Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

: [Beijing Love] 057: Still not letting go?

"No." Qiao Shiwei turned away and walked towards the gate of the party.

Looking at her back, Cheng Beihuai always felt that in the two minutes that Tong Ruo had just stayed in front of her, he must have said something to her that made the expression on her face appear astonished and at a loss.

It's just that she refused to say, and he was not good to ask more, silently following her pace.

When she was about to exit the door of the TV station, Qiao Shiwei happened to meet Yin Shi again. The two chatted at the door for about three or four minutes. Yin Shi went in again and was busy again. Since she and Ying Xiaoyang got married, she was a workaholic in the past. It has changed a lot, and I don't fight like that anymore. Qiao Shiwei looked at her and felt happy for her. In the fall of last year, Yin Shi's mother finally failed to get through.

It also allowed Qiao Shiwei to see the strongest and hardest girl in her eyes crying and helplessly standing in front of the coffin. During that time, Qiao Shiwei did not visit her less, but fortunately, Ying Xiaoyang was always with her. By her side, give her the lost warmth.

When he came to the garage, Qiao Shiwei looked at the bag in the passenger compartment and remembered that before getting off the car, she left the bag in the car, and even put her mobile phone in the bag without taking it.

The snow outside didn't know when it stopped, but it was still accompanied by the cold wind.

After the car drove out of the garage, Qiao Shiwei asked, "Is this going back to your studio?"

"Xinghe’s kindergarten went back to the studio from here, and it’s time for Xinghe to leave school. What do you think?" Cheng Beihuai looked ahead and drove the car intently, due to the snow on the road. The speed of the car is not very fast.

"Anything." Qiao Shi tilted his head slightly, looking at the white patch of white outside the car window.

Can she still say "no"?

Anyway, Xinghe is a child. It is right to pick her up from school on time, and it is him and not her who drove the car. If she says no, she can’t be said that she is stingy and unreasonable?

Just thinking of Xinghe’s “mother” last time, Qiao Shiwei suddenly felt her head burnt, and her whole body became unnatural. When she thought of what Tong Ruo had just said to herself when she was leaving, her red lips tightened. Simply close your eyes and disrupt the thoughts in your mind without thinking about it.

After playing the piano for an afternoon on the stage, and walking back and forth so many times on such a big stage, she now only feels that her back is sore.

Along the way, Cheng Beihuai found that her breath was very stable, as if she was asleep, and did not disturb her. He deliberately adjusted the air conditioner in the car to a moderate temperature. When the car arrived at Xinghe’s kindergarten, Cheng Beihuai did not disturb her either. Wake up, plan to get off the car to pick up Xinghe.

But as soon as he unfastened his seat belt, Qiao Shiwei, who was leaning in the passenger compartment, squirmed slightly, inflamed her lower eyelashes, and slowly opened her eyes. Looking at the kindergarten outside, she straightened up and said, "Here?"

"Well, you will sleep in the car, I will go down to pick up Xinghe."

"Farewell, the car has been boring for a long time, let me pick up Xinghe with you! Last time at Shiqinfang, I promised Xinghe would take her to eat puff cakes with her!" Qiao Shiwei covered her mouth. After yawning, thinking about what he promised her under Xinghe's aegyo offensive last time, he also unfastened his seat belt and pushed the car door down.

Cheng Beihuai knew about this, because he happily told him when he went back to Xinghe that day.

The two got out of the car and walked into the kindergarten together. There were many parents who came to pick up their children. Qiao Shiwei followed Cheng Beihuai to the classroom on the second floor of the second building. Arrived Xinghe's small figure.

It happened that Xinghe also turned his head. As soon as he saw Cheng Beihuai and Qiao Shiwei, his watery eyes immediately became bright. He immediately stood up and wanted to shout out, but he saw that Teacher Fan also noticed Cheng Beihuai with a smile on his face. It was too eye-catching, so he changed his words directly: "Dad, Mom, you are here."

Qiao Shiwei froze, and the heavy words smashed her directly, standing there dazedly, even the gentle smile on her face gradually disappeared.

When Cheng Beihuai heard the words, he subconsciously saw Qiao Shiwei's reaction, and couldn't help laughing. He stretched out his hand and grabbed her wrist, tilted his head and asked, "Is it all right?"

"No..." Qiao Shi regained his senses, subconsciously.

After Xinghe walked out of the classroom, Cheng Beihuai let go of her wrist, squatted down, gently stroked her face, and whispered, "Why started barking again?"

Last time Xinghe was called'mother', Cheng Beihuai also asked Xinghe after he went back. Knowing that Xinghe didn't like the way that Teacher Fan was idiotic about him, he smiled, but he and Xinghe also She talked about the reason for impoliteness and disrespect, but she didn't expect that she called again this time.

It seems that the truth last time was said for nothing.

Before Xinghe could answer, the teacher inside walked out: "Hello, Xinghe father, Xinghe...Mom."

Qiao Shi was slightly stunned, moving her lips, trying to explain something, but she didn't know how to explain, she heard Cheng Beihuai's voice: "Hello, how is Xinghe behaving today?"

"Xinghe has always been very obedient." The teacher smiled and looked at Xinghe's eyes a little bit more indulgent: "It is rare to see Xinghe's father and mother come together to pick up Xinghe, Xinghe looks very happy ."

"Yes!" Xinghe nodded with a smile, walked to the middle of Cheng Beihuai and Qiao Shiwei, and took the hands of both of them: "Hey! Teacher Fan, Teacher Jin has worked hard, we will see you tomorrow." Bowed.

Cheng Beihuai nodded towards the two teachers with a gentle smile, then looked back at Qiao Shiwei who was still a little confused, took Xinghe's hand with Qiao Shiwei and walked out of the kindergarten.

When he got out of the kindergarten and arrived in front of the car, Cheng Beihuai stopped, turned around, and let go of Xinghe's small hands. His gentle face was a bit serious, and his tone was calm: "Xinghe."

Hearing Cheng Beihuai calling himself like this, Xinghe understood what it meant. He raised his small face and looked at Qiao Shiwei. The little hand holding her hand was also tight, and his lovely face immediately drooped: "I'm sorry, Aunt Shishi. "

For Xinghe's apology, Qiao Shiwei still felt a little inexplicable and didn't understand the meaning, so he looked at Cheng Beihuai, "What do you mean?"

Cheng Beihuai held his expression, but did not speak. For a long time, Xinghe said: "That teacher Fan always asks me if I have a mother. She likes Dad, but I don’t like her. I like Auntie Shishi, I I want Aunt Shishi to be my mother. No one else likes it. My father criticized me last time and said that I didn't respect Aunt Shishi, but I called Aunt Shishi because I really liked Aunt Shishi."

After listening to Qiao Shiwei, she also understood completely. It turned out that she was trying to help her father stop the peach blossoms with this'mother', but... the point seemed to be her sentence'I want Aunt Shishi to be my mother', and the expression in her eyes couldn't help but ease. After coming down, his face was scratched unnaturally and embarrassingly.

"Auntie Shishi, don't be angry. If you are upset, I won't call anymore. I'm very happy that you came to pick me up with Dad today."

The little girl said this, which made Qiao Shi a little dilemma. She seemed not to be happy to say that she was happy, or she was not happy, and was afraid of hurting the little girl's heart. After all, Xinghe is indeed more sensitive and fragile than children of the same age. Many, this may also be because of the lack of maternal love since childhood.

Seeing Xinghe's slightly dim and sad expression, Qiao Shi slowly squatted down, gently squeezed her face, and smiled: "Auntie is not angry, okay, don't worry about it, smile. One, didn’t you say you wanted to eat puff cakes last time? Shall we eat now?"

"Really?" Xinghe's big watery eyes lit up, and his face was full of expectation and joy.

Qiao Shi nodded slightly, stood up, and took Xinghe to get into the car: "Well, let's go!"

But when he was by Beihuai's side, he suddenly caught the meaningful smile in his eyes, and he couldn't help but stunned: "What are you laughing at?"

"It's okay, get in the car!" Cheng Beihuai smiled, leaning over and pulling open the door of the passenger cabin.

Qiao Shiwei took another look at him, hugged Xinghe into the car, closed the door, turned around and got into the car.

After Cheng Beihuai got in the car, he asked her: "The address of the puff cake shop?"

"The one near Shiqin Square."

Soon, the car came to the cake shop Qiao Shiwei mentioned. The three got out of the car and entered the cake shop together. Xinghe happily pointed to the puff cake and said to the clerk: "Sister, I want this. "

"Okay, how many do you want?"

Hearing the clerk's question, Xinghe hesitated before turning his head to look at Qiao Shiwei

, Qiao Shiwei smiled at her: "Don't you have to have dinner later? You can't buy too much. We will buy it again when you want to eat it next time."

Hearing this, Xinghe looked at Cheng Beihuai again, and finally nodded with a sweet smile: "Just one."

After the clerk packed the puff cakes, Qiao Shiwei just took out her mobile phone to pay the bill, and saw that Cheng Beihuai had already handed over cash, she grabbed his hand and said, "Say I bought it for Xinghe, what are you doing? ?"

Cheng Beihuai looked at her, smiled, and silently took back the cash, acknowledging her to give it.

After getting out of the cake shop and getting into the car again, Xinghe couldn't wait to open the box, picked up the spoon and ate it, and said, "Thank you Aunt Shishi, it's delicious."

"What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Huh?" Qiao Shiwei was a little surprised when asked by him. She didn't seem to say that she would eat with them in the evening, right?

"No, take me over to pick up the car!"

"Aunt Shishi, don't you eat with us?" The little girl who was eating cake in the back seat suddenly interjected: "By the way, my father's dishes are super delicious. Would Aunt Shishi go to my house for dinner? Dad, can you?"

Cheng Beihuai smiled upon hearing this, "Yes."

"Do you still cook?" Qiao Shiwei opened his eyes incredibly. When we were together before, I had never heard of him having this ability.

"Since I have Xinghe, I have basically made it by myself and eat it at home." Cheng Beihuai replied softly, paused, and added: "You can taste it, how about it?"

Qiao Shi was slightly dumb and wanted to refuse, but before she could speak, she heard Xinghe say: "Aunt Shishi, my father's braised fish is really delicious. Go, OK?"

Regarding Xinghe's enthusiastic invitation, it was difficult for Qiao Shi to say what she wanted to refuse, but she was very melancholy. She didn't want to go to his house much.

"Then go shopping first, there is no more food at home." Seeing her silence, Cheng Beihuai smiled and started the car by the way.

"Okay, Dad, I want to eat spare ribs."


Qiao Shi was slightly stunned: "I didn't say I was going to..."

"Taste it!" Cheng Beihuai's eyes flicked softly, and his tone was gentle.

Qiao Shi was slightly dumb and looked away silently.

When the car arrived at a supermarket near Cheng Beihuai’s villa, the three got out of the car, but Qiao Shiwei hesitated at the door of the supermarket. Xinghe was led by Cheng Beihuai. Seeing Qiao Shiwei stopped, he tilted his head and asked: "Shishi Auntie, why don't you leave?"

"Let's go! It's already here." Cheng Beihuai seemed to see her thoughts, smiled, stepped back two steps, stretched out her long arm to hold her hand, and took the one big and one small to the supermarket. When I walked, it looked like a family of three from the back.

Qiao Shi was stunned for a moment, staring down at the warm palm holding her hand, and struck a strange stroke across her heart, as if something was recovering.

"Dad, can I eat chocolate?" Walking into the supermarket, Xinghe saw the chocolate on the shelf in the distance. He couldn't move his calf and raised his face: "I promise, I will brush my teeth well after eating. , There will be no cavities."

"You can only take one. You have eaten a puff cake before, and you will have to eat later when you go back."

"Good." Xinghe let go of Cheng Beihuai's hand, spread his calf and ran to the shelf to take a bar of chocolate.

Cheng Beihuai and Qiao Shiwei stood there waiting for her, staring at his side face, hesitated, and asked, "Xinghe...have you always been carrying it?"

"Yeah." Cheng Beihuai met her gaze and responded lightly.

"Then she... where's mom?"

When Cheng Beihuai heard the words, his lips were pressed lightly, and the tone that came out of his lips was slightly desolate: "He died when Xinghe was born."

Qiao Shi opened her eyes slightly, and she couldn't believe it. She originally thought that Xinghe's mother was not by her side or had any difficulties, but she never expected that she would have passed away.

Seeing the surprise on her face, Cheng Beihuai smiled: "Xinghe is here, let's go shopping first!"

Qiao Shiwei also saw that he didn't mean to continue speaking, and it was really hard to say in front of Xinghe, but when he walked forward, the palm of her hand did not mean to let go. On the contrary, it is a bit tighter than before.

After six years of being held in his hand again, this feeling is very subtle, and there is also a feeling that makes her unable to tell her story. After thinking about it, after going up the escalator on the second floor, Qiao Shiwei couldn't help but speak: " When can I let go of my hand? I will go by myself."

Cheng Beihuai was stunned, looking back at the jade hand that was tightly held in his palm, and was silent for a while. After going to the second floor, he still had no intention of letting go. There was a slight smile in his eyes looking at her face. And reluctant to give up.

"Dad, Aunt Shishi, hurry up!" When the two of them looked at each other in silence, Xinghe dragged Cheng Beihuai's hand forward and kept urging.

Cheng Beihuai was dragged away by her, and Qiao Shiwei, who was holding her in her hand, naturally followed along with him. In the end, she still didn't let go and continued to be held in his palm.

Cheng Beihuai also let go of Xinghe's hand until he was choosing ingredients and shopping, and never let go of Qiao Shiwei's hand from beginning to end. After shopping for a long time, Qiao Shiwei ignored the matter of holding hands.

Xinghe is also a rare joy today. In the past, Cheng Beihuai took her to the supermarket alone, but today it is different. Qiao Shiwei went to school to pick her up, bought her her favorite puff cake, and accompanied her. Going to the supermarket is like being accompanied by mom and dad.

Therefore, when shopping, Xinghe couldn’t help being willful. She wanted to buy a Barbie doll suit, but Cheng Beihuai said there were already a lot of them at home, but Xinghe argued that this one is different from the one at home. He also annoyed Cheng Beihuai, who was so temperamental.

Cheng Beihuai has always been a particular person. Every time he comes to the supermarket to buy something, he will first discuss with Xinghe what to buy. If she wants something not in their shopping list this time, he will never buy it. , And will talk to her about keeping promises.

Xinghe used to listen very well-behaved and docile, but this time when Qiao Shiwei was there, she burst into tears and attracted the attention of many people around her.

Cheng Beihuai and Qiao Shiwei can be regarded as celebrities. No matter how low-key they are, there are always people who can recognize them. So when they saw people around taking pictures with their mobile phones, Qiao Shiwei slammed Cheng Beihuai’s arm lightly. Li Da has a reproach: "It's just a set of toys. Xinghe wants to buy it. Look at it. So many people watch it! If this is posted on the Internet, how bad the impact will be, and it will be troublesome to explain... ."

"Why explain?"

"You should know the remarks of netizens, in case they misunderstand..."

"What's the misunderstanding?"

"The two of us..."

"Why is there any misunderstanding between the two of us?" Cheng Beihuai smiled at her, without the slightest hint of panic on his face: "They can do what they want to write, don't care."

"It's like those news reports about you and Tong Ruo?" Qiao Shiwei's expression was slightly dark, slightly displeased, and his eyes squinted.

Cheng Beihuai laughed: "I have nothing to do with Tong Ruo."

"No need to explain to me."

"What the **** did Tong Ruo tell you?"

"It's nothing?"

"Nothing, why do you ask like that?"

"Just ask."


The two of them suddenly got into the issue of childishness from Xinghe's purchase of toys, and seemed to completely block Xinghe's crying, and completely ignored the gazes of those around them.

"Then assume I didn't ask."

"You already asked."

Qiao Shi was slightly dumb, and gave him an angry look: "Xinghe's toys, do you want to buy or not?"

"Not buying."

"Okay, I'll buy it." Qiao Shi nodded slightly, trying to shake off his hand, but Cheng Beihuai still held her tightly, which annoyed her: "Don't let it go?"

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