come back, will come back at night.

So Fu Jinheng ate lunch with her, and Fu Qihan was a little overwhelmed due to jet lag, so he went upstairs to take a bath and went to bed. Before leaving, Fu Jinheng asked the housekeeper to take care of Fu. After Qi Han, he also drove away.

Fu Qihan slept as soon as she slept until more than five o’clock in the afternoon. Seeing that the sun was about to set, she got up in a daze, but she slept very fully and comfortably in this sleep, compared to the dozen or so on the plane. For hours, this home is simply heaven.

Back downstairs, the housekeeper greeted him, and Fu Qihan smiled and asked, "Uncle Zheng, I'm a little hungry, when should I start dinner?"

"My husband and wife will be back for dinner today, around seven o'clock."

"My parents won't be back until seven o'clock."

"Usually this is the point."

"Then is there anything to fill my stomach now?"

"Do you have fresh fruit?"

"Yes, as long as it is edible."

After hearing the words, the housekeeper immediately turned his head and asked someone to cut her fruit. Fu Qihan sat in the living room, turned on the TV, and after changing the two channels at random, he took the phone and clicked on WeChat. He wanted to send a message to Song Jinan. , But after thinking about it, I still don’t send it. I’ll just go to her tomorrow.

When I was patrolling in the contacts about who else could notify other than my classmates and relatives, the focus of my eyes finally fell on the three words Tao Qixun, my heart sank slightly, I wanted to pass it very chicly. , But hesitated for a long time, and finally reached out to open the chat dialog with him, but did not enter any text, but clicked on his avatar and entered his circle of friends.

When she checked his dynamics last month, there was only one more circle of friends, a picture of the blue sky, but no text. It was posted at more than four o'clock in the afternoon six days ago.

When she was in a daze with Tao Qixun’s circle of friends, an aunt, a nanny, came over with a fruit plate: "Miss, all the fruits you want are cut."

Fu Qihan regained his senses abruptly, and subconsciously withdrew from his circle of friends, smiled and nodded, threw the phone aside, and took the fruit bowl: "Thank you."

At more than seven in the evening that night, Fu Fu and Fu Mu came back. Fu Fu looked at his daughter, whom he had not seen for three years, and missed him very much. He asked the question. Fu Mu was much calmer, but was eating. At that time, she was still very concerned about picking up food for her and asking her for credits and plans for work.

Fu Qihan insisted on studying the professional chemistry she likes. She came back this time to plan to take the postgraduate entrance examination. She has already selected the school and registered on the Internet. It is in the city of T. This school is recommended to her by Fu Jinheng. , And at the same time, she also applied for a very famous perfume development center club in t city, because when she was in country y, she had an internship in a research institute, so she passed it easily when she applied for the job, and it was free. I went to the internship line and asked her to go to work directly.

The other party also learned that she was going to study while working, and because of her unusual talent, she gave her a special case, allowing her to go to work while studying, but the salary is not as good as others.

But Fu Qihan doesn’t care about salary matters, because she is not short of money. She is also paid when she is in a foreign country. There is still leftovers. Occasionally, Fu Jinheng will give her pocket money, every six months Fu Father will also give her a living allowance. For her, the money is more than enough, and she doesn't care about this at all.

Originally, Fu's mother had always disagreed with her to study this major, but after Fu Jinheng's persuasion, she followed her and never took care of her again.

"When does the school start?" Fu Fu asked aloud after reading the information of the school she was talking about.


September! "

"What about your research institute? When will you go to work?" After hearing this, Fu Mu answered quietly.

"It's set for July 13th. Today is the 8th, and there are a few days left. I will report tomorrow and say hello."

Knowing that Fu Jinheng helped her choose this school, Fu's mother didn’t say anything. Compared to her daughter, she actually believed in her son. After all, his son was more stable and had a more original idea. She doesn't understand anything, and she feels relieved if Fu Jinheng helps her check.

That night, because of the time difference in the afternoon, Fu Qihan couldn't sleep at night. He didn't feel sleepy until two or three o'clock after chatting and playing games with his classmates on Weibo, and fell asleep.

At around nine o'clock the next morning, he was woken up by the housekeeper's knock on the door. Only then did Fu Qihan wash up, change his clothes and carry his bag, sat in the dining room and had breakfast before leaving.

Due to the lack of a driver’s license, Fu Qihan had to take a taxi to the institute. Fu’s villa was about an hour or so away from the institute, which was too far. In addition, she was too late to get up. It was eleven o’clock there. Fu Qihan went to say hello to Melia, who had been in contact on the Internet before. Melia admired her talent for perfume. After the two chatted for more than half an hour, Melia said she was looking forward to it. With her joining, Fu Qihan later left the institute.

The school she attended and the institute were only 20 minutes away by car, which was relatively close. At noon, she had an appointment with Luo Feiya, a better classmate who had returned home earlier than her, to eat in a restaurant.

Luo Feiya came back at the end of June because she didn’t want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, half a month earlier than her. When she arrived at the restaurant, Luo Feiya had already arrived. Fu Qihan patrolled her around, squinted at her, jokingly said: It’s a **** today. I didn’t even see you and your boyfriend together. They are always inseparable."

Luo Feiya has a high school classmate who went to study abroad with her. The two fell in love when they were in high school. When they went to study abroad, the two had an appointment together, and the relationship was very good, so Fu Qihan did not. Eat less dog food for the two of them.

Luo Feiya smiled at her, and took out a red invitation card from her bag: "I came out for dinner with you today. There is something to be handed to you. You are my best friend, so...Look at it. ."

Fu Qihan took it suspiciously, opened it, and found that it was an invitation. His eyes widened in surprise, and his jaw dropped: "I thought you were talking to me last time, but I didn't expect it to be true. Are you two planning to get married as soon as you graduate?"

"Well, my parents and his parents have agreed, and the date is set, and I and his certificate have been received." Luo Feiya blinked her eyes shyly, like a little woman immersed in happiness.

Fu Qihan looked at him and felt that he was traumatized in his heart: "When did you pull the evidence?"

"Last Tuesday."

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Thinking about it, Fu Qihan suddenly realized: "Co-author you said last time that there was a big surprise when I came back and the good news told me that this was it?"

"Hmm, surprise?"

"I am about to die in surprise, but I still want to bless you!"

"Come to be my bridesmaid!"

"Very happy to."


"You have invited this meal."

"No problem, just order whatever you want, sister has money."

"Luxury." Fu Qihan raised an eyebrow at her and called the waiter directly. He was not polite at all: "Do you have lobsters here? Or shark fins? Anyway, what is the most expensive thing I want."

"Seventh, you are too much."

"What you said makes me want to eat whatever I want. I finally have a chance to kill you, so I won't let it go!"

Luo Feiya gave her a speechless glance, and also acquiesced, and let her go.

Although Fu Qihan said that, but when ordering, she did not order the lobster and shark fin she just mentioned. In fact, she was not used to eating it, so she ordered a few Chinese dishes that were not cheap. The menu was returned to the waiter.

"What are you going to do this afternoon?" After the waiter left, Fu Qihan looked at her and asked.

"Try the wedding dress."

"That's the case. I originally planned to drag you around and find a house with me by the way. If you want to be busy for your happiness, then forget it."

"Looking for a house? What are you looking for?"

Fu Qihan sighed: "You don't know how far it is from my home to the research institute and then to the school. The research institute of that school is not covered. If I go back and forth from home every day, I don't need to sleep. Now, it’s enough to go back and forth between class and work, and then you can cultivate immortals and go to heaven."

"Then where are you going to find it? I can turn off trying on the wedding dress, and the same goes for trying it tomorrow."

"I don't know yet, but I can ask my brother first, so you can take good care of your own happiness! Don't worry about my affairs, and my brother will worry about it!"

"Really don't need me to accompany?"

"Yeah." Fu Qihan nodded heavily, and said with certainty: "In the afternoon, I will walk around and get familiar with the environment here. After the transfer, I will drop by to see my sister-in-law."

"Okay, then you can call me whenever you need."

"Ok, no problem."

After having dinner with Luo Feiya, after the two were separated, Fu Qihan took the bus and subway around here again, familiar with the environment, hesitated the hot weather, Fu Qihan spent more than two hours shopping After that, he slumped directly into an air-conditioned milk tea shop and reluctantly left.

I was secretly slandering in my heart, "Why don't you stay at home and enjoy the coolness that the air conditioner brings to yourself, why do you want to suffer under the sun?" ’

I struggled alone in the milk tea shop for more than half an hour, ate a dessert cake, and bought a cup of ice milk tea when I left. Fu Qihan counted the time and took a taxi to Song Jin'an's criminal police office.

When I got there, it was just after four o'clock, which was not much different from more than three years ago. Fu Qihan walked in directly, and just after passing the door, a police officer asked her what was wrong, and she said to come to Song Jinan. He also knew his identity and said that Song Jinan was her sister-in-law, so the man didn't stop her.

But over the past three years, there have been a lot of people going to stay in the police department, and a lot of newcomers have come. For example, Xu Dong and Zhang Lei have been transferred away, and Cao Wei has also been transferred to other teams, as well as several. Newcomer.

Song Jinan and the others went to the police. Fu Qihan held the cup of milk tea in his hand and leaned against the wall of the hall without knowing anyone else, waiting for Song Jinan to return.

She also knew that Song Jinan is usually busy, so she didn't call or send messages to urge her.

After standing there and waiting for more than half an hour, Fu Qihan's feet were aching, and the milk tea in the cup was almost drunk. Fu Qihan sighed and hesitated to call Song Jinan first. Ask when she will come back, if she comes back at night, then she can't wait here foolishly!

And Tao Qixun, who had just returned from the police station, was talking to another male police officer who had come in from his new home for more than three years. He inadvertently saw that he was squatting on the ground and burying half his head in his arms, as if he was counting ants. Her pupils can't help but expand.

He had seen this beautiful shadow countless times in his dreams, but every time he woke up, he disappeared without a trace, his heartbeat seemed to stop suddenly, and even his breathing was severely stagnant, and he completely forgot to react.

The police officer next to him saw that he was motionless and still reacted so much, so he asked concerned: "Qixun, what's the matter with you? What happened?"

Xu Ye heard the police officer's words. Fu Qihan, who was squatting on the ground "counting ants," stiffened, suddenly raised his head, and after a few seconds of pause, he turned his head and looked over. The figure reflected in the clear water eyes is exactly I haven't seen Tao Qixun for the first time in three years and eight months.

The two of them stared at each other like this, as if time had stopped, Fu Qihan slowly stood up from the ground, but it might be the reason that she had squatted for a long time, making her feet numb and soft, and she didn't react. He couldn't help but shook his body a few times, and the steps under his feet staggered a few steps.

At the moment when she was about to fall, Tao Qixun had quick eyes and quick hands, and quickly ran to support her arm, propped up her body, and asked slightly nervously, "Are you okay? What's the matter?"

"No... Maybe it's been squatting for a long time, and my legs are a little numb." Fu Qihan smiled awkwardly, and touched his nose embarrassingly.

"Why... why are you here?" Tao Qixun looked at her, his lips moved and then he asked slowly.

"Oh... I'm coming to my sister-in-law." Fu Qihan smiled and stared at him, noting that he had been holding his arm and blinking his eyes.

Seeing her gaze, Tao Qixun was stunned, and quickly withdrew his hand, stepped back two steps, scratched his head, the male police officer came over and said hello to him and went in. After everyone left, Tao Qixun Said: "Team Song shouldn't come back so quickly, it should be back at night."

"Oh, that's how it is!"

There was silence between the two again. Tao Qixun saw her crouching down and picking up the empty milk tea bottle. He thought she was leaving, so he quickly asked, "When did you come back?"


"Oh, why didn't you...cough." Tao Qixun subconsciously wanted to ask why she didn't send a message to herself, but felt that it was not appropriate to ask, so he changed the subject and asked: "How long have you been standing here?"

"It's only forty minutes!"

"Just standing here?"

"No! I squatted for more than ten minutes."


Tao Qixun was speechless, looking at her with a bright smile, and suddenly remembered the short time of getting along more than three years ago, and a touch of weirdness in his heart. Since Fu Qihan went to country y, the two of them have been there for three years. I haven't been in touch for many years.

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