Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 44: : Are you murdering me?

Speaking of contact, Tao Qixun took the initiative to contact her during the first more than a month after she left, but later she found out that Fu Qihan didn’t reply much, so she didn’t take the initiative to contact her anymore. What was the reason? He knew it in his heart.

And why Fu Qihan didn't want to go back to his news, only she knew.

Looking at the fine sweat on her forehead, Tao Qixun sank his face and thought for a while and asked: "Why don't you go in and wait? Standing here is hot and tired."

"I just went in and took a look, and found that none of them I knew. I was an unrelated person. It would be nice if they didn't drive me away. How dare I ask for so much!" Fu Qihan curled his mouth and felt wronged. He blinked his eyes and looked extremely'humble'.

Tao Qixun pursed his lips and sighed silently: "Let's go!"

"Where?" Fu Qihan listened to the words and suddenly raised his head to look at him. Seeing that he was walking past him, he subconsciously reached out and grabbed the corner of his clothes.

Tao Qixun was taken aback, turned around to look at the pretty face with bright eyes, and then the light swept slightly, and then fell on her little hand holding the corner of her clothes: "Go in and wait, there are air-conditioning and chairs inside, than you are standing here now It will be much more comfortable."

"Oh...but, didn't you say that my sister-in-law will be back in a short while?" Fu Qihan was stunned, then took out his mobile phone from his backpack and checked the time, muttering: "It's half past five. Forget it, I won’t go in. I’ll just call my sister-in-law later. If you’re so busy, I won’t waste your time. Let’s leave.” Fu Qihan silently retracted his hand and smiled. The man waved his hand at him, and when he finished speaking, he wanted to turn around and walk outside.

Upon seeing this, Tao Qixun immediately took two steps forward and reached out to block her way. Fu Qihan stopped and looked at him puzzledly: "What are you doing?"

"I..." Tao Qixun moved his lips and suddenly didn't know what excuse he should find to keep her.

But Fu Qihan didn't have the patience, especially when he looked at his dull gourd look, he was even more angry, and he pushed his hand away: "If there is nothing wrong, I will leave."

"Wait." As soon as she took a step out, Tao Qixun's hand that was originally hanging in the air grabbed her slender wrist: "Where are you going?"

"Of course I am going home!"

"If you have time, let's... have a meal together tonight! At any rate, I haven't seen her for more than three years." Tao Qixun said with determination, looking at her straightforward and confident look.

Hearing this, Fu Qihan was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he nodded: "Okay! When will you get off work?"

"Immediately, wait for me here, and I'll come out soon." Seeing her agreeing so readily, Tao Qixun's uneasy heart gradually eased, his tone was obviously faster, and his expression was stained a bit. In the sense of pleasure, I ran two steps inside, then turned around and asked, "It's hot here, why don't you go in with me?"

"Will you take a long time?"

"No, just a few minutes. I just left for field work, and I need to tell them what I know."

"Then no need, I'll just wait here! Hurry up, my legs are sore and I'm tired from standing." Fu Qihan thought for a while. Anyway, I have been waiting here for forty minutes, which is not bad. These few minutes, and I have to walk in, and walk out again after a few minutes. It's too troublesome and tiring, it's better to stand for a few minutes.

"Okay, I'll come right away."

Seeing Tao Qixun running inside, Fu Qihan couldn't help laughing. How could he have not seen him for more than three years, his stupidity remained the same, and he didn't know how he, the policeman, solved the crime.

After the figure with Tao Qixun disappeared from her field of vision, Fu Qihan once again remembered the conversation she had heard at the entrance of the hospital. Her memory was still fresh. It was a memory that she has been unforgettable for more than three years.

The smile on his face gradually solidified, and he realized that he couldn't laugh anymore, and the light in his beautiful bright eyes also dimmed.

After waiting for a few minutes, Tao Qixun ran out of it and said to Fu Qihan's side: "Let's go! I've taken care of everything."

Fu Qihan raised his eyes and glanced at him, drooping his small face, said nothing, turned around and walked outside.

Tao Qixun naturally saw her displeasure, but he didn't understand where her displeasure came from, so he didn't seem to provoke her!

Do you think he was too slow and waited too long?

But it only took five minutes before and after.

Seeing her away from the back, Monk Tao Qixun's Second Zhang was puzzled, scratched his head, and quickly followed. After leaving the hall, she found her recklessly walking forward. Tao Qixun looked at the parking place, and again I looked at her back, ran over quickly, grabbed her wrist and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Didn't you say you're going to eat?" Fu Qihan looked back at him, speaking with an uncomfortable face, and his tone was very bad.

"Are you going to walk? The parking place is there." Tao Qixun laughed and pointed to the parking space not far in front.

"Oh." Fu Qihan responded indifferently, pulling his hand from his hand, turning around and walking to the parking space. There were seven or eight cars parked in a dozen parking spaces, four of which were police cars. , Fu Qihan looked at several other cars that didn’t look like police cars, and asked lazily: "Which car?"

Tao Qixun walked over and opened the door of the second black car on the right: "Get in!"

Fu Qihan went over with a straight face, got into the car directly, fastened his seat belt, and looked forward blankly.

After Tao Qixun got in the car, he looked at Fu Qihan who was upset, and asked, "What do you want to eat?"


"Chinese food."


"Go to the Zhulinyuan restaurant to eat?"

"It's up to you."

Listening to her dissatisfied tone, Tao Qixun scratched his neck and asked uncertainly: "What's the matter with you? Are you angry?"

"No, why should I be angry?"

"Then what do you..."

"I'm fine, hurry up and drive your car." Fu Qihan stared at him and interrupted him with a loud voice, the expression on his little face was very impatient.

Tao Qixun was dumb, touched his ears, silently retracted his gaze, started the car, and drove out of the police force.

Along the way, Fu Qihan didn't speak, but just looked forward with his head with his hands. There was no expression on his small face, but it was faint, but it was obvious that he was angry.

Tao Qixun also glanced at her a lot, but she remained indifferent and did not look at him more.

When we arrived at Zhulin Garden, it was past six o’clock, and the sun hadn’t completely gone down. This restaurant was the one they visited most more than three years ago. That time she was involved in Jin Yishuo’s murder case and it was Tao Qixun. To protect her, Tao Qixun would take her with her occasionally when he went out to work, so he would come here more for dinner.

After the two entered the restaurant and took their seats, the proprietress saw Tao Qixun and smiled and said, "Oh, Officer Tao, you are patronizing our house again, welcome, welcome." Inadvertently glanced at Fu Qihan, watching It's a bit familiar. After thinking about it carefully, I suddenly realized: "Hey, isn't this the girl who came with you a long time ago? It's been a long time! It's been several years! I almost didn't recognize it."

Seeing the lady boss, Fu Qihan put aside the displeasure on her face and revealed a sweet smile: "Yes! The lady boss has not been seen for a long time! You are getting younger and more beautiful."

"It's still you girl who can talk, I love to listen." The lady boss smiled openly and put the menu on the table: "Come on, order whatever you want, lady boss, I am happy today. I will give you a 50% discount."

"Really!" Fu Qihan looked at the proprietress with bright eyes, picked up the menu on the table, and looked like he was ready to go.

"Of course it is true! When did I tell a lie, you just click it first, and then just give it to the waiter. My back kitchen happens to be ordering goods, and I will come to you when I'm busy. We There have been many new dishes in the store in recent years. Officer Tao knows, you can discuss with Officer Tao to see what you want to eat." The proprietress smiled and patted her on the shoulder, and then left their dining table. .

Watching the boss leave, Fu Qihan's gaze fell on Tao Qixun who was sitting across from him, and found that he was also looking at him, his face was horizontal, and he asked, "What are you looking at me for?"

"Are you not angry anymore?" Tao Qixun cautiously probed, although he didn't know what she was angry with.

"I said I'm not angry." Fu Qihan curled his lips, retracted his gaze and began to look through the menu.


In fact, she understands that this sulking is just that Tao Qixun just doesn't like her, and there is nothing wrong with it. Although she is angry in her heart, this anger cannot be cast on Tao Qixun, but can only be held in her heart.

Seeing his melancholy expression, Fu Yihan took a deep breath, turned the subject away and asked, "Listening to what the boss said just now, do you often come here to eat?"

"Well, it's not too often, occasionally! I will come when I have time or on holidays." Tao Qixun responded lightly and took a sip of ice water from the side.

Fu Qihan settled down, and while flipping through the menu, he pretended to be leisurely and unconcerned and asked: "Oh? Is it? I came alone or with my girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend?" Tao Qixun suddenly raised his head when he heard the words. He was puzzled and explained in a panic, "When did I have a girlfriend?"

"No?" Fu Qihan raised his eyelids and stared at him.

Tao Qixun shook his head, raised his hand embarrassedly and touched his nose: "No."

Hearing, Fu Qihan raised his eyebrows and didn't say anything. He looked at the menu carefully, flipped through it, and finally pushed the menu in front of Tao Qixun. Tao Qixun looked at the menu and looked at her again: "What's wrong? Nothing you want to eat?"

"No, I don’t know what to eat, don’t you come often? You order!" Fu Qihan paused, racking his brains and thinking: "By the way, I wanted to eat before I came here before. There are bamboo tubes and sticky rice dishes, but I just checked the menu and didn’t find it.”

"You are talking about glutinous rice and bamboo tube meat?"

Fu Qihan nodded heavily: "Yes, that's it. I want to eat it. When I was in country Y, I went to many Chinese restaurants, but none of them didn't have this dish. I really missed it. Wouldn't it be there anymore?"

"I ate it last time. You can say hello to the waiter. This restaurant no longer makes this dish, but you can order it if you want to eat it."



Fu Qihan smiled: "Then you can help me order!"

"Anything else you want to eat?"

"No, I just want to eat this, I want a large portion."

"Okay." Tao Qixun nodded and responded, ordering her favorite dish, the one she loved the most before, and the two dishes he thought she would love in the new dishes, and then returned the menu to the waiter. The waiter emphasized that the amount of glutinous rice and bamboo tube meat should be added.

While waiting for the food, Tao Qixun looked at Fu Qihan who was chatting on his mobile phone. After hesitating for a long time, he couldn't help but ask: "You...will you leave again this time?"

When Fu Qihan heard this, his hand typing on Jiugongge suddenly stopped, raised his small face, squinted his eyes, smiled innocently, and his tone seemed to be joking: "Hey, why? I can't bear it?"

Tao Qixun was taken aback for a moment, then he withdrew his gaze unconsciously, and stopped talking.

Seeing his silence, Fu Qihan's heart sank again, and he smiled reluctantly: "Just kidding, I came back this time because I graduated from country Y and also took the postgraduate entrance exam. The school chose city t, and I I also applied for a research institute that specializes in perfume making. I went to see it in the morning. The environment is very good and it is very close to the school. But there is a big problem before me."

"what is the problem?"

"I need to find a house." Fu Qihan pouted: "The school does not provide accommodation, and I will go to the institute to work next week. I can't drive. The distance from my home to the institute is It’s too far. I can still sleep for an hour more with the skill of riding a car!"

After listening to her explanation, Tao Qixun was a little speechless, after all, he still wanted to sleep more.

After thinking about it, I wanted to ask: "Which school and research institute are you?"

"Now, let me show you." Fu Qihan called up the information of the institute and school from the mobile phone and stretched it out in front of him, sipping ice water with one hand on his head: "Speaking of which, your police department seems to be in our school and The middle section of the institute is quite close, so I only came to see my sister-in-law this afternoon! However, my sister-in-law seems to be very busy, and I haven't heard back yet."

After reading the introduction, Tao Qixun found that her school and work place were indeed very close to their police station, and the distance between the two sides was about ten minutes at most.

"Have you contacted the agency yourself?"

Fu Qihan shook his head and drooped his face: "No, I want to go to the intermediary to ask first. I originally wanted to find my brother, but... because of his attitude towards me yesterday, huh, I decided not to Look for him, lest he wants to bully me again and make fun of me. Although I have never dealt with this kind of thing myself, it will happen for the first time anyway!"

Tao Qixun frowned as he listened, "When are you going to go to the agency tomorrow?"

"Morning! If you go to bed late in the morning, then in the afternoon."


This girl is no one to find a house randomly.

Seeing him speechless, Fu Qihan curled his lips: "What's the matter? No way?"

"You call me tomorrow when you go to the agency."

"You want to accompany me?"

"Ah... if you don't mind, I can find it with you."

"Then you won't go to work tomorrow?"


"You still have time to find a house with me at work?"

"There is nothing wrong with the team these days."

"Then why is my sister-in-law so busy?"

"The case the Song team took is quite special. It was Yang Detachment who specifically named her to be responsible for it personally. It was not convenient for our men to intervene, so we all had time to relax."

"That's it."

Soon, the waiter prepared the dishes. Fu Qihan looked at the glutinous rice bamboo tube meat he was thinking about day and night, and almost cried out without excitement. He didn't even take the chopsticks and went straight to grab the bamboo tube. When she got out of the pot, the surface of the bamboo tube was very hot. It was so hot that she quickly put down the bamboo tube and shook her hand vigorously, exclaiming: "Ah~! It's hot... it's burning to death."

"You slow down, no one is robbing you." Tao Qixun raised his brows when he saw this, and opened his mouth reproachfully. He sighed, grabbed her hand and looked at it, and found that the fingers were all hot red, especially the index finger. There was also a small blister on the top, and the frown became deeper and deeper, and the reprimanding tone became more pronounced: "Are you stupid? You just grabbed this with your hand as soon as it was on the table. Are the chopsticks displayed? Take a look. , It's hot and foamy."

After being trained by him, Fu Qihan felt very wronged and suffocated his mouth: "Don't I want to eat faster? You don't understand my feeling of thinking day and night."

In the latter sentence, she spoke from the bottom of her heart and also represented a double meaning, which was true for that dish, and it was also true for him.

"Then take your time! You feel comfortable after being scalded?" Tao Qixun sighed, picked up the glass of ice water on the table and gently touched her **** that were scalded, and whispered softly. Qi: "After dinner, go to the drugstore to buy some ointment and rub it."

Seeing how he cared about and cared for himself so cautiously, Fu Qihan had the illusion that he always liked him. Thinking about what he said at that time, he felt a little angry and wanted to take his hand back.

As soon as she went to collect it, she was caught by Tao Qixun again, and warned her: "Don't move."

"Are you murdering me?"

Listening to her aggrieved and pitiful tone, Tao Qixun was a little dazed, and looked at her blankly: "When did I kill you?"


"I didn't kill you..."

"I said if you have you, you have."


Tao Qixun was dumb and compromised by default. Looking at the blisters on her fingers, he raised his eyes and asked, "Does that finger still hurt?"

"It's better already."

"Then eat first! After eating, go to the drugstore to buy ointment."

"Oh!" Fu Qihan retracted his hand and planned to take the bamboo tube with his bare hands, but as soon as he stretched it out, before touching the side of the bamboo tube, Tao Qixun patted the back of her hand, curled his eyebrows and stared at her: "I'm not good at school. Isn't it? This bubble is not good yet, and forgot?"

Fu Qihan touched the back of his hand painfully, and wanted to raise his voice to anger him, he saw him picking up a bamboo tube with his chopsticks, gently breaking it apart with his hand, and then using a spoon to pick out the glutinous rice and put it away. Into her bowl, I made a total of five back and forth. Seeing that she hadn't eaten it, she asked, "Why don't you eat it?"

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