Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

: [Bei Qiao Lian] 052: It won't happen anymore

Qiao Shi was stunned for a moment, and then stopped as she stepped on her high-heeled short boots. A slight surprise flashed in her clear phoenix eyes, as if she didn't expect to meet him so quickly.

Although she knew that Cheng Beihuai would also come to participate in this event today, she would inevitably meet him at the event later, but it was really beyond her expectation to meet him when she got off the bus.

The afterglow from the setting sun shone on the two of them, stretched their silhouettes, the cold wind blew across their cheeks, and pulled Qiao Shiwei's thoughts back. He had just walked two steps forward and reached the first step, with a touch of childishness. The sunshine's handsome appearance appeared in her eyes, scared Qiao Shiwei subconsciously took a step back, but she was on the steps at this time, and she stepped back and stepped empty.

When she fell backwards, Cheng Beihuai's heart slammed together, and turned around subconsciously to try to hold her, but fortunately, Qiao Shiwei finally stabilized.

"No... I'm sorry, Miss Qiao, I scared you." Ning Zheng looked at her horrified look, knew that he was abrupt, and waved his hand to apologize.

Qiao Shiwei took two steps to the side and moved a little away from Ning Zheng. His cold eyes looked up and down Ning Zheng, and raised his brows: "You are..."

"My name is Ning Zheng, I just admire Miss Qiao's name. I was a little excited when I saw you just now, and I forgot to take measures for a while. I'm really embarrassed, I..." Ning Zheng didn't expect that she would scare Qiao Shiwei. Embarrassed and deeply guilty.

"Ning Zheng." After Cheng Beihuai watched her stand firm, the hanging heart was let go, the hand hanging in the air was also retracted, the gentle face was stained with unpleasantness, and what he said was also It's not as gentle as usual, it seems to be mixed with accusations: "Apologize."

"I'm sorry...Miss Qiao." Hearing the strangeness in Cheng Beihuai's words, Ning Zheng also knew that he had done something wrong, and was a little afraid of Cheng Beihuai. After all, the Cheng Beihuai he often used was gentle and gentle, never very angry, even After hearing that Huo Yin had stolen the song and published it, he had never been angry, but now that he was angry, Ning Zheng did not dare to neglect the slightest, and quickly nodded to Qiao Shiwei a solemn apology. .

"No... it's okay." Qiao Shiwei looked at Cheng Beihuai's gentle complexion with a trace of anger, knowing that he was angry, and then glanced at Ning Zheng, who was very guilty, so she didn't hold him accountable: "It's nothing. Don't worry about big things."

Ning Zheng turned his head to look at Cheng Beihuai. Cheng Beihuai's face was still gentle, but the light in his eyes flicked sharply, and it took him a long time to hear him say: "You go in first! This kind of scene, you will have to be yourself sooner or later. Face it, just remember that you are from the Star Music Room."

"I see." Ning Zheng nodded, and found confidence in his words. When he left, he smiled apologetically with Qiao Shi, and nodded before turning to leave.

After Ning Zheng left, only the two of them were left at the door. Cheng Beihuai looked at her, the sharpness in his eyes disappeared, a gentle smile appeared on his face, and his tone became softer: "How about?"

"It's okay." Qiao Shi shook his head slightly and asked: "Is that boy...?"

"People in my studio."

After Qiao Shiwei heard the words, he was not talking anymore. Cheng Beihuai looked at her and was silent for a while before asking, "I heard Xinghe said that after I went back last week, I caught a cold. How is it? Is it better?"

"It's alright."

Listening to her indifferent answer, Cheng Beihuai didn't look strange. He just looked at her wearing thin clothes and said, "You should wear more. Today, this activity is all outdoors. You will not enter the house until after eight o'clock after the reception. ."

Qiao Shiwei didn't answer him, but only stepped up the steps and passed him before saying: "The activity is about to begin, I'm going in."

Cheng Beihuai glanced at her back, smiled, and followed with her long legs.

When entering the event site, the person in charge of the event won. It is rare to get the two ‘Buddhas’ of Cheng Beihuai and Qiao Shiwei at the same time. The person in charge of the event almost did not shed bitter tears.

You know, after he took over the Tianmo Music Festival, although there was only one such large-scale event every year, there were no small events. He invited Cheng Beihuai again and again, but Cheng Beihuai refused every time. He didn't expect it to happen this time. When he came, he really felt that it was not easy, so that he did not want to explore why Cheng Beihuai suddenly agreed to come this time, as long as he came.

Not to mention Qiao Shiwei, the famous violinist is very low-key. Speaking of it, this is the first time he saw Qiao Shiwei, but this time I was able to invite Qiao Shiwei to his wife because of his wife and Qiao Shiwei studying abroad When I was a classmate for a while, the relationship was pretty good, so this time his wife asked Qiao Shiwei to come and talked about it. Qiao Shiwei was willing to take her golden steps to show her face in this event.

The event was live-streamed, and there were many media reporters. After the event officially started and all the celebrities entered the venue, the flashing lights below almost never stopped. Especially when they saw Cheng Beihuai, the Internet exploded a pot of porridge.

It wasn't until after seven o'clock that the outer field of the music festival ended successfully. Everyone moved into the inner field, and the communal dinner was like an evening party. The heating was turned on in the venue, and the beautiful melody and notes flowed.

Many female singers and invited celebrities have put on dresses. Qiao Shiwei is still wearing a khaki coat standing in front of a table, shaking a glass of champagne in his left hand, and has no intention of participating.

Suddenly walked over two figures, holding a glass of red wine, and stopped in front of Qiao Shiwei: "Miss Qiao, I have long looked up to my name. I just didn't find a chance to say hello to you during dinner. We have been looking for it for a long time!"

Qiao Shiwei looked at the two young men in front of him. He had a slight impression of the one who was speaking. He was also a musician. He was a bit famous on the Internet. As for the other one, he didn't know him well.

"The words are serious." Qiao Shiwei just faintly returned these two words without saying too much.

Seeing her indifferent tone, the two men couldn't save face, so they picked up a glass of red wine on the table and handed it to Qiao Shiwei: "Miss Qiao, don't mind having a drink!"

Qiao Shiwei looked at the red wine in his hand, narrowed his eyes, did not take it quickly, but hesitated for a while, raised the champagne in his hand and gently touched a glass with the two of them, and put it on his lips gently: "Two What's up?"

Seeing that Qiao Shiwei didn’t mean to take the cup, the two of them didn’t want to be boring. They put the wine glass back on the table and took two sips: "It’s nothing important, just admiring your name for a long time, and it’s rare to see You, so I just wanted to say hello. Thank you, Miss Qiao, for showing her face. We will not bother and leave first."

Watching the two men leave, Qiao Shi silently retracted her gaze, put down the champagne glass in her hand, and reached out to grab a dessert to eat, but just as her hand stretched out, another person came to greet her.

She also handed a glass of red wine. Qiao Shi looked at her brows slightly. She didn't really like this kind of occasion, but her name was there, and she was the second miss of the Qiao family. Since she is here, she can't give it to others too much. Face, and he doesn't have a wine glass in his hand, so abrupt refusal will give people a chance to talk about Qiao's family.

Qiao Shiwei took it with a faint smile, and drank a sip with the man.

Although Qiao Shiwei prefers red wine, the amount of alcohol is actually not too good. In the past, when she drank it herself, she would pay attention to the amount and only drink a small glass.

But for some reason, after that person came to say hello, people came to say hello one after another. She changed three glasses, not counting the glass of champagne, and now she has the fourth glass in her hand.

Moreover, the stamina of this wine seems to be different from ordinary red wine. Qiao Shiwei felt her head dizzy, so she didn't want to cater to others anymore, put down the wine glass in her hand, and smiled lightly at the three people who came to say hello: "Sorry, I If you feel uncomfortable, I won’t be with you for the first time, and the three of you, please."

"Hey...Miss Joe." The few people shouted, but none of them followed.

Qiao Shiwei walked to the door of the hall, stepping on high heels is fairly steady, but the stamina of the wine is getting bigger and bigger. When approaching the door, Qiao Shiwei's steps suddenly staggered, and when he fell to the side, one The powerful hand suddenly grabbed her arm, and a frivolous voice sounded from her ear: "Miss Joe, are you okay?"

Qiao Shiwei heard the words and looked up. What fell into his eyes was a handsome and slightly mean face. Qiao Shi squinted his eyes slightly, stood up straight, and withdrew his arm from his hand: "It turned out to be Mr. Huo. ."

Huo Yin laughed, a handsome face full of frivolous and jokes: "I am lucky to meet Miss Qiao here. What is wrong with Miss Qiao? Are you drunk? Do you need my help?"

"No, thanks for Mr. Huo's kindness." Qiao Shi slightly rejected his'kindness'. Although it was the first time to meet, she didn't seem to like his slightly mean face, and she didn't want to stay with him too much. , After all, they are not very familiar.

Huo Yin looked at her cold appearance, squinted her eyes, a bit insidious inside, watching her walk two steps forward, staggering again, and then reached out and grabbed her wrist again: "I see Joe Miss Qiao couldn’t walk smoothly. I should have just drank the French wine fisn! The neck of this wine is so big that I can’t even drink more than three glasses each time. Miss Qiao seems to have drunk a lot. Come on! Where do you live, I will drive you back."

Qiao Shi twisted her brows slightly, her consciousness was very clear. Huo Yin's mean and insolent handsome face was reflected in her beautiful phoenix eyes. Her eyebrows couldn't help tightening. A woman's sixth sense has always been accurate. She always feels that Huo Yin is right now. Why is the appearance so strange, there is a heroic posture of saving the United States, and she prefers to appear when she is a little drunk.

Qiao Shiwei wanted to pull her wrist back again, but she didn't want to use Huo Yin's strength this time. She didn't mean to let go of her at all. Qiao Shiwei was also a little angry: "Mr. Huo, what do you mean by this?"

"Miss Qiao, don't get me wrong, I just saw that you are drunk, inconvenient to walk, and easy to fall. That's why I wanted to come and help you." Huo Yin smiled, so he leaned closer to her, holding her wrist a little hard He pulled Qiao Shiwei closer to him, and whispered in her ear: "I heard...Miss Qiao is President Cheng’s predecessor, and President Cheng and I are old acquaintances. Ms. Qiao is in trouble, so I naturally want to Come to help."

Qiao Shiwei's pupils dilated, conditioned to push him away and retreat back, but Huo Yin didn't intend to let her go so easily. Just as Qiao Shiwei was a little angry, her backward steps suddenly stopped, her back wasted. He smashed into a warm embrace, his waist was gently supported by a big palm, and a sharp low voice came from the top of his head: "Let her go."

Hearing this familiar voice, Qiao Shi turned his head abruptly and looked over. Cheng Beihuai's gentle and handsome face broke into her eyes. It was obvious that there was also the gentle anger on his handsome face and the fierceness and gloom in his eyes.

This kind of him is rare, and his impression of everyone is gentle and elegant, and he rarely shows such a look and wink.

Huo Yin was also taken aback. He didn't expect Cheng Beihuai to appear suddenly. What was even more surprised was the gloomy expression on his face at this time, which looked a little scary. He forgot to react for a while, and he did not let go of the hand holding Qiao Shiwei's wrist. .

Cheng Beihuai’s eyes dimmed, and he waited for about four or five seconds, then he impatiently pulled Qiao Shiwei into his arms, and pushed away Huo Yin’s hand that was holding Qiao Shiwei’s wrist without leaving a hint of affection. He lowered his head and looked at Qiao Shiwei in his arms, brushing Wenrun across his fierce eyes, and his tone softened: "Is it okay?"

Qiao Shiwei leaned against his arms and shook her head gently, which also made her breathe a sigh of relief, making her inexplicably calm.

After seeing that Qiao Shiwei was okay, Cheng Beihuai was relieved and looked at Huo Yin with his gloomy eyes, and asked aloud: "Huo, can you give me an explanation?"

"Heh, I don't know what kind of explanation Cheng always wants?" Huo Yin reacted, straightened up, and gently turned the tail ring on his little finger, with a frivolous smile on his face, as if he didn't pay attention to Cheng Beihuai at all. in.

"What are you holding her hand for in this crowd?"

"Well, in the crowd, won't Mr. Cheng still hug her?" Huo Yin smiled, took a step and walked slowly to his side: "What is Mr. Cheng doing so nervously? I have no ill will, I just watched. Ms. Qiao seemed to be drunk, so she just came over to help. Mr. Cheng was anxious. Hey! People who don’t know think you two are related! If I remember correctly, Ms. Qiao seems to have a marriage contract. When he arrives, Mr. Cheng..."

Cheng Beihuai swept his stern gaze at him, with a little cool tone in his tone: "Speaking of which, I haven't wished Huo's latest single "Membership" to be a big hit!"

Mentioning this, Huo Yin's complexion was slightly stiff, and the two eyebrow peaks involuntarily moved closer to the middle, but he smiled slyly: "Are you angry? Helpless? I said, your things...I will try to grab them, this Next time is the song, next time..."

"Song, I don't care, you can take it. The so-called is that I made it on a whim. You don't need to do such a despicable thing. You are the only one who is not allowed to touch it." Cheng Beihuai hugged Qiao Shiwei and said coldly. Interrupting his words, word by word fell into the ears of both of them.

"What can I do if I touch you, and... I seem to have touched a lot just now! Miss Qiao, did you say that?" Huo Yin smiled grimly, feeling the contempt and disdain in his words. Very angry, he directly angered him by speaking out, just like seeing Cheng Beihuai's violent veins when he was angry.

Qiao Shiwei's face changed drastically. Before he could be angry, Cheng Beihuai reached out and grabbed Huo Yin's collar. A gloomy and fierce aura lingered around him. There was a clear anger in his eyes, even holding the back of his collar. Qingjin also violently: "It seems that Huo is always bad at learning. I will say it again. I don’t want to care about the song. She is the only one. If you touch it once, I will ruin you, and I will touch it twice. It will give you a sense of what is a street mouse. I think Mr. Huo should not question whether I have the ability to do this. From now on, what you owe me before will be doubled by you in the future."

After speaking, Cheng Beihuai pushed him away heavily, looked at the people gathered on the dance floor in the distance, and said contemptuously: "Huo, there will be a period later."

Huo Yin stood there for a moment, staring blankly at Cheng Beihuai and leaving Qiao Shiwei in his field of vision.

When a cold wind blew out of the room, Qiao Shiwei's drinking spirit became sober, but his head was still a little drowsy, and all he recalled was the sentence Cheng Beihuai just said, "She is the only one, you are not allowed to touch", that kind She hadn't heard her tough tone for a long time.

Just like that autumn, the two of them went out and Cheng Beihuai went to buy drinks alone, while Qiao Shiwei was waiting on the spot when he met a handsome boy who came to strike up a conversation. At that time, the boy wanted Qiao Shiwei's phone number, so he got closer. , But just happened to be seen by Cheng Beihuai, who came back from shopping, his warm face instantly darkened. At that time, he also ordered the boy with the same tone to'stay away from her, she has a boyfriend'.

After the boy scorned and left, although Cheng Beihuai's face looked better, his eyes still had an unpleasant color. Qiao Shiwei laughed at him at that time and was jealous. Later, she dissipated his unhappiness with a kiss.

After many years, I heard this tone again. Although it was not what it used to be, Qiao Shiwei was still in a trance, and the things that had accumulated in his heart for many years were being awakened little by little.

"Is it cold?" Feeling her shivering in her arms, Cheng Beihuai lowered her head and asked in a soft voice. Looking at her reddish cheeks, without even thinking about it, he took off his coat and wrapped her around her. After letting go, he still held her in his arms and led her to the direction of the parking lot.

"I'm fine..." The familiar embrace made Qiao Shi feel slightly uncomfortable, especially the familiar smell of cologne, which made her look dazed, and gently broke free, wanting to withdraw from his arms.

Cheng Beihuai did not force her, and knew that it was not appropriate for him to do so, so he let her go, but said: "You are drinking, it is not suitable to drive, I will send you back."

Qiao Shiwei didn't say anything, so she acquiesced.

It's just that the stamina of the wine is really big enough. Although the cold night is biting and makes her mind clear, it still can't relieve the growing drowsiness on her head.

As he descended the stairs, Qiao Shiwei could see the double image, and moved slightly under her feet, so she stepped on empty. Cheng Beihuai quickly caught her with eyesight and hand, and a heart followed his throat: "Be careful."


Qiao Shiwei was also frightened out of a cold sweat. After she stood firmly, Cheng Beihuai held her arm around her waist and never took it back. He hugged her all the way to the parking lot and got his car key from the garage security guard. , And asked them to send Qiao Shiwei's car back to Shiqinfang.

Feeling that the gravity she fell in her arms had increased, Cheng Beihuai stopped and stared at her: "What's the matter? Is your head dizzy?"

Qiao Shi nodded silently.

Just two clicks, Qiao Shiwei felt that she had been vacated. The next moment she felt she was being beaten up by Cheng Beihuai. Before she recovered, she heard her say: "Lean on when you are dizzy."

Cheng Beihuai put her down gently before the car, and helped her get into the car. The clothes draped on him did not mean to be taken back. After closing the car door, he walked around the front of the car and got into the car. Turning on the air conditioner, looking at the crimson-looking person in the passenger cabin, he sighed silently: "Fisn is a famous French wine, and it is also a highlight of this event. The wine was developed by Ming Zhao and his brother. The stamina of this wine is very good. If you drink too much, even the best drinker can't hold up about five cups. How much did you drink?"

Ming Zhao is the person in charge of the Tianmo Music Festival. His brother is the owner of a French winery. Wines like fisn are very expensive to buy in China. However, Ming Zhao used it at the dinner party this time, obviously leaving the back door. .

"Three or four cups." Qiao Shiwei leaned back in the chair, whispering.

After listening, Cheng Beihuai pursed his lips and saw that Huo Yin was deliberate, and the few cups she drank was probably what Huo Yin deliberately asked her to drink, so that he could approach her logically.

"Next time... see Huo Yin stay away from him." After a while, Cheng Beihuai said.

Hearing this, Qiao Shiwei raised her head and looked at him: "You and Huo Yin don't agree with me. I know, why would he point the finger at me?"

Cheng Beihuai narrowed his eyes, and did not directly answer her question, but said: "This kind of thing will never happen in the future."

"It's best to be like this." Qiao Shi replied faintly, thinking of Huo Yin's attitude and tone of voice when she spoke to herself, she felt uncomfortable, and remembered his previous sentence, after a while, she continued to ask: " What did the sentence you just said to him... mean?"

"Which sentence?" Cheng Beihuai lowered his gaze and asked with an unknown smile.

Qiao Shi glanced at her brows slightly, and turned her head directly: "It's nothing, thank you very much today."

"No thanks, Huo Yin did this because you are my ex-girlfriend."

Hearing the three words'ex-girlfriend', Qiao Shiwei's heart felt as if there were thousands of ants climbing, which was quite unpleasant. After that, she glanced at him and said indifferently: "That's really not an honor. Being your ex-girlfriend, you have to deal with someone as dangerous as Huo Yin."

"I said, it won't happen in the future." Cheng Beihuai smiled and replied softly.

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