Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 994 Echoes and Reflections

"Just look at the arrangements."

Isaac had never cared much about verbal desires, but he had no intention of rejecting his eldest nephew's filial piety and the elf's reward.

He casually left the matter to his eldest nephew. He looked at the dark night-like realm in the distance, and said: "In these two days, I want to study this 'shadow shield' first, Evra It’s up to you to contact them about any actions on Scar’s side or any arrangements on Kelben’s side.”

It's not that he really trusts his eldest nephew.

However, since he didn't have any confidants around and was short on time, so he didn't plan to have more contact with the lords of Efraska for the time being, he didn't mind. He used this matter to see if his eldest nephew was really A smart man!

And to value him so much...

Danilo had a somewhat flattered look on his face: "Uncle Lei, don't you know my mother?"

It's not like he was gossiping.

It has long been known that "Uncle Kelburn" should actually be his mother's grandfather. Since Uncle Lei has a good relationship with "Uncle Kelburn", he knows Ms. Cassandra, and even watched Ms. Cassandra grow up. Yes, this is not impossible.

Otherwise, if he was not a real elder, why would he be so impressed by him?

"Kyle doesn't want to say anything, so don't ask. When we meet again in the future, you will understand everything."

"go Go!"

Isaac didn't want to pay attention to him anymore. As he spoke, he walked in the air towards the "Shadow Shield". At the same time, he also used the "Advanced Invisibility Technique" and stepped out in just a few steps. Figure, he has disappeared directly into the sky.

See you someday?

Danilo's heart moved, but at this time, he had no time to think more. Seeing Isaac's figure disappearing, he quickly shouted again: "Wait a minute, Uncle Lei, I'll go get Uncle Kelben's copy of the Shadow The research information on "Shield" may be helpful to your research..."

Although the existence of the "shadow shield" trapped the Felin Demon Sunflower, it also hindered the magic power of the elf mages, especially Uncle Kelben, to a great extent.

For this kind of enchantment, if Uncle Lei really wants to study it from scratch, Danilo is really hard to judge how long it will take to produce results.

At this juncture when time is getting increasingly tight, he certainly hopes that Uncle Lei can complete it as soon as possible.

I think Uncle Kelben had the same view.


Just in response to his call, Uncle Lei's voice reached his ears.

At that moment, Danilo quickly left the valley.

Isaac did not stop, walking in the air, he was still slowly approaching the "shadow shield".

As I got closer, I felt clearly that everything around me was getting colder.

This kind of coldness does not lie in the temperature or the darkness, but in a kind of feeling that makes people's hearts flutter, as if there is something behind them all the time, staring at the back of the head...

"Shadow matter!"

"The essence of the shadow world!"

Isaac's footsteps did not stop.

He stared at the dark realm with slightly narrowed eyes, but some strange colors were flickering in the depths of his eyes.

First of all, this "shadow shield" is a kind of enchantment.

According to his theory, whether the existence of the barrier lasts forever or not, the fundamental reason for its stable existence lies in an interaction.

Generally speaking, such interaction should be mediated by the "magical essence", and then occur between the "enchantment itself" and the "original energy".

This is also the most important principle of magic.

However, he clearly noticed something different about the "shadow shield" in front of him.

Of course, this discovery did not surprise him.

He even had related predictions about this.

The discovery at this time was just a verification of his expectations.

"This is the best opportunity and the most direct way to study 'shadow magic'!"

In his understanding, the essence of shadow magic should be based on the essence of the shadow world as an intermediary, which is related to various primitive energies, and there should be the lady who has invested divine power in it.

And because the nature of the shadow world and the nature of magic are fundamentally different.

The essence of magic is under the supervision of the gods. After all, divine magic also has to tap into the essence of magic. Therefore, the goddess of magic must remain impartial and cannot be "willful".

The essence of the shadow world is different. The lady who controls the essence of the shadow world is not subject to the supervision of any gods.

This means that if you want to cast a spell through the essence of the shadow world, that is, if you use shadow magic, it will inevitably be affected by that lady!

This is also the fundamental reason why Isaac easily and directly came into contact with "Shadow Magic".

However, his unwillingness to make direct contact does not mean that he is no longer interested in "shadow magic".

On the contrary, he is unusually interested in "shadow magic", especially how that lady implements this magic system!

At this time, this opportunity is right in front of you!

"Since the maintenance of the barrier depends on 'interaction', then through this 'interaction', it is also the way to directly observe its 'mediation'."

"As long as I find this 'intermediary', I can understand and verify whether my various conjectures about shadow magic are correct!"

"Further, if through this 'intermediary' one can discover, or even just guess, the way and means by which the lady created and realized it, this would be comparable to, or even surpass, the mystery of the sublimation of the legendary seed. !”

Studying the obstruction of magic by the "shadow shield" and how to break through this obstruction is just an operation in the lower realm.

Through the "Shadow Shield", tracing the origin and principle of shadow magic is what Isaac really focuses on.

Just like his research on the "Mystic Barrier", the ultimate goal is to explore the essence of the "Mystic Seed" and how to implement it on the road to his own sublimation.

The lightning movement of thoughts.

Soon, Isaac reached the "Shadow Shield".

But he didn't walk in directly.

At the edge of the shield, he cleared an open space with a wave of his hand, sat down on the ground, and with his eyes slightly narrowed, he first used the power of telepathy to slowly extend to the surrounding area.

But it almost just extends out...

The slightly closed eyes were obviously frowning again.



But still...



"It's still nothingness!"

"And... CRAZY!!"

Even with the strength of Isaac's mind and will, this moment was an obvious discomfort, as if he had directly touched the weird and evil nature he had seen when he visited the Shadow Realm.

In myths and legends, the Lady of Dark Night represents the original darkness and destruction, and the Lady of Silver represents the light and creation, which are related to each other and correspond to each other.

It is precisely because of this that in their eternal battle of light and darkness, the Goddess of Magic who is in charge of the "Priesthood of Magic", the God of Storms who is in charge of the "Priesthood of Destruction", and the God of War who is in charge of the "Priesthood of War" will be born. The Lord of War!

The battle between light and darkness greatly weakened the power of the two goddesses.

Although the Lady of the Dark Night is better, at least she has always maintained strong divine power, the loss of many priesthoods and powers has still greatly weakened her.

According to Isaac's understanding, in addition to the power in the camp field, the current Lady of the Night should have control over "darkness", "night", "oblivion", "secret", "lost", and other areas such as "Underdark". ” and priesthoods like “The Cave”.

First eliminate the minor ones, and then ignore the overlapping parts. From a normal perspective...

“A lady’s most important vocation today should be in ‘darkness’ and ‘secretness’!”

"If he invested divine power in the 'shadow magic', then the 'dark divine power' and 'hidden divine power' that are consistent with the nature of the shadow world would undoubtedly be the first choice."

"And there is 'darkness' to cover it up, and there is 'secret' to hide it..."

Frowning, Isaac also had some questions. Why did shadow magic obviously exist for more than a thousand years, but in addition to believing in and following the Lady of the Night, and still existing in the city of ghosts in the shadow world, in the material world? By the way, there is almost no reason for public circulation.

"Those who believe in Him can penetrate the darkness and secrets and come into contact with this 'shadow world essence'."

"Otherwise, the only way to gain access to shadow magic is to break through this obstacle on your own."

Moreover, since you rely on yourself to force a breakthrough...

"It is impossible for Him to remain unaware of such movement."

"Once at a certain point, He pays attention..."

Combined with his past research experience on "Mysterious Barrier" and his understanding and judgment of "Shadow Magic", inspirations are constantly flashing in Isaac's mind.

Subsequently, he took a "conservative" attitude towards his spiritual will, and did not go into it rashly. He just sorted out the energy flow of the barrier from the material world step by step, and then combined this flow trend , conducting retrospective observations "upstream" in an orderly manner...

Be patient and meticulous, and have a strong enough mental will!

Layer after layer, he kept uncovering the fog of darkness and secrecy.

However, it was when he was extremely focused on this decryption.

A "message" came.

The eldest nephew sent him the results of Kelben's research on the "Shadow Shield".

Naturally, he would not despise the research of the Black Staff Archmage, so Isaac responded.

Soon, the eldest nephew sent a "gem of knowledge".

The spiritual consciousness was completely withdrawn at this time, and Isaac first read the information contained in the "Gem of Knowledge".

This "gem of knowledge" has not been encrypted in any way, or in other words, the relevant restrictions have been lifted before it was taken.

Isaac just attached it to his forehead, and soon, a large amount of information was transmitted to his heart.

"Dark environment!"

"Block teleportation!"

"Change the environment to a weak magic effect!"

"Hindering access to the essence of magic!"

"However, the ghosts will not be affected in any way..."

After receiving the information here, Isaac's heart moved.

Needless to say, such as the dark environment and the ban on teleportation, it is normal for the ghosts to not be affected.

However, the "weak magic effect" and the "impediment of contact with the essence of magic"...

"The so-called 'weak magic effect' should correspond to the 'death magic effect', but it is not to this extent yet."

"Kelben divided it into two points with 'impeding access to the essence of magic', which is inappropriate!"

At some point, Isaac's eyes opened. After thinking, he shook his head slightly.

Judging from the phenomenon, the "Dead Silence Magic Effect" is very similar to the "Anti-Magic Field".

However, internally and essentially, the two are completely different.

"Deadly silent magic area" refers to the dead silent area that should be the "magical essence". Because the "magic essence" cannot be contacted, spells cannot be cast. However, the "deadly silent magical area" does not mean that there is no original magic energy. flow.

The "anti-magic field" is different. The real principle of the "anti-magic field" is to suppress the flow of all magical energy.

Therefore, whether it is cast through the "magic essence" or through other means, all spells will be suppressed within the area of ​​the "anti-magic field".

The "Dead Magic Area" is different. Normal spells may not be cast in it, but spells such as "Shadow Magic" that are not performed through "magic essence" are not subject to this restriction, and the spell casting is completed. The energy released flows, which is also normal.

Analyzing from this perspective, Kelben divided "weak magic effect" and "impediment of access to the essence of magic" into two points, which is undoubtedly wrong.

Of course, it’s hard to say whether this mistake lies in Kelben’s own understanding or in some of his thoughts!

In the flicker of thought, the information transmission of the knowledge gem is still continuing.

"Weak magical effects and obstacles to contact with the essence of magic are especially serious for the phaerinn demons!"

This is not surprising.

The City of Shadows has been hating the Phaylings for more than a thousand years. Now that a spell like "Shadow Shield" has been created, its various effects will naturally be especially targeted at the Phaylings.

Moreover, single targeting is much less difficult than comprehensive enhancement.

This can be understood only from the perspective of the correspondence between difficulty and intensity.

"Shadow magic... is good at 'death', 'charm control', and 'illusion'... it is the echo and reflection of the essence of magic..."

For a moment, Isaac's eyes narrowed, and a look of constant thinking flickered in them.

At this point, Kelben finally had some substance, at least, something that touched him.

Shadow magic and being good at factions have all been known for a long time, but what really touched Isaac was the theory of "echo" and "reflection".

Moreover, what Kelben described is the "echo" and "reflection" of the "magic essence"!

"Usually, we only regard the Shadow Realm as a reflection of the material world. Does the meaning of Kelben, the deep essence of the Shadow Realm, even correspond to the essence of magic?"

From this point of view...

Isaac's heart moved, but he thought of the birth myth of the goddess of magic.

According to legend, the goddess of magic was born from the war between light and darkness. She is the combination of the divine essence of the two goddesses, Lady Silver and Lady Dark Night. To a certain extent, she even corresponds to the original chaos!

Although the Goddess of Magic has always been closely related to Lady Silver and has always been hostile to Lady Dark, according to mythology, the roots of these two are equally closely related!

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