Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

: [Bei Qiao Lian] 058: He is shaking

Cheng Beihuai smiled silently, his eyes under the lenses were full of tenderness, he glanced at Xinghe who was still crying, took Qiao Shiwei to the shelf where Barbie dolls were placed, and took down the set of Barbie dolls and handed them to Xinghe. , Squatted down and said, "Xinghe, Dad made an exception to buy it for you this time, so I won't do that next time."

Seeing that Barbie had arrived, Xinghe stopped crying, sobbed twice, wiped away tears, and nodded: "Okay, not like this next time."

Qiao Shiwei looked at their father and daughter. After Cheng Beihuai stood up again, Qiao Shiwei asked, "Didn't you just say not to buy it?"

"Since you want to buy her, then buy it!"

"What do you mean?"

Cheng Beihuai smiled at her again and replaced his answer with silence.

Qiao Shi glanced at her brows slightly, always feeling that this person was even more unpredictable than six years ago. She didn't feel quite right in her words, she didn't want to spend her money?

After returning to the fresh food area on the first floor, Cheng Beihuai selected the ingredients alone. He had thought about asking Qiao Shiwei in the middle, but he thought that Qiao Shiwei could not cook, so he could cook simple things like breakfast occasionally, so he didn't bother to speak. Asked, I chose it myself.

During the process of buying vegetables, Qiao Shiwei tried to get rid of his hand several times, but failed to get rid of it. Cheng Beihuai refused to let it go all the time.

When it came time to pay the bill, Qiao Shiwei's hand was spared.

Xinghe hugged her set of Barbie dolls, not to mention how happy she was. She was jumping around when she walked, and she was still humming the song that was put on the radio when she left the garden.

After Cheng Beihuai put the things in the trunk of the car, he drove towards his villa. In less than ten minutes, the car reached the door of a classical villa with a unique design. The front yard was covered by a transparent house. The lush and white jasmine flowers seem to be taken care of very well.

The middle of the villa is hollowed out, and the two sides on the sides are all floor-to-ceiling windows, including the balcony on the second floor where there is a particularly obvious hanging chair.

This villa was bought by Cheng Beihuai in the past, and then designed by himself to make a very large renovation of the villa. Originally, this villa did not have this flowerbed, but a very ordinary yard. Later, Cheng Beihuai made a special trip to make this area. Big and small flower beds.

"When was this jasmine... planted?" After getting out of the car, Qiao Shiwei's eyes were attracted by the jasmine, and she couldn't help but ask.

There is no big difference between the villa and her memory, but she was surprised that this flower garden did not exist six years ago, and she likes jasmine, and she also knows that jasmine is not hardy. The winter in city t is so cold, plus yesterday. After another heavy snowfall, the indoor temperature must be kept extremely well.

"Six years ago." Cheng Beihuai brought things to her side, smiling back softly.

Qiao Shi was taken aback for a moment, and turned her head to look at him blankly, with red lips: "It shouldn't be easy to grow jasmine flowers so well in such cold weather!"

She likes jasmine very much, but she has never raised jasmine because she knows that it is difficult to grow jasmine in the boundary of t city.

"It really took some time, and I also consulted many botanists. In the first year of raising it, it wilted as soon as it was cold, but fortunately, it was raised later."

"Why raise it."

"Because you like it."

Qiao Shiwei's heart sank, watching his eyes gradually change, and snow suddenly floated in the sky, Cheng Beihuai looked up at the gloomy sky, turned everything in his left hand to his right, and stroked her naturally. Arm: "It's snowing, let's go to the house!"

When Xinghe got out of the car, he held the Barbie doll in her hand and entered the villa. According to the password, she was too proficient. She entered the house, changed her furry shoes, put down the Barbie doll in her hand, and found that Cheng Beihuai and Qiao Shiwei had not come in. He went back to the door and poked his head: "Dad, Aunt Shishi, come in quickly!"

Cheng Beihuai glanced at Xinghe and saw that Qiao Shiwei was unmoved, he pulled her into the house, and when he reached the door, he changed his shoes and said, "Wait for me." As he said, he carried his things and walked in.

Qiao Shiwei was still thinking about Jasmine, and it didn’t matter to wait there. After two minutes or so, Cheng Beihuai walked out with a pair of aqua-blue cotton slippers. The shoes didn’t look very new, but they were saved. They were very good and clean. Qiao Shiwei's heart twitched fiercely. She bought these shoes at the supermarket with him that year. Every time she came to him, they wore these shoes. He didn't expect that he would still keep them. With...


"Although the shoes are a bit old, they are still worn by you before. I didn't wear them to others. I was negligent in the supermarket just now. I didn't expect to go to them." Cheng Beihuai smiled, and did not wait for her to ask. Replied.

Qiao Shi pursed her lips slightly, changed her shoes, walked in, and saw Xinghe chasing a Russian blue cat running, and shouted: "Little Qingguo, you are messing up again, stop me now, who will let you move? My Barbie doll."

Hearing her address to the cat, Qiao Shi's eyes flicked suspiciously, and she looked straight at Cheng Beihuai, with a bit of questioning and anger: "What did Xinghe call the cat just now?"

Cheng Beihuai froze for a moment and moved his lips. It is rare to see that his gentle face was a little flustered, and he heard Xinghe stop and say: "Aunt Shishi, it's called Xiaoqingguo, it's the name my father gave it. Isn't it nice?"

Qiao Shiwei grinned suddenly, but the smile was neither gentle nor grand. It seemed to be gritted teeth and smirked: "It's really nice, your father really knows a name!"

The last sentence was naturally addressed to Cheng Beihuai. After all, her nickname was'Qing Guo' when she was a child. Her grandparents used to call her like this. Cheng Beihuai also heard her grandparents call her this way, but he has never been like this. I called her, and after her grandparents passed away, this nickname was no longer called, and now I heard it suddenly, and I felt a little familiar and...angry.

This person gave the cat a name that was the same as her nickname.

Cheng Beihuai received her gaze, and subconsciously raised his hand to help the eyes on the bridge of his nose, and coughed slightly: "Um... you play with Xinghe first, I'll go to the kitchen to cook." After finishing speaking, he carried his hands on the floor. Several bags opened their long legs towards the kitchen.

Qiao Shiwei's gaze fell on the cat. It happened that the cat was also looking at her, and it'meows'. Qiao Shiwei suddenly felt that the whole person was not good. He squinted his eyes and said, "Cheng Beihuai, I suggest you Change the name of the cat."

This is an affirmative sentence, and there are some threats in the tone, which clearly cannot be rejected.

Cheng Beihuai, who was busy in the kitchen, listened to this, looked sideways, laughed, and put the things in his hands on the counter: "Then, what name do you want to change? It has been called for more than four years, and I want to change it. It's hard."

"Then who asked you to give her this name in the first place? You don't know..."

"I know, I got up because I knew it." Cheng Beihuai interrupted her with a smile, looked at the cat, and paused for a while: "It's just the first time I saw this cat, I remembered the first time we met. Scene, hence the name."


"Auntie Shishi." Qiao Shi was furiously trying to refute his words, but was pulled by Xing He's sleeves: "Don't you like the name Xiao Qingguo? I think this name sounds nice and cute!"

Xinghe was also a child, and he didn't quite understand the twists and turns of their adults. Seeing Qiao Shiwei and her father arguing about this issue, she thought she didn't like it.

"It's really cute." Cheng Beihuai answered coldly in front of the counter of the open kitchen.

Qiao Shiwei looked at Xinghe, who was staring at her with big watery eyes, and Cheng Beihuai with a gentle smile on her face. She didn't bother to worry about this problem, turned and went to the living room to sit down.

As soon as she sat down, Xiao Qingguo also jumped onto the sofa and nestled beside her, seemingly well-behaved.

"Huh! Aunt Shishi, Xiao Qingguo seems to like you very much!"


Qiao Shi glanced at the cat next to him, feeling a little bit overwhelmed by the nickname, silently averted his face, and looked at Cheng Beihuai, who was still busy in the kitchen.

This man, who said that he was so decisive when he broke up, broke their relationship for so many years with a sentence of "no love". Nowadays, the garden is planted with her favorite flowers, and the house contains the things she used to stay in the villa. Even raising a cat has the same name as her nickname.

These piles of pieces are undoubtedly not pulling her heart that is no longer throbbing, and twitching her heartstrings.

After Xinghe played for a while, he took out two books from his schoolbag and said that homework was arranged in the school. Qiao Shiwei was sitting in the living room and had nothing to do, so he taught her to start writing homework.

The homework of the kindergarten was very simple, and it was finished quickly. Xinghe even memorized Tang poems to Qiao Shiwei, and later dragged her to play with Barbie dolls with her. Later, he wanted to show her the Barbie dolls in his room and dragged her up. Lou came to his children's room.

After reading it, Qiao Shiwei finally knew why Cheng Beihuai said that there are already a lot of Barbie dolls at home. The bed is put on the table, and the table is basically Barbie dolls. The style of the whole children's room is very matte and tender, and even the sheets and quilts are all pink. .

"By the way, Aunt Shishi, I'll show you another one. It's a rabbit doll. Dad gave me a birthday gift. Come with me." Xinghe suddenly remembered, and said with a smile. Qiao Shi was slightly out of his room.

"Where to go?"

"I slept with Dad last night, so that rabbit was in Dad’s room

Between. "Speaking, the two have reached the door of Cheng Beihuai's room.

Qiao Shiwei's footsteps stopped, he was naturally familiar with the door in front of him, but still felt a little unsuitable: "I won't go in, or... you go in and show it to me!"

Xinghe twisted the doorknob of the room while dragging Qiao Shiwei's hand to walk in: "It's okay, if Aunt Shishi comes in, Dad will definitely not be angry."

In this way, Qiao Shiwei was pulled into the room by Xinghe. The furnishings in the room were very simple, not much different from her impression. This style fits his temperament very well, elegant, fresh and handsome, simple and neat.

Xinghe let go of her hand, crawled onto the bed and took the rabbit doll down to show her: "Look, Aunt Shishi, this is what Dad bought for me."

"so cute."

Qiao Shi smiled, but noticed inadvertently that there were many photo frames on the round porch shelf in the room, and walked over to take a look. On the bottom floor are photos of Xinghe since childhood, together with Cheng Beihuai. Group photo of, the second floor...

The smile on Qiao Shiwei’s face was slightly stunned. Although the photos above were not as many as one layer, there were five or six photos. Two of them were landscape photos, but they were deeply reflected in her mind. Those two photos were of her. I took it. I didn’t expect that he washed it out and framed it with a photo frame. The remaining few pictures were her alone, and there were two pictures taken with him. One was a selfie, and the other was when they were in the winter of that year. , Qiao Yuwei took the two of them.

It was also a day of heavy snowfall like today, and there was a snowman next to him. Qiao Shiwei and Cheng Beihuai had white snow on their bodies and hair. Cheng Beihuai tilted his head slightly, eyes full of tenderness and affection, with long arms around her waist, and Qiao Shiwei's face was filled with a happy and gentle smile, looking very sweet and happy.

Only time has passed. After seeing the recruitment at that time, Qiao Shiwei's nose was inexplicably sore. Except for her who had cried on the day of the breakup, she had the urge to cry for the second time.

At this moment, the door was gently pushed open, Cheng Beihuai walked in, just catching the sparkle in her eye sockets, her chest shook, and her face quickly walked in front of her, lips moved lightly, and she saw what was on the shelf. Those photos also instantly understood why there were crystals in her eyes. She stood in front of those photos and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter?"

"These photos...what's going on?" Qiao Shiwei held back his tears, and asked with difficulty, with a very low voice.

In fact, she heard Xinghe talk about the photo of her in his room last time, but now she has seen it with her own eyes, and all the sadness and sadness and various incomprehensions that have settled in her heart are coming to her heart.

Cheng Beihuai pursed his lips, looked back at the photo on the shelf, then looked at Xinghe who was full of puzzlement, and said softly: "Xinghe, you go downstairs to play with Xiao Qingguo, or watch TV by yourself. Aunt Shishi and I have something to discuss, okay?"

"Okay." Xinghe nodded obediently, looked at Qiao Shiwei, and walked out of the bedroom with the little rabbit in his hand.

After Xinghe went out, Qiao Shiwei said again: "Give me an explanation, plant the flowers I like in the yard, and collect the things I have used before, and call me a nickname for your pet. Now in the room There is still our previous photo, Cheng Beihuai, is this what you said, "I don’t love it anymore?"

"How do you want me to explain?" Cheng Beihuai stared at her, his expression no longer gentle, and his tone very light.

Qiao Shiwei listened to this, and suddenly laughed, but looked very sad: "That's because I think too much." After speaking, tears finally slipped from his eyes, turning around and taking steps to leave.

After taking two steps, Cheng Beihuai suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed her wrist: "I'm sorry..."

"These three words are too much to hear." Qiao Shi sneered slightly, and let go of his hand indifferently: "Since...you don't love anymore, then don't do these things that are easy to misunderstand. ...."

"It's not that I don't love."

Qiao Shi was stunned for a moment. Before he recovered, Cheng Beihuai stepped to her side and looked at her seriously: "Xinghe... is my sister's child."

His words pulled Qiao Shiwei's thoughts back and looked at him blankly, while Cheng Beihuai lowered his eyes, seemingly reluctant to mention it, and gently held her hand: "You know, I He is the only child of the Cheng family. You understand the existence of my sister. At the age of 17, I learned of my sister’s existence. That year, my parents divorced precisely because my dad wanted to take my sister back. Mom disagreed, but my dad felt ashamed of my sister and insisted on taking her back. Until his death, my mother didn't forgive him and didn't like my sister..."

Shi Yinglan is the original name of Cheng Beihuai's sister. It follows her mother's surname. But her mother died when she was 18 years old due to an illness. After being recognized by Cheng's father, she changed her surname to Cheng Lan. Six years ago, Cheng Lan suddenly became pregnant. Since Cheng’s mother was the parent of the family, even though Cheng’s mother did not like her, Cheng Lan was particularly filial to her. However, after Cheng’s mother, Cheng Lan refused to say who the child’s biological father was, and insisted on taking the child. born to.

Originally, her'illegitimate daughter' was already a scandal of the Cheng family, but it was not reported by the outside world. Now she is pregnant with a child whose father is unknown. Cheng's mother naturally disagrees with her being born, and so far they are both. The contradiction between them has deepened.

After being recognized, Cheng Lan has always been very friendly to Cheng Beihuai, and the relationship between her siblings is also very good, but because of her identity, the outside world does not know her existence, and she did not deliberately declare the world.

As the saying goes, family ugliness should not be exaggerated. Cheng Lan also respects Cheng's father. He is unwilling to allow outsiders to comment on his father and mother who has died, and does not want the Cheng family to fall into public opinion.

It’s just good luck. When she was pregnant in July, she had a car accident and the child was delivered by cesarean premature, but she did not survive that night. Cheng Beihuai remembered that she told him at that time, if the child in her belly was a boy It's called Xingchen, or Xinghe if it's a girl.

When Cheng Mu saw Xinghe, she was not at all happy, and was very annoyed that Cheng Lan had lost her life for this child, so she did not agree to raise Xinghe, Cheng Beihuai had to fulfill the sustenance of Cheng Lan before his death and take on Xinghe' Father's role.

But at that time, he had reached the point of discussing marriage with Qiao Shiwei. There was a child out of thin air, and he could not tell the Qiao family that this child was the child of his father's illegitimate daughter, and he could not insult the Chengs and Chengs. The father's reputation, besides, at that time, Cheng's mother did not agree to raise Xinghe. Once such a rumor went out, it was nothing more than trying to face the Cheng family.

He also didn’t want to involve Qiao’s family and Qiao Shiwei in the public opinion because of this incident. More importantly, it was too far-fetched to ask Qiao Shiwei to be a stepmother as soon as he married him. A girl like Qiao Shiwei would be wronged. She, moreover, it's hard to justify Qiao's side.

At that time, he really didn't have the best of both worlds. He promised that Cheng Lan would take good care of Xinghe. He couldn't leave Xinghe alone, so he had to reluctantly break up.

As everyone knows, on the winter night of the breakup, it was not only Qiao Shiwei who was crying silently. After Qiao Shiwei left, he also cried like a disoriented child.

In the countless nights after the breakup, every time he woke up from his dream, he would find that the pillow was wet and the tears kept flowing, it was nothing more than missing the person he hid in his heart.

I don’t know how long things like that lasted. He began to take care of the jasmine flowers in the flower garden outside, organize the photos of the past between them, and began to store the things she left in his own home. Even though it was a long time, he couldn’t bear it. throw.

"Why do you think that I am unwilling to accept? Why do you think that breaking up is good to me? Why do you think that I feel wronged? And why do you think that I am not in love? Why did it make me suffer for six years, and why?" After listening to his reasons, Qiao Shiwei was already crying, as if to vent all the depression and grievances that came six years ago, every sentence is almost Roared out with all my strength.

Looking at the tears on her face, Cheng Beihuai couldn't help but grabbed his heart. He slowly raised his hand to wipe the tears off her face, and reached out to hug her in his arms: "I'm sorry..."

In the past six years, he has also been very uncomfortable. He can occasionally see news about her in the report, and he can read it over and over again for a long, long time. As long as he has news about her, he will pay attention to it, just hearing her. When he got engaged, his heart felt as if he had been criticized, and he couldn't react for a long time. Later, he told himself that as long as she was happy, it would be fine.

I warned myself over and over again, only to suppress the countless thoughts of going to her.

But a few days ago, at the moment he saw her and Fu Jinheng come into contact with the marriage contract, there was a sense of joy in his heart, but he tried his best to endure it and not let himself show it.

Qiao Shiwei pushed him away angrily, took two steps back, and wiped the tears from his face: "Since I have made up my mind, why should I come to your house? Why bother to disturb my settled heart ."


"Don't say these three words anymore, I don't want to hear these three words again." Qiao Shiwei couldn't help feeling very upset when he heard that he was about to say those three words again, and interrupted him by raising her voice.

Cheng Beihuai looked at her: "Poetry..., I know, maybe my explanation will seem pale to you now, but I didn't want to hurt you at first..."

"Are you not hurt enough?"

"It's not..."

"Stop talking, I don't want to listen." Qiao Shiwei turned away, her white hands clenched her fists tightly: "Xinghe is still waiting below, let's go down first... well..."

Just as she was about to turn around and leave the room, Cheng Beihuai's long arms suddenly stretched out, dragging her whole body into her arms, holding her waist with one hand, holding the back of her head with the other, bowing her head and kissing her red lips.

A kiss that was mixed with regret and longing after six years.

Qiao Shi opened her eyes slightly, looking at the handsome face close at hand, for a long time, after recovering, she felt that the kiss became softer, and his lips were trembling...

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