Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 998 Breaking the Shadow Network

After driving Danilo away, Isaac quickly devoted himself to thinking and research again.

He actually already has the idea.

The suppression of the shadow shield is, in a fundamental sense, a hindrance and blockage.

Moreover, because this obstacle has actually been created, being in it is like being trapped in a prison. No matter how great your abilities are, no matter how many ideas you have, you cannot display them at all.

Such is the case with the phaerinn.

At least, that's the reason why the leaders of the Felin Demon Kui were trapped.

If the leader of the 30+ Mo Kui is outside the "shadow shield", Isaac does not think that these positions will be stumped for a long time.

It is necessary to prevent the suppression of the "shadow shield", or even suppress it in turn, or even go further, directly destroy it, so that the veins of the shadow essence are directly broken in this area.

This is the only way normal research and performance can be carried out outside the "shadow shield".

However, this "shadow shield" is not only protected by the "ghosts" for a long time, but most importantly, whether it is Efraska or Kelben, there will never be any at this time. Take it lightly.

Therefore, the magic sunflower inside will definitely not be able to get out. It is also extremely difficult for the magic sunflower outside to get close contact with and study the "shadow shield".

Don't look at it. Isaac has been here for half a day, but no one has come. This is just because Danilo has communicated with Efraska in advance, and there is also Kelben and the others. The reason is that no one patrols here.

It is impossible for Felin Demon Kui to be like this.

In particular, the "Shadow Shield" itself is designed to target the Phaylings, but it also has an effect similar to the "repulsion spell". All Phaylings approach here or want to break out. , all of which will be subject to a strong "rejection" effect.

Naturally, it would be even more difficult to conduct research on such an "exclusion" effect while hiding the traces.

Moreover, it was not Isaac who despised the phaerimm.

Although the Felin Demon Sun is a naturally demon-loving race, when it comes to the interaction between the essence of magic and the essence of shadow, only those Demon Sun leaders are truly qualified to conduct such research.

Ordinary Elder Demon Sunflowers, even the most extreme Elder Demon Sunflowers, would be a little less interesting if they were not special.

And the magic sunflower of such height...

"The main hunting targets of the City of Shadows are them!"

"Telamante and those ghost princes were personally pursuing and killing the three giants of Felin and Demon Kui who enslaved that magical city. They also fled without knowing where they went. They even died. This is not impossible. .”

"In this case, it is naturally impossible. A leader of the Demon Kui sneaked in here to study and destroy the 'Shadow Shield'!"

As the thought flashed through, Isaac's mind quickly focused on pure research.

"A pure protective shield is not a good idea."

"The suppression of the 'Shadow Shield' is different from the usual spell effects. Pure protection has limited effect on it."

"Furthermore, with the strength and scale of this 'shadow shield', if you have to hold up the shield and walk in it, you will be canceling each other out all the way, and even destroying the shadow network all the way. This is a ninth-level spell, I'm afraid it will It won’t last much longer.”


Quickly, Isaac settled on "giving up".

This "giving up" is naturally not a literal giving up.

This is the reverse application of "protection", or at least "abandonment", such as a series of "dispelling magic". The most classic "big disintegration", it is not an exaggeration to say that it is "abandonment".

Whether it is "giving up" or "abandoning", if this corresponds to the "Legendary Seed", it is closely related to the "Dispelling Seed". Sometimes, it can also be related to the "Exiled Seed".

Of course, at this time, what Isaac was thinking about was not the one involving the "exiled seeds".

"In an away game environment like 'Shadow Shield', 'protection' is not advisable first. Either directly rupture the shadow network and permanently tear out the 'Shadow Dead Area', or else, it needs to be carried out, like 'Expulsion' A fusion creation similar to the Demonic Wall suppresses the shadows within a certain area within a certain period of time, in order to offset each other's obstacles."

Of course, Isaac will not ignore the home obstacle advantage of "Shadow Shield", so...

"You still need to cooperate with the 'triggering technique'!"

"Triggering spells" and "triggered spells" are spells that have already been cast, so they will not be suppressed by the "shadow shield".

In this way, this can avoid the problem of continuous confrontation with the "shadow shield" along the way and constant consumption.

Although the "triggering technique" can only be prepared once at the same time, once it is triggered, a "neutralization area" or even a "shadow dead area" will be created in the "shadow shield" area. Naturally, , he can continue to use the corresponding "Neutralizing Shadow Network" and "Breaking Shadow Network"!

As long as he is above the spell position, just prepare a few more shots.

On the contrary...

"Would you choose to 'break the shadow network' or 'neutralize the shadow network'?"

Isaac pondered a little.

"Neutralizing the Shadow Network" will naturally still be continuously oppressed by the "Shadow Shield" home environment. Therefore, in terms of duration, this is definitely limited. To a certain extent, there is also the possibility of accidents.

"Breaking the shadow network" does not have this problem. It directly breaks the network of the shadow essence. This is permanent damage. Unless it is a wish spell, a miracle spell, a legendary spell that is specially studied, or the interference of divine power, otherwise , to repair this context, this is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

Normally, when dealing with shadow magic, especially under the environment of "shadow shield", "breaking the shadow network" is undoubtedly the best choice!

However, Isaac considered another aspect.

He can be part of the permanent tearing of the "shattering network of shadows", and the Felin Demon Kui is no exception!

This upcoming decisive battle is not really just one battle. Accordingly, it is naturally impossible for him to just stand in one place.

Once this "Shadow Dead Area" is permanently formed, and some phaerimms are given the opportunity to capture it...

"It is necessary to make more preparations and understand it!"

His eyes flashed slightly, and Isaac slowly put away the deep thought on his face.

Then, based on the relevant design ideas, the actual conception of the spell was carried out, and then combined with the conception, the corresponding spell difficulty was calculated.

This difficulty naturally corresponds to the level of the spell.

However, it is not impossible to make corrections.

The most common modification is naturally the "casting time" setting.

Casting time from one minute!

To cast a full round action!

Then to standard action casting!

And fast-moving spellcasting!

Each modification means a different spell level.

You can also adjust the spell difficulty by adding "spell casting equipment" and "spell materials", and then change the spell level!

The reason why Isaac wants to consider all of these is because the spells that can be triggered by "triggering" can only reach level six.

As for the "Spell Matrix" and "Advanced Spell Matrix", these can only be loaded with third-level spells. The difference lies in how many can be loaded.

Thoughts on magic!

Difficult thoughts!

Corresponding correction!

During this period of constant thinking, the night had already been suppressed, and the darkness of the "shadow shield" seemed to be integrated into one.

No matter the time, there are streams of light crisscrossing across the night sky.

Those were the Pegasus Knight and the Gryphon Knight patrolling the night sky.

Efraska has a long history with many flying arms. However, most of those conducting night patrols at this time are not Efraska's troops.

In the war with Felin Demon Kui, Efraska's losses were too heavy. Even the most elite "Sword of Efraska" was almost disabled. Even the famous The Sword Saint Lords all fell directly on the battlefield.

At this time, a considerable part, or even most, of the flying units came from the support of Yeerlan and Waterdeep City.

Needless to say, Ye Erlan's Pegasus cavalry suffered heavy losses in the battle at the Blackwater River. However, with the end of the war and the non-aggression treaty with Hell Gate Castle, they were able to provide support.

Most of the Griffin Knights are from Waterdeep City, and they have always been the elite main force of Waterdeep City.

The reason why the active troops in Waterdeep City can be directly transferred here is naturally because of Kelben.

The Blackstaff Tower has too much influence in Waterdeep City.

Among the previous public lords, there are many who have a close relationship with the Black Staff Tower, and are even one of their own.

I won’t say anything about Kelben’s true identity in the long past.

Only in recent years.

Kelburn's assassinated son Selfa and his wife Lestin were the former public lords of Waterdeep.

Lestin's parents are also the public lords of Waterdeep City.

In addition, Kelben himself also served as an open lord in the name of his grandson with the same name.

There are also many masked lords who maintain close cooperation with him.

Also, there are many noble families and mage families extending out of the Black Staff Tower...

In Waterdeep City, Black Staff Tower is almost the undisputed number one force!

For the Black Staff Tower, mobilizing the Griffin Knights is just a simple matter of getting Waterdeep City and Efraska to sign an alliance agreement through the Lords Council.

Even because of the secrecy of the Lords Council, as long as the movement is controlled and the scale is controlled, the mobilization of the Griffin Knights will not even attract the attention of some caring people.

It was Isaac who was hiding in this dark realm, constantly making ideas.

Suddenly, several vultures sounded in unison, instantly tearing the silence of the night sky.

Almost the next moment, another stream of flames flashed across the sky like a ray.

boom! boom!

Two huge explosive fireballs suddenly illuminated a large area of ​​darkness.

Then, there were multiple streams of light flying towards that side from under the night sky.

And there was a burst of noisy fighting and roaring.

Isaac's eyes wrinkled slightly.

Of course, no elves can easily approach this valley area.


"The closer it gets to the expiration of the 'Shadow Shield', the more actions Felin Demon Kui will take."

"It's better during the day, but I'm afraid all kinds of 'breakouts' may happen at night."

The time of thinking and research is different from other times.

When such a commotion came, Isaac frowned and felt a little impatient.


Naturally, it was impossible for him to kill him personally.

Likewise, it was even more impossible for him to say that Felin Mokui would not be allowed to struggle and counterattack.

In this way...

His thoughts temporarily stopped, and with slightly wrinkled eyes, Isaac glanced at the place where the battle broke out.

Through the firelight over there, he could still see that it was a group of gryphon knights and Pegasus knights, bombarding them with spells and shooting bows and arrows. From time to time, someone would swoop down.

However, because he was on the ground and in a relatively low-lying valley, apart from these flying units, he had never been able to see what kind of monster army was fighting them.

Of course, he was not interested in knowing this.

It doesn't matter what kind of monster it is.

The important thing is that his research is not finished yet!

"As I said, if you want to meet Ms. Crystal tomorrow morning, let's go back to the valley camp first."

"This late at night is the time to prepare for the spell."

"After these are completed, continue to refine the idea during meditation and carry out substantial construction."

As the thought flashed through his mind, Isaac's figure floated from the ground.

At this time, his understanding of the "Shadow Shield" was sufficient, and it was not necessary to stop here to conduct corresponding magic research.

However, just as his figure was floating, suddenly, a feeling stirred in his heart.

His eyes followed, and once again, he stared over there.

"The obscure and secretive method of casting spells is almost difficult for ordinary mages to identify, making it difficult to counterattack."

"There is also this kind of darkness and mystery..."

"Is this the shadow mage of the Yinhun people?"

There was a slight strangeness in Isaac's eyes.

Interested in shadow magic, he even shared the magic captured by the "Ancient Tribe" with many people, just to verify some of his speculations about shadow magic through the changes in these people.

However, this verification process will obviously not be completed in March or May.

Moreover, even with the first step of verification, they still need to proceed to the second step to connect them with the woman's beliefs.

This naturally requires more actions and more time.

At this point, it’s not even officially started.

But before it started over there, here, the "ghosts" were right in front of us, popping out directly.

"Shadow Souls!"

"Ghost creature!"

"Shadow magic!"

"And... the essence of shadow!"

A strange color flashed in his eyes, indicating that he was preparing to return to the valley camp. After thinking about it, Isaac's figure suddenly disappeared into the void without any movement.

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