Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

: [Bei Qiao Lian] 053: Never changed

Qiao Shiwei listened, did not say much, just leaned back in the chair, tilted her head, closed her eyes and calmed down to relieve the dizziness on her head, and it took a long time to hear his voice: "You and Ming Zhao say hello. , Just say I left beforehand.."

Hearing this, Qiao Shi turned his head slightly, half-squinted, and found that he was making a call with his mobile phone. It was obvious that he was not talking to her, so he tilted his head again and closed his eyes.

"By the way, the second miss of the Qiao family also left beforehand." After speaking, Cheng Beihuai deliberately added another sentence.

Qiao Shi was slightly taken aback, turned her head to look at him, but he had already hung up the phone, and the hand holding the mobile phone fell vertically to meet her gaze: "I asked Ning Zheng to say hello to you and Ming Zhao."

"Thank you." Qiao Shiwei answered nonchalantly, and suddenly asked: "Right, where is Xinghe?"

"Late care." Cheng Beihuai raised his wrist and looked at the time, thinking for a while: "It's half past nine, the time is almost up, I will drive to pick up Xinghe first, and send you back?"

"Whatever." Qiao Shi pulled out two words in a cool tone. In fact, she didn't mind that he left her here now, which happened to make the things that had just recovered in her heart fall asleep again.

Cheng Beihuai started the car and drove the car out of the parking lot, but Qiao Shiwei felt that the car was too stuffy, and said, "Turn off the air conditioner, it's stuffy, I want to open the window."

Cheng Beihuai took a look at her, turned off the air conditioner in the car, and lowered the windows a little bit, but did not dare to lower them all. After all, the wind at night was indeed too cold, and he was worried that she would catch a cold after drinking.

When the cold wind blows the Buddha like this, Qiao Shiwei also feels better, and her mind becomes clearer, but the wind is too cold, so she pulls the generous black coat that Cheng Beihuai put on her, and her head also moves towards the clothes. Shrinked.

Looking at her like this, Cheng Beihuai felt distressed. This was the first time they saw her drunk since they had known her for so long. After a few minutes, he raised the window of the car.

When there was no wind, Qiao Shiwei slowly opened his eyes, and found that the window was closed, and his brows looked up: "Why close the window?"

"It will catch a cold."

His tone was very light and gentle, as if he was coaxing a child who was wayward and unreasonable, but knowing that Qiao Shiwei is not such a temperament, she has always been gentle and calm with a bit of indifference, but at this time, he still Can't help but talk to her in such a tone.

Hearing the strangeness in his tone, Qiao Shiwei felt particularly unnatural, looked at her brows, but didn't care to reason with him. After all, she is now intoxicated, dizzy and swayed a little, and she feels uncomfortable all over her body.

To say that this wine is evil enough, she prefers tea and alcohol, but she also drinks wine occasionally, and every time she drinks the amount she knows, even if she cultivates her sentiment, this has never happened before. A glass of wine became what it is now.

She was the second lady of the Qiao family. When did she lose her attitude in front of outsiders, and when did she appear in front of outsiders not to be elegant, dignified and virtuous, but this time, it was because of Cheng Beihuai's misfortune, and Huo Yin was unable to get along with Cheng Beihuai. And hitting your attention on yourself, is it really a bully for the Qiao family?

Although she didn't know what kind of means Cheng Beihuai would use to deal with Huo Yin, Qiao Shiwei took down the account today. Although she is gentle and generous, she is not the kind of bully. All this bullied her. , She didn't fight back, so I'm really sorry for the few glasses of wine I drank tonight and the "drunk" that I have suffered now.

There was no word all the way, Qiao Shiwei sat in a chair with her eyes closed, but never fell asleep. It was not until the car stopped that Qiao Shiwei slowly opened her eyes and found that there was a kindergarten that said'Bohe International Bilingual Kindergarten' outside. The kindergarten with a big line.

"You wait for me in the car, I will pick up Xinghe." Cheng Beihuai turned off the car, unfastened the seat belt, and looked at Qiao Shiwei who had already opened his eyes.

Qiao Shiwei sat up from her seat and waved her hand: "I want to go down too."


"The car is bored, I want to go out for a stand meeting." Qiao Shiwei also unfastened the seat belt, got up and pushed the car door, the black coat that was draped on her also fell on the chair, but she did not pay attention, she just thought about not wanting It's good to vomit, because it's really uncomfortable now that my stomach is overwhelmed.

"Wait a minute." Cheng Beihuai called to her as soon as he was about to go down, lifted the coat on the seat and handed it to her: "Dress it, it's cold outside."

"What about you?" Qiao Shi looked back at him slightly. He was wearing a straight suit. He was not dressed very much. There was only a suit, vest and shirt.

"I'm not cold." Cheng Beihuai smiled at her, pushed the car door sideways and went down.

When Qiao Shiwei got out of the car, Cheng Beihuai happened to walk around her from the front of the car, and saw that she only held the clothes in her hand, reached out and put her clothes on her with a wave: "I will go in to pick up Xinghe, you are here to wait for me If it’s cold, just get in the car and stop catching a cold."


After hearing her answer, Cheng Beihuai stepped on the leather shoes under her feet to enter the kindergarten. Qiao Shiwei retracted her eyes and leaned on the car door, letting the cold wind blow, looking down at her feet, not knowing what she was thinking, just thoughts. Gradually drifted away.

After waiting for a few minutes, footsteps sounded at the entrance of the kindergarten. Qiao Shi looked up slightly, and saw Cheng Beihuai leading Xinghe out of it. Next to him was the young girl who thought she was wearing a green apron, smiling. Looking at Cheng Beihuai.

"Xinghe, say goodbye to the teacher." When he reached the door, Cheng Beihuai tilted his head and motioned to Xinghe softly.

Xinghe raised his small face and bowed to the teacher: "Goodbye, teacher."

"Okay, Xinghe goodbye." The young teacher nodded with a smile, and looked at Cheng Beihuai again, with an uncontrollable admiration on his face, and his tone became more shy, and the glow in his eyes was dark. What is being given: "Mr. Cheng...walk slowly."

Cheng Beihuai slightly nodded at her, and said with a gentle smile: "Teacher Fan has worked so hard today."

"It's hard to talk about, it should be, and... Xinghe is very obedient and obedient." The young female teacher twisted slightly, and said politely, seemingly embarrassed, and she did not forget to praise Xinghe.

Her intention was too obvious, even a five-year-old child like Xinghe could see the difference, pouting a little bit unhappily, and a little bit disliked the new teacher.

The teacher actually came to this kindergarten for more than a week. Every time Cheng Beihuai came to pick up Xinghe, he took the initiative. I heard from other teachers that Xinghe had been in the kindergarten for two years. , Xinghe’s mother had never appeared before. Even the parent-child sports games or parent-child meetings were attended by Cheng Beihuai. She inferred that Xinghe should be a single-parent family, and Cheng Beihuai’s personal information can be easily found on the Internet, so When Xinghe was in kindergarten, the teacher also seemed very attentive, and it was obvious that the drunken man didn't want to drink.

Xinghe held Cheng Beihuai’s hand, listened to the chat between the two of them, squeezed his mouth, and inadvertently saw the figure leaning on the car door waiting, his eyes brightened, he immediately broke away from Cheng Beihuai’s hand and ran over. He blurted out: "Mom."

Leaning on the car door, Qiao Shiwei, who was seriously aware of the situation inside, was completely stunned when he heard Xing He’s'mother'. The high heels under his feet almost couldn't stand firm and staggered, but Xing He threw himself directly into her arms. Now, looking at her with a grin of eight white teeth, her big watery eyes are full of surprise and expectation.

Qiao Shiwei was so blown up by the ‘depth bomb’ she threw over. He couldn’t react for a while, just reached out and hugged her.

Cheng Beihuai was also taken aback, looking at the scene under the street lamp, his eyes radiated a soft light, and the corners of the mouth that had been raised originally became more and more obvious.

The teacher was a little dazed, watching Xinghe plunge into the arms of the woman who couldn’t see her appearance, and yelling'Mother', suddenly felt that he was hit. Although the street lights were dim, the lights at the entrance of the kindergarten were not very bright. , After all, it was close to ten o'clock, but looking at it this way, the figure is quite slender, and with extraordinary temperament, she should be a beauty, and the black coat and coat on her body is obviously incompatible with her body, it is not her.

After looking back at Cheng Beihuai's straight suit, guessing that the coat draped on the woman was Cheng Beihuai's, the joyful heart instantly shattered into scum.

"That... is Xinghe's mother?" The female teacher still couldn't help asking again, seemingly reluctant to give up.

"Huh?" Cheng Beihuai withdrew his gaze from the figure outside, and said a puzzled single tone.

"Oh, don't get me wrong, Mr. Cheng, I heard from other teachers that I had never seen Xinghe's mother before and thought she was a single-parent family, so I was a little curious, sorry, it's abrupt to you." The girl listened to his deep meaning. The unknown tone of doubt, thinking that he was a little angry, he quickly explained.

"It's okay." Cheng Beihuai smiled, but didn't mean to answer her question, just nodded: "Today there is Teacher Lao Fan, I will leave with Xinghe first."

"Oh...good." The girl was a little unwilling, but looking at the back of Cheng Beihuai's departure, she had to respond so dryly.

After Cheng Beihuai walked out, he looked at Xing He being in Qiao Shiwei's arms and smiled, and he heard Xing He Nuonuo ask: "Aunt Shishi, are you drinking?"

"Yeah... I drank a little bit." Qiao Shi smiled back, still not recovering from her soft'mother'. After a while, she asked: "Xinghe, you just ran over. When... what do you call me?"

Xinghe blinked his eyes, a little flickering and guilty, withdrew from her arms, looked back at Cheng Beihuai, and said: "Dad, I'm so cold! Can I get in the car first?"

"Okay." Cheng Beihuai smiled and nodded, walked to the back seat of the car, and helped her open the door.

"Aunt Shishi, get in the car soon too! It's so cold outside!" Xinghe put a sweet smile on his face, and quickly got into the car with his schoolbag on his back.

The traces of this little girl deliberately changing the subject were too obvious. Qiao Shi was slightly stunned. When she reacted and raised her eyes, Cheng Beihuai had already closed the back seat door and walked in front of her, looking at her blushing cheeks, and said, "Go up first. Car! It's really cold outside, your nose is red with cold."

Qiao Shi moved her lips slightly, and she didn't know what to say for a while. Anyway, she felt that the bitter cold wind didn't completely blow her alcohol away, let alone relieve the dizziness on her head. It's fine now. , Was awakened by Xinghe's little girl's'mother'.

The power of this bomb is not one-and-a-half stars!

I don't know why, it's a bit weird, but I can't say it. Seeing his amiable expression, Qiao Shi moved her red lips slightly, turned around and pulled the car door and sat on it.

After getting in the car, Xinghe smiled and asked, "Aunt Shishi, why did you come to pick me up with Dad?"

"On the way." Qiao Shi thought for a while, and simply replied two words.

"Oh, I thought you came to see me specially! When I went to class last time, Teacher Gu said that you were sick and did not come to Shiqin Fang." Xing He drooped his face, slightly disappointed. With a small mouth.

Qiao Shiwei looked at her, always feeling as if she had done something heinous, feeling very guilty, and moved her lips: "Of course...I came to see you."



"Hey, I know Aunt Shishi loves me the most."

Qiao Shi silently retracted her gaze, leaning back on the chair, and the dizziness on her head hit again, so she didn't even want to talk at all.

"Auntie Shishi..."

"Xinghe, Auntie needs to rest now, be quiet, let her rest well."

Xinghe was very happy when he saw Qiao Shiwei. After all, he hadn't seen her for several days. So he wanted to chat with Qiao Shiwei a little bit more excitedly. Just when he spoke, he was interrupted by Cheng Beihuai who was driving. The next words also stopped, the expression on his face looked a bit aggrieved and pitiful.

But Xinghe was also a person with vision, and he also saw Qiao Shiwei's discomfort. Although he was a little wronged, he lowered his head and stopped talking.

Qiao Shiwei was indeed a little uncomfortable, and didn't mean to say anything. Although Xinghe's feelings were taken into consideration, she had more than enough energy and lacked strength. Now she was feeling uncomfortable all over her body by the stamina of the broken wine. She wanted to vomit and couldn't vomit. Being dizzy and dizzy, coupled with being in the car, the whole person is even more in the cloud and mist, and can only sit on the back of the chair wrapped in clothes, with his head buried in the clothes, no sound is heard.

Seeing that she stopped speaking, Cheng Beihuai naturally knew that she was uncomfortable, and the speed of the car gradually slowed down, trying to make her more comfortable.

After the car had driven a certain distance, Cheng Beihuai asked aloud, "Shishi, is it uncomfortable...?"

Qiao Shiwei still kept his head dull and did not speak. Cheng Beihuai's gentle expression was stained with worry, but he did not say anything.

When the car arrived at the Luohe community, it was already half an hour later. Cheng Beihuai parked the car at the entrance of the community, unfastened his seat belt, and looked at Qiao Shiwei: "Shishi, it's here."

"Hmm..." This time Qiao Shiwei softly responded, and slowly sat up from the chair, fumbled to unlock the seat belt, and pushed the door to go on: "Thank you."

Xinghe, who was sitting in the back row, watched Qiao Shiwei get out of the car alone, and said, "Dad, won't you go down to help Aunt Shishi? I see Aunt Shishi walking unsteadily."

Cheng Beihuai stared at her back, pressed his lips, pushed the car door and walked down, quickly walked around the front of the car and walked to Qiao Shiwei. Just when Qiao Shiwei's steps staggered, he stretched out his hand to support her arm: " I will send you up."

"No need to……."

"You can't walk this way, why do you go up alone?" Cheng Beihuai looked at her brows slightly, and the strength to hold her wrists increased a bit: "Wait for me first."

Cheng Beihuai was afraid that she could not stand steady, and tried to let go several times but failed to let it go. Finally, seeing her steady pace, he turned around to the back seat of the car and hugged Xinghe down and said to her, "Xinghe, you follow Dad. come together."

"Good!" Xinghe nodded obediently, and followed Cheng Beihuai silently.

Cheng Beihuai returned to Qiao Shiwei's side and looked down at her: "Let's go!"

"Yeah." Qiao Shi responded lightly, stepping forward on high heels, while Cheng Beihuai had been guarding her for fear that she would fall.

When he was about to go up a step, Qiao Shiwei's vision was a bit blurred, and he didn't pay attention to that step. He raised his leg as usual, but didn't want to kick it straight. When Qiao Shiwei panicked, he leaned forward, and Cheng Beihuai's pupils shrank slightly. , Stretched out his arm and took her into his arms, while the other hand stopped her in front of her to prevent her from falling.

"Are you okay?"

Qiao Shiwei also seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and shook his head: "No..."

Before the last word was finished, Qiao Shiwei felt that her whole person was vacated. In a trance, she fell into Cheng Beihuai’s familiar profile in her phoenix eyes. When she became lighter, she realized that she had been beaten and hugged by him. .

Qiao Shiwei was a little dazed, staring at him in a daze. The little tails behind the two of them were quite cheerful, and the two calves were leaping together, very happy.

Cheng Beihuai didn't ask her anything. He walked into the corridor and elevator. He remembered which floor she was holding on to and never forgot.

After getting out of the elevator, Cheng Beihuai looked back at Xinghe, waited for Xinghe for a while, and after Xinghe followed, did he start again and walk to the door of Yishan, looking at the code lock on it, Cheng Beihuai's expression was unclear. , Looked down at Qiao Shiwei in his arms and asked: "Password..."

"It hasn't changed." Qiao Shiwei knew that he has always had a good memory, closed his eyes and leaned in his arms, and calmly returned these three words.

Cheng Beihuai knew it, but now he couldn't get away with Qiao Shiwei at all, so he turned his head and looked at Xinghe on the side: "Xinghe, press the password, it's the same as the one at home."

"Okay." Xinghe nodded, walked over, reached out his white tender hand, and skillfully opened the code lock.

When Qiao Shiwei heard'the same as at home', she was slightly taken aback. Her password was actually the date when the two of them confirmed their relationship in the second year of high school. It has never been changed. Later, she thought about changing it, but after all .

But he never thought that his password would never be changed...

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