Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 993 It’s better to send him away

"Compared to the time in the Hall of Mist, he is even more powerful, and he seems to have mastered your 'compound casting'!"

As Felin Mokui died and fled, the underground tombs in this area were soon regained by the elven army.

At this time, the three Kelburns had already separated from Isaac and returned to the tower.

When he reunited with Lyla and Dove, Storm-Silverhand looked at his sister with slightly focused eyes.

Although she doesn't like to study magic, as a level 28 legendary professional, she naturally has knowledge of many legendary spellcasting specialties.

Although King Red's previous attack lasted only about ten seconds, she could tell from the intensity of the storm that it was like her sister Laila, who had mastered the "compound casting" technique. A legendary spellcasting feat.

In this regard, if she had just met King Red for the first time, she might not be surprised or frown.

However, just half a year ago, at the Grandfather Tree, she even had a fight with this man in person.

It is very clear that the King of Red at that time definitely did not master "compound casting"!

This means that in just half a year, this person must have reached a new level!

This is exactly what Storm-Silverhand cares about.

Generally speaking, there is always a personal limit to the improvement of professional level.

Some people may not be able to break through level 11 in their lifetime.

Some people may be able to approach the legendary level with their eyes closed.

For example, the seven sisters have basically stabilized at a certain limit after hundreds of years.

Elleras has reached level 32, Laila has stabilized at level 30, and she and Dove are both level 28 legendary professionals.

The same goes for Kelben. Because he has suffered several life-and-death disasters and because he has devoted so much personal accumulation to many things, even if he was not as good as Minnis, he would not be much worse, at least not inferior to Alleras and Alleras. Laila's Kelben is currently stuck at level 27.

Although it cannot be said that such a limit is absolutely impossible to break through, but normally, if we only rely on accumulation and breakthrough through such methods as drops of water, we don't know how much time it will take to break through.

Not only they, the chosen ones, but also dragons and even gods, all have their limits.

The older the dragon, whether it is the advancement of the race itself or the improvement of professional level, it becomes slower and slower. At a certain stage, if it cannot break through, it means that life has come to an end.

Although gods are immortal, in most cases, their professional levels are between level 30 and 50. Of course, professional levels are not insignificant to true gods, but they are by no means that important.

However, no matter what, since even gods have professional level limits, it is conceivable that any life will naturally be no exception.


Since the King of Red can still improve rapidly at this time, it is obvious that this person is far from reaching his limit and still has considerable room for improvement.

Thinking about it again, this person's actual combat power has been regarded by Kelben, Laila, and even Ms. Silinxi as the level of the true "King of Arcana"...

Storm-Silverhand, who directly leads the Northern faction of the Harpers, has never considered that there will be a day of true peace between the Harpers organization and the Dragon Cult!

This is not because she is aggressive and brave, but because of the fundamental conflict of ideas and purposes between organizations!

With King Red's immeasurable extreme height, I am afraid that the entire City of Shadows will not be more difficult to deal with than him.

If one day, this person tears off that hypocritical mask...

"It can be foreseen that 'Dragon's Nest' and 'Heart of Spells' will eventually have his place. Breakthroughs in the field of magic, no matter how abnormal they are, are not abnormal to him."

Laila nodded slightly in confirmation, but at the same time, she also understood the real concern of the storm, and said: "So, he will not stay in the material plane for too long!"

Perhaps in the material world, this person may eventually be difficult to contain.

However, when this person ascends to the "Dragon's Lair" and the "Heart of Spells", the height is certainly higher. How can it be compared to the "King of Darkness" and "God of Storms", and even the "Dark Night"? Could the powerful divine power of "Ms." be a greater threat?

Especially, if this person really ascends to the "Heart of Spells", he will even belong to the faction of the Goddess of Magic and be under the jurisdiction of the Goddess of Magic.

Even though the aspects that are subject to jurisdiction are only aspects related to the "Magic Priesthood", it is not a disaster.

This is certainly one of the important reasons why the Goddess of Magic forbids them from taking the initiative to become enemies with this person.

Accordingly, this person will get closer to them to a certain extent, and it is not without such considerations.

Dragon's Lair!

The heart of the spell!

Ascend to God! !

After Laila's words, except for Kelben, Storm, Alustriel, and even Dove all frowned in thought for a moment.

All along, the only two people who have had the most contact with King Red are Laila and Kuilu. Moreover, these two are also the sisters who are closest to each other. Therefore, many things, whether it is communication between sisters, It still comes from the inspiration from the Goddess of Magic and the Dark Girl, which is what they have the most control over.

Even Storm-Silverhand, because the goddess of magic used her body to reach some deals with Isaac during the Mist Hall, she still didn't understand it as deeply as Laila.

The affairs of the gods belong to the gods. In the current material world, all they have to consider is the sect of the gods, at most the chosen people, or the manifestation of the will. Even the incarnation is almost no need to consider!

So...if you really can't contain him, then send him away!

Unconsciously, several people nodded slowly and thoughtfully.

And this time on the other side.

In a valley adjacent to the "Shadow Shield".

"Uncle Lei, I have already communicated with Efraska. This valley camp is temporarily ours to use. No elves will break in here unless there are special circumstances."

"In addition, I specially invited Ms. Crestel from Yunduan Palace for you. This lady is the recognized chief pastry master of Efraska, and Clary from Everjum Island, who specializes in serving the royal court. Ms. Sha is as famous as Ms. Sha. I am grateful to Uncle Lei for your help to Efraska. Whenever you come to Efraska, Ms. Crystal is willing to provide you with dedicated services..."

Danilo leaned next to Isaac with a smile.

In one operation, six Felin demons were eliminated, including two elder demons at the extreme level. This was rare, or even the first time since the war, not to mention their team.

With such achievements, in addition, Uncle Lei also shared a lot of gains...

Not to mention him, even Aililin and Eles were overjoyed at this time.

However, unlike Arilyn and Elise, who were overjoyed, Danilo was the one who knew what was going to happen.

With a clever mouth, he quickly invited the chief pastry chef of Yunguan Palace through Aunt Farr Huosong.

It doesn’t cost a single gold coin, and it’s a long-term request!

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