Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 995 Backdoor and conspiracy

“Interesting perspective!”

"Since Kelben can include it, I think it won't fail to withstand scrutiny!"

"In that case..."

Isaac temporarily stopped accepting the information, and his eyes showed some contemplation.

From the perspective of "echo" and "reflection", casting spells through the essence of magic and casting spells through the essence of shadow are two completely different methods, but the inner connection has become closer.


"Since it is 'echo' and 'reflection', it is very likely that the ban imposed by the goddess of magic on the nature of magic also has restrictions on shadow magic."

The Goddess of Magic prohibits spells of level 10 and above. This spell is a spell in a broad sense, including arcana, divine spells, spell-like abilities, psionic abilities, etc.

The only way around this prohibition, at least, usually, is the legendary spell.

Originally, if shadow magic had nothing to do with the essence of magic, perhaps "unusual circumstances" might occur, which meant that the shadow mage was most likely to have mastered level 10 or even higher level shadow magic.

But according to Kelben's point of view, if the essence of shadow is just the "echo" and "reflection" of the essence of magic, then there may be no way around such restrictions.

One step further...

"Echoes and reflections, after all, are not as good as the original."

"So, the shadow essence is naturally not as powerful as the magic essence!"

"The birth of shadow magic has been around for more than a thousand years, but it has always been hidden in the darkness. This is not without reason."

"It is true that the City of Shadows is powerful, but this is also relative."

"On the one hand, this happened suddenly, and most people were not prepared for it, let alone familiar with it."

"On the other hand... if you put it on the entire plane and stand opposite all the spellcasters who cast spells through the essence of magic, the City of Shadows will not be enough!"

"In addition, the goddess of magic must be absolutely impartial, but the lady of the night can use the essence of shadow to open some backdoors for her followers..."

Isaac's heart suddenly jumped again as his thoughts kept flickering.

If the essence of shadow is inherently inferior to the essence of magic, but the lady still invested her divine power in it, and even chose Telamant-Tanshul, there may be a deeper reason.

Moreover, it has always been deeply hidden, but at this time, the city of ghosts has returned and the ghosts have expanded. This time is probably also worthy of scrutiny.

Considering these, and then considering Kelben and others, even if they temporarily put aside the danger of Felin Demon Kui's escape, they must raid the City of Shadows...

A strange color lit up in Isaac's eyes.

Various aspects indicate that the goddess of magic may change her vest again.

Therefore, if that lady wants to cause trouble, the best opportunity is undoubtedly during her replacement period!

If the return of the City of Shadows and the exposure of shadow magic are all paving the way for this, it would make sense!

Following this line of thinking...

"Perhaps Felin Demon Kui's escape from trouble, and perhaps Minnis' fall into hell, may have been caused by this!"

With the darkness and depth of that lady, and the fact that she is also in charge of the "hidden priesthood", it is enough to promote all of this without anyone noticing.

It's no wonder that at this time, Kelben and the others are getting impatient.

But then again...

"In terms of changing vests, the goddess of magic has rich experience that no one can match. Maybe Lady Dark Night caught him off guard, but no matter how unprepared he was, he probably didn't have other preparations."

Isaac quickly thought of the goddess of magic and the actions of the gods and chosen people related to her.

Spin, his heart wrinkled again.

"So, at this time, the God of Storms will try to use the Witch King to intervene in the heart of the spell and plot the magic priesthood of destruction and madness. I'm afraid there is no possibility that there is no deeper inside story!"

"The goddess of magic did not take action herself, but tried to stop it through me. For this reason, she even promised the future 'Evil Magic Priesthood'. This has the same reason."

In this blink of an eye, there are countless unfolds in my heart, and they can still be matched.

Isaac tends to accept Kelben's "echo" and "reflection" views.

in this way……

"Since the essence of shadow is not as good as the essence of magic."

"This 'shadow shield' can hinder and even block access to the essence of magic. In turn, there are naturally ways to hinder and block access to the essence of shadow through the essence of magic!"

"In this way, as long as the conception of the corresponding spell is completed, it may be difficult to compare the strength with the ritual spells prepared for many years in the City of Shadows for a while, but I think about it, we need to carry out corresponding offsets within this 'shadow shield' , and then maintain the normal spell-casting ability, but it can still be done."

After the offset is completed, everyone is standing on the same fair environment, and the ghosts are not necessarily superior to ordinary spell casters.

On the contrary...

"There are two things you should pay attention to!"

As long as he still has an idea for the research of magic, it is naturally not a difficult matter for Isaac. At most, it is just a question of how much time to invest.


"Felin Demon Sunflower!"

"Also, it may be necessary to pay more attention to the Tower of Shadows!"

Not to mention the Felin Demon Kui, even if the environment hinders his research because he is trapped in the "Shadow Shield", if these ancient evils are really given a chance, Isaac will still have to worry about some of them.

On the other side of the Tower of Shadows, it was because of Eugene and Stat, as well as the shadow faction of the Eternal Place, most of which were followers of that lady.

Maybe this kind of following may not be so pious, but... he also needs to pay more attention and prepare for the factor of shadow magic!

Fortunately, because of the enchantment in the dungeon, he had already secretly planted the "Ghost Archmage", and because he was wary of the "Tangle Talisman" and "Flying Flame", he secretly planted the "Lich" Archmage".

With these two, the caster level is around level 25, and one is a ghost, the other is a lich, and the overall strength is also increased by the archmage. This is not likely to happen. If there is any abnormal situation, it has not happened at all. Alert situation.

After feeling these alarms in his heart, Isaac did not send the message back immediately. These things did not happen suddenly in three or five days, and there was no need to be in such a hurry.

Just by attaching the "Gem of Knowledge" to his forehead again, he continued to receive the corresponding information.

But after that, no point of view appeared that made him shine.

Except for a few coping methods, which can be used as a reference, the rest can be passed by just taking a look.

After interpreting all the contents of this knowledge gem.

Isaac closed his eyes again.

It seemed like he was meditating quietly.

After a long time, the body came into partial contact with the "shadow shield" again...

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